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Bucman last won the day on May 12 2018

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891 All-Time Great

About Bucman

  • Birthday 05/25/1988

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    Ohio State
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  1. The stimulus package is basically the same from what I understand. You still receive the 1200 dollars unless you made over 75k as a single filer. Then it just goes down by the set amount. Still not sure what tax return their basing this off of. What if someone files "married jointly" but the Spouse isn't working. Do both still receive 1200 dollars or is just 1 payment of 1200 for the person who "worked". Seems like a screwed up way to do it if they go with the latter.
  2. I'm not medical professional. But isn't this something that is here to stay now? Like its going to be damn near impossible to completely rid the world of it. Only takes 1 person to have it for it to spread like wildfire again. A vaccine or something may help curb the effects of it. But I don't see how we can rid the world of something so contagious. Not to mention people are complete fucking idiots and won't listen to rules put in place because "This is "Merica ain't no government telling me to stay inside".
  3. Bucman

    Trump Regime thread.

    The both will eventually reach an agreement with a little what each side wants. They both will play heros and try to buy votes. Nothing is new. Same old political BS instead of actually helping people that really need it right now. Sickening we have to keep putting up with this corrupt bs.
  4. Bucman

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Mario cause I suck
  5. Sparty shut your raggedy ass up. Lookin like you pulled up to the scene with your ceiling missin.

  6. Bucman

    Khalil Mack is riding the winds of change

    Raiders got wrecked. No idea why they'd include a 2nd rounder too, one thats likely to be basically a first rounder.
  7. Bucman

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I heard its hella buggy right now. But its pretty glitchy on console too.
  8. Bucman

    2018 Baseball Thread

    I don't get the Pirates trade for Archer at all. I get he has more control than Cole, but they gave up way more for Archer than they got for Cole.
  9. Bucman

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    The Lakers would not beat the current Warriors team, even with Leonard. The Lakers have no consistent outside shooters lol. The Warriors would wreck them easily.
  10. Bucman

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    NBA gonna need to look long and hard at coming up with some rules to stop this madness
  11. Bucman

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

  12. Bucman

    Official Hockey Thread

    Stanley Cup finals baby!!!
  13. Bucman

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    NBA lottery is tonight
  14. Bucman

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    They’re gonna hire the former Hawks coach. The guy who always likes getting swept by Lebron led teams.
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