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Everything posted by GA_Eagle

  1. GA_Eagle

    You're president, what do you do?

    So my biggest thing would be tax reform, most likely. I also have several issues with campaign contributions that I would like to resolve. "My" idea goes like this: Federal taxes are collected in whichever method the state deems best. It could be a flat tax, a graduated tax, a consumption tax, a VAT etc. All states are on the hook for an amount determined by their representation in Congress and the method of collection is completely up to the individual state's government. This promotes competition between states, which I think is good. It gets people interested in their state governments, because we suck at that as a nation. It also allows the states to cater to their own constituents in a more pleasing manner.
  2. GA_Eagle

    Trump Regime thread.

    I don't have proof, nor am I going to look up stats at this moment. I also know this is more complex then just targeting black people as there are several socio-economic factors. I think the BLM people have a very valid point with wanting to reform the ways law enforcement activities are conducted. I believe that there is a racial element to profiling though I actually think that the biggest factors are age and "presentation." If you fit a stereotype of someone that a cop has learned through one way or another that they may make an arrest and get a check on thier stat sheet they are going to push a little harder or be a little more likely to go after you. I think there is some systemic racism in that practice.
  3. GA_Eagle

    General Ideas Thread

    *vigorous clapping*
  4. GA_Eagle

    General Ideas Thread

    I know I don't post a lot but I do access the site from my phone quite a bit to see what is going on. I was wondering if there are any upgrades to the mobile version available. It would be nice to be able to use the shout box and give rep without having to switch to the full site. I would use and contribute a lot more if those were available.
  5. GA_Eagle

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    Perhaps the reaction had something to do with the guilt he felt after letting Tyrion go and the subsequent loss of his father. He now has confirmation that it was a witch-hunt and Tyrion was innocent.
  6. I thought there whacko was way better than the EMB's.
  7. I'm pretty sure we did need a skins fan around here, so the move makes a certain kind of sense.
  8. I was thinking an intervention, and then years of therapy but the board has decided.
  9. GA_Eagle

    Trump Regime thread.

    I don't think anyone is saying it easy, honestly. Cause it's hard and it takes self control... BUT you can eat absolute junk and not eat so much of it and still lose weight. Calories in vs out. I don't care if all you eat is Cheetos and beer. If you keep it to 1500 calories as an adult male you will lose weight. You will likely have a bunch of other issues since you won't get any of the protein, healthy fats, etc, but you will lose weight. I realize there are a ton of causes to a persons obesity but inability to exercise or what ever a food desert is is not a valid excuse. Eat less calories = lose weight. It is exactly that simple. I don't think you SHOULD just eat crap, only less of it but you CAN is all I'm saying. It takes minimal effort to figure out a rough estimate of the amount of calories in your food as most food service places, including McDonald's put the calories right in the menu and it is readily available on line. Now depression links, societal issues as far as culture is concerned I get, I just don't see lack of money as a valid excuse. Btw, excercise as a means to lose weight is a sham. It will help a little, but it is for becoming more healthy not for losing weight.
  10. GA_Eagle

    It's E3 Time

    It sounds like a way to outsource the developing of what amounts to DLC. Bethesda is a fairly small studio so devoting a few programmers to making Add ons for a game that is not going to sell anymore is expensive. However if they can devote minimal resources to assisting several individuals that only get paid by commission on what they develope independently they can keep the games from their archives alive a lot longer without spending a bunch of money on development. I'm not really for or against this. I'm in wait and see mode. Edit: also fuck yeah BG&E2!!!!!
  11. GA_Eagle

    Dropping Late 2017

    One of the coolest things ever. Kind of hit me over the head with a "holy crap, this is happening" feeling. And not in a bad way if that makes sense.
  12. GA_Eagle

    Trump Regime thread.

    Of course that's a good thing BUT I'm not sure that's how it goes. If we make it worse instead of better and MORE people die/have shitty lives because of the kind of thing that happened with the VA or some other bureaucratic bs not only did we screw over the country.l, but also took power away from the people to be in charge of their own lives in the process. Death by a thousand cuts and what not. Our federal government is so bloated and inefficient and corrupt and awful in so many ways. Everyone is in bed with the money and we will all get screwed no matter what your ideological stance is.
  13. GA_Eagle

    Dropping Late 2017

    Congrats man!
  14. GA_Eagle

    Trump Regime thread.

    I agree with your overall sentiment, Sarge but people start dying while on waiting lists when the system is shitty. How much different is that than dying because medicine is unaffordable? To the person dying, and their family the end result is the same.
  15. GA_Eagle

    Trump Regime thread.

    I don't hate the idea of universal healthcare, in theory. I do think OUR government will fuck it up, though, if it was implemented. My level of trust in our government NOT to fuck up basic shit is in the negatives at this point.
  16. GA_Eagle

    Best QBs by franchise

    McNabb went to the skins for the 2010 season, so that's the last 10 years by a year or two. Starr is the best ever. So the outvoting is for good reason.
  17. GA_Eagle

    Steven, pls.

    Happy Birthday!
  18. GA_Eagle

    The Walking Dead

    People still watch this show?
  19. GA_Eagle

    What Car Do You Drive?

    2015 Jeep wrangler 4d Looking to put a small lift and some bigger wheels on it as my tires are at about a 30000 mile mark and it's nearing time to replace them so if I'm gonna do it I'd rather it be now. Edit: took a minute but I found a pic of it. And me. Holding it.
  20. GA_Eagle

    Political Compass Test

    https://www.politicalcompass.org/chart?ec=0.5&soc=-5.03 Couldn't figure out how to make it into an image from my phone. A little more conservative than last time.
  21. GA_Eagle

    Sueños y Aventuras en Colombia

    Why do people live anywhere else in the whole effing world?
  22. GA_Eagle

    Why did your team win/lose this week?

    Basically what sean said. Credit to the coaching staff for creating a solid gameplan and sticking with it through the entire game.
  23. GA_Eagle

    Presidential Election Thread

    http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/10/second-presidential-debate.html This made me laugh
  24. You've given a real problem like 6 times in your posts but decided that patrolling was the issue. Quotas are by and large illegal and ineffective. They promote profiling and destroy police relations with the community. The very idea of arrest benchmarks or anything resembling a quota should be done away with. Edit: there are some really good points elsewhere in your posts but I don't think patrolling should be done away with. Police departments should not be seen as a profit gathering point for any municipality or county. Tickets and seizures should not be figured into budgets, in fact seizures should be completely illegal. Edit edit: also agree about unwarranted searches. nonviolent criminals make up a large part of our prison populations. We need to reform the war on drugs cause we suck at it. People have such a bias against addicts that we just throw them in jail. These people need help not jail. Hell if you've read my posts over the years you've probably heard me say we should legalize drugs (and gambling and prostitution). Yes, it will be a weird thing to get used to and it won't be all rainbows and sunshine... well maybe for a particularly happy lsd user it will be. This will discourage illegal searches for items that are not illegal any more.
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