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DonovanMcnabb for H.O.F

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Posts posted by DonovanMcnabb for H.O.F


    Look at what happened....


    Since my post I got three responses.. Two of them over over emotional victim card playing people in Dmac and Blots, the other was GA who at least mentioned ahead of time he wasn't providing any statistics, and he actually put a little time into his post.



    Why are you so afraid to SUPPORT YOUR CLAIMS? Why are you so afraid to HAVE A DISCUSSION?


    Oh right, because that doesn't get you want you want, which is a culture supported by the welfare state where blacks in general never feel good enough about themselves to go out and work their asses off and make something of themselves. You are a danger to the black community, so it's probably best you do leave.


    If you want to come back and post statistics, studies, etc that prove your point of systemic racism, I am ready and willing to listen.


    This is the reason why I am so unwilling to further any discussion.


    Because somehow, someway, some of you have been disillusioned into thinking that all the black people who stand with BLM, who march against inequality want is a check from the government. To play victim. To get a free handout. To blame big bad whitey for all their problems. Just looking for excuses to be angry. Excuses to yell, "racism!".


    Like black people who speak up about systematic oppression and racism in this country are no different then the white SJWs who just as some of you put it, "look for reasons to be angry."


    That black people don't self police. That black people don't hold each other accountable, and that we spend our time simply waiting for the whites to come help us out. That when black people meet on college campuses for BSU meetings, etc, they just wallow in despair of the many ways they've been done wrong.


    That when myself, and others like myself go into poor black communities to recruit black kids to go to college we tell them, "you've been hurt by big bad whitey, so don't worry, if you can't go to college you get no blame, it's the fault of big bad whitey".


    Your views are distorted of blacks. In a way in which when a woman who works hard in her community to bring about real change, and probably spends more time in her own neighborhood trying to better her lives and people who look like her makes a post about ways whites can help blacks suffering from generational poverty, it's her asking for a handout, and encouraging blacks to do the same. And that she has no interest and probably spends no time uplifting black people in her community to do better.


    This tells me that you know absolutely nothing about the black community and would rather jump to conclusions based on the nonexistent knowledge you have then to actually have conversations. Otherwise you wouldn't be so gung ho on clinging to this narrative that we just talk to complain.


    This "conversation" isn't a way to talk about something productive. It's simply a means for you guys to express how you're tired of black people "looking for a handout". That you're tired of black people in this country, who were raped, murdered, enslaved for centuries, then raped, lynched, murdered en mass and viewed as less then humans for decades, then were the primary targets of the criminal justice business, redlining, etc, etc, etc, for decades (and in some cases to this day), whining about not being on an equal playing field as you, who has worked hard for everything you have.


    I'll pass on that.

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    Systemic racism doesn't exist, or in very few and rare amounts. What you are doing is living as a victim and telling other people to live as victims.


    That won't help them. Do something different.


    I was gonna get on here and respond to Omerta, because this is all interesting but, yea, I'll see my way out. I'm not going to be "that black guy".


    I'll revert back to when I'd read and wouldn't post. You guys at least help remind me that people with views like this exist.

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  3. This is where a lot of people get fed up with the bullshit that is BLM. Why is it crazy to assume that 1 of 3 founding members says something negative and it is a stretch to believe that the overall sentiment of the statement is not ingrained in BLM ideology ? That is how the world works. Trumps says something dumb, and the rest of the world lambasts the US, like our pulling out of the climate agreement. Some news outlets took the time to differentiate between Trump and the US, but most did not.


    Because it's not true. She's not 1 of the 3 founders of the organization, she's simply one of the leaders of the BLM in Louisville.


    It's a large, sometimes unorganized organization that is chapter-based. Most chapter based organizations that have been around forever have dysfunctions on local levels.

    To make this pertinent. When a cop shoots an unarmed black person, people say cops are bad. Look at this thread, barely any distinction has been made to separate those shitty cops from the overwhelming majority of the good ones. Take the media, or your own BLM group who also make hardly any distinction between the actions of one cop, and the rest of the fraternity. How come the actions of one cop in St. Louis sparks a protest in say Detroit, where the cops had done nothing wrong? Just because they are a member of the fraternity known as LEO's.


    Because BLM is not just about cops killing unarmed black people and getting away with it, it's deeper then just cop killings. This is the first thing said on their about us page.

    You can not pick and choose when it is convenient to have the sentiments or actions of one define the narrative for an entire group of people, and ignore it when it is damning to your argument and still expect it to be taken seriously.


    This is not a case of me picking and choosing.


    There's a big difference between supporting a president who has on several occasions shown that bigotry is a part of who he is, and supporting an organization that supports real, positive change.


    If, and when they start acting like a hate group like some people fantasize them being, I would be the first to denounce them.

    I think BLM is a fraud and a shithole of a group, but that is my opinion I dont speak for all white people. For instance when people say white people (yourself) included you lump people like me who hates BLM and their founders in with people like Blots who if given the chance to change his skin tone or be born black would in a heartbeat (hyperbole....sort of). The point is you do not differentiate between guy like me and guys like Blots, but you want "white people" to separate the founder of a movement from the movement. People dont give Hitler that distinction when talking about Nazi's because Nazi's are the standard bearers of his ideals which is why they are Nazi's.

    When I have ever done this? I don't do this, and have never done this.


    In the very same post you quoted I said, "some" white people. Although, if the shoe fits...


    But if you want to make this about white nationalists, this one I'll be blunt and cast a wide net like I did before. I assume the worst of all of them. As I do of any organization that thinks that who they are is the reason they should be above others.


    Additionally, it's pretty telling to me that when a white person like Blots tries to be an ally to a minority you come away with the impression that he wishes he was black himself.

    Radicalism is evil in all forms. I understand starting from the null position almost never works, or rarely so anyway. That being said the ground is fertile for someone to try because I can tell you BLM has just fragmented more people than it has united. When #MikeBrown was a thing in Ferguson black people alienated a whole bunch of cops that were there to help them, and now things will never be the same. Lets call it what it is, Mike Brown deserved to be shot if anyone ever did that BLM is complaining about. BLM and I can agree Trayvon Martin, Philando Castille (Most egregious to me), Walter Scott, and Eric Garner were all outrageous and all of those cops need to be in prison. No doubt about it. It cheapens their lives when you lump them in with trash like Alton Sterling and Mike Brown.


    BLM alienates cops because if cops want to help people who are suffering from systematic oppression, they should call out and expect better from their peers and change the way they do policing.


    Not holding barbecues for the people who are demanding change.

    And I would say that what BLM says it is on its guiding principles and what it does in action on the streets is very different. You want to talk about making distinctions talk about the BLM people who march with BLM who say things like "kill white people" and "all white people must suffer" and "Take what is ours" which is my favorite because that person most likely has earned nothing but wants it given to him for free. You want people to make those distinctions, but yet wont extend white people and cops the same courtesy....not going to happen. BLM will never be successful and that is why. It is hypocritical organization that wants to have its cake and eat it too.


    Just because a black person, or a group of black people come together and yell "black lives matter!", it doesn't mean they are representing the organization, it simply means that they agree with the general premise of the saying, which is that in America, Black lives don't matter as much as whites. It's unfair to the group and all the work they do to blame them for it.


    ​Likewise, if an actual protest by BLM is happening and some black guy, or group of black people join the protest and act out, there's no logic behind faulting the organization for it, like they are the ones who asked these people to turn things violent. These people are acting alone and don't represent the principles of the organization.


    All of this goes double when BLM themselves has not come out and disavowed the lady's statements.


    What the fuck are we supposed to do here, Dmac? One of the leaders of BLM puts out some ridiculously radical statements, BLM themselves do not come out against them. Ergo, BLM is supporting said statements. Why is this such a ridiculous conclusion to make? Seems perfectly reasonable to me.


    Because nothing she said was so egregious that BLM should have to come out and denounce it. Again, I honestly don't understand why some of you are or seem upset by what she posted.


    This is literally a none issue being made into one.


    She didn't kill anyone, or call anyone to violence, she didn't make demands, she didn't do her post through some official channel, she didn't say anything anti white (besides, throwing the word privileged around?) she simply stated her opinion.


    Its pretty clear that some of you guys have your minds made up about this and are on a witch hunt to find whatever ammo you can find to denounce an organization that's making real change. I am not in the business of trying to convince people who think an organization that does nothing but uplift their community without negatively attacking others is not a hate group.


    My goal was simply to make sure that everyone knows and understand that there is a difference between the hashtag thrown around by everyone and the actual organization. What you guys do with that is up to you.

    So is that what you want, is a discussion ? Is that what most black people want, a real, honest, open, and meaningful discussion? If that is it shows a maturity that is not often found in politics and in my opinion the BLM movement. They dont appear to want a discussion, they want a place where like minded people can go to channel anger and express outrage at a system they believe is holding them back. They are looking for anything but a discussion. They remind me of teenagers who feel they have been wronged and just want to let all of their frustrations out at an entity. Which is fine, just dont confuse that with making any real lasting change or being open to dialogue.


    Well if you want me to be totally honest, no, I don't want a discussion. I, and many others are past that point of discussions and want real change.


    But the only way real change happens through addressing an issue head on and being able to openly talk about something.


    This becomes impossible when a specific problem gets bought up, and instead of addressing that problem, we dilute it by saying something like, "blacks aren't the only ones who get discriminated".


    What is the issue, exactly?


    America historically oppressing black people? Having a president who it takes collectively democrats, and republicans to get him to denounce white supremacy, only for him to change his mind again?

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  4. This is a common form of hijacking a conversation and preventing real progress from being had, and there's a name for it but I'm not smart enough to know what it is. The cool kids have started calling it "all lives mattering" a subject.


    Turning a specific issue into a broader issue almost to imply that 1. They are on the same scale or are equal problems, and 2. Assuming the person making the statements is so naive as to not know that the problem exists outside of one group.


    Doing this, effectively refocuses, distracts and diminishes the issue being discussed.

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  5. Never thought I'd say it but I pretty much agree with Stephen A. Smith on every point on this subject.


    This honestly was not as close as it seems. The best shot Connor landed on Floyd was that uppercut, and that honestly didn't seem like it did any damage, at all. All those jabs that actually made contact with Floyd in the first couple of rounds were kitty jabs, and Floyd definitely showed some of his age in the first couple rounds with hiccups. And he was trying to see how many rounds Connor would try to hold on, which is why he only threw like 28 punches in the first 3.


    With the way Connor was opening himself up with those light jabs, had this been someone else like triple g, this probably woulda been over in like 2 rounds.

  6. They're not standing up for you. They're uninformed teenage or early twenty something mouthbreathers who are participating in self-gratification.


    You ask any of those people in the video for a history lesson and reasoning behind what they're doing and all you'll get is dumb looks and a bunch of stuttering as they try to remember the catch phrases from the TV. They're worthless idiots who nobody takes seriously


    You don't need to be a history major to understand that when a monument is created to celebrate someone's participation in maintaining racial dominance over other races, it should be removed.

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  7. This is literally a none issue being treated as an issue by talking heads who are triggered.

    Calling what she said on there "racist" and "bigoted" really shows the disconnect between some white people in this country and those who actually suffer from real racism. Beside her call to action against white nationalists (not even all white people), where does she even attack white people?

    I don't agree with all the points she made, or at least not to the extremes, but it's one person's radical opinion on how to fix problems that are deeply rooted in America's DNA.


    BLM just gets worse every day. That's in my city, too. That lady is batshit insane, I believe I have had the displeasure of hearing her screeching in person on more than one occasion.


    I can't believe that that particular article isn't satire, but if anyone is going to write something like that and it not be satire it would be Ms. Helm.


    This is what I'm talking about when Dmac talks about how these people aren't really part of BLM. It's the No True Scotsman fallacy. She is a co-founder of BLM in Louisville. This IS part of their agenda.



    This is the perfect example of what I've been talking about.

    I went to the Charlottesville BLM twitter page and went all the way back to August 16th and found nothing about this post. They didn't share it, their Facebook page didn't share it, or retweet people talking about it, etc.

    Instead, they are sharing posts about ways people can help local organizers.


    The only person who said this was one of it's leaders. She didn't say she was speaking on behalf of the BLM, she didn't say she was speaking on the behalf of the BLM leaders, she didn't say she was saying this in conjecture with the organization, hell, she even threw out some hashtags at the end of her posts and none included "black lives matter".

    It's ok for people within an organization to have their own opinions.

    ​Yes, in an organization called "Black Lives Matter" that's aiming to bring radical change their will be people with radical views. But lets not act like the organization moves in ways that anti white.

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  8. Yea idk if this is going to help the Cavs get anywhere close to the Warriors but it definitely is a step up imo when you think of what Crowder brings to the table as well.


    More interesting though is the fact that many of the pieces that made last year's Celtics team good are no longer there.

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  9. And this means they don't have civil rights? That they don't have the right to pursue a happy life? Look, if a Nazi steps over the line and actually starts assaulting people (not just physically either), then yeah they can fuck off and spend their life in prison for all I care. Not everyone at that "protest" is a violent piece of shit. Some people are worked up. Not an excuse, but it's also not an excuse to say "Oh, this person has different views and is angry, we need to destroy their lives". The "they're Nazis" argument means nothing to me in the context of treating them like human beings until they step over a line. If we're going to react to Nazis stepping over the line, then react to people on the left (and anyone and everyone all over the political spectrum) stepping over the line.


    What *some* people have done in response is nothing short of weak. I think they should face the consequences of their actions just like the Nazis who have done heinous things in recent days. Just because they're advocating social justice does not make them good in the slightest, and it doesn't protect them from the law.


    You can take the approach of waiting till they step over the line if you want because not all of them are capable of being violent.


    But as for someone like myself with whom, "stepping over the line" could result to me and my family and friends losing our lives in church by one of those people with hatred in their hearts. I will take the rout of casting a wide net and assume the worst of all of them.

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  10. Robert e. Lee's monument was specifically to celebrate and honor his efforts in helping the confederacy. As is the case with every single monument in question.


    If there was, or is, a monument somewhere out there where George Washington is being honored for the slaves he had or his contribution to slavery then we can have this conversation.


    Additionally, I know a many group of black people who oppose the national anthem because of when it was written, honoring George Washington and other slave owning presidents in their communities, hell don't even celebrate 4th of July because blacks weren't free, etc. So it's not like those people don't exist. They simply don't run around demanding all these things change because they understand the difference between something made to honor someone for the good that they did, and something made to honor someone as a form of oppression and for the evil they did.

  11. And back to the point I made at the begining of the thread, same thing is being said from someone who has to live somewhere with these monuments in their neighborhood.




    Like honestly, instead of telling everybody to develop harder skin (especially when no symbols as extreme as these exist to oppress most of you), or just stop getting affected by symbols that were erected to, in part, oppress one group of people and in other part, empower others (see: Dylan Roof, today's white supremacist who will go as far as mass murder, etc)... How about we just remove them from public property?


    This really is that simple.


    And there's no way that it's a mere coincidence that most of these monuments were erected around the turn of the 19th century, and the 50s 60s, which are key points in the civil rights fights of black people.


    As far as Trump's comments about Washington, and other presidents who owned slaves, that's slippery slope 101. There are several reasons that doesn't apply. Including, the basic fact that most of us can tell the difference between a monument honoring leaders of a country, and monuments honoring men who would rather die then look at blacks and other colored people as equal.


    These monuments that need to be removed are monuments erected to honor confederate leaders, for their service to the confederacy.



    youre making just as many assumptions as you accuse me of. You believing what you qualify as a source,doesnt remotely make it a fact.


    I am not denying there were racists etc.. But its ridiculous to say the flag was only to represent white superiority.

    again.. you are wasting emotion on symbols. Getting rid of the flag wont do shit for anyone. Did you read what I said about my black friend? who knows more about racial history then you ever will.


    Racist white guy from the 1800s writes:

    "Make no mistake about it, we are superior to colored people, and this flag is our symbol."



    "The flag symbolizes racism because that's what the people who made it intended for it to be."



    "Stop making assumptions based off what you don't know"


    Congrats Phill, you've won another argument, cause I'm not doing this back and forth with you.


    Btw, don't tell a black person (me) about your "one black friend" and expect me to acknowledge it. That shits for the birds.

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  13. Some of the people I know who fly that flag like the Confederacy because they gave a giant middle finger to the government. I don't consider them racist in the slightest, but I still think their stance is idiotic and have no respect for that line of thinking. It's short-sighted, but to say they are racist for that is indeed fallacious.


    The second you say "everyone in this demographic behaves this exact way" you are wrong. People have their own reactions and motivations. There may be patterns, but no one got to the same point in the same way. I know it's easy and convenient to be able to jump lump people together like that, but it's not realistic.


    I don't buy this.


    The very people who birthed the flag viewed it as a symbol of white supremacy. Slavery, and the idea that God himself made whites superior to other races was the cornerstone of the south, and that flag represents it. To the south, slavery, and the power, wealth from it. This was what binded the south, and was the biggest point of pride.


    Choosing to ignore the history, significance, and the message of the flag to honor it, and conjure up your own fanciful reason, or half truth, means that you do not care, or actively chose to ignore what it actually means, this does not change reality. Regardless of your intentions you are actively endorsing something.


    Come up with whatever BS reason you want, but lets call it spades of spades. The flag is a symbol of racism in all it's iterations and honoring it (for whatever reason you can come up with) still makes you a racist. Their are a billion and one ways to show the government the middle finger and to chose that speaks volumes.

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    You have no critical thinking skills.
    Life is never that cookie cutter simple.
    The material made it clear? No, you believe the material provided for you by the side that won.
    Mental gymnastics? Ie you're a simpleton not in intellectually good enough shape to keep up.
    Again, why do you need to defend your present reality as a wage slave? You are an American slave now


    No, sometimes life is that simple. I.E. when someone tries to take a Ludacris profit making enterprise from you that is essentially the backbone of your economy. And dictates you lifestyle. You'll tell them to kick rocks, and throw a big fuck you.


    The war wasn't to fucking free slaves in the first place. The north would have kept theirs if this war never happened. And who the fuck knows how long it took to get that many people to comply? It's not like slave owners were going to have any cops knocking on the door in the north or south any time soon


    The great comedic irony





    The Constitution of the United States, in its fourth Article, provides as follows: "No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due." [editor's note: this is the Fugitive Slave Clause in the original Constitution whereby the North promised to return escaped slaves to their "owners" in the South]


    Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

  15. Liking the flag either makes you a racist, or someone who doesn't know the history of the country or has been taught the watered down history i.e. textbooks in Texas calling slavery "servitude".


    Then remove all the monuments and statues in Washington and the flag too because those are symbols of oppression.
    No, they weren't just fighting to keep slaves. They fought to keep their profits. The south was trying to avoid what you ignorantly comply with now..taxes.
    Like I said, fighting over symbolism is a waste of time. Slavery is corporate now and all races in the U.S. are victims. You are all slaves to taxes and medical insurance and everything else that is capitalism. The black man can live in his own house now but he is still a 2nd and 3rd class citizen in this country,profiled negatively in news,media,literature etc.
    Hating a flag and and a statue won't change that.


    Stop playing mental gymnastics with yourself.


    The leaders of the Confederacy made it clear that they were going to war over slavery, this is laid out in black and white writing.


    The "Declaration of Causes of Seceding States" make it very clear that the war is about the right to own slaves.


    There is no subjectivity, or "gray area" or "lied history" here. The south went to war over the rights to own and profit from slaves. Stop trying so hard.

  16. My top 3 are comprised of LBJ, KAJ and Jordan, in no particular order.


    In the All time ranking going on on a different site, I ranked Wilt at 5.


    IDK. Everyone knows that I don't care too much for championships as long as the players have won at least a couple, but, Wilt is probably the greatest athlete of all time from a physical perspective. And in his era he was worlds apart from the vast majority of his competition... For him to walk away with only 2 championships is... A bit spooky.


    And the playoff dropoff, and the fact that most of his championships came on the backs of his production decreasing in the playoffs, and finals...

  17. It takes a certain lack of empathy...


    These people were in support, fought for the right to own slaves, and view them as less then humans.


    The 13% of the country (black folks) that lives in these regions have to see these statues and hate symbols every day, and are reminded, every day, of what their place was in this country.


    This in of itself is a form of oppression. If people want this stuff on their property, then by all means, go crazy. But public land, and government property? Really?


    Literally no one, but a bunch of people full of either hatred, or a distorted view of America would lose sleep if these statues and other symbols are removed. Throw those pieces of trash into museums if people want to study them.

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