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Everything posted by Krawnka

  1. Krawnka

    What the fck did the idiots expect?

    This Freedom of speech (expression), and religion is a two way street. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but nobody is entitled to kill innocent people.
  2. Krawnka

    Vote For Madden 12 Cover: Elite Eight

    n/a Charles n/a n/a At this point, curse be damned, I'd like Charles to win it...especially after reading his interview about it.
  3. Krawnka

    Mike Vrabel arrested for felony theft

    Seems kind of out of character
  4. Or gets called a racist...
  5. Krawnka

    If only Cammy-Cam were white...

    People would rather throw their grandma under a bus, than be accused of being a racist.
  6. Krawnka

    I Think These Two Just Won The Internet

    That cat is a pussy, got KOd by a parakeet.
  7. Drink the Water - Buckcherry
  8. Sweet Soul Sister - The Cult
  9. Krawnka

    If only Cammy-Cam were white...

    I can't recall any Heisman trophy winning QB getting slammed as hard as Tebow did.
  10. Krawnka

    AFC West Buy or Sell

    Sell, though I'd like to buy buy/sell Brandon Albert moved to guard in 2011
  11. 5 minutes alone - Pantera
  12. Krawnka

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Sucker Punch - apparently the best scenes were in the trailers. The battle scenes were purty, but I feel like I've heard the story before...
  13. Krawnka

    What the fck did the idiots expect?

    Hypocrites on both sides of this argument...
  14. Krawnka

    Madden 12 to emphasize concussion safety

    I skipped 2 seasons of Madden I used to get it every year, till I got tired of paying 60 bucks for roster updates. I got 2011 for Christmas, which I'm glad for, because of Weiss, Crennel and the rookie class on KC. I don't plan on buying a Madden game ever again...I'll see how long I can hold out.
  15. Krawnka

    AFC West Buy or Sell

    Buy Buy/sell Brandon Carr will be out of the starting lineup by week 6 of the 2011 season.
  16. Krawnka

    Cowboys WR has 13 TDS in 3 games.

    Wasn't Bobby Sippio pretty good in the arena league as well?
  17. I kinda like it, when something happens, I get a new chick to google image search.
  18. Krawnka

    Huff talks about a return to Dallas

    I'm all for that move, then KC won't have to see him twice a season. That and I'd like to see him get out of that hole, regardless.
  19. Brown Sugar - ZZ Top
  20. Krawnka

    ESPN's top ten TEs

    In other words, SD was one of the top offense in terms of yardage last season, compared to a struggling Dallas team in 2011. So statistical comparisons in 2011 isn't exactly a fair analysis.
  21. Krawnka

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Not the first person I've heard with a dislike for Paul Walker, not sure why, he's been in some decent flicks...including Running Scared IMO.
  22. Krawnka

    AFC West Buy or Sell

    Sell Buy/Sell The Chiefs draft a running back in 2011
  23. Krawnka

    AFC West Buy or Sell

    Buy DHB will have less catches and receiving yards than Michael Crabtree.
  24. Krawnka

    AFC West Buy or Sell

    Buy for the same reason, and hope so. Andy Studebaker will eliminate the rumors of a need for another pass rushing Linebacker.
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