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Everything posted by BwareDWare94

  1. BwareDWare94

    Civil Discourse: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    If you follow the right wing narrative, she botches one interview after another by not really knowing what she's talking about. If you follow the left wing narrative she's a firecracker with the potential to be a powerful young voice. They're both right. Let's see if she studies up a bit more or at least gets better at answering questions in interviews.
  2. BwareDWare94

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    How does everybody feel about the way Toronto treated DeRozan?
  3. BwareDWare94

    2017-18 NBA Season Thread

    With who? Embiid? No other 76er is nearly as good as DeRozan
  4. BwareDWare94

    Liberals and libertarians

    I think the perfect system would balance the two. Unionized with protections from being fired for "any reason" but also it doesn't take 18 steps to fire a shitty employee, either. I hope one day we can find that resolution, at least in that sector. On the topic as a whole, Liberals and Libertarians don't have that much in common, though. I don't see a scenario where this is even possible
  5. BwareDWare94

    Early 2018-2019 Predictions

    I guess I thought he was a rookie when Carson was. I guess not.
  6. BwareDWare94

    Trump Regime thread.

    Come on, man, show some sensitivity and get it right! It's LGBWTF gangs!
  7. BwareDWare94

    Who Wins The NFCE?

    I don't think Philly can lose this division without a rash of injuries. Dallas should be team 2 but who's going to catch the ball on the outside? New York has a chance to be something but I think their ship has sailed with Eli at QB. They very much made a mistake by signing on for one more year with him. It's over. As for Washington, I think it's laughable that people think Alex Smith is an upgrade at QB. Have fun with the way he protects the ball way too hard. Kirk Cousins taking chances kept them in games all the time.
  8. BwareDWare94


    https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/maine-governor-vetoes-ban-on-therapy-for-unwanted-gay-attraction-gender-con Seriously, who thought it should be illegal to offer therapy for unwanted same sex attraction? Jesus H fucking tap-dancing Christ. If an individual doesn't want to feel in such a way, they should be able to seek the necessary help needed to try and address it. And if parents want their child to go through said therapy, they should have the right to enroll the child in such therapy unless the child objects. It's really that simple. And yes, medical professionals should be able to advertise any and all services they provide. Maine is seriously fucked up. Just wait til you hear what "progressives" didn't support earlier on in the article. This whole world is headed for the nearest, highest cliff at this point.
  9. BwareDWare94


    Well first of all you talk to your child lovingly. You don't treat them differently. Secondly you present them with the statistics and explain that it's not all that uncommon and likely a phase. You then ask them if they'd like to talk to a medical professional about it. You go from there while continuing to love, nurture, and support your child.
  10. BwareDWare94


    You're projecting my stance on these particular issues to mean abandonment of helping children. That is most definitely not my stance. I just think allowing a transition before a mind is developed is absolutely asinine, bordering on child abuse because of it's potentially devastating consequences. In my opinion it would be better to wait until 18. You can love your child who is experiencing gender dysphoria without allowing them to go through a major life change. As a matter of fact, it's probably more loving to talk them out of going through it at a young age with the statistics while continuing to treat them well. Like I said, let them make the decision when they're adults. As for bad homes...you're assuming most parents with children suffering from Gender Dysphoria are bad parents. That's absurd. You don't need to tell me about how bad homes can badly influence people later in life. I had my own experiences that crippled me emotionally in a lot of ways. I don't personally believe my mind developed past those abuses until after I was 25. Obviously my individual experience doesn't warrant or create my perspectives, but I am allowed to observe other people and statistics and come to my own conclusions.. Many of my friends had similar or worse experiences (not that abuse should be quantified--I'm talking about the difference between emotional/verbal abuse and things like severe physical abuse or sexual abuse--I know people on both ends of that horrible spectrum) . Hell, someone who was one of my closest friends for 2 years here was severely abused by multiple individuals in their family growing up and it presented in their actions and decision-making. You don't have to tell me these things are problems, man. In no way am I saying we should abandon these people. Not at all. That being said, I think your logic of blaming parenting most of all is flawed in and of itself. There are a lot of shitty parents, but there are as many or more, maybe much more, adequate to great parents. No two parents are the same. There's no concrete way to raise children. Honestly, we basically have the most obvious guidelines like don't abuse your children you twats and try to strike a balance between nurturing/helping them and allowing them to become self-sufficient. Well, here's another thread. Parenting thread incoming.
  11. BwareDWare94


    I think you misread my wording. I said "at 18 it's their call." And I think kids can handle parents not treating them perfectly. They've been doing it throughout human history. Puberty blockers early is damaging if their mind comes out of the phase.
  12. BwareDWare94


  13. BwareDWare94


    What's more damaging? Trusting the 20% chance they won't outgrow it and allow the transition because it seems right right now or to tell them it's their call at 18 but the statistics overwhelmingly suggest that it's a phase?
  14. BwareDWare94

    Early 2018-2019 Predictions

    I wouldn't call Trey Burton a career backup as a third year player who had Zack Ertz in front of him. He is obviously unproven, though. Great under the radar signing, though.
  15. BwareDWare94


    There are people who claimed it worked for them. I'm not saying it should remain as is per se, but why can't the medical field tweak it and make adjustments to it? Yes, the goal of correcting one to the proper sexuality or gender is somewhat abhorrent, but not everybody thinks the same way. It's more complicated than that. One thing we don't discuss often enough about gender expression is that many people experiencing gender dysphoria grow out of it. So perhaps the thing to do with kids is NOT attempt to fuck with anything while they're young and developing.
  16. BwareDWare94


    We should tweak it, experiment with it, and find out how and why it's helpful to that 10%. The reasons it's harmful should be obvious, but why does it help some people? So by the logic you're applying, either 90% get hurt or 10% don't get the help they need at all. Who says it has to be one or the other? Let's figure out what actually helps and what doesn't. Drugs and therapy aren't concrete things that can't change.
  17. BwareDWare94


    Yeah, that might have worked for you, but those statements don't contradict each other.
  18. BwareDWare94


    Religion is attempting to follow the moral code laid out for it in their doctrine. There's a difference between that and conscious malevolence. If a gay couple wants to adopt a child, go to a facility that isn't run by a religious institution. This isn't that complicated. And gay people are treated very well here. All people are treated very well here. We're not living in some evil place that tries to hurt people intentionally.
  19. BwareDWare94


    Quite honestly, I think it's the whole idea of being told we have to come to the same conclusions or we're wrong and assholes. We're allowed to think for ourselves. We're allowed to observe and come to our own conclusions. And I also don't think we're adequately treating the condition. Since when do we find solutions by telling people they can alter reality? Freedom. Of. Religion. It's in the fucking Constitution.
  20. We opened a can of worms in the Trump thread the other day. While it's probably an over-discussed topic, I believe we have the collective intelligence to find some common ground and come to something of a collective overall agreement with small disagreements intertwined, which is what all compromises consist of. Disclaimer: whether you are pro-life or pro-abortion is not going to provide a sufficient answer to this question. Where on the spectrum of the abortion debate does morality lie? In my opinion, it lies where abortion is necessary medical procedure in order to keep the mother alive. Otherwise, I don't think an abortion is a morally sound procedure. I don't think the rare occurrences of pregnancy via rape should be held up as the primary reason of why all abortions should be legal. In those particular cases I don't oppose an abortion, though. A woman should not be forced to carry a baby conceived through a rape. Every other reason to have an abortion is morally unsound, in my opinion. What do the rest of you think?
  21. BwareDWare94


    There's pretty much no pay gap when you factor in hours worked.
  22. BwareDWare94


    Oh excuse me, I wasn't aware that saying a therapy should be available to those who wish to seek it individually is supporting said therapy. Gosh darn it, I sure wish I could counter the argument of taking one stance and proclaiming it as another, much worse stance. It's a condition that has a 40% suicide rate! It's a condition that has a 40% suicide rate!
  23. BwareDWare94


    It's not bigotry to question things that don't make sense. And as long as 40% of these people take their own lives, we haven't found the solution.
  24. BwareDWare94


    It doesn't affect me. Why do I care? I think that, just like these other practices, it hurts more than it helps, and it hasn't curbed the rates of mental illness among trans people (probably because thinking one is different than one's biology is the first sign that something beyond their control is wrong). When it comes to trans people, maybe we ought to continue to try to treat their conditions as opposed to attempting to facilitate their illusions? Years from now we'll be seen as well-intentioned at heart but cowardly overall for placing feelings over adequate treatment. We stupidly derail progress in so many ways by caring too much about "feelings." In so many areas. Feelings do not matter that much, if at all. An emotional reaction is not a balanced reaction. That's a different discussion for a different day. Nice false equivalence. Not that it isn't par for the course.
  25. BwareDWare94


    It should be brought back as an option, yes. Everything should be an option to the patient. Not the doctor, the patient
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