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BJORN last won the day on August 6 2019

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  1. BJORN

    Today Is My Birthday!

    Happy bday blots!
  2. BJORN

    Greatest Team Tournie: Round 2, Day 1

    While I love the team-culture the Eagles promoted that year, I think the Chiefs straight-up out gun them.
  3. BJORN

    Cherry is at the Senior Bowl

    This is awesome! Background on how you got invited? You must be turning some heads, dude.
  4. BJORN

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    The reality of the situation is this: The Last Jedi did not reach the fans. This movie had to course correct and I would argue they did just enough to make it work well. It had some brilliant moments, great action, and an actual story. A lot of it was rushed and sure there are nit-picks I could make or fan-fiction I would have liked to see but overall it was grade A material that had a lot of constraints. The trilogy and this movie itself would be greatly improved if you could go back five years and re-write TLJ to support this movie.
  5. BJORN

    Rams acquire Jalen Ramsey

    Vin, can you talk to Ramsey's play this year? I mean he was great two years ago but it seems like he has regressed since. The one game I watched this year, he didn't play all that well for someone of his reputation and that was vs the Titans.
  6. BJORN

    2019 TGP Fantasy Football

    PPR is a bit ridiculous, next year we should move to 1/2 point...
  7. BJORN

    Who wins in a fight?

    Sherman is a c level athlete who relies on zone coverage Baker via uppercut
  8. BJORN

    Razor's QB Rankings 2019

    The rise of the dual threat QB
  9. BJORN

    Stefon Diggs Fined Over 200K for Missing Meetings/Practices

    That's probably what he makes for one practice
  10. Lane is a lock? Ehhhhhhhh
  11. I think if you are interested in reality on those issues, you need to look at what is going on objectively, along with the facts and data supporting that issue.
  12. BJORN


  13. BJORN

    2019 TGP Fantasy Football

    Sorry I have been loafing....in
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