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Favre4Ever last won the day on November 25 2020

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About Favre4Ever

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    Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.
  • Birthday 09/08/1990

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    Iowa State
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  1. Favre4Ever

    Last Poster Wins!

    Times change, but BC doesn't. Once a cunt, always a cunt. (love you tho lmao)
  2. Favre4Ever

    **TGP On Discord**

    As Vin eloquently put it, we've moved (sorta) to Discord. If you ever have a desire to talk to old friends, we're really only a click (or download) away. For those unfamiliar -- discord is a totally free and a great way to keep our little community as together as it can be. Here's an Invite Link: https://discord.gg/JkWAfU3Phm . That link will stay at the top of the shoutbox for as long as the site stays up. Even if you don't want to be very active but just want to pop in every once in a while just like the old days -- come join us and say hi. We hope everyone has been taking care and living their best lives. Much love to all and hope to see and talk to you again!
  3. Come to Discord to talk to all your old friends (check shoutbox for link)

  4. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    The White House is now pressuring Senate Republicans to include a check to Americans in the stimulus bill. Probably smaller than 1200 but it's something.
  5. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Supposedly Yang is gauging interest of voters in New York if he were to run to replace Bill DeBlasio in NY. He's been testing (with voters) running as either a Democrat or an Independent. Daddy Yang is my only hope.
  6. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    LMAO Nancy Pelosi is supporting and trying to push through a 900 B dollar stimulus that has no checks going out to Americans after denying the REPUBLICAN WHITE HOUSES offer of 1.8 TRILLION . Holy fucking shit. This has to be a joke lmao
  7. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Biden picks a Wall Street insider to lead the department of management and budget... Biden looking at Abby Finkenauer for Secretary of Labor. Abby was a one term congresswoman here in Iowa. She won, literally went on a year long media tour talking about how awesome she was. Did nothing the entire time but worship the ground Pelosi walked on...Did the congressional debate against her republican challenger and was made to look like a FOOL. She had very little to no grasp on actual issues or policy. If you didn't know she was a member of congress, you would have never guessed she was. Baffling that she is even being looked at. This could be one of the words cabinets in modern Presidential history.
  8. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Also.. Biden is looking at a lot of fossil fuel guys for climate change positions... for whatever reason. Rep. Cedric Richmond who is expected to fill multiple roles, including liason on climate issues -- This guy is a representative in LA's district known as "cancer alley" for how polluted it is and he's done nothing. It's literally the most polluted congressional district in America... Gas and oil are huge donors of his. John Kerry as Envoy on Climate -- He's at least worked with climate change 'stuff" in the last few years but ... he's very right leaning on a lot of issues. Supports fracking, pollution trading schemes and loopholes, etc. Very old school and dated view on climate change. I guess the US is going to rejoin the climate accord and just give the impression they are going to care about the climate? Ernest Moniz as Secretary of Energy -- he held the same position under Obama IIRC. He isn't officially been placed yet but is on the "very short list". Yet another fossil fuel guy... Dude sits on the board of oil companies, has constantly sided with them on climate legislation and given them loopholes to do as they please with the false appearance of helping the climate. This guy is like 70 years old and his ENTIRE CAREER is built on the fossil fuel industry. His company literally wrote a paper telling California that the best way to reach their energy goals was to continue using fossil fuels lmao. This guy isn't a lock yet, but if he is... Why? Purely based on the people he is surrounding himself with: Biden on Climate: HORRIBLE Biden on Foreign Policy: HORRIBLE Biden on Stabalizing the Economy during Pandemic: HORRIBLE This fucking blows so far. I better get osme Andrew Yang because I can't tell if trump is even leaving office with the names Biden is putting out there.
  9. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Change his rhetoric more. Wish he would've gone after the establishment candidates more than he did. He had a really good ad against Biden but I think they really only ran it once, or like.. one run through of it because the establishment and establishment voters HATED HIM for attacking Biden on his shit record. Then at the debates he was always so friendly.. " My good friend Joe Biden" . Uh no. It's bizarre how you push a certain tone and rhetoric at your rallies then when it comes to the debates and facing the people directly responsible for the issues you want to fix... Call them your friend and talk about how great they are. He has no killer instinct. He talks a big game but doesn't act on it. EDIT: And that's just one more recent example. He literally bent the knee to Hillary in 2016 right. Fine. He lost, probably had it stolen from him.. whatever. But not only does he go around campaigning for her, but then he allows her to talk shit about him for like 4 years. He and his supporters were blamed for Hillary's poor showing, that they didn't do enough, that he wasn't part of the team, etc He says nothing about it. She comes back at him in 2020 says she can't get on board with Bernie very publicly 00 literally trying to ruin his campaign . She coincidentally decided to speak up RIGHT BEFORE voting started during the primaries. He again just let her talk. He's a jelly fish. Spineless except when he isn't up against any visible threat. It's disheartening, unfortunate. Sad. So what could've he done? A lot.
  10. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Forbes: Biden Privately Pushing for Smaller Stimulus Bill *sigh*
  11. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Also, the nations biggest fears have mostly come true... at least early on. Biden's national security team has been appointed and is indeed led by some of the country's most dangerous war criminals in our history. People like Blinken and Michele Flournoy have been involved in every conflict the US has jumped into since around Clinton's administration. As well as been huge cogs in legislation that argue America must be able to constantly fight countless endless wars. It's naive to think they will all of a sudden change, but we can only hope. Hindsight is 20/20, but Trump may just have been better.
  12. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    No it wasn't. His other option was him leading the revolution he promised. lol. Why is that not even remotely considered. This wasn't just a Biden v Trump campaign for years. Biden has only been the nominee since like.. April? Bernie's had 8 years to do something...He's been preaching about this for 8 years... lol. He's a coward, and not a leader. It doesn't just all boil down to the most recent 6 months that you selectively want to look at.
  13. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    It's also subverting democracy when you bend the knee to the establishment. Instead of leading the revolution you promise, you lure your followers into the kiln for slaughter. He's not wrong, but I can't take him seriously on anything. He's a phony. Anyway...
  14. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Good: Biden apparently is looking at Yang for Commerce Secretary or a new technology Secretary Role. Bad: Bernie threw his own name into consideration for Labor Secretary (kind of sad and pathetic after Biden's team said multiple times they don't want him lmao) Ugly: Hillary being considered for Ambassador to the UN.
  15. Favre4Ever

    2020 Democratic Primary Race

    Pfizer says their vaccine is showing 90% efficiency and could be made available before the end of the year.
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