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Posts posted by BJORN

  1. F4E, she flew away before her fleet got wrecked. Hence why the scorpions turned on her fleet afterwards. Am I wrong? 

    Where have I downplayed Cersei? Not going in circles over the North and such. I don't think I have downplayed them at all. Sansa, probably.

    Last question I will pose to you, what is Bran's purpose now? What does he do now? The greater threat is gone. Why wouldn't he try to intervene to prevent Innocents from dying if Cersei is aiming to use them as meat shields? Or is he just going to be a sitting encyclopedia? Lol


    I agree regarding Hammer Cap, that was off-putting. But I don't understand comic book Thor and what exactly his powers are. I did like that Cap was worthy to wield it though. 

    I think the alternate Earth's will be addressed in future movies because certainly the universe where Loki got away is fucked. The other timeline is where Thanos goes to the future and gets snapped. So there are at least 3 timelines in play. 

    I tend to think time travel tends to do a lot more worse than good but I thought they did a good job in this movie of explaining it. 

    Though I agree, Infinity War was better. 

  3. Dany flew away in the very same scene in the show, dude. 

    I don't know, the Battle of Winterfell is a pretty significant battle to just be played down and labeled as one battle. And that's typically how you earn trust and respect in the North anyways but w/e.

    I downplayed one detail on Bran (I said it would be for the greater good) and everything I say is tearing at the fabric of the show.... OK 

  4. F4E, a fire breathing dragon is a nightmare match-up for a fleet of ships. If Dany is battle ready, that fire can immediately immobilize Euron's ships. That alone could have made a difference. I agree (and never disputed) it makes sense for Euron to confront Dany's fleet. It just happened in an incredibly unrealistic manner.

    I think my scenario is flatout better. Rhaegal gets caught approaching a spotted fleet and Dany flees after realizing they have scorpions....more realistic and same outcome. Nope, lets throw all logic out the door for a cheap surprise.

    The war board scene, I think, included both Sansa suggesting to let the armies recuperate and someone mentioned Euron's fleet is dominating the waters. So Dany makes the worst decision to immediately move on King's Landing and she still manages to get blindsided by Euron (again)... its just stretching it in my opinion.

    I just think the Sansa stuff is a little contrived given what I said. They fought side by side, why wouldn't the North back Dany after that? Especially with Jon's blessing and full backing as well as a shared common objective. Though now, it makes a little more sense for there to be conflict after Dany's dumb ass decisions after the war board scene and the revelation of Jon's heritage. So we will see how it plays out. 

    Well, Bran could be doing a lot with what he has. Like spying on Cersei? It is for the greater good. And him revealing to Sansa and Arya, Jon's heritage is a fairly major moment to just be cut away from. 

    Just because I am criticizing an episode doesn't mean I hate the show. You are criticizing me for the show not going how I want it to. True. But what is also true is that the writers are doing nonsensical things to push things that they want. In my opinion...it is poor writing. 

    2 hours ago, Thanatos said:

    They just do things off-screen is the problem. The reason why the Scorpions can shoot further is because Qyburn gave them upgrades. Yet there is no mention of this in the show, just the directors telling us off-screen that this is the case.

    Dany believing Cersei will get stronger over time makes literally zero sense and the fact that no one has told her this is just stupid. They're rushing the conclusion to end it quickly, but cmon man. No one points out she has a merc company? That she has to pay? The longer they wait the WEAKER she becomes.

    Keep in mind, that despite 'improvements,' it is a ballista on a ship, shooting at a moving dragon from distance. It's not happening, the way it happened.

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  5. On 5/10/2019 at 10:23 AM, DalaiLama4Ever said:

    What doesn’t make sense in the world? Give examples. You made a general statement. Lol 


    Just leaving something at “ this doesn’t make sense “ is a cop out.

    iT dOeSn’T mAkE sEnSe BuT i CaN’t SaY wHy 


    Also I think it’s important to note if you’re talking strictly the show or if you’re drawing inconsistencies and illogical actions / scenarios by drawing comparisons to the books. Because as it sits, the books and show are two totally different things at this point. 

    Pure-show viewpoint.




    "Dany just kind of forgot about Euron's fleet" -Show writers (weird seeing how the fleet was brought up in the episode prior to this happening, oh and Euron had already ambushed Dany's army before)

    Dany not having vision on a clear day of a large fleet ambushing them. No scouts sent. No word from Varys' spies from King's Landing that the fleet is heading out towards Dragon Stone. 

    Going 3/3 (on a ship in the ocean) on a fast, moving air target from distance with a scorpion. Then missing EVERY shot as Dany flies in a straight line at them. Also, Dany chooses to fly straight at the scorpions, instead of over to flank the fleet.

    You know what would have made more sense? They spot the fleet and Dany blindly attacks the fleet not knowing they had counter scoprions and them catching Rhaegal who would have been unsuspecting, flying at them, and less agile at this point to dodge things. That was my immediate reaction and I am not a paid writer. 

    Off-screen, Euron captures Missandei , who left in a skiff, but doesn't capture or clean up the survivors swimming to the shoreline?

    The last scene was really bad too. Why would Dany show up so exposed, given the scorpions proven effectiveness? Why wouldn't Cersei pull the trigger right then and there? Nor does she kill Tyrion, a sitting duck who she wants dead. 


    Sansa doesn't trust Dany even after she risked her entire life and army to protect Winterfell?

    Dany is jealous that the North, Jon's own people and friends, love Jon more than her at the party?  

    Both Dany and JON choosing to ignore what is best for their people and immediately move out towards King's Landing? I get they are pushing a plot-line of Dany being power-hungry and mad-queenish but don't forget where Dany came from and how she built her base in the first place. But even then, it serves her objective more to use her alliances (North, Gendry, New prince of Dorn, Yara, reinforcements from Daario) to gather a larger army, let her current army, including Rhaegal, recuperate, and then make your move.   

    Also, why is Bran useless? His one big scene was CUT off-screen :yao:

    Minor complaint: Jon's reason for letting Ghost leave = good. Not much of a goodbye, though.


    All of this after Arya, who's entire plot line had nothing to do with the white walkers, kills the NK, while the 10 Lts do FUCK ALL, all episode. After all of the seasons of building this up? Just for a surprise? Oh and don't worry guys, the armies which were shown completely overrun and decimated last epsiode are all still somehow at half strength, how convenient? 

    It's sad because the reasoning behind a lot of this is not necessarily bad, it is just the pacing and how things are conveniently being done that is killing the show for me. 

    All of this leads to my question of: why is everything rushed and condensed into 6 episodes if they are going to pull all of this crap to conveniently speed things up? It would be a shame if we had...you know, more episodes to watch! Nobody would want that. 




    • Upvote 2

  6. 4 minutes ago, DalaiLama4Ever said:

    Considering the dragons, giants, zombies, and use of magic (among other things)— i’d say they’re gonna stretch logic and reason to a fair degree. 

    Such a pet peeve of mine, it still needs to make sense in the respective world. 

    iTs fAnTASy isn't an excuse for bad writing, this is HBO not SCI-Fi. 

    • Upvote 2

  7. Lighting was an easy way to save money on the battle scenes, I bet. Because we needed the overly produced, cheesefest that was Dany & Jon's dragon ride together earlier in the season.

    The showrunners even said in the recap that battle scenes are boring.. uh what????

    Pretty anticlimactic, Jorah sacrificing himself for Dany was a given. NK & his lieutenants did nothing. No showdown, nothing. Doesn't seem like it followed Arya's storyline at all either as her talents weren't even used. It was a surprise, I'll give them that.

    I was hoping we would also get some dialogue between Bran and the NK at the end. Lastly, wtf was Bran doing the entire time?

    • Upvote 1

  8. :Ravens: Hollywood Brown - Interesting pick. I think he adds an additional, much needed dynamic to the offense. I have character and durability concerns from first impression.

    Other thoughts:

    :Cardinals: Uh what? Story of their off-season? Hope Kyler pans out because he seems awesome but I am not convinced it will be in AZ or even the NFL. The Cardinals roster is super suspect, especially the line. And they went hard after roster cuts and aging veterans two years in a row. Not sure heavily investing in the QB position two years in a row is the move.

    :Redskins: Haskins makes a lot of sense here, given Smith's injury. I am not sure why they are being criticized for it? I think Haskins has potential and can probably start day one. Sweat was great value and well worth the risk, I am biased...I picked him in our mock.

    :Raiders:The Ferrell hate is NUTS, the kid is a great player imo. I really like Abram too. Would have loved to see them go defense again over Jacobs but I think he was still an ok pick.

    :Giants: Two great picks! Can't speak to the Jones pick, but he is a blue devil so fuck him :smug: For real though, seems like the Giants knew what they were doing so I would trust it.

    I think the Packers expected the Ravens to go Savage, so that's why they traded up for him, that was maybe a little questionable even though he is very talented. 

    I dig what the Falcons, Vikings, Jags, Bills, Seahawks, and Eagles did.

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