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Everything posted by Omerta

  1. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I agree. Especially about Bernie. Him and his followers are so fucking unrealistic it boggles the mind. The brilliance if that move by Tulsi isbyou cant defend it and if you do you look worse. Kamala is sunk for the person if average intelligence. You will always have your SJW chode who says," you dont like her because she is a black woman." That said, minority privelege can only carry a person so far.
  2. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    That is what I am saying. I think idea for idea she absolutely murders every candidate in the field including St. Bernie and Warren. She is the only one who is stating facts on the stage. Actual facts, not Kamala Harris ones. I will take your route with the democratic party. Until they stop being a corrupt morally bankrupt pile of shit I will vote for the most far right douchebag that the Democrats hate the most. This time it will be trump next time I'm praying its Santorum because if he bans porn there might be enough of an uprising to where the Democrats stop being mindless identitarian douchebags. I fucking LOATHE the Democratic party
  3. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    This is correct.
  4. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Tulsi just qualified for the debates in September. I have been throwing her $500 here and there trying not to max out to early. That said if you donate even $5 you count towards her 130,000 unique donor goal. She made that but is trying to hit 150,000. She raised more today than any other previous day.
  5. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I would vot for trump if the DNC picks Kamala over Tulsi.
  6. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Honestly there is nobody who can debate with Tulsi. She would ravage Warren and I still can't for the life of me figure out Bernies appeal. He has great goals and dog shit plans of he even has one. Hard pass but I guess,"Hey, all free shit for everyone." Can sway a lit of people even though he has no real plan. That said the DNC has already proven they don't give a shit about who people actually want. It will probably be Kamala because she is a black woman and Bernie because free shit. However Tulsi may well have just buried Kamalas campaign before it really began.
  7. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Haha no it's not. You're missing so much of this point that it is literally at this point astounding. That entire article was talking about how services such as supermarkets, bank's, and insurance companies, and other basic things that are found in white neighborhoods are not found in "da hood" Which is kind of racist on Wikipedia's part, but Hey they're going to do them. Gentrification brings those buildings, they bring those goods and services, I don't understand which part of that you're missing. Now if you have a cra0 credit score, that's not the fault of the bank or gentrification, that's your fault. Pay your bills, and if you can't, I don't know what to say it sucks but why as a lender would you lend to someone who you k ow won't pay you back? That being said a credit score is not inherently racist, all it is is a function of paying your bills on time. And are you gonna keep moving the goal posts, at 1st you want to talk about gentrification, than you bring up a map from 1936, to show me the definition of redlining. Which has absolutely nothing to do with gentrification, it is almost a complete antithesis of that. You can do better. I want to let you in on something else, this is for everybody because people seem to be using it more often. When you say "point blank, period" that literally translates to I can't carry my point any further than this so Im going to try to shut down the rest of the Conversation. You have yet to bring up one bad thing about gentrification other than how you FEEL about it.
  8. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Trump doesn't care. Nor will he ever. That is akin to people who say but Hillary when Trump does something (I've done it). Just because trump is a piece of shit does not mean Cummings is not. When Bernie said the very same thing about Baltimore it was not racist. Not excusing Trump, but it is mostly a true statement. And every time cummings talks about race relations he cant wait to pin it on white oppression. It has nothing to do with Baltimore mayors, and congressman have been ALL black since he took office and it has only gotten worse. Yet it is the white guy. Fuck him. Trump saying Cumming is a sack of shit does not make it true. The fact that he is a piece of shit makes him one. He has been one long before trump stumbled ass backwards into a true statement. I brought him up just because it was poignant to gentrification.
  9. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    At first I came half hearted, because I didn't think you were serious. Then you were. I didn't realize that you hadn't read the numbers.
  10. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    That is not a solution, that is a campaign promise. Seriously think about what you just said. HAve we not been hearing that same tired song and dance since AT LEAST The dirty Thirties ? It subsided in the 50's under great periods of economic development because people were starting business, then it went to shit in the late 60's through the 1980's or at the very least stagnated and then the internet came and people opened more business's. Gentrification also creates jobs which is the one thing you say we need more than anything. I think you are extremely uneducated on this topic as are most people with a liberal bias. In the 2000's Brooklyn gentrified and has done much better. Washington DC was blamed for displacing residents through gentrification in the early 2000's as well, and it turns out people in Washington Dc were moving out since the 80's. The reason to get away from Crime lol. Then it becomes gentrified and it is a better place to live. The way the economy actually works when it comes to gentrification is this. People come in and build shops and swanky knick knack stores and then the prices of housing goes up. This creates more tax revenue through property taxes allowing the city to improve basic functions within a city and to polish their city up bringing more people in. There is actually no evidence to suggest that gentrification displaces people. The reason being is because almost all cities and almost all counties have rules for developers that they have to build subsidized housing for people. So this is done through programs like section 8 and rapid rehousing where people only have to pay a portion of rent yet get to live in a better place. These things that have long been established but we use them as political talking points about,"Racism, look at all the white people coming in bringing economic development, that is so bad" says every politician of a shitty neighborhood while they line their pockets with government dollars. Elijah Cummings is a perfect example. Anything that has to do with white people is racist, because he himself is racist. Yet he has had control of Baltimore's 7th district for over 2 decades and it has gotten worse and worse as he has passed measures," To stop displacement of poor black families through gentrification" which ALMOST never happens. What he is doing is lining his pockets with government grants and skimming development costs and government subsidies. Gentrification is not a problem in Baltimore and it is a dog shit place to live. Washington D.C. was "gentrified" and the monthly earnings of black people with a diploma has skyrocketed. So again tell me how gentrification is bad and give me a good reason other than,"Well, its the rich white persons fault." That is a tired and lame ass excuse for people to halt economic development of struggling areas. The only people who think gentrification is bad are the people who refuse to do any actual research and instead say," I have seen it with my own eyes." No, you haven't. What you have seen is garbage ass Salon articles and White people are bad Monthly articles about someone's baby's cousin's aunt's step-sister's boyfriend cant get a job because some coffee joint took over the place he used to sling dope. Its a bullshit myth and has been debunked several times over.
  11. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Whats your solution? Make poor people not exist. Elevate every single poor person out of poverty. What an original idea. Its not like we haven't been trying. So if people 6 blocks over want to gentrify and area so it is less shitty good for them. They are improving where they live and the community as a whole. Mr. Elijah Cummings has been trying to solve the problem in Baltimore for over 20 years and has gotten absolutely nowhere. I think the fact that you think we should just let shitty areas remain shitty is well...shitty. Lets not improve any place ever, we must live in this horrible place and not make any attempt to improve it. That is no solution.Since congress cant seem to do it, the people are taking it into their own hands and doing a better job, and good on them.
  12. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Yes but it gives the locals a break. It is cyclical. I have seen it is washington. Places get gentrified it gets too expensive and collapsed and they come back.
  13. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    It solves shitty crime ridden neighborhoods and replacing them with coffe shops and artisan stores. At least it reduces the number.
  14. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I have to give her credit though she is trying to incentivize improving shitty neighborhoods. People shit on gentrification but god damn would you rather have crime-ridden slums or hipster coffee shops with annoying douches with man buns? Tough choice for sure but give me man bun soy-boi coffee hipster.
  15. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Man and if she wasn't such a moron on guns, I could get on board. That said this SOUNDS like a decent idea... except most businesses fail in their first year. That and a lot of degrees aren't necessarily conducive to entrepreneurship, and it's just for Pell grants. With that said, at least it's something.
  16. Omerta

    Top 100 NFL Players of 2019

    It is even more amazing when you consider he probably has only the 2nd biggest ego on the team. The Browns Kitty their set the league on fire without all fence, or they could be a different, out of sync middling team by week 6.
  17. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I dont think she is good enough at slinging mud. She is good by it Trump is a tier unto himself. Then I suspect Democrats will use the same playbook they did last time. It will be," Hey lookie, a black woman. Be woke with us." And it will fall stale because she will try to do what trump does and come out looking worse than him. I dont have a dog in the fight because if those two are my candidates I will go 3rd party and hope everyone splits the votes or we have record low turn out.
  18. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    I think Harris would get absolutely smashed.
  19. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    The sad thing is, you're right. Call it a gut feeling but Trump wins again imho.
  20. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    They bought almost all of it from the landowners. Palestinian wasn't even a name for the nomadic bedouins until the 60's, and it was part of the British ottoman empire for centuries before Israel laid claim. There are land deeds and records of sale from the late 1800s until the 40's. So as far as I'm concerned the Palestinians can suck it. Also the Jews paid handsomely at 1100 dollars an acre for shitty tractsof land nobody wanted until the arabs renigged because major powers recognized Israel's sovereignty. They didn't steal shit.
  21. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Well since the Jews really didn't steal anything I'm not making the connection. That is a huge misrepresentation at best and a flat out lie at worst.
  22. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    We dont have free speech now. It's an illusion man. And let's not pretend Palestinians are just poor bystanders who do nothing. They are complicit in human rights violations every day. And this is not saying you cant protest
  23. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Aren't stopping regime change wars and health insurance major talking points for Tulsi? I know for sure she is the only one who is openly and ACTIVELY championing stopping regime change wars. But you won't vote for her because your worried schools in Texas empower Israel to start WWIII, which again Tulsi would oppose. This is the shit that makes no sense. Instead of voting for the only candidate with sense we are going to throw out actual change because of one issue? When we end up with Senor Booker and Trump as options and he gets re-elected we will know why. Honestly the only way the democratic party gets my Vote is if Tulsi is the candidate. If not yet again fuck them they get what they deserve. And if she isn't I would laugh my ass off if Trump got re-elected. They would fucking deserve it lol.
  24. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Yeah we will have to agree to disagree. Sure we listen but its not like they are trying to rig a primary here. And they are indeed our friend, one of the few we have. Just because Omar and Talib doesn't like it does not mean it's true. And your definitely over dramatizing it. Iran is a nobody militarily. Them and their allies would get monkey stomped.
  25. Omerta

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    So you're a single issue voter? This really does nothing. And Israel didn't have power they're just a very close ally, as they should be.
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