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Everything posted by seanbrock

  1. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I kind of tend to agree that people don't need assault rifles and the idea that even with assault rifles that we could take down the government is laughable. My concern is the logistics behind an assault rifles ban. Is it possible? I mean, I guess you could make a law banning them but I would personally rather keep track of them and the people that try and fail to purchase them due to a stringent background test. I just think that it would lead to people making their own unsafe and unregistered weapons. All your need is the specs if you're a machinist and I'm sure one or a thousand might figure out that they can get rich making these weapons.
  2. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Just wanted to add that #metoo and things of that nature on the left make it easy for the creeps at Fox news to make their pitch that white people are under attack. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Hard to see how priveldged you are when you're living in poverty like millions of white people are. Most white people have no money and no power just like an immigrant or a minority so blaming low information/misinformed white voters makes similarly very little sense. We need to figure out how to unite people.
  3. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Yeah I think this is a key point. Most of us are actually in agreement that we need sensible gun safety regulation. My thing is that it can't stop there. There are social and economic issues at play here and the race baiting of the right is a huge issue. I would love to see states or victims sue Fox and conservative talk radio and news outlets like Breitbart for damages. That's the only thing that could stop them from race baiting.
  4. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    So tell me again, how is Bernie Sanders a coward? Lol I was floored when he said if they want to bar US Congress members from entering Israel then maybe they should deny the billions we give them in aid. This is the Bernie we need. He's actually fighting this time around.
  5. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    You can need mental health treatment without being mentally ill, right? To me mental health has to be a factor and it's got to be caused by social issues. We need to figure out which ones. This isn't ALL about access to guns. I think people like Limbaugh, and Hannity and Carlson are part of the issue. The way they sensationalize racial issues is dangerous. More dangerous than the #metoo stuff which is devisive but decidedly less violent.
  6. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I'm just some crazy conspiracy theorist to say polls are manipulated. :Yao:
  7. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    What constitutes as a history of mental illness? I would argue that's most likely a result of a lack of access to mental health care than it does anything else. I'm sorry but you cannot convince me that there isn't some sort of illness or some sort of social issue that I might be conflating with mental illness as a strict definable condition like bi-polar or schizophrenia or something.
  8. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I really don't care about gun control. If gun laws stayed the same and we could do all of what you suggested, I'd do that in a heartbeat. I agree you can't just throw money at things. I think we have too many lawyers in political office. There are a lot of experts in mental health that could direct tax funding to address the mental health crisis in this country. I think a great way to start would be to address the privatized prisons crisis. I think we really need someone or something to take a serious look at the pharma/insurance aspect too. How many of these mass shooters were on psych meds of some sort? This isn't my area of expertise but to me it needs to be investigated and studied. Really love unionizing the whole country though. Democratize the work place.
  9. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Here's the bottom line. There are two causes of gun violence in this country. Poverty and mental illness. If you don't want to address those problems then don't bitch when they come for your guns. It's not like we could even fight against the government. They could just drone bomb us. It's be pretty easy to do I would imagine with the spying capabilities that we allow them to have.
  10. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    We're also from different generations. When I grew up if you get in a fight in Junior high school the cops got called. My problem with gun people is they don't want any restrictions on gun ownership but they also don't want to pay for mental health care for people. They want to leave it to insurance to feed people pills or lock them up because it's cheaper than actual treatment. They don't see a problem that parents both have to work to keep the family's head above water and we have a bunch of latch key kids. You can't have it both ways. You keep saying guns don't kill people and we should keep our guns but you offer no solutions and any solution that's offered up costs too much.
  11. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    You could say the same thing about the people in the US. Owning a gun doesn't make you tough lol
  12. seanbrock

    Who trades for Antonio Brown?

    Honestly, AB has got to be suffering from some sort of mental unwellness. I bet this dude does A LOT of coke, which kind of goes with Bjorn's point, some people can't handle the fame. Just because you can afford to be on cocaine 24/7/365 doesn't mean it's a good idea lol.
  13. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    @Omerta You just have the history knowledge of a 10 year old if you think the people of France and Germany are pussies or those countries are "pussy ass countries." Canada?....you got me there. They killed the shit out of some Native people I assume lol. I know nothing about their history.
  14. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Is this supposed to be ironic or sarcastic or something? Lol
  15. seanbrock

    Trump Regime thread.

    @DalaiLama4Ever Are you honestly going to sit here and tell me that Amy Klobuchar is polling higher/has more exposure than Gabbard? I don't buy that for one fucking second. Do I think Raytheon or Boeing or something like that would have some money for the DNC and the pollsters if they sampled the right people and came up with the right results? ABSOLUTELY in case you guys missed it, elections are for sale in the US. https://www.blackstoneintel.com/epstein This is a link to all the Epstein unsealed documents.
  16. seanbrock

    Trump Regime thread.

    The same polls that have Gabbard not meeting debate polling requirements despite being all over TV and gaining a ton of support after each debate. I don't put a lot of stock into the polls to be honest. Consider some of the people who have already qualified ahead of her. The polls are rigged. Do you honestly think Booker, Beto and Klobuchar are polling ahead of Gabbard? Don't be silly. Polls are rigged against Sanders too. What can't be skewed is the data. Sanders has more volunteers, more individual donations. More money, in more states than any candidate including Trump.
  17. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Lol you ever see that? It was honestly just a joke but let's be honest, with as much money as Sanders is up against you can bet there are a lot of people who would like to kill him. Some of those people have a lot of money and power and others that just listen to talk radio or Fox news too much and hate him. Also his record as a civil rights activists are proof he's no coward.
  18. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    The man is public enemy number 1 of Hillary. He's lucky to be alive. How is he a coward? Lol
  19. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Is that how they reported in Russiagate? Lol Alan Dershowitz is still on Fox News lol
  20. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Probably because like Omerta said, he was afraid of getting hit with the sexist card which I'm not sure why because they're going to use it against him anyway and really they have been for 3 years now. Also it's kind of funny how much this Epstein shit has died down. If it were any of us running a news org REGARDLESS of our political aftiliation, I think it's safe to say that we would covering it a hell of a lot more. You want Trump in jail? You want Clinton(s) in jail? There's something for everyone. Throw all those fuckers in GITMO.
  21. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Tort reform is a scary road to go down. Especially with the supreme Court ruling that allows employers to force employees to sign a forced arbitration agreement instead of pursuing a lawsuit as a condition of employment. I know it's not exactly related but it is a form of tort control and the court we have right now doesn't have a good take on that. Litigation is one of the few ways people can stand up to big money. It's not perfect and there are people who abuse it but damn, there's gotta be a better way than limiting people's right to sue. I'm uneasy about ever giving up rights and before you ask I'm not really anti-gun bit honestly mostly because you ain't getting all the guns and I think it would create a very dangerous black market if people couldn't buy them legally. Any machinist can make a gun and we're getting close to being able to fucking print them.
  22. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    The military overpays for hammers and stupid shit like that but the private sector is full of waste too. Idk man, I think it should be challenged that the private sector is more efficient than the public sector. 30 cents of every medical dollar goes to unnecessary healthcare, deceitful paperwork, fraud and other waste. The $750 billion in annual waste is more than the Pentagon budget and more than enough to care for every American who lacks health insurance… Most of the waste came from unnecessary services ($210 billion annually), excess administrative costs ($190 billion) and inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion)
  23. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I was kind of in shock to see ANYONE defend pharma price gouging. I just never thought I would see it from someone that isn't a lobbyist or something. Huh? Lol
  24. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I missed the part about pharma price gouging last night lol. Dawg, pharma gets millions upon millions given to them for their research by both the government AND the private sector. What in the actual fuck are you talking about? How long has insulin been a thing? They still paying for the research for that?? ??
  25. seanbrock

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    So then how would you like the system to work if it was up to you? How you gonna pay for it? You gonna leave it up to markets or some kind of hybrid? You think regular peeps should get basic shitty insurance and people who pay more should get something better? You like ACA with a public option? How do we control premiums and medications?
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