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Posts posted by seanbrock

  1. Just catching up on my superhero flicks. Avengers Endgame was good. Gonna be really hard for any movie to top that final battle. They did a really good job of giving all those characters their moment while also not shitting on the villain. 

    Also just saw Shazam and did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Really hope that DC can keep up with stuff like this. I thought Wonder Woman and Aquaman were pretty good too but man get someone better to do the Justice League movies.

  2. Well supporting an anti-BDS resolution to me is antithetical to her position as an anti-war candidate and it makes me question her integrity. Also, like I said. This isn't a single issue to me either. Israel violates civil/human rights of Palestinians and to sign onto a resolution condemning the boycotting of an apartheid state is just absolutely fucking disgusting. If we don't have free speech, we don't have anything. We don't have democracy anymore. That's a big deal to me.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Omerta said:

    Yeah we will have to agree to disagree. Sure we listen but its not like they are trying to rig a primary here. 


    And they are indeed our friend, one of the few we have. Just because Omar and Talib doesn't like it does not mean it's true. And your definitely over dramatizing it. Iran is a nobody militarily. Them and their allies would get monkey stomped.

    I have been consistent on this issue long before Talib and Omar were elected lol.  Also, even if going to war with Iran doesn't result in WWIII we're still going to be spending trillions murdering innocent people instead of fixing the numerous issues that we have in our own fucking country. How about we get everyone health care instead of murdering people for the MIC and fossil fuel companies to profit?


    Just wanted to add that

  4. 25 minutes ago, Omerta said:

    So you're a single issue voter?  This really does nothing. And Israel didn't have power they're just a very close ally,  as they should be.

    Political corruption is a big issue for me and singing onto an AIPAC resolution is just an absolute non starter for me. Also, you're smoking crack if you don't think the Israeli lobby has power in this country. There are people being forced to sign anti-BDS pledges as a condition of employment for teaching jobs in Texas and we're not talking about private schools. We're talking tax funded public schools. The fact that there's even talk about curbing free speech rights to protect Israel's economy should be all you need to know that Israel has way too much power. 

    Israel is trying to get us into war with Iran. Adleson gave Trump hundreds of millions of dollars to put us at the brink of WWIII. They have a lot of Democrats and media organizations in their pocket too. Israel is NOT our friend.

    I also don't view this as a single issue. It's about corruption and money in politics but it's also about human rights and democracy. Israel is an evil apartheid state. End of story.

  5. What I like about the Brown's off season is yes, they made some splash moves but they also made a couple heady veteran pick ups for their defensive line and Myles Garrett already looks like a beast.

    I think the Colts should be on here too. Ballard is one of the best GM's out there. The Colts had a lot of cap space but made smart moves. I like Funchess as a possession WR with Hilton and Campbell stretching the field and if Justin Houston is healthy he's going to bring a lot of pass rush to that team. 

  6. 12 hours ago, Zack_of_Steel said:


    I think they're crooks, too, but this just doesn't seem in keeping with the tone of their bullshit.

    Yes it does lol. Donna Brazile and CNN gave Hill-dogg debate questions ahead of a debate in 2016. Why do we keep giving people who have lied over and over the benefit of the doubt? They were pulling this shit, literally one election cycle ago and all the leadership is the same. There were no consequences and nobody was charged with any crimes. We see the exact same thing with the wall street bankers. No consequences for 2008 so back to business as usual.

  7. 2 hours ago, Zack_of_Steel said:

    Sean, the answer to that one is someone got hot fingers and sent out the email they were making ahead of schedule. They weren't going to wait until 8pm to write the email. Yeah, it's a fuckup, but it's the same thing as the NFL putting up graphics of teams before they've won their playoff games.

    I would have a much easier time believing that had it not been for the shenanigans they pulled in 2016. I don't give the DNC an ounce of respect, credibility, or trust. They're proven liars and thieves. 

    • Downvote 1

  8. @DalaiLama4Ever They pollsters are rigging their sampling towards older voters right now. They ask shit to Bernie & Tulsi like "Why do you hate America?" On the debate stage and the rest of the field gets soft balls like "How will you stand up to Trump?" Obviously I just made those examples up but you get my point. We haven't had any primaries yet but that call in voting thing is pretty suspicious to me and I'm fully expected them to remove voters from registration in the closed primary states and just flat out throw out votes like they did in 2016

    Oh and I saw that this morning. Lol Wonder if that's the only thing Warren got in advance...

  9. 22 hours ago, Thanatos said:

    Lmao @ the idea that Bernie is just so good everyone has to rig everything against him.

    Seriously need to get off your conspiracy sites man.

    There's proof that things are being rigged against Bernie lol. It's not a conspiracy "theory", it's a fact. We just don't know exactly how pervasive it is. As for the polls, we know that it's been proven that polls are being sampled from audiences that are biased against Sanders. I literally just posted that. Tulsi Gabbard, Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren have all been on record saying Bernie was cheated in 2016. Gabbard and Brazile were both very high up in the DNC, confirming btw what WikiLeaks had already proven.

  10. Grizzlies won't do it because they just traded Mike Conley. Kings have Fox already but the Bulls would actually kind of make sense. CP3 on the Bulls puts them in the playoffs for sure and ahead of teams like Miami, Orlando & Detroit. Hell, I think they could even give Boston a run. I think LaVine, CP3 and Markkanen or however you spell it could be potent offensively. Wendell Carter is a solid player too. Idk if I have them winning the East with that squad but all of the sudden you like Dunn a lot more as a role player behind CP3 too. Idk what the details of that kind of trade look like but it makes sense for both teams to me.

    • Upvote 1

  11. 5 minutes ago, Omerta said:

    Yeah I dont think they do. I think most people are so party centric they could care less unless there is a way to use it to show their party is totally better and whatnot. 

    Idk man, I know every conservative minded person that I've met supports first responders and Jon Stewart has always been pretty liberal and he's bringing a lot of Democrats to the party on this issue. I think where the party centric thing comes into play is when it comes to pointing fingers as to who is responsible for this. I think if you asked 100 random people a very high percentage would be outraged.

    • Upvote 1

  12. On 7/16/2019 at 1:34 PM, Thanatos said:

    So all the pollsters are in on it too?

    Which is more likely: All the polls are being rigged by the Democrats, or people are stupid and will support Joe Biden over someone who will actually bring some much needed change. Occam's Razor, dude.

    Voting third party is not an option, IMO, you are helping to give the SC to the GOP for the foreseeable future. We do our best to get a progressive nominated, but if I have to vote for Biden to get Trump out of office, so be it. The long-term implications of this election- the census and the SC- are too damn important to this country. Allowing the GOP to remain in power for four more years is unconscionable.

    At least vote Democrat for your Senators and reps up for re-election, even if you wont support some of them against Trump.

    Why is it crazy to think the pollsters are in on it? Bernie Sanders has the biggest grass roots campaign in the history of the country. Think about that. Every single democratic presidential campaign is either some bastardized version of Sanders' platform or they're running to oppose his platform of democratic socialism. Bernie Sanders has pretty much single handedly changed the conversation on a lot  of issues like health care, minimum wage, student loan debt and more. They've been smearing the man 24/7 for 3 years for a reason lol. They've been scrambling trying to throw their weight behind like 5 candidates and haven't found one that would legitimately challenge him and they're all falling flat on their face. Say what you want about Sanders but him and Trump are the most popular political figures in the country and the only one that comes close is AOC who wouldn't even be in Congress if it weren't for Bernie Sanders. 




    You're nuts if you think it's only CNN rigging polls. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Omerta said:

    Unfortunately lip service is all that people who serve this country in any capacity will get. That is what fucks up so many people, is to realize the country that "loves you" could really care less about you.


    These firefighters have known for damn near two decades and keep having it proved to them. They are real life heroes, but this country doesn't care.

    I agree with everything you said but for one thing. The PEOPLE in this country DO care. It's the people that own this country that don't.

  14. 13 hours ago, Omerta said:

    This election is going to be awesome. There is actually a candidate I can vote for this time. Tulsi is the only one I would even consider, the rest are dumbasses or just bad people. 

    That cory Booker and his Spanish lol, with your fake bitch ass.

    Tulsi or anyone that will threaten the flow of corporate bribe money will be cheated by the DNC because as it turns out they're not legally required to run a fair primary Tulsi will have to run 3rd party to win but I definitely encourage you to at least temporarily switch registration to Democrat so you can vote for her in the primary and put the pressure on those bastards. The Democratic party is fucking trash and we need to blow it up and start over. 

    I know some of you aren't Bernie fans but how is it that he has a million volunteers, 18 million in individual donations and has rallys with thousands of people wherever he goes but he's second to fucking Joe Biden? Lol the polls are being rigged so that people will accept it when the primary is rigged.

    I won't vote for Trump at this point. He's just too awful but I won't vote for the Democrats to keep fracking and to keep deregulating/consolidating power further into the hands of the 1%. I'm most likely voting Green Party. 

  15. Maybe if we weighed this somehow with like YPA/turn over ratio/completion % and kind of break it down like you did average defensive performance per decade. I'm not sure if you used anything like that to balance out the scores but idk I feel it might be perfect if it's balanced with the right individual counting stats. I think that would probably be the best way to keep guys like Flacco and MacMahon from sneaking on too high.

  16. 3 minutes ago, DalaiLama4Ever said:

    D&D aren't involved in any way though. There's a lot of basic background information to lay a foundation for whatever they decide to do. Have to give it a chance though.

    You do make some good points. Of course I was going to watch it whether it was good or bad at least to start ha. Same way I just have to watch all the Marvel, DC and Star Wars movies. In this way I am a total sheep lol. 

  17. On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 7:45 PM, DalaiLama4Ever said:

    Don’t need to raise the taxes on the middle class for that. Sorry, it’s a non-starter for me. 

    Even if it results in health care that costs less and is a net savings for all of America? Again, instead of co-pays and premiums you pay taxes (which would be less). Also, like I mentioned, you could start your own business or change jobs without worrying about your health care because it would be guaranteed as a right for all. It's not like Bernie just wants to write a blank check here to Pharma either. He's actually been working across the aisle with guys like Rand Paul to make drugs more affordable. Don't you think it's fucked up that you can go bankrupt if you get cancer? You're never going to live in a world where that doesn't happen so long as private companies profit off of denying coverage. Never.

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