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Everything posted by Omerta

  1. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    it does though, because if you have a candidate who's willing to just play Regional politics and make life nice for those people in three or four states, there's literally no more checks and balances against that. So really a candidate could come along and make life really nice at the expense of the rest of the country, just to get elected president. that doesn't even take into account the fact that less populated areas have to be that way, because Farms have to be somewhere, and I seriously doubt if the next agricultural neck is going to happen in downtown Manhattan. There is a reason even though states have electoral votes, and that's because those states are arguably more vital to our economy and our survival in the more populated states. You can't discount the needs of people in that state to appease those of a state with a larger population, if you do that we're looking at disaster. the Electoral College ensures that the president appeals to the broadest base of the country.
  2. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    Okay, what exactly does that prove? I mean other than you got more votes in Massachusetts than Alabama.
  3. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    That is funny you say that, because that was the exact quote in The Federalist Papers that pertains to the Electoral college since its Inception. If it cannot be perfect, then let it be excellent. I believe that is the quote.
  4. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    I mean that's one take for sure, but the other take is that you prevent politicians from serving Regional interests of Big state's such as New York, California, Texas, and a few others. It was designed so that you could not win an election off of four states, or the most populous states in the future. Which I think is a good idea.
  5. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    I think the electoral college still has functionality personally.
  6. Omerta

    2018 TGP Fantasy Football

    So after about 30 percent of the season dude's I am willing to part with. Scam Newton Shady McCoy Crabtree Buck Allen Allen Robinson Marshawn Lynch The Red Rifle Cooper Kupp Kenny Golladay Trey Burton Some of those you would pay a premium for, others I am content with backups lol.
  7. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    He has a documented history of supporting Constitutional textualism and executive power. He is not a politician, he is a judge. I'm not the one making a claim he will kill the bill of Rights, that is you. I never really put a claim it there like that, thus I have to prove nothing. That is you, at least in the sense of making a factual statement. Face it dude, you used hyperbole and got called, and then tried to deflect twice. First with, " I read a blog" which isn't proof. Then with deflection making me prove or disprove a claim YOU made.
  8. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    If you want to be taken serious you do. You are the one making a claim he is harmful to civil rights, the country as a whole, and that his voting record is harmful. You read about his record but dont offer proofs or specifics of your claim, you just say,"I read a blog". That is proof of nothing other than you read a blog. You say you dont have to prove it, but I am not the one making a claim that he is terrible/great, you are. The burden of proof is on you to prove your claim. If you can't or won't that is fine, just dont claim them as facts.
  9. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    What specifically. What decisions what rulings, what oral arguments. It is easy to say you know the facts, but listening to Rachel Maddow isnt that. So what specifically against his record is there ? And Tyrrany? How so specifically, you are kind of prone to hyperbole yourself, so again how is this tyranny specifically? And why should he not have it out for them, they had it out for them. And dont act like others are impartial or we would not be talking about the balance of power shifting, because that implies we know all the judges there are biased.
  10. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    So Kavanaugh has not been assigned to the bench yet how the fuck do we even know what he is going to do. He has already said he is ok with keeping Roe V Wade around, and we are condemning him for doing what literally every politician in the country has done. The patriot act passed by a huge margin when it was introduced then Democrats hated it. Then Obama came in and expanded it, and the Democrats say," Well, I have nothing to hide" lol. Fucking please, this happens by every administration by both parties. Should we have killed all of them? There would be nobody left lol. Now I am not going to say I would cry if it happened but with Blots whining about Republicans is asinine. You dont want this to happen, run someone better then Clinton so we dont end up with Donald fucking trumps you bunch of pussy-ass" Im with her" cunts. This is literally everyone's fault so instead of shooting one group why not shoot both. Oh thats right, in true blots fashion, dont get your hands dirty, have someone else do the killing, but only when you ok it lol. Dont encourage this dumbass whiny shit. he and his party lost, period. If the shoe was on the other foot he would not be crying foull and throwing his little tantrums. As fun as they are, I might add.
  11. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    ...Blots meltdown incoming.
  12. Omerta

    Socialist Idea

    To do what you're proposing you would have to get rid of portability language in contracts. You literally cannot do that without tearing unions apart. If you took away portability then you would be displacing people from their homes by creating wastelands for work, at least as far as unions are concerned. You would probably end up with more non-union contractors than you would Union. I'm not shooting holes in this, just to do it. But you literally cannot do what you're proposing with the current Union laws, and if you were to dismantle the portability rules, then you would tear the union apart. Or, you would at least tear apart the weaker Unions. As to why the private sector hasn't fixed it, it's very simple. The government absolutely refuses to do its job. This goes for every president since the 1960s, they absolutely refuse to do their job. The idea that the government can come in and fix their mistakes, and improve on them is something they haven't proved the ability to do in the last half-century, I don't think involving them more is going to help. If they want to help start doing the job that they're paid to do, and enforcing the law already on the books. If they do that and things don't correct themselves, then okay, let's are talking about different issues. Until they do that though there's no point in discussing anything else, at least as far as the private sector being able to fix itself.
  13. Omerta

    Socialist Idea

    for the people who don't feel like reading that wall of text, the general summation is that we don't need the government to interfere anymore than they already are. What we need them to do is the job that they're paid to do, nothing more nothing less.
  14. Omerta

    Socialist Idea

    You negging son of a bitch lol. Kidding. This was more of a reminder to me, I was busy at the office, but I wanted a reminder for when I took lunch or break to come back to this and revisit it. So as to the explanation, I don't see a good way of implementing what you're saying. There are multiple scenarios in play here, and I don't feel like any of them are good. The biggest problem I have with any of it, is when you said government placing people. What does that mean? I don't like the idea of government being able to place anybody in a profession, no matter how good they may be at it. now those aren't the three scenarios, that was just a big problem I had with the statement in general. However for the next three scenarios I will operate under the assumption that you meant the government will give you the option to choose. The first, and consequently the largest problem I see with this is that you would take huge metropolises, and make them even bigger. Now there's nothing wrong with that in and of itself if that's where people feel they belong. So I'm not sure how familiar you are with the way the union works, but there is a wage scale that is completely dependent upon where you live, and you're negotiating power. For example and local 46 and Seattle a journeyman makes about $50 an hour, travel 25 miles south to local 76 jurisdiction, and a journeyman makes about $35 an hour. Now the living expenses aren't that much different, it is almost as expensive to live in Tacoma as it is to live in the west side of Seattle. So let's say you go to the Tacoma high school and tell all these kids that hey once you're done will place you an apprenticeship program, or a trade school to teach you an apprenticeship, or a trade school and then graduate you to an apprenticeship, any of the combination is fine. The problem is why would a kid at Tacoma High School want to take that option, if he knows 15 miles up the road he could be making $15 an hour more, and a pension that isn't bankrupt. He probably wouldn't, then you would have to tell that person that they have to stay within the Tacoma jurisdiction or there wouldn't be any Wireman in Tacoma. Now, when you think about how the union works there something called portability. So what that is, is it only allows you to have a certain amount of people work in a different jurisdiction, and for local 46 I believe that number is 4. So is a contractor, I can only send four of my guys to do work in Tacoma, after that I have to hire Tacoma hands. Now there's nothing wrong with that either, except for that the guys working right next to them doing the same work, but have their money sent to a pension that's fully funded and quite healthy, well they would receive local 76 pay which is much lower, and the pension is bankrupt. So basically they're doing the same work, and they're getting paid less to do it. Now let's say, that you told these people they could go anywhere they wanted to go. Do you really think they would choose to stay in Tacoma? So you would have a complete absence of Union Wireman and Tacoma, but the need for electrician still needs to be filled, so then what? With the rules of portability, all those Wireman who live in Tacoma, are working in Seattle but you can only send four back to service the needs of a large city. So basically, the electrical needs of Tacoma would go unmet, unless you allowed non-union labor. So now you're saying let's get rid of the portability Rule, and that's all well and good. However, that comes with its own set of challenges. So if you take portability out of the Union contracts, the next thing people are going to do is try to establish new markets and conglomerate operations. So you have for five huge contractors in Seattle that handle all the 40-story work. all the other small contractors usually stick to 20 floors or below, or doing tenent improvements on different buildings. So what would happen is either the large Union contractors would Branch out to as far as they could get let's say on Western Washington on the other side of the Cascades, and they would put smaller Union shops out of business. or let's say that they didn't want to do that just wanted to focus on that work. Then you would have the smaller shop seeing opportunities to be able to expand their operation to become the next big outfit. So you would have immediately a problem because the pension in Seattle is very good, is as the pay, so the local in Spokane can't compete with that, so all of the people in Spokane are going to sign up with 46 to get the pension in the money as they should. The problem with that is is now all of the sudden you have the entire state of Washington governed over by one local headquartered in Seattle. That is going to create a huge Metropolis of people, and it's going to make locals the next conglomerates. That is only one of the issues, there's at least a few more, but they deal more on the contractor side with the logistics, what parts cost wear, putting local Parts houses out of business because it's cheaper to get it from the bigger Parts houses in Seattle, so you would lose those jobs in those small towns that people rely on for a living. Then you would an Essence kill the town, or large chunk of its Workforce and make them migrate to a larger area. then there's the problem of certain local specializing in things, and Seattle there's a large chunk of our local that doesn't Marine electrical, now that's not necessarily needed in the midwest, what's needed in the midwest is motor controls for irrigation Motors and electric pumps. So why would a guy and the Midwest settle for $22 an hour for a journeyman benefit package, when he could go up to one of the large conglomerates, and all he would have to learn as a few motor controls in a marine environment. Now all of the sudden we're starting to lose parts of the trade, or expertise in those trades because the service is needed in the midwest, or not the service is needed in the ones that pay well. I am all for unionizing the workforce, but I think the way the union does its thing right now is the ideal way to do it. The problem is we have a large influx of undocumented immigrant labor that we need to have a path to citizenship so we can legitimize that Workforce, and stop allowing people to pay them one V what they would pay anybody else. We need to take all the huge corporations like Amazon, Walmart, Google, Kmart, and all of these places and smash them into a million pieces so that way when companies not so big that they can have their own electrical force, their own Plumbing Force, basically an entire self-sufficient organization on to themselves, we need to stop paying all these legislators to get the right to work states going. we need to stop telling kids that college is the only way you're going to be successful in life, to get that six figure salary, or even strike it rich. There's a lot of electrical contractors that are multi-millionaires by the time they're 35, because the workforce is hurting so bad that anybody that can do a halfway decent job can run a shop. We need to start getting all these endowments two colleges comment all these tax breaks, and start giving them back to the trades. If you go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics construction is one of the markets it's far outpacing the people we have, and that trend is only going to continue as we grow as a nation. We need to start going to high school trying to recruit there, we need to take some of those military budget that were using to fight other people's words for money, but that budget into recruiting in promoting local unions, we need to get city city council some local Meijer out of the pockets of these large non-union contractors, there's so many things we can do that does not necessarily involves government help that we can do to promote Union and get people on track with decent paying jobs. The fact is that all these corporations and Technology, biopharmaceuticals, Supply Chain management, Logistics, don't want people to stop going to college because they want to recruit the best young talent, and they do that with the promise of great paying jobs will they don't tell you is only a few will get that, you will end up and a cubicle somewhere working a dead-end job where you're going to top out at $80,000 a year maximum.
  15. Omerta

    Socialist Idea

    Hard pass.
  16. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    I am not saying he is the greatest, but he is certainly better than any of the options we've had in the last 20 years. I would definitely take him over Trump or Hillary, I would take him over Bernie, Bush, Kerry, McCain, and anybody who had a realistic shot of winning in the last 20 years. I think you did an overwhelmingly amount of things that are neutral, that didn't move need a one way or the other. And I would say he accomplished about as many great things as he did Terrible Things. I don't know if I would go so far as to call him a traitor, that would imply that he was an ally of the middle class from the get-go. I think this stems from what we were saying earlier none of these politicians are really great people. That being said, I would take Obama before I took a lot of them. Recently changed my tone on Elizabeth Warren, I still think she would be one of the better options, if I can't have them alley or gabbard then really I'm having to pick somebody who I would think it's the least evil, and she would be in the conversation. There might be two good options, possibly three, but I mean realistically when you compare him to his contemporaries he wasn't that bad of a choice.
  17. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    There may be a few, very few, I just believe the overwhelming majority of the halls of Congress and the White House are filled with terrible people.
  18. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    I wasn't addressing anything they said in particular. I am not even sure what the last two pages are about honestly. To answer your question though, no. I don't think there are more gabbards than not. I think most are shit people.
  19. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    And it's sad. Not about Booker or any one person in particular. I think pretty close to 100% of them are shit people who don't really give a damn about any of us. There is some wiggle room I'm sure but a minute percent.
  20. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    I don't believe anyone involved in this from the accuser to the accused. It is just fucked all the way around, how sad is it this is where we are as a whole ?
  21. Omerta

    Razor's QB Rankings 2018

    Ha I'm just enjoying the ride until the inevitable bad Flacco shows up.
  22. Omerta

    Razor's QB Rankings 2018

    I see you trying to deny Joe week after week, HE WILL NOT BE DENIED. Put some respeck on his name. On a serious question do you count drops against the QB ? Crabtree had 3 hit him in the hands and John brown dropped 2, and Boyle had 1 I believe. Not dissing your rankings at all. If Crabtree had hands Joe's completion percentage would be outstanding.
  23. Omerta

    Trump Regime thread.

    Yeah I'm with you in not making much of a connection here.
  24. Omerta

    Ravens @ Steelers

    ... Can't tell if the Ravens are good or the Steelers are bad...
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