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Everything posted by GA_Eagle

  1. GA_Eagle

    We gon party like it's yo berfdey..

    Happy birthday!
  2. Then we'd come out looking like fucking Prince. Why don't we just wear assless pants as part of our uniform? I second this idea. I'd rather be a trendsetter. Could make the QB / center exchange a bit uncomfortable but why not?
  3. Then we'd come out looking like fucking Prince. Why don't we just wear assless pants as part of our uniform?
  4. GA_Eagle

    Favorite Football Movies

    It's not the best movie but I love Invincible.
  5. Edited List to attempt to get a few more names in there. Roger Daltry Johnny Cash Jeff Buckley Bill Withers Black Francis Ben Harper Joe Cocker Paul McCartney Eric Clapton Bob Marley David Byrne Ian Anderson Janis Joplin Elton john Joe strummer Fiona Apple Thom Yorke Elvis Ryan Adams Matthew Bellamy Roy Orbison Grace Slick Anne Wilson Florence Welch P.J. Harvey
  6. Roger Daltry Freddie Mercury Jeff Buckley Maynard James Keenan Black Francis Eddie Vedder Joe cocker Paul McCartney Robert plant Levon helm David Byrne Chris Cornell James Hetfield Elton john Joe strummer Mick jagger
  7. I vote for this. Me too
  8. I like the silver purple above
  9. GA_Eagle

    Game of Thrones Season 5

    Sorry. I don't think we see the poison enter the cup, but there are some big clues that I picked up, knowing who did it. Framing of shots and dialogue are the biggest clues. There's other stuff too but that would give it away to explain any further.
  10. GA_Eagle

    Game of Thrones Season 5

    Yea. I wonder if I would have been able to figure that out without knowing previously. It's in there, for sure but really subtle. Also the form of the poison would not be well known to people that haven't read, since it was used and talked about a few times in the book previous to the wedding but only talked about once in the show in the show, i think, and that was a couple of seasons ago.
  11. GA_Eagle

    Game of Thrones Season 5

    Its almost hard to say
  12. Chet Ripka grizzled vet former standout big hitting safety. Starting to lose physical ability.
  13. GA_Eagle

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Pacific Rim again. Still liked it.
  14. Didn't make a list but I voted Foles because homer.
  15. GA_Eagle

    How did you find out about TGP?

    Where you from, originally?
  16. GA_Eagle

    How did you find out about TGP?

    Hi there. Welcome.
  17. GA_Eagle

    NFC East Buy or Sell / Over-Under

    And then...
  18. GA_Eagle

    Rank your most hated rivals/teams

    I didn't think the hawks were relevant enough to earn hate, Milla.
  19. I'm having trouble seeing any good from all of this.
  20. GA_Eagle

    The Walking Dead

    Face. Melted. Pretty decent
  21. GA_Eagle

    Eagles State of the franchise 2014

    Not a big fan of this.
  22. GA_Eagle

    Last TV Show You Watched?

    Cosmos. Kinda cool
  23. GA_Eagle

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Oblivion. Though it does show it's age a little, it's way engrossing
  24. GA_Eagle

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Thor 2. Was ok. Better than the first but I still have trouble caring about anything in the movie except Loki.
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