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Posts posted by Omerta

  1. Not trying to be condescending or whataboutism or whatever, but how many politicians do you think are legit honest ?

    Not that it should be excused I just expect it from everyone. I am a big Gabbard fan and know in my heart of hearts she is not being transparent with me.

    I don't care for Omar but she is not alone. I can only think of 3 I like. Her quote was dumb, but it's natural. When feminists are bitching about whatever they bitch about now, someone always gets lambasted for saying, it's some men. White people after Charleston, it's some white people did something and they get lambasted. Black person cheats welfare? It's just some black people, not all of them. And they get lambasted. It's just how it goes these days.

    All of those statements are true of course, but for some reason we only let it slide for people in the party, or who identify with our party, but fuck the other ones. It's sad but she should have known.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, seanbrock said:

    Idk man I feel you. It's pretty hard not to be cynical but they're being sued by a member of Congress. There are DA's from multiple states and like I said, some people with some money have...lost some money. That's a pretty significant coalition. I'm not sure that this can just be swept under the rug. Also consider that Google was working with Hillary so Trump's justice department may have an axe to grind here.

    I mean I guess if that's what it takes. I would rather this be a piece of legislation not some bitter politician and right guy mad because they got bested at the game. 

    Or because Trump wants to keep rubbing it in Hilldawgs face, which don't get me wrong because they are both the biggest pieces of shit in recent memory.

    There are no progressives anymore. There is the far right, the regressive left, and everyone else.

  3. 47 minutes ago, seanbrock said:

    @ThanatosDidn't every poll say that Hillary had like 99% of beating Trump? If Biden wins the nomination, millennials will stay home and if millennials stay home, the Democrats are guaranteed to lose to Trump. Can you imagine how bad Biden is going to look on a debate stage with just one other guy? Lol. He's clearly got dimentia...clearly. You're out of your mind.


    That statement after all the mental health discussions. Tsk tsk lol.


    I do agree Biden gets fucking murdered by trump.

  4. No Sean, it isnt. He may have tried but it didnt work. In Prussia wealth was attained not from ideas but conquest. The richest people in America are also the ones who have benefitted it the most, or at least most of them.

    Also Prussia was not the strongest military in the world of it's time. That is a historical fact.

    You have a very skewed perspective on people with wealth.  Not all of them are the Koch brothers or Clintons. 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    You didn't say people are over-medicated. You said "VERY few of these people need medication." The idea that people are being over-prescribed shit is a perfectly reasonable belief. I'd argue its pretty damn factual given shit like the Johnson and Johnson decision that just got handed down.

    However, the idea that the vast majority of them don't need medicine at all is what I find so objectionable. This just perpetuates a stereotype and you have absolutely zero evidence to support your point of view here. 

    Is there evidence the other way?  No bullshit is there any way to tell that the meds are needed over other solutions or is or just the APA saying so or do they even say it?

  6. I really think it is being engaged as a parent and a two parent home is ideal. At least when they are younger. My son is a good example. 

    My son has been in wrestling since he was 4. When he first started he would cry when he lost. I dont do crying boys, that is my wife's domain. Now Macy I will listen to her cry about losing her dolls teacups and naturally will buy her some more and drink imaginary tea. I was always taught men dont cry and true to teaching I haven't cried in 20 years since my mom died. So when Gabe did it at first I was mad, but then I do what I always do and read about it in books and by the time I figured it out my wife had him straight on it and made him feel better about himself and his self image.

    Now that he is older he is starting to experience more complex emotions. Things that a father has to deal with. So we go to the river all the time and we swap stories and talk about how he feels about things and how it affects his decisions. I have a long way to go because I would like my son to not carry the rage I have always had. I shit you not I take notes and spend the majority of my day thinking about how to deal with those things. The good news about kids is they tend to have the same problems often so once I have figured out what I should say I can use it the next time. I am not one of those guys who is naturally good at being a dad so I have to constantly work on showing him how he should react and not how I would. Then I have to try to change how I react for his sake.

    I say all that to say that kids need better parents more than they need meds. I see so many kids on meds and it makes me sad that their parents would rather get solutions from pills. Now not EVERY case can be solved without them but I would be willing to bet a shitliad could.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

    I don't necessarily think Ngata was saying you shouldn't seek help. My issue is with the way he states it. People telling a depressed person that ultimately it's up to them does not help, because they cannot see a way out at the moment. They're looking at all these other people with all the tools just tell them they just need to man up and get through it. You first need to level the playing field, and THEN they can actually begin to fight their way out of it. Because you do have to fight out of it, since you've spent the entire previous part of your life not having a level playing field. That gets to people, it gets them thinking pessimistically. They're not used to actually being able to be happy. 

    They should definitely get help. What I am saying is even with medication I am very dubious about telling people the cure is a pill. Using your analogy if someone is on the same plane as everyone, they still have to do the work. There are millions of people who have medication and are still depressed. Those people are not doing the work in most cases.

    And sometimes you do have to man up and get through. Sometimes it really is that simple, but it's hard. 

     I also have a problem with medications though. Not saying they are all bad or even most, but consider this. Imagine being diagnosed young and life sort of being numbed for you with meds, and then you get off for whatever reason and now life is coming at you full force. That is why I think a lot of people break and eventually commit suicide. No proof just a theory.

    I think how we treat mental health is poor. So.e people need medicines, sure. Others need coping skills, support structures, confidence or a whole bunch of things that cant be cured with pills.

    • Upvote 1

  8. It is also hard to be charismatic when you get the second to least amount of air time on the debate platform. Or google mysteriously blocks 6 hours of website traffic while you are the most searched candidate in the internet.

    People wanted to see her, they wanted to hear her and she was denied time. It was sad, but alas when we end up with 4 more years of trump we will know why.

  9. 16 minutes ago, RazorStar said:

    Gabbard has the charisma of a pet rock, of course she didn't make it. Doesn't matter how sound your policies are if people don't like you.

    I mean I liked her after she torpedoes Harris' campaign. So Trump is the most charismatic person left running. This should get interesting. Nobody in the democratic field has a shot. Not against him.

  10. Definitely. I'm not trying to minimize anything, there are some people have seen some truly horrific things.  Then there are some people who are just constant complainers, and are always going to look at the worst of the situation. They make themselves depressed because of a dogshit outlook. They are not really mentally ill, they have no chemical imbalances, They for whatever reason can not take on a positive perspective.

     I would say it's like obesity if I were going to compare it to something in the physical realm. When you're obese you can know how to lose weight comments not all the hard. Calories in versus calories out. For some reason though people can't get off the couch, they can't get out of their own way, they can't get the courage to put themselves in public to work out, I don't know what it is, they just can't do it. Nobody can fix it for them except for themselves, they can have all the knowledge in the world and it won't help if they don't have the desire to change it.


  11. In the end, it is up to that person.  The telling a person with a broken leg to walk it off analogy has never worked for me. I think it's a tad misleading.

     If you break your leg, literally a doctor can do every single thing to fix it for you. You just have to show up. Even if you don't, they can do a surgery put a plate in and your broken leg is healed by someone else.

     Mental health isn't that way. You can go to therapy is sure, but in the end it's on you to learn how to cope with whatever it is you're dealing with. Sure com they can guide you and give you tools common those are great things come but nobody can fix your mental state other than you.

    • Upvote 1

  12. 4 hours ago, Thanatos said:

    I think you incredibly overestimate the average US citizen if you think we could actually do this.

    A) The overwhelming majority of them would not be willing to die for anything short of the government trying to kill them. How many people would actually do these kinds of guerrilla tactics to stop a corrupt government? I'd wager less than 10,000. Sure, you'd have the bunch of rednecks who claim they'd never let them take their guns, but the instant the US military actually rolls out, they'd fold like a house of cards.

    B) There are spy satellites and all sorts of ways to root out where you are hiding. This isn't like the Revolutionary War where you can go hide in the jungle. Your one chance is that a large part of the military refuses to follow orders, in which case the civilians having assault rifles doesn't really matter at all.

    C) You are not refusing to give up guns, because as per our poll literally no one is asking that, but to give up assault rifles except in cases where you actually need them. You are putting up what is essentially an apocalyptic scenario versus the very real problem of gun violence and saying well, just in case this wildly implausible scenario happens and we somehow have enough people to actually put up a fight, that's worth the tens of thousands of lives lost every year to gun violence. We don't want to even try having restrictions that work perfectly fine in other countries because what if the government becomes Nazi Germany? 

    Also what happened to the argument that criminals could still get their hands on guns easily? We're criminals in this scenario, so if we see the government going south, wouldn't we just go get our hands on guns via the black market?

    D) (Gator Aids lol. Love your phone.) No matter how many times the pro-gun contigent brings it up, these extreme out there examples are not a logical attack on gun control. So one time we had 1k people in a cult drink poison so clearly we can't have gun control because people could poison gatorade on campuses and kill people. Like what even is this logic. Over and over again, it's brought up that there are other ways that people die. Yeah, sure, granted. I'll even grant you gun control doesn't stop deaths from guns entirely. Not even close. It does save a great deal of people, as proven basically everywhere its been implemented. The idea that the solution either has to stop everything or its not worth even trying is just loony.

    It's not a constitutional right to own assault weapons or other military-grade hardware. Not for the average citizen. 

    E) Epstein committed suicide in a prison run by a Trump appointee under the authority of another trump appointee. But yeah, totally the Clintons. I love how people forget that Trump and the Clintons were/possibly still are friends. Both of them are certainly breathing easier that Epstein is dead. Whoever killed him, doesn't have any bearing whatsoever on what is a totally separate matter of 40k people a year dying due to firearms.

     Well, while we're talking about sensationalism. 3% of gun deaths in this country are caused by rifles come extrapolate that out to those that are carried out by an assault rifle, and you have 1.9% of gun violence in this country carried out by an assault rifle.


    Now of the 40000 people that die of gun violence every year, only 15000 are homicides. People who commit suicide rarely do so with an assault rifle, so we really shouldn't be just using wild statistics to make a sensational claim.  Roughly 300 people die a year from assault rifles and pistols are  9 times more likely to be used in a murder, then the rest of the classes of firearms combined. It's 19 times more likely to be used in a shooting than an assault rifle.


    I don't know if you're doing it to intentionally be dishonest/disingenous or not (doubt it), but you're bringing up the 40000 figure and assault rifles as if they are related. They are not. Again 300 people in this country died by assault rifles and this is some gigantic crusade, that has no real end game. Let's say you get exactly what you want which is an assault rifle ban, yous save 300 lives this year. 2 to 3 times as many people are going to die from auto-erotic asphyxiation.

     Statistically speaking you're not even making a Dent, no difference will be made.


    You've still failed to explain how I don't have a constitutional right to an assault rifle. Nowhere in the Constitution does it put limits on what I can and cannot own as far as firearms are concerned. Your argument, at least as far as I understand it thus far,   Is that society as a whole has decided this for me. I don't remember you guys asking me, and remember you people asking anybody I know, you are just throwing out blanket generalizations to support a narrative that you see as pleasing. You have not taken into account any of the numbers, the real numbers, not the ones that sensationalize the issue that we're talking about.

     I would love to have this conversation, but it has to be had in earnest. We have to make sure we're framing what we're really talking about. You're talking about taking away the rights of millions of people, to save the lives of 300 people, that were taken by on average 8 perpetrators. 

     There is no other cause of death in this country that is so grossly sensationalized and over generalized as gun deaths. If I were to tell you that Chihuahuas cause 300 deaths a year, you would laugh and say who gives a shit.  You probably wouldn't laugh, but this is also not an issue that you would want every major politician talking about in this country. 

     There is a dishonesty in the way that the left and the far left frame this argument that is sickening. A to keep saying it, but seriously we're talking about 300 people here. It's sad, and it's tragic that kids die, but that being said 300  Deaths a year is so miniscule compared to the other things that kill people in this country every year.

  13. 7 hours ago, Thanatos said:

    What do you mean by "continued descent into depravity?" Japan is into some depraved shit, they have basically zero gun violence. 

     Yes but next to Russia we might have the most corrupt government on the planet. At least for a  developed nation.

     I won't speak for him commas I'm sure he has his own examples in mind, but if you'll permit I have one.


    Jeffrey Epstein. This man was in the some of the most deprived, and deplorable acts that a human being can do to another human. That being said comment reached the highest levels of government. The people that are supposed to be there to protect the United States, and its citizenry. They are taking advantage of their positions, and they are raping young women.


    When they are about to be brought to Justice, Jeffrey Epstein surprisingly commit suicide. I'm sure his ties to the clintons had nothing to do with it, but it just makes you wonder doesn't it?


    I can't in good conscience hand my guns over to a government that I know is corrupt on that level. Instead of bringing the rats among them to Justice, they hide the rat. Can we win as sustained where against the government? Who knows, I think we could draw it out long enough to where would just destroy our country and there would be no form of government left. Either that or we could stretch out their supply lines and security forces so far, that it would leave these corrupt politicians exposed. Once we kill all of them, the war would either end, or there would be nobody left to direct it.  I think one thing nobody talks about either common is the fact that I seriously doubt the US military would be on board with their stupid plans, if anybody knows how corrupt this government is, it's a military official at a high level.


    We may not be able to, hell they might just kick our ass. That being said I feel a hell of a lot better with my gun than without it. 

     Either way, it's a constitutional right, won't go anywhere for any meaningful period of time.

     Also I would like to leave you with this period Jim Jones killed 919 people with kool-aid.  Do you really think somebody would be above poisoning gator aids and hand them out for free on school campuses?

  14. 7 hours ago, seanbrock said:

    My youngest bro just graduated airforce tech school and is home and my middle bro is going into the Navy so we're celebrating. Woulda got to this sooner BUT forgive me for doubting you expertise of the Japanese economy but I think you did a Google search and came upon this This Quora discussion so I would love for you to explain. If you could also back up your argument of how telling poor folks to not have kids is a good idea. 

    Btw, we're both opinionated Irish pricks so it goes without saying that you can go fuck yourself you arrogant bastard haha.

    Haha well deserved. I will get to it when I get to the office. There was a Bloomberg or Forbed article a couple years back. I've also know Japan was it's own biggest creditor much like American used to own a large portion of it's own debt through it bonds owned by citizenry. I'll get more into it in a little bit.

  15. 8 minutes ago, DalaiLama4Ever said:


     I was sitting in the drive-through line getting my protein shake, I don't really have time to type out the response I need. That being said, Seans smart enough to figure it out comment I obviously spends enough time on the Internet. I think hes got it.

     I really didn't mean it to be a d***, there just aren't a lot of ways you can explain something long form with that kind of time table.  If I had more time,I would have certainly explained it.

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