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Everything posted by blotsfan

  1. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    No guns unless you have a damn good reason for it. And no "I need to protect my family if a burgler comes" isn't one. Stories like that are massive outliers. The "good guy with a gun" is a myth.
  2. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

  3. blotsfan

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    I have a bad feeling about it. If they do "loljk rey you're actually Rey Kenobi-Gon-Jinn-The-Wise" Imma hunt down JJ Abrams and kill him.
  4. blotsfan

    Better Call Saul Discussion

    Good shit, yo. So...Chuck's death means Saul gets his millions of dollars that he's owed right? Explains how he gets the capital to start a full-fledged firm.
  5. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Suicide rates are lower in countries with stricter gun control. Turns out suicide is often a rash decision and not having a super easy way to kill yourself in your house gives you more time to change your mind.
  6. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    I know you don't like my style, but undoing the massive budget cuts to mental health care from the Reagan administration would probably be a start. But I do agree that that wouldn't be enough for gun violence to go away, so we should probably make access to guns significantly more difficult.
  7. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Poverty is more about the general kind of gun violence that is way more common than mass shootings.
  8. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    You're seriously suggesting giving all kids bulletproof vests because the idea of giving up your guns is that horrific to you. The fact that you come to that conclusion shows that your mind will never be changed. This is a problem in exactly one western country. The answer is obvious. The right wing of the country doesn't want to admit it. Which makes sense: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair And Sean, we definitely do need all those things. It's just that no matter what, people will fall through the cracks. It is impossible to be 100% successful. I'd rather when they slip, it's incredibly hard for them to get a gun.
  9. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Ban the M14
  10. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Oh and also the NRA was never close to going broke. That was just something they argued in their court case against New York State that would happen if they lost. But congrats ngata for donating money to them. They love suckers like you.
  11. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Fun fact: the NRA isn't a gun-rights organization, they're a gun manufacturer lobby. Their goal is to get regulation that leads to more guns being sold, nothing else.
  12. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    lololololol https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1026084333315153924
  13. blotsfan

    You all are old as hell

    Ah 20. The full year of waiting for your next birthday.
  14. blotsfan

    Post a pic of yourself...

    Lmao I'm 5'9, my mom's family is so short. The tallest person besides me in those photos is 5'6. Thankfully I got enough height genetics from my dad to be almost a normal person. Thanks though.
  15. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    The ones who voted for donald trump because they thought he'd solve their problems? They're dumb. What should I say? He was so obviously lying in 2016 and he's done exactly what it was obvious he'd do. If you fell for that, you're dumb. Not to mention this assumes they voted for him out of "economic anxiety" which is basically a meme at this point. They voted for an idiot racist to be president. Did you even click that "paradox of tolerance" link? This is the least self-aware thing I've ever read. Simply astounding.
  16. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Treating other human beings with respect and dignity. Edit: and before you say "why aren't you nice to conservatives then?" Read this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance
  17. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Apparently "user growth was bad." Which makes sense since Facebook is apparently really unpopular among the current young'ins. Instagram was supposed to be their hedge against that, but clearly it hasn't worked well enough for now.
  18. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Broke: Farmers liked trump because he paid attention to them. Woke: Farmers were too dumb to recognize the most obvious conman in history. Also "fascist radical leftism." Fucking lol
  19. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    Given that literally anyone who knew anything about the topic told him that it would play out exactly how it did...I'm not giving him props just for trying something. There's a reason presidents have advisors who theoretically are experts in their field. And the fact that they called him a "risky" proposition is because they are stupid. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could tell what he was. But they're dumb. If they weren't dumb, they wouldn't have needed Hillary to spoon-feed them reasons as to why trump was going to be unable to deliver on what he said he would. It was obvious to not-dumb people. Also, Republicans are banned from talking about not being able to afford things for the rest of eternity after that tax cut. Thank you, have a good night.
  20. blotsfan

    2018 Kickoff and Anthem Rules Changes

    I mean yeah thats not literally what McNair said, but he exposed his feelings pretty blatantly. You are correct in that it was an exaggeration for effect.
  21. blotsfan

    2018 Kickoff and Anthem Rules Changes

    I said that's what he wants to say. Not that that's what he said. Come on man, it's not hard to keep up.
  22. blotsfan

    Trump Regime thread.

    What a great president, solving a problem that he created in a way that accomplishes nothing for the US. You are correct though, those idiots that depend on the farms probably will still support him because of it.
  23. blotsfan

    2018 Kickoff and Anthem Rules Changes

    Basically he wants to say "these uppity n****ers need to stand up, shut up, and salute the flag" but unlike Bob McNair he has some modicum of self-awareness. Edit: the post so nice I made it twice.
  24. blotsfan

    2018 Kickoff and Anthem Rules Changes

    https://twitter.com/toddarcher/status/1022192850543562757?s=20 Yeah...that's gonna make it go away. Incidentally, that stance is also in direct contrast of what the NFL's stupid new rule allows.
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