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Posts posted by Tridentdawgpound


    “We did the Tony Soprano walk (tell an actor they’re going to die). And they said, ‘Look, you’re gone, it’s done.'”


    He's gone, dude.


    He is absolutely not gone. Again, he can't say he's gonna be back. If Jon Snow is dead then this ENTIRE story was a waste of time. There is NO, and I repeat, NO chance that he's gone.

  2. So this is all beyond the realm of the books, but I think Stannis and Jon are both still kicking. Myrcella dead though. Dorne was pointless.


    'Your grace, half your army left you.'


    'You wife hanged herself.'

    It can't get much worse.

    'Melisandre left.'

    The writers hate me.

    'The Boltons are coming to kill you.'

    This is rock bottom, right here.

    'I am Brienne of Tarth and I'm here to kill you.'

    What the fuck D&D.

  3. just read somewhere that the producers confirmed that GRRM kills his daughter in the next book anyway, probably via a similar way I'd image :shifty:

    Well, as of the end of book five Stannis is stuck between Winterfell and The Wall while Shireen is at The Wall with Selyse and Mel. So if anyone burns her, it's not likely to be Stannis.

  4. I thought only obsidian and valyrian steel could kill those things. It seems they were handling them alright for


    awhile with the weapons they had. Fantastic, nonetheless.

    The Walkers and basic wights aren't exactly the same thing. The thing Jon killed was a Walker (or an "Other" in the books). The massive hoard was undead . Others are not undead.

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