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TGP Prime+
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Everything posted by BucD

  1. BucD

    Buccaneers 2015 Season thread

    The lack of pass rush and the OL will be what primarily holds this team back from being close to having any success. Obviously we'll see rookie QB mistakes, but if he can play up to his potential, we COULD overcome a lot of it. There is faith in Winston. I have no faith in a pass rush and the OL pass/run blocking. This is basically still a 2-14 team until proven otherwise.
  2. Watch Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug acting
  3. LINK: http://comicbook.com/2015/08/14/predator-sequel-will-reinvent-the-franchise/ Uncharted Can't wait. EDIT 2: LINK: http://screencrush.com/jack-reacher-2-cobie-smulders/
  4. LINK:http://www.vice.com/read/what-we-know-so-far-about-the-massive-explosions-in-chinas-port-city-of-tianjin-on-wednesday-813?utm_source=homepage
  5. https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/631508394646507520
  6. LOL - sounds like a reporter opened up that vine during Todd Bowles' PC https://vine.co/v/edev9dF9Auz
  7. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

  8. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

  9. BucD

    The Superhero Thread

    I typically do not let reviews determine whether or not I go see a movie. Although, I still check out reviews a lot. Basically if it looks good to me, I'll go see it regardless of reviews. That said...I haven't decided if I will go watch this new F4 movie in theaters. F4 is kinda meh, IMO.
  10. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

    POV of a firefighter...
  11. BucD

    The Superhero Thread

    DAMN! @ the Tatum news. I was pulling for him to be out. That said, I am still really looking forward to the Gambit movie. LOVE Gambit! I refuse to let that bad casting ruin it for me.
  12. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

    Pluto Image Timelapse https://vine.co/v/evVL6wVxz9l
  13. BucD

    Russell Tebow is here.

    Ok...I take it back...don't show that guy the money...
  14. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

  15. BucD

    The Return of the Randomness Thread....

    lol - What in the actual fuck??? @ MHG's vid EDIT:
  16. BucD

    The Superhero Thread

    LINK: http://www.monkeysfightingrobots.com/warner-bros-will-announce-green-lantern-actors-at-comic-con/
  17. BucD

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    It's capped at 30fps by default. You have to manually go in an uncap it... Here's a couple links showing what to do... http://www.mweb.co.za/games/ViewNewsArticle/tabid/2549/Article/20188/Batman-Arkham-Knight-Five-tips-to-fix-PC-performance-issues.aspx http://steamcommunity.com/app/208650/discussions/0/594821545178755667/ Hope these help for you...
  18. BucD

    Last TV Show You Watched?

    Oh wow...had no idea about the Prison Break revival... Awesome! http://tvline.com/2015/06/02/prison-break-revival-limited-series-fox-wentworth-miller/
  19. BucD

    How do you like your steak?

    When you graduate from Mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets come hit me up. I'll teach ya how to make a proper burger and steak.
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