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Posts posted by DJT20

  1. 4 hours ago, seanbrock said:

    I will never vote for Joe Biden and i'm going to make that as clear as possible online and in real life. I hope it's possible to go to the convention but i really want to try and make it out there. I wanna focus on trying to organize but i have no idea where to start. Trying to get people to help my organize a rent/mortgage/credit strike. It's a college town with tons of young people. It's a pretty small town too. The real estate is mostly owned by this company called Zukin too. Fuck this. Time to make a stand. This election is a farce.

    Sean tryna turn that bitch into Eviction/foreclosure City. Brilliant. #RESIST :smug:


  2. 1 hour ago, Thanatos said:

    Where are you getting this information from? The Dems nixed the original bill because the GOP had a slush fund for big business and gave way too much to the corporations. Democrats, btw, wanted $1,500 a person for at least the next three months. Republicans refused it because Dems were paying for it by taking money away from the corporate bailouts. The GOP is still not giving people on the lower end of the income scale as much as people up near the $75k range.

    DJT is in a cult. It's hard to find middle ground with cultists. They don't use reason or logic, they just follow Dear Leader wherever he goes. 

    In this case, however, there's a very simple way to prevent a depression and keep practicing social distancing. Pass temporary UBI for the duration of the crisis and stop using the money for corporate bailouts. I'm not saying we need it until the vaccine, but we do need it until hospitals can get on top of things. There is no economy to speak of if hospitals are overrun with patients.

    The Dems, specifically Xancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, blocked it because they wanted to fit in some green new deal-esque policies and other bullshit into a coronavirus stimulus bill. Clowns.

    And I was waiting for Thanatos to pull out the "cultist" line lmfao. You and many others should see a therapist about that Trump derangement syndrome. Sheep.

    You're too deep in your own bubble to even know that pop-up hospitals are a thing. Four pop-up hospitals are currently being set up in NJ.

  3. 1 hour ago, Thanatos said:

    Do you understand the part where I said 1.3 million people, at minimum, will die if we stop social distancing this soon? We fucked up. The way to slow the virus to a halt to allow somewhat safe renewals of the economy was to take severe action- like what we're doing now- back in January. 

    You know how you fix the issue of the average American being in danger? You freeze rent and mortgages and give everyone in the country 1k/month. Preferably for good, because that's always been the best solution, but at least until we have a vaccine distributed and life can go back to semi-normal.

    Way to play Monday Morning quarterback, dumb fuck. You know what Trump was doing back in January? Restricting entry into the US from China. Guess what... he got called "racist" and "xenophobic" for it. You and the rest of the Liberal sheep weren't giving a fuck about the spread of coronavirus in the US back in January, you were obsessed with Trump getting impeached. 

    You're such a small minded simpleton, seriously. You realize there's layers to this, right?      You say it as if that'll be a cure-all. Freezing rent/mortgages would obviously lessen the burden, but $1k/month is not close to sustainable for most people/families. Especially living in NJ 25 mins from midtown Manhattan. Businesses and people are struggling in a huge way here. Yes, people are dying, but the majority of cases around here have been elderly and in poor health. 



  4. 9 hours ago, Bucman said:

    The stimulus package is basically the same from what I understand. You still receive the 1200 dollars unless you made over 75k as a single filer. Then it just goes down by the set amount.

    Still not sure what tax return their basing this off of. What if someone files "married jointly" but the Spouse isn't working. Do both still receive 1200 dollars or is just 1 payment of 1200 for the person who "worked". Seems like a screwed up way to do it if they go with the latter.

    Should be based on 2018 return. 

    The original bill I believe was set for taxpayers to receive two $1200 installments, but of course the piece of shit Dems had to nix it so now it's a 1x payment. This isn't free money, this is a measly $1200 that the working man is getting back from their tax dollars. Maybe if the Dems didn't piss away millions of tax dollars on the impeachment hoax, people could have gotten more. Political agendas over the American people is the way of life for the Left. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Thanatos said:

    Oh, undoubtedly. I mean it would be a sheer numbers game. The people going back to work would disproportionately be Trump supporters, I would think, if medical experts are still saying stay home. I really don't think people get how potentially serious this is. If we end the shutdown on the 12th, which is what Trump is suggesting, the CDC is estimating- with no further social distancing- 40-70% of us get the virus. Going with the total low end of that- 40%- is 131 million people. A 1% mortality rate leaves us with 1.3 million deaths. Would be far worse than that in all likelihood because once the hospitals hit max capacity- they are close in some states, already there in some cities- more people are going to die, not just from COVID19 but from other conditions they cant get treatment for. 10 million deaths just in the US is not out of the question if we do this. 

    This is a virus that is 10 times deadlier than the flu and far more contagious. The rich people wanting us to go back to work en masse to save their stock market can go fuck themselves right off a cliff. 

    Bro, I don't know what fucking bubble you're living in,  but do you realize the danger that small businesses, families, and the average American worker will be in if this quarantine/lockdown extends into another 2 months or more? People are on the verge of losing everything including their future (401k/college savings for children). The way this is going, there will be a huge influx of suicides, looting, home invasions, etc. At least where I live, it is getting dire with people losing their jobs left and right. I work for an essential business (family owned small business), but my boss made it clear that there's possibility that we could get laid off if this lockdown lingers on for a certain amount of time. I'd retain my job when things would return to normal, but many others won't be as fortunate. I don't think you understand the severity of the situation that working Americans and the economy is facing. 

    But carry on with your "nasty old rich people  just want us to go back to work to save their stupid stock market!!!" rhetoric. 

  6. It's a typical response by anyone who is tired of the lies that Trump cultists keep spewing. You certainly made me upset at one point in time. I just feel pity for you at this point. That anyone could be so dumb as to believe Trump actually gives two shits about them just blows my mind.

    Dude, you're in your own world lol. I made a post about how hypocritical the MSM is about Trump and now you're trying to twist it into something else lmao. Do you think ANY politician gives two shits about you or anyone else? Good lord, wake the fuck up.

    And I can't really go to a safe space at this point, as I've been classified as an emergency worker and am likely being exposed on a daily basis while working my tail off to help people keep going. And all you cultists are concerned with is how to make Trump look good during this time of global crisis. Just sad, man. Seek help.

    I say "safe space" and you interpret it in the most literal way possible LOL. I think you knew what I meant, but you had to narcissistically give yourself a pat on the back. My mother is a nurse, but she won't go looking for a cookie like you. 

    And I love that supporting our President gets you called a "cultist" nowadays. How much do you hate America? Go move to some shit stain 3rd world county.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    You're in a cult. Seek help.

    This is the typical response made by anti-American libs. You're an easily triggered, bitch made millennial that's brainwashed by society and the media. Get out of your safe space and grow a set of balls.  

  8. 21 minutes ago, seanbrock said:

    How ironic will it be to see Trump ride UBI to his second term in office? The Democratic party is COM-PLETELY inept. Hopefully at least they will finally be wiped out after once again failing to beat Trump. Fucking losers. Old people need to step aside. They've destroyed our planet. They've ruined our economy. They've signed away our bill of rights for a false sense of security. Step. The. Fuck. Aside.

    Getting a lot of Greta Thunberg vibes here.


    Trump is cruising to a 2nd term, regardless. Doesn't make a difference who the Dem nominee. One is some piece of shit pedophile with dementia and the other one is a fucking whack job 80-year old communist that could drop dead any moment. Trump will curb stomp either.  This is not anything new. This has been known.

    Meanwhile, unemployed Bernie Bros will happily cash their stimulus check that Trump helped them get. Same people that have a degree in gender studies, think they're entitled to a 6 figure job, and bitch and moan about Trump incessantly. 



  9. 22 minutes ago, BwareDWare94 said:

    The Democratic Establishment refuses to give any real backing to their by far best female candidate (Tulsi). Warren and Klobuchar both epically failed, then the Democratic Establishment blames misogyny.

    The irony is just astounding. The Democrats are an unholy circus of incompetence right now.

    Because Tulsi isn't a pandering, fake "woke" progressive puppet. Tulsi also speaks too freely for Dems' liking. 

  10. Thanatos, you are such a brainwashed, radical far left fucking snowflake.

    Dems have wanted Trump impeached since DAY ONE. Since election night in 2016. Tell me the "crimes" Trump has committed. The whole impeachment hoax was based on feelings, not facts. Every Dem that spoke started off with "I believe", "I think", "I feel". No facts, their pussy was just hurt and is still hurt.

    Also hilarious that you refer to Trump as a "dictator". What makes him a dictator? You do realize that Trump and his administration has accomplished far more in 4 years for America than Obama did 8 years? Go Google "Trump administration accomplishments" and see the FACTS. 

    Now go fuck off and vote for a Socialist in Bernie Sanders. How's socialism worked out in other countries? Answer that one for me.

    I'll have your safe space ready for you to cry in after Trump gets re-elected. On the bright side, the left will have another 4 years to try to get Trump impeached and removed again. ORANGE MAN BAD!!! TRUMP RACIST, ALL OF HIS SUPPORTERS ARE NAZIS!!!!1111

    • Haha 1
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  11. 5 hours ago, seanbrock said:

    Bernie turns out young people and minorities. That's how democrats win. Not sure why people are so sure Trump will beat him. 

    Getting support from entitled millennials that just want free shit and handouts will only take him so far. Of course he'll also get votes because he's not Trump, but these are the same people that believe Trump is worse than Hitler. If he gets the nomination, he will get curb stomped in November. 

    This is also very telling. Dems don't realize that the Impeachment Hoax and their obsession with trying to take down Trump has backfired in a major way. Americans are waking up and realizing that Dems are the true problem in this country.


  12. Yang just dropped out, to no surprise. Didn't care much for his policies, but he was prob of the only Dems that isn't bat shit crazy and obsessed with Trump. Genuinely good guy. 

    Meanwhile, looks like Pedophile Joe is going to end up finishing 5th in New Hampshire. Terrible look for a guy that's supposedly "most electable". 

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