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Everything posted by Thanatos

  1. Thanatos

    Week 2

    DJ was healthy last year and didn't really look like his old self. Like I said, I don't personally agree with Kamara > CMC because Kamara has so many more weapons around him, but I think its close enough Im not really gonna argue the point.
  2. I really don't see extreme liberal values- currently- as a threat. At all. The GOP has a racist president who lies non-stop in charge of the country and they are stacking the courts. Far more likely that the extreme right is going to be the issue in the near-future. Racism- Is on the rise. It was slowly dying, IMO, Trump and co. have revived it full force. Just remember, kids, there are fine people on both sides of a Nazi rally and their protesters. Sexism- Also on the rise. "She was bleeding from her wherever" "Nasty woman" "Okay sweetheart" When the right is led by a person who is clearly a racist, sexist, narcissistic moron- and said moron was elected by 50 million people- you can't tell me we're getting past this. LGBTQ- Fortunately getting better, no thanks to the GOP who is still trying to block marriage equality, equal adoption rights, (wtf man let the kid have a home over the foster system), and making sure that that person who looks like a man actually uses the ladies room since he was born a female. The radical left has Antifa, which to my knowledge has not yet resulted in anyone's death, (they're still horrible, in my book, just pointing out the differences here). And Antifa is a problem and should be dealt with. But I don't feel like Antifa threatens the very nature of this country. They simply aren't big enough.
  3. Thanatos

    TGP Pickem week 3

    I was 11-5 last week if we're keeping track of that. Id say we shouldnt because I think a few people didnt post. Titans at Jaguars Bengals at Bills Dolphins at Cowboys Broncos at Packers Falcons at Colts Ravens at Chiefs Raiders at Vikings Jets at Patriots Lions at Eagles Panthers at Cardinals Giants at Bucs Texans at Chargers Steelers at 49ers Saints at Seahawks Rams at Browns Bears at Redskins Tiebreaker: 30
  4. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    My bad, I didn't finish the quote- was pulling from several different sites. "Less than one percent of rape claims are made falsely AND lead to arresting the wrong person." This idea that men are in danger of being thrown into jail from a false rape claim is statistically insignificant, especially when you compare it to the probability that the majority (60%+) of rapes are not even reported at all. The actual figure for false claims is 7%, (it varies from 2-10, but the most widely cited study which looked at over 2,600 rape allegations is probably closest to accurate.) So 60%+ of rapes are never even reported because the victim is too afraid of either consequences, blame themselves, is embarrassed, knows they will never be believed due to whom its against, or some other reason. 7% of rapes reported are false claims, which less than 1% of the time, (several studies did not find a single instance), lead to the man accused actually suffering jail time. Which is the larger problem in society, do you think? Why are Republicans outraged over the far, far less likely occurrence and haven't said a peep about the far more common one?
  5. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    "trying to ruin a man's career." This is such a bullshit claim that's been repeated a bajillion times by his defenders. The man would have just been a federal judge again, making six figures a year and he probably would have written a book about it. Who am I kidding, he's still probably going to. Oh no! SC justices should be above reproach. So should the President, for that matter. It doesn't seem convenient at all to me. When you suppress a memory you remember the oddest things about the incident. She may have held onto the memory that she only had one beer because it exonerated her in her own eyes. We blame ourselves after things like that and it generally takes a long time to come to grips with it. So long for her that she may have been fine with just sitting on it forever- except he was then nominated to the SC. The right's counter to #MeToo is just not based in reality. Sure, some people lie, and I don't think we should send people to jail or actually ruin a guy's career merely on an accusation. But if 10 people come forward, that's a different story. Again, no jail time, but yeah people aren't going to like you. Less than 1% of rape claims are made falsely. Sure they get a ton of attention, but then you have dudes like Brock who raped a girl behind a dumpster and got six months jail time because they didnt want to ruin his life. This is FAR more likely to happen than someone falsely accusing you of rape. And that has been on for years. And only now that more people are speaking out, all of a sudden the right is outraged about false claims, and completely being fine with the status quo. I'm not just talking about Blasey-Ford, though I think she is likely telling the truth. He was credibly accused by multiple women. "Trump would have just gotten another guy." Exactly, so why fight to the death over Kavanaugh? Also if this just happens to any conservative justice, why didn't it happen to Neil Gorsuch after the GOP stole the seat from Merrick Garland? If anything they'd be more mad about him. I don't like Gorsuch politically, I disagree with a lot of his stances on things. But he is above reproach and he knows the law. So he's a good candidate. Kavanaugh is not and should have been voted down, and he should absolutely be impeached and removed from the Supreme Court because of the sham of a process that put him in. Won't happen, because the Dems won't play cutthroat like the GOP will. Prime example is Nadler vs Lewandoski two days ago. Nadler should have had him thrown in jail when he refused to answer questions. No balls. The GOP doesn't give a fuck about rules, truth, or what is right and wrong. Dems need to go cutthroat or the GOP will just keep rigging the system. They can't win in many places without extreme partisan gerrymandering- which they can now legally do thanks to the SC.
  6. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    You mean like the clerk he hired as a favor to her mother supporting him, after specifically saying she wasn't going to be hired? The same woman who told multiple women that they needed to cultivate a certain look if they wanted to clerk for Kavanaugh? The dude's a fucking conman sleazebag. Even Favre can see through this one.
  7. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    1. Sure, weird, but I mean come on she was going against the dude in public, some people are gonna donate to her. 2. This is exactly how it works if you're burying a memory. 3. Again, sitting on things is a typical survivor thing. 4. Even mis-remembering exactly how events go is a lot of times how people deal with trauma. 5. I don't really see this as any indicator one way or another. Maybe its because I am also basically estranged from my family and wouldn't expect them to come to my defense, (religion issues have gotten so much worse recently), but this has no bearing on truth or falsity. Look I'm not saying Kavanaugh should be in jail, but you don't have to be able to convict him at trial to be like, "something stinks here, multiple people accused him of sexual assault, probably shouldn't admit this man to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court." Same way I feel about Roy Moore. He shouldn't be in jail, he also shouldn't be in the Senate. I think its nonsense to say "no matter how bad something looks, we have to prove someone guilty beyond any reasonable doubt or else they can hold whatever position they want to." Everyone is acting like it'd ruin his life, but he'd just go back to his cushy job as a judge and that would be that. No one did this to Gorsuch, and everyone was really mad at his appointment because his seat should have been filled by Merrick Garland except the GOP didn't care about rules and got away with it.
  8. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    It absolutely did. Someone paid off a few hundred grand right before Kavanaugh was nominated. Justice Kennedy's son was part of the Deutche Bank that loaned Trump money when no one else would- loans that were co-signed by Russian oligarchs as well. They're all rotten.
  9. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    I have read the report, yes. Im not sure you're looking at the correct report. The sources are at the end here- 128 of them. This is part 1. http://doctorpatientrightsproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Access-Denied_How-Utilization-Management-Protocols-Can-Block-Access-to-Life-Saving-Treatments.pdf Part 2 is here. 123 sources listed on this one- https://doctorpatientrightsproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Marathon_DPRP_Access-Denied-2_NOV2018_FINAL.pdf We are talking mainly- at least we are concerned mainly- about people with chronic conditions. Not people who go in for an antibiotic and get denied once every four months when they get sick- though that is annoying- people who need medicine on a daily basis. Secondly, the 1 in 10 claim is for medical screenings- preventive care- not meds in general. This is absolutely not a controversial subject. 90% of doctors polled agreed with principal points of the study. I've honestly never heard anyone take the insurance's side on this one except the insurance company. The insurance wants to cover the cheaper drugs to save money- okay, fine. But there are a lot of times a reason why the doctor wants the patient on a specific medication, and the insurance, in essence, overrides the doctor by saying either A) this won't be covered or B) we need to try these 5 other alternatives first and then maybe we'll let you try this one. The insurance company is not staffed by medical professionals and their opinion is not valid towards what a patient needs for treatment.
  10. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Puhlease, no one except Republicans give a fuck about manufactured outrage over a dude who is clearly a slimebag and absolutely did do what Ford is accusing him of. The Right does not care they stole a SC seat from Merrick Garland. The right does not care they used 9/11 as a decoy to get the Dems out so they could ram through a veto to steal Medicare from thousands of people. The right does not care that Brett Kavanaugh is not beyond reproach, is a complete sleazebag, or anything. All they care about is that he is politically on their side. People like McConnell getting all up in arms over Kavanaugh accusations doesn't move my sympathy meter one inch. Mitch is also outraged over vaping killing six people and not cigarettes killing tens of thousands. Or guns killing tens of thousands. Or any number of election security bills he refuses to even let hit the floor. The hypocrisy of the GOP is fucking hilarious. Trump has what, 22 people who have accused him of sexual assault? Kavanaugh has like 8. There is no reason for these women to come forward and lie about this. They get lambasted by people on the right. Sure maybe a couple hangers on tried to get their moment in the spotlight, but where is this much smoke, there is fire. Im not saying the guy belongs in jail unless we can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, but he absolutely should not be a SC justice.
  11. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    First off, underpaying is also a bad problem. Secondly, if those 14% are the most expensive ones, (hint: they mostly are) that's way too high of a number. Third, it completely depends on insurance. ACA's study showed it was completely dependent on insurance, with some insurances having as high as 45% claim denial and some having as low as 1% claim denial. Taking insurance across the board when we are talking specifically about poor people getting their insurance denied- who by definition almost certainly have low-end insurance- the claim of 14% is misleading at best. What you are looking at, I assume, is the American Medical Associations number. But that number has long been disputed by healthcare workers, because it only looks at at all itemized lines that are denied. It does not consider the type of claim that was denied. It also does not consider how long you had to wait to get your claim approved, its merely a blanket look at it. In 2017, the Doctor-Patient Rights Project found a denial rate of 24% among people with insurance who had chronic or persistent conditions- the ones who would be most affected by denials, since they are in constant need of medication. In addition, the vast majority of consumers- 70%- said they had to wait more than a month to even hear whether or not their claim was denied or approved, during which time a third of them said their condition worsened.
  12. Thanatos

    Week 2

    Dalvin Cook? Really? Cook has shown us two games and you're already saying he's better than CMC, based on literally one game from CMC where he didnt do so well? That's homer talk. It's also completely unfair to CMC because you're assuming he doesnt improve. He's done nothing but improve his first three years. Kamara isnt better, IMO, because of the difference in offenses. DJ hasn't been the same for two years, he is not better right now. Gurley is clearly hurt. He's not like he used to be. It's Barkley, Zeke, CMC atm. And I think you can argue Zeke, like I said, best Oline in football atm. Bell can get in there and so can Gurley, if they return to form and IF CMC doesn't get better.
  13. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    The only thing I will say is the idea that it should cost that much is what is total baloney. It's a made up price by the hospital and the insurance, it doesn't cost that much. They just overcharge out the ass. Insurance's job is to make money. By definition, that involves paying as little as possible on claims.
  14. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    I'm not saying most would fail, I'm saying the idea of going into it not knowing whether or not you're going to pass is what scares people, because if you fail you're just completely screwed. Sure if you pass you're good, but its a huge risk to take is my point. It's only a bad bet because we don't have enough to go around, was my point. We need more organs. (This sounds creepy, lol.) You... damn. You really have no idea, do you? "14% were offered too little because people just want things for free." You've just bought in hook, line, and sinker to the entire propaganda of poor people just want free shit handed to them. More than 1/4 of people with insurance don't get covered or only get "covered" like the dude yesterday who was told his medicine was covered and then when he came to pick it up he still had a $1200 copay. This is not even talking about all the millions of Americans who can't even afford insurance. And you're apparently just... completely okay with that. I think I'm done with this conversation. We both clearly have completely different priorities, what is right, and the responsibility of a society to take care of the people in it. There's no further point to discussion.
  15. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Uh what? It's not anecdotal at all. It's literally their job to figure out how to pay the least amount of money out on claims. It has to be. And as for the anecdotal part, I do have a bit more cause to talk here than most. I work in pharmacy. About 15-20% of my time at work is calling insurance companies to try to get them to cover something. Insurance is shady as fuck, dude. I actually agree with you. Self-inflicted medical conditions are out. Burden of proof that it is self-inflicted is on the insurance though. 8k is still way too much lol. It wouldn't be paid for JUST with the tax, but most plans that have been thought out have about that amount as an increase. Countries with medicare for all have the happiest citizens- that's a fact. We're lagging way behind here. I call bs on the money claim. It flat out cuts out a large % of people who simply cannot afford to go into med school. You don't know for a fact that going into it means you will in fact come out a doctor. If you fail out you're just in a ton of debt. We don't give obese people hearts because we don't have enough to go around and we'd rather not use it on someone who is likely to die either way. It's a hard choice to make, which is why donating your body to science should be mandatory, so we can have more organs to help save people who are still alive. Or at least the default option that you should have to opt out of at the DMC instead of the other way around.
  16. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Bernie has been fighting against climate change since the 80s. The Dems are absolutely serious about stopping it. As I said, whether out of the goodness of their hearts or because they make money on it, they are the only party who is actively trying to stop what is a global crisis. The GOP is actively contributing to hasten our destruction. Gaslighting is making people believe something that happened didn't happen by denying so vehemently that you make the person question whether or not it actually did happen. Like when Trump denies making fun of a disabled reporter. Or when the abuser convinces the abused they're the ones at fault. I suppose this second definition would very loosely fit what you're claiming is going on. It's not, of course. I am not at all saying you'd be crazy to be opposed to Yang. I'm saying you supporting the GOP over Yang- or honestly anyone else, if its for the same reason- just to throw the bird at the world is what is nuts. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you don't actually agree with either side. Yet you're going to vote for Trump despite *knowing* he's a complete moron that could potentially help accelerate climate change and continue to fuck over the US in general, just to say fuck you to the libs. This is worse than someone who votes for Trump out of sheer ignorance. You KNOW what he is. You're too smart not to know what he is. Whether or not you admit it, voting for the GOP right now is voting for Trump and his policies. And yet because you cannot even fathom the idea of giving up your assault rifle- note that as a veteran, you'd almost certainly be exempt here, unless you have a history of mental illness or something- you're going to vote for him anyway- THAT is your line in the sand. No matter how bad the GOP is on actual real world matters that affect actual real world people, you do not care. You don't care enough, I should say. You don't care enough about people who aren't as well-off as you can afford to be running a company and having a wife who is a doctor. This does not in the slightest mean either of you don't deserve to be well-off. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Nor does it mean you haven't done your part to help society. But when an opportunity is presented to prevent things like a man dying from diabetes because he has to ration his insulin, or another man who couldn't afford his cancer meds, so he chose to die with dignity instead of putting his family through bankruptcy, you balk at the idea of giving up an extra 10-15% in taxes to help those kinds of people out. Medical bankruptcy is one of the most common types of bankruptcies in the US. It is ludicrous to have to pay $8,000 to have a baby. It is insane to be charged $27,000 for an overnight stay in the ER when nothing was even done to you. Read some of the stories out there. 40% of Americans cannot cover a $400 surprise bill, and many of these hospital visits are just that. On top of that, even for people who do have insurance, many times that insurance is just trying to figure out how to get out of paying the claim and if they do figure it out, then bam, you still get hit with a bill. You keep saying the doctors are better so we're fine with being charged more. Where does it end there? Doctors should, at least I would hope, keep on getting better. Should we keep on getting charged more? If they are 10 times better than everyone else, should we be charged ten times as much as we are now? Society has a vested interest in making sure the population is healthy, not the least of which reason is because its less expensive in the long run. Making being a doctor more accessible to people by making it cost less to get that education means more doctors which drives costs down for the general public. Having the best doctors in the world does not make your healthcare system the greatest. Having great doctors and an affordable system that can cover everyone- that would be the greatest healthcare system in the world.
  17. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Not saying your AR contributes to climate change? Not sure where you got that from. I'm just pointing out you're supporting by far the worse of the two parties because they agree with you on keeping your military grade weaponry. All I hear is "This won't solve it, this won't solve it," etc etc. When A) it's worked plenty of times elsewhere and you have zero evidence it wont work here and B) the GOP isn't putting forward anything at all to deal with the problem. The GOP is never going to do anything about climate change, half their money comes from big oil. The idea is to lead. America not being in the agreement means we're not part of the discussion at all. It wasn't a great agreement, let's not kid ourselves here. But the idea is that we need to part of the discussion and we're not right now. Hell, as far as I know, Trump still thinks climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese. Your kids won't become destitute, quit hyperbolizing. Historically it has worked beautifully in like, oh i don't know, literally every other first world country in the world right now. Gaslight? It's ironic you use that word when its Trump and the GOP's side job at this point. Also don't think you're using that word correctly. The GOP does nothing on climate change. Trump put a climate change denier in charge of the EPA. If you re-elect Trump, it's just going to get worse. AOC is taking up what seems to be insane proposals because we are close to running out of time. I don't agree with everything she says, to be clear, but I understand why she is saying it. This is an imminent crisis in need of a solution. And if we're gonna talk ridiculousness, the right has plenty of ridiculous people, like the congressman who doesn't want background checks because then he couldn't loan guns to his friends. AOC is just in their heads 24/7, because she is hardcore focused on 24/7 by Fox News and the right because she scares the shit out of them and the older generation who watches them.
  18. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    When the schooling for it costs a lot less you'd have more doctors entering the field, I assume would be the idea. You'd still be making a lot of money. I think most people who go into the health industry do it to help people, not make a million dollars. Forgot you have zero empathy for others, my bad. Let me try a different tack. You care about the world you will be leaving your kids at all, then?
  19. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Except, as I said, she wouldnt be. At all. It would be new doctors. So you'd fuck the entire world over to keep your assault rifles- which are absolutely not granted by the 2nd amendment- and your $$. Got it.
  20. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    You'll help the GOP who uses 9/11 as a political bludgeon to get things passed, shits all over seniors and healthcare, refuses to even let us debate any election security bills (despite the fact we have proof Russia interfered in 2016), and denies the fact that climate change exists, in order to keep your AR-15s and your doctor's salaries intact. You got some weird priorities, bud. I get having lines in the sand, you just draw them in some weird places. Also, doctors are not always better than other countries. And the average American doctor is certainly not twice as good as the average first world country's doctor. We pay out the nose because of the hospitals and insurances collusion. I do agree school for doctors is fucked up expensive, which is why if you actually read what Yang said here, he's not saying existing doctor's salaries would be enforced this way. He recognizes that issue. He's saying going forward, this is how it would be. Making education more accessible for everyone is also a key part of his platform here. (Also you guys would get an extra 2k/mo from UBI as well, that applies to everyone, not just the poor people.)
  21. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Healthcare is a right. It should not be a privately-owned, for-profit industry. I know you and I don't see eye to eye on this, but that's where Yang is coming from. And @Favre Yang would absolutely beat Trump, because he pulls from both sides of the aisle.
  22. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Assange is a total and complete asshole and Yang is absolutely correct in his statement. Assange delivered some information for no other purpose than to potentially cause disruption and he should face some sort of justice for that. Just not by extradition, it sets too bad of a precedent. You guys still defending this fucker after everything that he has done is scary.
  23. Thanatos

    Trump Regime thread.

    Yang is saying they will be paid a salary instead of per patient. This is already done at plenty of hospitals to great effect.
  24. Thanatos

    Week 2

    Who do you have ahead of him? Possibles would be: Saquon Barkley, Ezekiel Elliot, Le'Veon Bell, Todd Gurley, Alvin Kamara, and that's all I really see. Melvin Gordon? David Johnson? Possibly? I don't really think so. Dalvin Cook? Too early. So lets break it down. Barkley is insane, on a team who has no weapons and no QB. Barkley > CMC. Zeke is the powerhouse of a Cowboys offense but he is also behind an incredible fucking O'line. Not sure on this one. Bell has sat out a full year. If at the top of his game, Bell is better. That remains to be seen as of yet. Gurley is hurt. If fully healthy, Gurley is better. Kamara is essentially a clone of CMC on a much better offense with a better Oline, a better QB and he's had a rushing partner to spell him, along with far better WRs to take pressure off the run-game. CMC is better than Kamara, IMO, because they produce on a similar level, but CMC has the worse team. I'd rank them: 1. Gurley- if fully heathy. 2. Barkley 3. Zeke 4. Bell- if fully back. 5. McCaffrey 6. Kamara. As I have said, I don't think Gurley is healthy, and I don't know about Bell at this moment. So right now, CMC is #3. Even if they are back, he is #6 at worst, and if you're taking Kamara over CMC I can't really blame ya, but I think you're discounting the fact that the Saints offense has been a powerhouse from the moment Kamara stepped in.
  25. Thanatos

    Week 2

    1. Nope. 2. Uh, the entire defense was keying on him all night. CMC is a top-3 back in the NFL. 3. Not even close. Winston is done. 4. The 49ers dropped 31 on them last week. End of discussion.
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