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  1. 2 points
    I think he assumes that a lot of poorer people, (speaking as one myself), have medical conditions that they either A) pay out of pocket for or B) are simply not getting checked out due to price. I'm in camp B, to be sure, so while I think I would pay about $200 more overall, M4A is also about having peace of mind that if something big does happen I'm not utterly fucked like I would be at the moment. It also doesn't tie my insurance to my job, as it is at the moment, which makes it even harder to find another job if necessary. Health insurance is a damn racket. Ever since I figured out how to look up the actual cost of the drug versus what the insurance charges, (I work in pharmacy, I can access that information easily enough) my mind is blown on a daily basis.
  2. 1 point
    I agree. And those people should be helped. But fucking over low middle class people who are just getting by isn't the answer to helping those people. But there should also be a level of freedom of choice to it. Pass Madicare For All Who Want It.. You opt in, you get the security you want for extra money that doesn't break your situation. Someone like me... maybe I want to roll around a little risky for a few years betting on myself and my health. Maybe that changes down the road and I want to opt in... At least I have that choice, instead of taking it away from me and adding even more insane income tax on top of it. Plus, it will probably end up costing more anyway... When Bernie was pitching this last election I am pretty sure the his percent increase on poor people like 2% or slightly more... Now it's 4. He's gonna get elected and it's probably gonna be 8% because the government is inept. I like most of Bernie's ideas. I like that he is fighting the fight. I feel like he genuinely wants to help people. I just think his execution... blows. Like badly. You kind of started down this path a few posts ago... but why do we need to add a new 4% income tax? Why is THAT the only way any of these politicians know how to get money out of people. More specifically to your post... Why can't we cut defense spending. End these ridiculous regime change wars, stop being the world police... Shift that money to our communities, to UHC, to education. Why can't we take a portion of already existing income tax and just shift that to a UHC plan (yes, I realize this requires cuts elsewhere)? Why can't we put a VAT on non-essential goods ...? I am totally fine with(relatively) Apple shitting on humanity and raising their prices in US markets because they are off setting VAT... Why? Because that brand new iPhone is bullshit anyway and it gives me a CHOICE. It gives and allows me freedom to choose. If I or you want to make sure we get that brand new model iPhone and feel like it's worth the extra $200... fine. Do it. If you don't... wait a year.. get a different brand of phone, etc etc. Bernie says his plan is what like... $30 trillion over a decade? I think Warren's is $20 trillion... A VAT at half the EU rate would bring in almost a trillion per year, roughly 30% of Bernie's price tag. Bernie's 5,000,000 different "options" to pay for UHC only total 17 trillion and I pulled 10 out of my ass in under 60 seconds (thanks Andrew). I don't know what just the % of his revenue generated by the tax increases would be on the 4% or whatever but that needs to change and needs to be removed from his bill. Or just increase the cap which is what.. like 30k right now? Make it 100k... Or.. how about fucking THIS. BRAIN BLAST. Eliminate the tax increase for everyone but the exact people Bernie yells at everytime he hits the stage. BILLIONAIRES! Include all the millionaires too. While it's great that people like you and me want to help... We shouldn't be footing this bill. Absolutely not. At least not in the form of mandatory income tax.
  3. 1 point
    Yeah it’s just weird to me. As I’ve mentioned before. I’m not against a single payer system in essence. I have been very fortunate thus far in my life when it comes to health (knock on wood). I am all for the common good, and helping each other out. It just feels like with all of the Bernie Banter and rhetoric that I shouldn’t be on the chopping block. It just doesn’t connect with me that he rails so hard against billionaires but never once mentions how people like me are going to be impacted wayyyy more. Even though the millionaires and billionaires are going to be paying way more than me in totality, I guarantee that I “feel” it more. That’s a shitty feeling.
  4. 1 point
    I never realized how good Bernie was at the political double speak until last night when he was getting attacked. Whenever someone asks him how he plans to pay for his plan, he changes the subject and if they ask him again he just changes the usbject and starts literally yelling. It's very unappealing. And all those guys do that up there, I know that. But I just never really noticed it as strongly with Bernie before. And I am with Stevo... Even though I am single, my plan is very decent. My premiums are good and they cover a lot of the things I just need personally. Now, obviously I don't have any chronic or ongoing illnesses, and that's great. But Bernie's plan means I am sacrificing my financial stability to help his plan get off the ground. I am all for the common good, but damn... where am I coming up with that extra cash to make sure this works? I guess that's my problem, but fuck me. lol