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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Shotgun

    Ochocinco to try pro bull riding

    LMFAO that shit was funny. I have to give mad props to Ocho though to go through with it. Riding a bull isn't something many people would do, especially one with a career riding on their health. From Yahoo: Watching the vid again, I don't think he really payed much attention to their advice, or maybe they didn't give it very well. He wasn't on the bull properly and he didn't have his arm up like he was supposed to.
  2. Just to clarify I'm not disagreeing with you on the corruption of government. My argument is against your comment that the Presidency is a farce, when the President actually has to do a ton of shit and make plenty of decisions. I completely agree Lobbyists and Congress is some of the most corrupt people on the face of this planet. I'm sure some of the Presidents own cabinet members are even at least a little corrupt, but the President does in fact make their own decisions based off their expertise, and they take the advise of people they apparently trust (his cabinet). My comment is taken further than what I meant. I'm talking about making our own decisions when it comes to crap like drugs or other things currently illegal or banned from the U.S. People in general are corrupt and will take advantage of whatever they can. Those types of things we can't trust to be legal because the country will seriously be fucked worse than it is if they are made legal. Not just in an economic sense, but in a personal health sense, which I think is more important for I actually value life over money. The government telling us what to think? Really?? Last I seen this isn't North Korea. People make their own decisions and basically say what the fuck they want. If we were being told what to think there wouldn't be so much crap anti-government out there. People make there own decisions about things, some are simple minded and make their choices based off of what other people say yes but we're all given our own freedom of thought and speech. We're not told what to eat either seeing as we have so much unhealthy crap like fast food and steroids/pesticides in out food and water. If anything we don't have enough regulation when it comes to what we're eating. LOLWUT? Have you ever read a history book EVER?? People are just as retarded now as they were 100, 200, and 300 years ago. Citizens have no more control in government than we ever had aside for when mass protest comes into play, and people are still making the same exact stupid decisions when we can look back a few hundred years and see how bad of a decision it is. Exactly it's shitty regulation which is why we can't trust for things like drugs to become legal. It'll fuck up society even worse than cigs and alcohol already has. When did I say that? Of course the FDA is corrupt that's why they let companies use shit in the U.S. that's actually been banned in other countries. I wasn't saying they weren't corrupt I was saying they don't actually control what we eat, they just allow companies to do more than they should. Of course, if they made more things illegal and forced companies to do what they don't want to, wouldn't that fall under certain peoples definition of totalitarianism? Ron wants to make drugs legal but will he also allow companies to do what they want with the food they make? The amount hitler gave the jews was beyond what the U.S. government allows in our water. Fluoride was put in the water by idiots that thought it would be a great idea to prevent tooth decay. It started in the mid 1900's before anyone knew what the big negative effects were and these days people are actively fighting against continuous fluoridation of our water. I know in the city I live it was actually voted on and passed with the majority of citizens being for it. Not all water has fluoride by the way, I've lived in places that did not have it in it, but I now live somewhere that does so I only drink bottled water. Not that the plastic chemicals are much healthier. I actually did a rather large report on this for class last year, so I've certainly learned enough about Big Pharma do detest them. The drugs prescribed are legit and actually do help, that's not the issue with Pharma. Problem is they re-make drugs, make minor differences that sometimes do nothing and sometimes is just an "easy" fix for a single symptom, and then they resell them as a new copyrighted drug that is higher priced. They pay and give gifts to many doctors so that they are more likely to prescribe their drugs. I think tests found that after receiving a gift, even a minor one, doctors were found to be much more likely to prescribe that drug. Luckily there are doctors out there that aren't like that and me and my wife have found some willing to first prescribe the cheap generic stuff before trying the more expensive kinds, because often the generics don't give people anymore symptoms than the higher priced ones, and sometimes it's even less symptoms in some people. What the fuck? It's not me having too much faith in humanity it's me not being bat shit insane. Government doesn't care about out health? Yeah probably not. But government gives drugs to Mexicans? Do you even know how drug trafficking works? I guess the American government went into Mexico and stuffed Mexican cars for them to cross the border and get busted too huh? Do you think they are also paying all the people to farm the drugs up? Do you realize how much the government spends on trying to catch people growing marijuana in the woods of America? You say the government make money by confiscating drugs and reselling them yet there's plenty of evidence of them destroying drugs, and the amount of drugs they recover is extremely minimal compared to the amount that flood the country destroying cities. You seriously think the government would actually make money off this even if it was true? They spent 15 billion dollars on the war on drugs in 2010, and an additional 25 billion dollars by state and local governments. That not even counting the amount of money that will be spent on putting the estimated over 1.7 million people in jail/prison this year. People underestimate the amount of money spent through the courts, which the vast majority of these dealers won't even go to jail afterward, at least not for long. So they go back on the streets to cost us even more money while the other percentage cost us money by just sitting in prison. I don't even want to get started on how much the government spends on gangs that commit all sorts of costly crimes and property damage, who by the way are funded by drugs. Drugs you apparently think the government puts through out country themselves. Or how about the medical costs from all the poor drug addicts going in and out of hospitals? Who do you think pays for that shit? The "enjoyment" of drinking is an addiction in itself. And anyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it no matter how much they like to deny it, so they go completely hand-in-hand. Just because someone doesn't binge drink doesn't mean they aren't addicted to it. They rebelled and bootlegged because people wanted to drink alcohol and party, as they did before prohibition. People didn't just suddenly decide to drink just because it became illegal, they drunk even before that. Of course prohibition or banning of an addicted substance isn't going to work when it's been a part of world society for hundreds and even thousands of years. And of course crime went up when people are selling something illegal in mass amounts and have violent gangs involved in it. It's no different than drugs, if they made drugs illegal crime would plummet because selling the drugs would no longer be illegal and companies would take a source of income from gangs, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
  3. I'm sorry but this is a total pile of horse shit. To say the Presidency is a farce and no different than the Queen of England is very ignorant and just makes you sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. It's known as a powerful position for a reason, and some would say it's probably too powerful. Of course the President doesn't write legislation by his own hand, that's not what the executive branch is even for, but he can "suggest" things to the ones that do. I put "suggest" in quotes because while the President and his cabinet of experts are technically supposed to suggest bills as the constitution states, the executive branch is known to actually write some of them and pressure Congress into passing it. This is evident all the way back to Andrew Jackson and it was quite evident when Bush was President. I mean seriously, Congress is supposed to declare war but when was the last time they actually made the decision? The executive branch and the President basically forces them to, or in some cases like Vietnam or Bush's wars they just label it something else and go ahead to doing it anyway. The President doesn't just sign things without knowing what they're about, either. If that was so there wouldn't be so many vetoes by the Presidents, vetoes I might add that are uncommon to be overridden by a 2/3 vote. He typically doesn't read the large bills himself, for that would be impossible with all the crap they have to do, but that's why they have a team of experts that do it for him and then advise him, for it would be impossible for one man to be an expert in so many aspects of running a country. And if you actually believe the President is just a puppet what makes you think Ron Paul will be able to do anything about it? I think you have way to much faith in humanity. Us being able to make our own decisions sounds like a great idea in a perfect world, but that just isn't the case. The fact is people are fucking retarded idiots that can't make proper decisions for themselves and the only people that don't realize this are the ones that aren't around those types of people much like most Libertarians (If you haven't noticed most of them are upper class white people). Not to mention all the corrupt dickwads around the world that will take advantage of idiots (hi2u tobacco companies). Things are regulated and made illegal mostly because they're bad for us. The FDA bans bad things because people will use them if they don't, and to be honest they don't ban enough if you ask me. We have so many poisons in our food and water it's rediculous. As far as drugs go, people like Ron (libertarians) think we'll use our logic and not do newly legal drugs because he has faith in humanity, and he knows he and the people he's around won't do them. What he doesn't realize however is he and the people he's around are just a microscopic blip on a planet full of people with different thought processes and dumbassation. I can logically decide alcohol is bad for me and I rightly don't do it because I've had examples around me like an abusive dad and uncles to show me how to not be a complete fucktard. But guess what? Logic doesn't keep the hundreds of millions around the world from doing it. The fact that people still do Heroin and Crack and other stupid crap isn't just because it's illegal and trendy. Sure some people might try it because it's the "cool thing to do", but most drug addicts do it as a form of self-prescribing for depression. There's a reason why most drug addicts come from a poor background. Of course, there's also a shit ton of people out there that won't because it's illegal and they realize illegal = bad for you (at least the ones who had good parents which isn't the case for most drug addicts), not to mention the possible time you'll spend in ass-pound prison. Without a label like that eventually people will just try it to try and the next thing they know they're hooked. Do people even realize why something like prohibition didn't work? It's not because people wanted to do what the fuck they wanted it's because they were already addicted to alcohol when the law was made. Which is why making addicting drugs like Heroin legal is a dumbass idea because there's no way of reversing it when you go "oh shit more people are doing this than we thought would and societies getting fucked up we need to ban this!" Well guess what, people who started smoking crack after it was legal just to try it out of curiosity aren't just going to stop because you say so when they're addicted like crazy.
  4. Shotgun

    Moose: dont ever compare Dez to Irvin

    I think that comment and the almost million dollars in jewelry pretty much sums up with this guy is about. I won't be in the least surprised if he ends up out of the league, broke, and in trouble in the next 10 years.
  5. Shotgun

    Troy Polamalu gets his degree, recovery on schedule

    WHERE DID HIS HAIR GO?!?! I wonder what his degree is.
  6. Shotgun

    You're starting an NFL franchise...

    1st: QB Josh Freeman 2nd: CB Brandon Flowers 3rd: RB Jamaal Charles 4th: WR Mike Williams 5th: OG Carl Nicks 6th: LB Geno Hayes 7th: FS Cody Grimm Tried to make the list more well-rounded.
  7. Shotgun

    Packers are giving Al Harris a Super Bowl ring

    Because while he was technically part of the Packers organization at the start of the season, he was on the PUP list and was later waived, making him a FA. He then signed with the Dolphins in November.
  8. Shotgun

    Random question for you guys...

    Reeses cups used to be my favorite candy, but they've changed the recipe and reduced the amount of PB in some of them so it doesn't taste the same to me. I would prefer KitKat's these days but I'll still eat Reeses Nutrageous bar over just about anything.
  9. Shotgun

    Packers are giving Al Harris a Super Bowl ring

    Pretty cool of the Packers to do that. Glad to see at least some teams recognize who helped build the organization to where they are today.
  10. Shotgun

    Report: Redskins to spend big in free agency

    Not a surprise. I'm curious what makes them think spending big on FA all the time is a winning strategy when they've done nothing but lose for so long. I'd sure hate to be a Redskins fan and I'm glad Bruce Allen is no longer the Bucs GM.
  11. Shotgun

    GOP Presidential Debate 5/5/11

    Sadly a great majority of voters are simple minded fools. It's rather disgusting how many people voted for Obama with no knowledge of his views. They just did it for the simple fact that he was 1/2 black. Surprisingly I know of a lot of people like that who were actually college students who you would think would be a little smarter than that, but no, they just did it because everyone else was. They see it in the news, they see all the dim witted actors and actresses supporting him, they seen him on the Daily Show. It's the cool thing to vote for someone different than a rich white man these days I guess. Same with women voting for Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin - John McCain just because they were women. I would also prefer a more radical person in office. For years now the country has elected people that just do the same things, reverse the same things as the last political party. What this country needs is someone with views that can actually better OUR country. We need to stop fucking with all these other countries, stop wasting money on stupid things, and stop being selfishly driven idiots like we have been. Nothing will ever change if we can't put someone who can shake things up into office. Perhaps he'll get cock blocked by Congress but at least we know he's a strong willed individual who will at least try. Maybe if we get more and more people like him into office maybe we'll actually get some sort of change and not the BS kind of "change" people like Obama try to feed us.
  12. Shotgun

    GOP Presidential Debate 5/5/11

    I agree with Favre4eva about Herman Cain, I don't get what all the bullshit praise is for this guy. His answers were crap just like all the others up there. People probably praised him because he's a damn robot that just repeats what his republican party tells him to, and he's black so would be able to compete better with Obama.
  13. Shotgun

    GOP Presidential Debate 5/5/11

    ^ Probably because anyone not running under Democrat or Republican has a very small chance of winning these days. I certainly would probably vote for Ron Paul. I don't like some of his views, but he doesn't sugar coat anything and seems to stick with his beliefs a lot more consistently than many that run for an office. For the most part I agree with the things he says. I also like the fact that although he is against things like gay marriage and abortion among other things, he sticks to the thought that it should be a law controlled by each individual state and not controlled by the federal government. In other words, even though he would be President he wouldn't want to be in control of those things, he would instead work towards allowing each state to pass the laws as they see fit, so if the majority in California wants gay marriage to be legal in their state then gay marriage damn well should be legal. The reason why I agree with this is each state is very different and the majority populace in many states have completely different beliefs than other states and I don't personally believe any federal law should force a state to have certain laws that the majority does not agree with.
  14. Shotgun

    ESPN's Top 10 NFL Owners

    I agree with it for the most part, except I would probably switch Woody and Arthur based on certain factors.
  15. Shotgun

    Ochocinco to try pro bull riding

    If he plans on playing football next season this would be a dumb move.
  16. Actually coaches were told that contact with players is reason for firing with cause.
  17. Shotgun

    Alan Faneca is retiring

    I hate it when these great players I grew up watching retire. Maybe he'll become a coach later in life, he has a lot of knowledge to bestow on others.
  18. I wouldn't say I'm surprised by it, but I do find it interesting seeing as anyone who gets caught has a good chance of being fired.
  19. Shotgun

    GM M. Dominik and HC Raheem Morris Draft Recap PC

    If all that is true then I don't see how he could have a bone-on-bone condition like many analysts/journalists have reported. It's nice to hear from an actual doctor finally, and hear him say there is a good prognosis for his career. It makes me feel a whole lot better about the Bucs grabbing him.
  20. LOL@ Matt Ryan #8. People need to get off this dudes nuts. He ain't that damn good. And Tom Brady #33? Behind Brees, Ryan, Peyton, Rivers? What the fuck is this dude smoking?
  21. Shotgun

    GM M. Dominik and HC Raheem Morris Draft Recap PC

    I'm really excited to see the Blount/Bradford combo myself. I feel Bradford has a lot of potential that he wasn't always able to show in college. He was a complete beast in that Trojan/Huskies game. With some NFL coaching he could help our backfield be very punishing toward opposing defenses.
  22. Shotgun

    Eagles Lockerroom

    Eagles are having a mini-youth movement and I think it will ultimately be best for the team. It will of course be difficult to replace the leadership qualities of the guys the Eagles are losing right away but by drafting team captains it should fix the issue. It will take any new players, or at least most, at least a year to truly become what would be considered a great leader on the team. Players need to know their teammates before they can lead them.
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