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Everything posted by OSUViking

  1. I started writing again. Going with a different approach. Trying to make it more isolated and dark. Basically a student being stuck for extended periods of time with his thoughts and nothing more. I have a first chapter and a prologue. Would anyone be willing to read it and share their thoughts on the style? I want to have a definitive and set approach before I get into the business of typing my fingers off.
  2. The time is coming. Anyone else want to take a shot at this again? I'm currently working on outlining my concept.
  3. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    I think the consolidation of society into industrialized nations focused on the collective productivity has had a lot of negative effects on humans in general. It doesn't seem like we are wired to live this kind of way productively. The more I try and analyze my own experiences, and try to keep others in perspective, it seems like this kind of society has done nothing but breed toxic and negative behaviors to this day. Humans more and more are transitioning into ways of thinking that adapt to the system, rather than adapting the system to how humans tend to behave. All for the sake of productivity.
  4. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    I agree with this, and I think we can extrapolate the logic to parenthood as well. I have grown up with expectations from peers and family that I'd pass on my family's name or give my parents grandchildren. I can't really ever recall being excited about having a kid. It literally screams unwanted obligation to me. It took dogsitting the most attention-needy dog I've ever encountered for FIVE DAYS to realize that I'd be an awful parent who would probably cause attachment issues with my child. So yeah, unless I suddenly stop valuing alone time as much, or I get more patient with people (especially the emotional outbursts to be expected from infants, toddlers, and children), or suddenly have more energy to deal with people (this last one is never happening, period), I'm not going to delve into parenthood. Just not for me. Luckily, it seems my girlfriend feels the same way.
  5. OSUViking

    What's wrong with the Raiders?

    What ever happened to Gareon Conley?
  6. OSUViking

    Last TV Show You Watched?

    Bojack was very uncomfortable for me at first, but it grew on me and it's one of my favorite shows period. Definitely Rick and Morty, though I agree the "you need to be smart to get it" fans are the worst. It's hilarious imo and they're building something special in terms of character development. I enjoy Big Mouth on Netflix, though I wouldn't put it in the same category as the others mentioned. It's a lot of sex jokes, but it's also about puberty so that's to be expected. Like Bojack, it made me uncomfortable until I got used to it. Also I'm curious what people think about Stranger Things. I've enjoyed both seasons to an extent, but I also feel like both seasons started strong and then practically fell on their face as they crossed the finish line. Edit: Just finished the most recent AHS season (Cult). I can't tell if I actually enjoyed it or if I've just had so little to do that it was the better alternative. It's really ridiculous that AHS, which people tout as this super progressive diversified TV show (because of its approach to sex, transsexuality, homosexuality, etc), has now had two straight seasons where a mass murderer was schizophrenic. Smh
  7. OSUViking

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I'm still getting used to it.
  8. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    He was responding to PE afaik. My point still stands. I've personally met people who think and believe similar things to PE, the thought that they were mentally ill never crossed my mind. It's a convenient scapegoat to dismiss ideas that someone has no interest in discussing.
  9. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    If you'd bother to actually read it you'd see I pretty clearly said 'undesirable' or different behaviors (which to me intuitively includes beliefs) does not indicate mental health issues by themselves. You've played yourself.
  10. OSUViking

    Trump Regime thread.

    Agreed with Than here. National defense seems to speak more to missile and military defenses. The former are tricky, and we likely won't have useful ICBM deterrents for a long time, but invading and occupying the US is basically impossible.
  11. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    Personally, I haven't experienced this, so admittedly it's hard for me to relate. That being said, the point I was trying to make is that the logic came off as similar to the SJW/millenial nonsense that people rib on so much. Victimization and whatnot.
  12. OSUViking

    Mental Health Discussion

    Ok, so until my posts stop disappearing... The tl;dr version was that mental illness isn't the same thing as undesirable behavior. People can and do behave in any number of ways for any number of reasons. There are so many of us, and there are so many ways to get through each individual environment, odds are there are going to be people who engage in behavior that others disagree with. Doesn't mean they are mentally ill. To clarify, mentally ill people can do awful things, but how a behavior presents is very complex and comes down to more than just mental health. Even with people who aren't mentally ill doing these things, it's too complex to just narrow it down to a single factor. There's a lot going on with literally everything a person does. From my discussions with my doctors, it's widely believed that pathological mental health issues arise from neurological impairments, irregularities, or dysfunction. It's still difficult to study a live human brain, but there's some good research about it. Here are some good links: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2570029/ < related to mood disorders (depression, bipolar) https://neurology.duke.edu/about/news/research-finds-brain-receptor-acts-switch-ocd-symptoms < OCD https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK223456/ < Schizophrenia I personally think mental illness is a stigmatizing term. People will treat those with the label like they are sick, rather than people who don't process information as efficiently or rationally. Also, medicine is a tricky issue. Some doctors prescribe it without a second thought, while others are a lot more practical about how they hand it out. It can have major side effects, the withdrawal is very dangerous, and often times people will report little to no change in symptoms. The key is that everyone has to find a way to cope with their experiences, and for a large enough amount of people, medicine is not the way. It irritates me to no end when people insist on others taking meds without any regard for how that medicine affects them or how it makes them feel. Sometimes, people's life circumstances can look like mental health issues, but there are none present, and they get stuck on medication patterns for extended periods of time. It also happens that someone with mental health issues doesn't benefit at all from medication. Hope this helps. This is for general discussion, but if anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Edit2: I posted this and it also came as blank. I planned for that, and had ctrl+c'd everything, so editing the blank post and pasting this in worked. Still no idea what's going on. Edit3: I don't know how many people even need to do this, but feel free to just vent (as I did). It's my experience that getting thoughts out of my head at all can completely disarm them and make me feel better, so maybe it'll work for others as well.
  13. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    Just gonna point this out, what your saying is good and all, but this is creeping dangerously towards victimization of men. The posts have suggested that our problems are from a shitty culture. I agree the culture is shitty, but the solution isn't to turn around and say "welp wish things were different". That's the impression I got from your posts, not sure if that was the intent. The circumstances are such that the culture towards men is sometimes stacked against them. Not an excuse to not pursue relationships they're interested in. Like Ngata said, getting over the fear of failure is the big part. If anything, I think we'd have a more ambitious and productive society in general if we didn't stigmatize failure so much in school. Would more than likely teach kids that asking someone out and getting rejected is par for the course.
  14. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    Men supporting men is just the patriarchy. And we already have that. /s
  15. OSUViking

    Marvin Lewis is not OUT

    What I said there was something along the lines of: Marvin Lewis probably did what JT did. Found some dirt on the person in charge of his position so they wouldn't remove him.
  16. OSUViking

    Hey Lack Of Feel

    Happy birthday!
  17. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    Society is paranoid as hell, and I'm saying that as someone who knows what genuine paranoia is like. It's disconcerting and I think it definitely plays into how affection presents. Lol we have to walk on egg shells for everyone, not just women. The amount of men - older and younger - with fragile egos is pretty staggering.
  18. They never had victimhood status. They're responsible for their own behavior regardless of how shitty their parents were.
  19. OSUViking

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    I've read from a few places that George Lucas made Christensen look A LOT worse than he actually was. The dialogue was awful and they would say Lucas had a very specific way he wanted things portrayed. I put most of the issues with the prequels on Lucas. The sequels would have been trash with him, imo. This reminds me. You guys ever see that meme where it's the Bee Movie, but every time they say "bee" it speeds up? I can't find it now, but there was a version where it was the entire prequel trilogy, but every time there was bad dialogue it'd speed up. Ended up lasting a few seconds.
  20. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    Yeah that's toxic. If someone can't trust their partner without looking through their phone, they shouldn't be dating.
  21. That's what I've been saying over the last like three or four threads this has popped up in. Ignore the social stigma for a sec (it does play a role, I can at least infer this from my experience with SZ), the family aspect (which at least until the last few years was probably overwhelmingly not positive) alone could cause massive mental health issues.
  22. It's like you're ignoring what I'm saying. I'm not talking about bullying. I am talking about a total lack of familial support and connection, which yeah can directly lead to circumstances of suicidality. It's not even a question. The whole concept of personality disorders (spoiler alert, many people diagnosed with them have attempted suicide before) stems from early childhood trauma, prolonged abuse, or a disconnect from primary caregivers.
  23. OSUViking

    Modern Dating

    I didn't have much privacy as a kid, especially when I first got my phone. Helicopter parenting and whatnot to "make sure I wasn't talking to strangers, or that I'm not going down a bad path". Pathetic excuse if you ask me, but it is what it is. If a girl wants to see my phone, she can suck it up when I say no. I value my privacy to a great deal and no one is entitled to breach it because of a position they're in with me. Mostly agree with Ngata otherwise.
  24. The vast majority of suicides have literally nothing to do with transsexuality. It is such a small portion of the population. You are seriously undercutting the significance of familial support and attachment, which is a very common issue for trans individuals and their families. Seriously. Take a person who isn't trans and put them in a household where they aren't cared for, listened to, or where they are scolded for trying to live life in a way that comes naturally (literally) for them. They will have serious issues. Early childhood development and the ensuing bonds people make with their parents are probably one of the most defining factors when it comes to how well adjusted someone will be. That heavily plays into things like suicidality. For as much as you talk about narcissism in today's youth, you haven't actually demonstrated an understanding in how that kind of thing plays out (hint: the development of narcissism is almost entirely on the parent, with the "almost" believed to be a genetic component that in rare circumstances might trigger with or without attachment issues). Ngata brings up a good point though. You're entitled to your opinion of the issue, all that really matters is that you treat people with respect in your interactions with them. And to go further, if you don't want to respect it (not saying that's the case here, but in general), go right ahead, but don't blame PC culture when people don't take kindly to that approach.
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