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AllYouNeedIsLovie last won the day on August 29 2014

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About AllYouNeedIsLovie

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  • Birthday 09/19/1992

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  1. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Week 5 In-Game Predictions

    - OBJ has a huge game on primetime against the Packers - Terrelle Pryor has a passing TD and rushing or receiving TD against the Patriots - Desean Jackson torches the Ravens secondary
  2. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Bware's Quarter Mark Power Rankings

    I think the Cardinals are a little too low. I know they haven't looked great and are 1-3, but I think they will turn it around. There is too much talent on that team and Arians is a good coach who will get them rolling. I also think the Raiders are too high. I don't see them being any better than the Texans this year who both of you have way below them.
  3. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Panic button or relax?

    Colts are definitely a panic for me. Their roster is terrible other than a few players.
  4. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Giants @ Vikings

    Still amazes me it took so long for Zimmer to get a HC job. The guy just continues to win despite injuries to 2 of his biggest offensive pieces.
  5. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Fools Gold

    A team that beat the Jags and Browns by a combined 7 points is a top team in the NFL? I'm not buying that. Definitely not buying that they have an elite defense either. Carr is playing well right now, but again, look at his opponents and their defenses. I want to see how he fares against a good defense before I say that he can carry them into the playoffs.
  6. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Your Team's Biggest Busts

    Dexter Jackson ASJ Robert Aguoyo
  7. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Panic button or relax?

    I agree that the Cardinals should start panicking. They dropped 2 very winnable games against the Bills and Rams and have a tough stretch coming up. I'm not sure what's wrong with their offense, but they've looked a little out of sync this year other than against the Bucs who everyone has torched. How about the Jets?
  8. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Fools Gold

    They have some talent, but it hasn't shown on the field yet. 27+ points allowed in 3 of their 4 games. I'll need to see them perform at a high level before I buy it.
  9. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Fools Gold

    Ravens and Raiders both came to my mind immediately. Both have had very easy schedules and have barely beaten some bad teams. To go into more detail, I think the Raiders will be in a lot of shootouts due to their bad defense, and I don't think their offense is ready to win the shootouts against the better teams. For the Ravens, their pass D is atrocious and they just don't have the firepower on offense to keep up.
  10. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Giants @ Vikings

    Give me the Vikings tonight. Their defense has been playing at an elite level, and I think they will force Eli into making some mistakes.
  11. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Who stays undefeated the longest?

    Broncos. That defense is just nasty, and their offense is doing enough. Their upcoming schedule also isn't too difficult.
  12. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Buccaneers 2015 Season thread

    I think the fact that we only have 3 days to prepare and game plan while the Browns had 8 or 9 played a reason in why we looked so bad on Saturday. The Browns were constantly throwing blitzes at us and the o-line was obviously not prepared for them. Winston obviously didn't look good and made poor decisions when pressured, but that's gonna happen with a rookie QB. The defense started off poorly with that first drive but then had 5 straight 3 and outs. It was disappointing to see the Browns drive down their throats again to start off the second half, but I think there is definite improvement on that side of the ball from last year. The fact of the matter is we're not as good as we played against Cincy, and we're not as bad as we played against the Browns. This is a young team that is going to go through a lot of growing pains this year. There are going to be some flashes of brilliance and some moments (probably a good amount for the offense) where we're just going to be shaking our heads. Like BucD said, this is a 2-14 team, and also a very young team. We have 2 rookies starting on our o-line, a rookie QB and half of our starting defense is 25 or younger. As long as the team improves throughout the season and continues to make progress, I will be happy. By some of the reactions you see by Bucs fans, I really don't understand what people were expecting. I guess some people bought too much into the Winston hype.
  13. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Buccaneers 2015 Season thread

    Trenches will hold the team back this year. I don't have faith in the o-line at all and Warhop is one of the worst coaches in the league. Can't believe he's still around after last year's mess. Just gotta hope that they don't Jameis killed which I'm very worried about with Dotson probably missing the first few games. Hopefully we bring in Cherlius and he can be a respectable starter. D-line isn't as bad as the o-line but we have no outside rush. Unless Jacquies Smith plays like he does the second half of last year or George Johnson breaks out, we're in big trouble. Hopefully Lovie and Frazier can get creative with the line and move some of our DT's around. We're loaded there with McCoy, McDonald, Melton and McDaniel. Pretty sad that I have more faith in our interior guys getting pressure than I do with our ends. With that being said, a lot of young guys are gonna be getting playing time and I'm interested to see who can step up in the next few weeks and throughout the season. Kwon Alexander sounds like he could have been a big steal for us in the 4th and watching the rookies on the o-line will definitely be interesting. Also excited to see if guys like McDougald, ASJ and Edwards/Pamphile can earn their starting roles on this team. Anyways, I think we're still another year or two away from competing for the playoffs. Just gotta draft a lot in the trenches the next two drafts and I think we'll really be in the business.
  14. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    No Holds Barred Applications

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  15. AllYouNeedIsLovie

    Bounceback Candidates 2015

    I expect Victor Cruz to have a big season. Everyone is focused on OBJ because of him stepping in last year for Cruz, but he can still ball. Didn't even realize the Chargers picked up Stevie Johnson. Definitely see a good year coming for him.
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