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Posts posted by Omerta

  1. 57 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    Because a lot of those moderates are not registered to vote in the Dem primary. Hell, a lot of states you CANT register unless you're a member of that party. So those people will never get the Dem's nomination. It's how we got Trump- same problem, other side.

    I mean that is the sad part isnt it. Democrats have a few moderates but wont push them. I dont get it. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    Well, it wouldn't be 20, it would be 7 or w/e the extension is. But the fact remains that of the common drugs in the US marketplace, only insulin has abused this out the ass.

    No, but they can reformulate the drug in a myriad of ways to get another 20 years. Even then though it can still be 27 years before it becomes public domain that is too lone. Insulin is abused out the ass, but a lot of the reason we dont see it with other companies is because they rename things that are basically the same thing to get it to go through the FDA and the patents office. 

  3. 20 hours ago, seanbrock said:

    So then how would you like the system to work if it was up to you?  How you gonna pay for it? You gonna leave it up to markets or some kind of hybrid? You think regular peeps should get basic shitty insurance and people who pay more should get something better? You like ACA with a public option? How do we control premiums and medications? 

    You called down the thunder, now you got it. I have got a computer so hang onto your ass. Dramatic intro over, this is what I would do if it were up to me. 

    I would like to start by saying this would be a hybrid approach. I think there should be MINIMAL government involvement after initiation and let a fair marketplace develop within the following framework. I will also add that this is not me trying to shit on poor people or rich people and I am not one who has just lived the blessed life I have now. I was a broke down alcoholic who blamed everyone else for not respecting a national hero such as myself and giving me free shit. It was so bad and I was so entitled that I drank myself into a wallowing pit of misery, entitlement, alcoholism, and homelessness. Not homeless like living with my parents, homelessness like sleeping in the band shell at Wright Park, and stealing food from Applebees every night before 11 but after 8 or else the manager would call the cops. This is not for pity, this is so you dont get on your soapbox and say, "Well you and your Dr.Wife" as though we have never felt the crushing isolation of despair and desperation. I have been there so before you accuse me of being just lucky enough to be wealthy know this. 


    1.) Eliminate medical coding. The coding system we have is time consuming, massively inefficient, and adds to administrative costs that account for 25% of all medical expenses. now I would understand if they were value added but that is simply not the case. There are codes for people who get burns inflicted from water skis bursting into flames. This is no bullshit that is actually a medical billing code. this is a pedantic process that needs to be done away with. I can see codes for incisions, contusions, trauma, and so on and another code for where they are on the body but that is all it would really need to be. This would save us billions annually, and the job could be done by nurses better, more efficiently, and with better details. 

    2.) Refine our databases and medical systems.  WE are using technology that is in the 1980's. Can someone tell me why we need a faxed copy of everything? I get the signed orders argument, but then yet again, there is this nifty thing called E-sign. The stats on this alone would save us billions.  Over 60% of physicians in this country rate their communication avenues as poor because there are so many old systems that things will end up on some ladys desk for 3 days at the bottom of a pile meanwhile there is an appointment made nobody knows about but the doctor and the patient which causes latency in billing and insurance billing. There is no reason there can not be a central database cannot be created where a patients chart, medical history, allergies, and preferences are loaded into it. If I can Wikipedia a guy who is famous for playing symbols in India there is no reason that we cannot find a better way to collate data into useful information that can be pulled up by everyone in under a few seconds. This just makes no sense to not do. Add into that that every one doctor has about 4 support staff to handle the 20,000 document per year average for a physician. This is the equivalent of paying two doctors. This makes no sense, and is an unnecessary expense for these jobs. 30% of all tests are reordered because nobody can find the results. That means every year  30% of test costs are for nothing. That alone would also save us an estimated 250 billion per year. As a little parting note on this point 86% of mistakes made in this country in regards to healthcare are administrative. Is there a reason we have not done this yet? Absolutely. 

    3.) Abolish networks. There is no more in network and out of network. Your insurance covers wherever you go. There is no more,

    "Got to Multicare"

    "I cant because Franciscan is in Network" 

    "Well you can get a referral" 

    65% of the time in this country you have to go to a referred out of network provider so insurance picks it up as a higher cost because the hospital does not do business with that particular insurance network. This costs a hospital 971K per year per physician. Think about that. And who are they passing the costs too. Yep you.  This is a massive problem.  This helps insurance companies as well because they no longer have to pay higher costs for not being in a network. Hospitals will again serve their community not their network. 

    4.) Tort reform. Have you ever gone to a hospital for a runny nose and then you get a bill with 2 EKG's, 7 Ultrasounds, 2 X-rays, and an anal probe? And you are wondering why you have $50, 000 dollars worth of medical expenses for a runny nose? Its because do nothing bitch douchebags are waiting to sue a doctor because their mal practice insurance will cover it. Doctors run unnecessary tests just to make 100% certain that runny nose isn't ragged red fiber disease because you will come back and sue them. There are times doctors need to be held liable but the overwhelming amount are bullshit. If you go to a doctor you must realize that they are people who make mistakes too. You should not be able to sue them because they didn't see a genetic disorder when you came in for your check up that they didn't get the results of because of number 2. This drives up the cost of insurance for doctors who then negotiate their rates with hospitals to get raises to cover this expense. Which they then pass back on to every one else. Its stupid and often times unnecessary, but thanks to the stupid bitch at McDonalds here we are. 

    5.) Eliminate patents on medications after 10 years. So how the medical industry works with "Big Pharma" is that they can hold onto a patent almost indefinitely by doing some shady shit. So if they have a drug that they think is a winner they are going to get a 20 year patent. Then there are extensions they can get that range anywhere from 6 months to seven years. Then when the patent comes up they are going to say that the 30 mg single pill dosage you have been getting for 10 years is now 3 10mg pills because they have changed the method of delivery because they reformulated it and then BOOM another 20 years. It happens often which is why we now know "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli because Daraprim was under patent and he raised prices enormously. This is where capitalism is awesome. If we tell pharmaceutical companies you have 10 years after you bring a product to market to recoup those costs, then it is open source knowledge. What happens? Ten years and one day later 600 companies are waiting to add this drug to their arsenal with price being the only differentiating factor which will drive down the prices of pharmaceuticals. This is a great example of the market economy doing what it is supposed to.

    6.)  Eliminate shareholders from medicine. Take all the money from the saving above and replace that money from shareholders with the money already in the system with government grants. These grants will already be funded form above. if all of those saving where to happen there would be an estimated $500 billion for research on an annual basis which would keep American at the forefront of technology as we currently are. Right now research companies and Big Pharma are beholden to the shareholders and the stakeholders because they are the ones that keep the lights burning. If you replace that with the government along with the other changes mentioned there is more than enough money to keep innovation alive. 

    7.)  Replace hospital CEO's with boards of medicine. A hospital Ceo really does nothing that can be done better by a board of doctors and considering they make millions in salary they are no value added and they are getting paid for something a board and an accountant could do just as well. IT really is a pretty useless position. 


    If you did these things you could revolutionize medicine in this country and make access and affordability to healthcare something that is attainable for everyone. There is enough money from making it run more efficiently and saving the government ER visits and current inefficient medicare insurance that you could afford to keep everyone happy.  And not a damn one of these raise your taxes, but that is not what people want to hear. We must take from the rich and yadda yadda because I am a woke liberal and will not do my own research. The only way this is possible is taking from the rich and lowering standards of care of those with private insurance. That is what healthcare would look like if I had my druthers about it. Way better than the bullshit anybody on that podium is spouting. Every wonder why we dont hear about this, because they are all bought in one way or another. NOT A SINGLE DOLLAR would be taken from the middle class, or any class. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, BJORN said:

    Primaries are ridiculous. Pushes parties to the extremes because candidates want to stand out and get the hardcore votes needed to win the primary. Ends up being all pie in the sky bullshit, race baiting/pandering, and fear mongering. They (dems) literally just have to put out someone that'll draw moderates and they win, easily.  

     This is the thing I don't understand. They spend so much time going for the hardcore extreme liberal, which are far less in number than moderates. And yet they pander to those votes, I just don't understand it from a strategic standpoint. That is one of the things I love about tulsi's campaign, is she is all for medicare, but she doesn't want to abolish private insurance which is something moderates are all for. I just don't understand why they do that, if they lose they literally have nothing to blame a set for their own incompetence. Literally when you look at a moderate liberal agenda, there isn't a whole lot of selling that has to be done. It's a really good system, they just refuse to get on board with it.

  5. Whenever the 1st extension end is irrelevant to so long as its reasonable. Is common United 5, 7 , 10, 15 whatever the case may be, just as long as they end at some point. After  That everyone has access to the formula.

     That right there would go a long way in making health care far more affordable, and accessible. And yet, for some reason no one is talking about it.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    I did not, I think you edited it in after I saw your post. I am thinking of the extension most people get when the drug gets approved for medical usage- which is generally 7 years- not the original patent.

    And I actually would not support lowering the original patent- at least in this current environment- to 10 for this reason: Most of the time it takes more than 10 years to get a drug approved. For example Carvedilol was discovered in 1978 and only medically approved in the US in 1995. The 20 year patent is given when the drug is discovered and the patent applied for- so in this case 1978. Generally speaking, they then give a 7 year extension when the drug hits the market, if it has been a large amount of time, otherwise you would do all the work and then someone else would just make a generic. Had they not given Carvedilol an extension, the patent would only have protected Coreg- the brand name- for 3 years. 

    Possibly we could do a different way, where we give them 7 years after the drug hits the market- which is generally granted via an extension, but this extension is on top of whatever time is left on the patent- and thus you wouldn't punish people for the FDA moving so damn slow.

    I did edit it. That said there is a new use extension for that purpose. And they can just reformulate the  Dosage, or the method of ingestion and boom, another 20 years.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    Drugs that treat rare diseases oftentimes don't have generics, but the reason is not evil or price-gouging, its capitalism- there aren't enough people that need that specific type of drug in order for someone to make a generic and turn a profit. In other words, the patent has expired, but no one has yet made a generic. Insulin is a common need for Americans, and it would absolutely have one by now if this shit wasn't done.

    MDMA? Ecstasy? As far as I am aware, there is no medical benefit to MDMA. There's an ongoing study seeing if it helps with PTSD, but that's it. So it never went to market at all, so the patent never really was activated, and eventually lapsed due to non-usage. Had it gone to market, the 7 years would have kicked in there.

    Did you read that article I linked. It was a law firm stating it was 20 years which is what I always thought it was 

  8. Precisely and you dont need to raise taxes to fix that which is actually already being fixed. I'll leave with a nugget to ponder until I can sit at a computer. What if we limited medical patents to 10 years. Imagine if you couldn't renew a patent on your technology after ten years so you can gouge for a decade after that the secret is out and everyone can copy it. Capitalism in a true form and no taxes raised and making medicine dirt cheap.

     You guys remember when high definition flat screen T.V.'s were $4000 or $5000?  The technology became widespread and available and now you can pick one up for under 500 bucks. Imagine what would happen if the next life saving medication were produced come and we gave them 10 years to recoup the cost of development, and then said nobody gets to renew the patent, this is in the public domain. Now all of the sudden 600 companies are making the same thing common and only divider between who's gonna make the sale and who's not as who can sell it at the lowest price. You take away these companies patents common you take away their power. And you don't have to take $1 from anyone.


     That is why this situation irritates me so badly. All that happens is you hear people like Bernie get on TV and blow via about how we have to take away from the rich. The truth is we don't have to take a dollar away from anyone. We just have to be smarter about how we do things, which is obviously something that our lawmakers have no interest in.  Bernie's a lifelong politician, who fell ass backwards into the one of  The most heinous professions in the country, and yet he wants to take away money from people who went to school for over 16 years commenter far more qualified to do their job than he ever will be to do his. I don't see him talking about cutting Congress salary? I don't see him talking about all the bureaucratic handwringing that goes on there that screws the everyday common man, because he knows hes just as complicit in that is anyone else.

     That's what these politicians do common that gets me so discouraged when I see my fellow Americans fall for it. They give you these craps solutions common they make you choose from the worst one. Or at least they make you choose the best of the worst. I just laid out 2 things, and I've got like 7 more and we couldn't have the greatest technology, the greatest access, or at least far superior to what we have now and can rival anybody on the planet, but yet we don't hear any of our lawmakers talking about this because everyone's bought and paid for, even Saint Bernie.

  9. 6 hours ago, seanbrock said:

    I missed the part about pharma price gouging last night lol. Dawg, pharma gets millions upon millions given to them for their research by both the government AND the private sector. What in the actual fuck are you talking about? How long has insulin been a thing? They still paying for the research for that?? ??

     So,  I don't know if you understand how this works.  That's that before you start let's clear up a few misconceptions I think you have.


     Number 1. I definitely believe that medications have exorbitant prices, I would go so far as to say that it is unfair prices. On this we do not disagree.


    Number 2. We are speaking in relative terms. What I mean by that, is what is outrageous 2 one person May not necessarily be outrageous 2 another. If we are generally speaking here, which I do believe we are speaking in generalities I think you need to be far more educated on how these things come to market, before we can say the prices are insane, at least insane and a relative term.

     Number 3. Just because I recognize there is a problem, it is not put the onus on me to figure it out. Likewise, when something is a terrible plan, and I can see the plan is bad, just because I have not devoted my life to coming up with a better one does not mean that there is not one.  That said for your entertainment, I am certain I have a better one, and I will reveal this to the TGP masses when I am on a computer, and talk to text won't make me look like a fool.

    With those out of the way, here we go here in insulin has been around for a long time, no argument from me.  That being said pama generally speaking how the pharmaceutical industry works, is that they take Their biggest sellers, which are generally life saving medications, and they bill the hospital at an exorbitant price, who then passes it on to the consumer, who was covered by the original insurance. This is not done just so pharma can make a buck, however, to act like that is not a motive would be naive. If they have a big seller, even if it is 60 years old, they are going to continue to sell those at high prices so that way they can continue to fund research and development for new products. It is intelligent business. You're not going to put billions of dollars into research for a product that is not going to Pan out, and hope that it does so you can pay for your research. That's how you end up bankrupt, what you're going to do is take your big sellers comic continue to have a high mark up, and pay for your research that way so that way if the drug does not Pan out, you lose nothing but research and development. They are using drugs that they know work like insulin to fund the drugs that may not work. Now obviously they could lower prices and make it more affordable for everyone.  That said just screaming that they charge too much without knowing how these things happen Is pretty baseless.

    I have rained down hell on Pharma bro and I'm pretty sure I have even said so on here a few times. Price gouging just to do it is a problem that again has a solution...and get this you dont have to raise taxes. I am all for a fair price, but the price of innovation can be high.

    We have problems sure, but acting like Medicare for all and single payer would fix it is crazy. Medicare for all would make it worse in much the same way the military overpays for a hammer.

    There is a much simpler way to let the market make it better but let's not do that. It is the bougesie class, those filthy people who made a good life for themselves...their who we need to get to pay for thousands of peoples healthcare while reducing their own standard of care it's a crock of shit.

  10. 1 hour ago, seanbrock said:

    Well I would imagine that between you and your doctor wife, you guys pay enough for a good policy. Your experience is not most others experience. So health care access be based on your income be based on income? Idk lol

    I am assuming here you are saying access shouldn't be based on income. That is true but I shouldn't have to have a reduction in the standard of care for my family either.

  11. 10 minutes ago, seanbrock said:

    So if you don't believe in the war you shouldn't pull out of the war you shouldn't say no to killing people for the profit of billionaires ? Again, let me.point to the fact that Tulsi Gabbard is one of Sanders' biggest allies in Congress and joins him in the candidates most smeared by the media.

    I am assuming you brought up Gabbard because she had the courage to go fight? Not when you are sending someone else to go in your place. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Thanatos said:

    You have good insurance then. A lot of Americans don't. And plenty more could not afford a 2-3k out of pocket medical emergency without some form of bankruptcy. 

    You confuse best care with best tech. Just because technology wise we are at the forefront does not mean that overall our medical care is the best in the world. It means that for the top 5% who can afford that shit, possibly they are all good. The rest of us are part of a system that is designed solely to make those in it more money.

    For example- insulin. We keep giving out patents for incremental improvements to insulin- evidence suggests some of these are being intentionally held back- for the past 50+ years. So the patent keeps being renewed and no one can get ahold of generic insulin, which results in patients paying at least $150/mo WITH insurance a lot of times. 

    Btw, Ngata, every time I reply to one of your posts I have to figure out what on earth you mean with some of your words lol. Normally I can, (I figure you're probably on your phone), but this one has me stumped "the boost else is close." I would think it would be "no one else is close", but not sure how it got to that lol.

    You are correct with me being on my phone. The galaxy S10 is the worst phone for that I have ever had.

     So I understand, that I have probably been more fortunate than others in that regard, that being said it wasn't always the case maybe. I understand what it's like to sit in an emergency Room with crap insurance praying you don't screw yourself.

     When I see news stories, of people in foreign countries who are doing everything they can to come over the United States, because this is their last hope of saving their child, that carries a lot of weight with me. Now I understand not everybody is going to have access to this, but I also don't think passing taxes down to the middle class, which is how I think this would play out, only to have less profit based incentives for medical innovation is in a very big win.

     I think another thing people forget when they accuse big pharmaceutical companies of price gouging, is that all of the research, development, testing, and bureaucracy that it took to bring that medicine to market was extremely expensive and they weren't turning a dime from it, because they couldn't sell it. So yes they price gouge a large amount of their drugs so that way they can recoup the costs of all the research, so I think that is something we should be considering. Now would it be nice to have these things cheaper site it would, but I think this is one of the necessary evils you pay for innovation.

     As to  Medications I think this is an interesting topic. Because in your insulin example, pharmaceutical companies are getting accused of not bringing enough to market so that way they can manipulate laws of supply and demand, but on the flip side they were overprescribing the more expensive heroin, the one they make all the profit off of that, that said when you look at the amount of profit they make off with insulin versus heroin, due the manufacturing processes the differential price / profit margin on both are not very great, both could be a cash cow,  So why would they only choose to make profit off of one? I think this is just more of a function of hearing anecdotal evidence from a certain study common at not being a widespread pandemic.

     I have much more to say on  this topic, but I will wait until I get on my computer,  when I don't have to edit as much.

    I will say we need some change to this process of insurance,  but I think Medicare for all is a REALLY bad idea, at least the on Bernie wants.

    • Like 1

  13. Just now, seanbrock said:

    Wouldn't you say there is a difference between conscientious objection and bone spurs? Especially when the conscientious objectors were proven right by history?

    No, not in the slightest. Here is why because they both did the same thing. In a draft situation when you object, flee, or get a bullshit medical DQ, you send another poor bastard to go in your place. The end result is the same.

  14. 1 hour ago, seanbrock said:

    I don't even know what to say lol. Bernie is a coward? Dude was getting arrested for fighting for civil rights in the 60's. He was fighting for gay rights in the 80's. He's been running as an independent for decades. He get slammed by media on a daily basis for the last 4 years. What are your talking about? Sanders has been saying the same shit for decades. He's endured smears of varying degrees for decades. Again, the DNC hates h, the GOP hates him, the media hates him and nothing has changed. Please explain lol.

    If you dont see it you won't man.  Here is what I see.  When those black girls got on stage and went full ratchet and he just sat there stammering and pissing down his leg.  The DNC screws him and instead of standing up for himself he ho hums his way into endorsing the person who screwed him, he's a draft Dodger (that alone should disqualify you, but Bush Jr and Bonespurs proves people dont care), he let everyone at every debate talk over him and fart in his mouth. Dude is a straight pussy to me.


    Oh and being courageous when you number in the thousands in a country who hasn't committed a genocide since the tail of tears is far from courageous. 

    Just one mans opinion.

  15. 33 minutes ago, seanbrock said:

    Tulsi Gabbard supports medicare for all guys... In fact she supports Sanders' medicare for all bill. Actually, Tulsi Gabbard is Bernie Sanders biggest supporter. She fought for him when he wouldn't even fight for himself. A lot of the things Sanders is preaching, Tulsi is going to bring to Washington. 

    Honestly, this is speculation but I'm not even sure Tulsi would challenge Sanders if he hadn't bent the knee to the DNC and the Clinton's.

     OK, so I disagree with her on one issue I still think she's the best candidate I really don't think it's close. I have and I think she's an intelligent calm articulate, well spoken person who has a grasp on what this country needs both internally and externally.


    I think Bernie is a pussie ass broke down Communist reject, who is more idealistic than intelligent. I think hes a coward, and he has absolutely no backbone which is somebody I would not want to represent me as the leader of our country. Especially when it comes to Foreign Affairs. If you would bend the knee to somebody who amounts to nothing more than a postmenopausal, presidential elect reject, that absolutely everybody in this country hates (Hillary)  . There is no way you should deal with world leaders, if you cannot stand up to what amounts to 5th grade bully tactics.

     I guess really the one thing I cannot stand about Bernie more than anything is what a utterly gutless coward he is.  Short of some crimes, the one thing that I absolutely cannot deal with more than anything is a coward. The with a liar better than a coward come I to me if you're coward you don't deserve to hold any sort of political office or a steam for that matter. You're pretty much useless on every level Bernie is that guy

  16. 2 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    You're misreading me here. I'm saying 95% of insurance companies try to fuck you over- as in try to figure out a way not to pay for your medical bill, whatever that might be.

    It's not because we pay like 1000% more for it. Those prices are literally made up by the hospitals and the insurance companies. And even if your statement is true (it's not), is it worth it to pay ridiculously jacked up prices for medical care that is just slightly better? (As a general rule here.) For example, just ask Sarge how much his back surgery cost him in Columbia versus what it would have cost him in the US- and why.

    It is absolutely true. Even as recently as a week ago we proved with the first ever CRISPR treatment anywhere in the world and the boost else is close.

    Slightly better is relative. If US doctors and research labs cure sickle cell is that a slight thing. I had a broken neck and my share was less than 3k. My son broke is collarbone 6 months ago. It costs nothing.  Preventive care for mmt wise is 0. Maybe it is cheaper is in Colombia,  but I would take the innovative technology in the US versus anywhere else. 

    And I would say it is more important as well because what I'd it's your kid.  You pay anything.  So put me in the place he has access to that. 

  17. Not to mention the stats on medical bankruptcies the far left uses were written by warren and have been ABSOLUTELY SHREDDED because she did horrid, dog shit research. She called a bankruptcy any time someone missed work or had more than 1000 in medical debt ON TOP OF THAT She tacked that to the whole household so now instead of using her shitty criteria to say one person is bankrupt she can say the 6 year old that lives with them as well. Dishonest cunt.

    And I can tell you through my wife who is a surgeon they are not taking pay cuts. Why would they? They spent more than a decade and two for some acquiring almost or in the millions for a medical doctorate. They won't allow it. Wait until people go to hospitals and no doctor will work for half their salary. Tulsi is one of the few candidates who has plans for the economy that dont include" RAISE ALL THE TAXES AND GIVE AWAY ALL THE THINGS." To try to sway the stupid, entitled millenial.

    • Like 1

  18. 2 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    I'm not sure if yall haven't read Bernie's actual plan or what, but he has laid out exactly how he's going to pay for everything. You can say you don't want it to happen because of increased taxes, but arguing that it will decimate the middle class is hyperbole. Every other civilized country in the world has a less expensive healthcare system than the US, we have plenty of money to make Medicare for All happen. Yes you're gonna pay more taxes, but if you get a medical emergency you won't go bankrupt or have to hope your insurance will cover it and not try to fuck you over as 95% of them do. 

    Saying 95% of medical emergencies bankrupt you is hyperbole. Also there is a reason we have the best medical resources and technology in the world.

  19. 1 hour ago, DalaiLama4Ever said:

    She isn't the ONLY one, but facts get you to poll at 1-2% typically ha. People don't like hearing facts (at least, that's what they tell us). I think that's more the media thinking everyone is stupid.

    I don't want to hear a senseless idealogue attack someone else based on vague ideologies and identity politics, " You're a socialist ", " You're just listing off GOP talking point", etc etc... What I do want to hear are those facts. Tell me not only what you want to do but how you are going to do it. It's why Bernie fumbles every single time they ask him how he is paying for his programs... It's easy to sit up there and scream " free Healthcare, free college, guaranteed jobs for everyone " etc... That's (mostly) easy stuff to blindly believe in. But you start losing people when you tell them to achieve those your plan calls for the decimation of the middle class. 

    That's where you pique my interest. I want to hear those facts, facts about your opponents record that are shady. Separate yourself but do it the right way and that's what Tulsi is doing. I like it because on twitter for example... every post Kamala has made since the debate are people questioning her record now -- and they should. She still hasn't been able to defend it. I am sure she will be better prepared next time.

     I agree. Especially about Bernie. Him and his followers are so fucking unrealistic it boggles the mind.

    The brilliance if that move by Tulsi isbyou cant defend it and if you do you look worse. Kamala is sunk for the person if average intelligence. You will always have your SJW chode who says," you dont like her because she is a black woman." That said, minority privelege can only carry a person so far.

  20. That is what I am saying. I think idea for idea she absolutely murders every candidate in the field including St. Bernie and Warren. She is the only one who is stating facts on the stage. Actual facts, not Kamala Harris ones.

    I will take your route with the democratic party. Until they stop being a corrupt morally bankrupt pile of shit I will vote for the most far right douchebag that the Democrats hate the most. This time it will be trump next time I'm praying its Santorum because if he bans porn there might be enough of an uprising to where the Democrats stop being mindless identitarian douchebags. I fucking LOATHE the Democratic party 

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