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GOP Presidential Debate 5/5/11

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Guest Durant4MVP

I am not saying the US has to be 100% to ourselves, like the little red headed stepchild. But our foreign policies as they stand now are far too.... radical. We have troops in like.... 100 different countries (and that may be only a slight exaggeration). It'd be more of a happy medium, like Krawnka suggested.


I agree with that, but it's not what Ron Paul is insisting on doing.

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People probably praised him because he's a damn robot that just repeats what his republican party tells him to, and he's black so would be able to compete better with Obama.



And it's a damned shame, that the office of the President is in such a state, that it's merely a racially charged competition between Black Token Democrat Parrot vs Black Token Republican Parrot.


At the same time it's insulting that these fat cats view us as such simple minded fools, that we can't see it...


I would prefer a radical conservative in the office, as his actions would get washed on it's way through Congress, just enough to make it "moderate"...vs starting "moderate" and having it come out socialist.

Edited by Krawnka

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And it's a damned shame, that the office of the President is in such a state, that it's merely a racially charged competition between Black Token Democrat Parrot vs Black Token Republican Parrot.


At the same time it's insulting that these fat cats view us as such simple minded fools, that we can't see it...


I would prefer a radical conservative in the office, as his actions would get washed on it's way through Congress, just enough to make it "moderate"...vs starting "moderate" and having it come out socialist.


Sadly a great majority of voters are simple minded fools. It's rather disgusting how many people voted for Obama with no knowledge of his views. They just did it for the simple fact that he was 1/2 black. Surprisingly I know of a lot of people like that who were actually college students who you would think would be a little smarter than that, but no, they just did it because everyone else was. They see it in the news, they see all the dim witted actors and actresses supporting him, they seen him on the Daily Show. It's the cool thing to vote for someone different than a rich white man these days I guess. Same with women voting for Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin - John McCain just because they were women.


I would also prefer a more radical person in office. For years now the country has elected people that just do the same things, reverse the same things as the last political party. What this country needs is someone with views that can actually better OUR country. We need to stop fucking with all these other countries, stop wasting money on stupid things, and stop being selfishly driven idiots like we have been. Nothing will ever change if we can't put someone who can shake things up into office. Perhaps he'll get cock blocked by Congress but at least we know he's a strong willed individual who will at least try. Maybe if we get more and more people like him into office maybe we'll actually get some sort of change and not the BS kind of "change" people like Obama try to feed us.

Edited by Shotgun

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The reason that people like Cain is because he has never held public office, making him more of an outsider. Also, F4E, you are so right about defending the Constitution. Since when is standing up for what the founding fathers built this country on radical? We need to preserve this country by going back to our founding principals.

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Guest Durant4MVP
Why do you dislike Ron Paul?


I want to answer this question with a drawn-out screed on libertarianism, but no one’s going to read my book’s-length post on that, so I’ll sum it up briefly and let specific challenges come flying in.


Libertarianism and dependence on a ‘free-market’ to solve all the country’s problems are the closest things to a religion that politics has. It’s a scam that people like Paul use to stir up a base, a promise of a magical land where everyone willingly does the right thing because it’s in their best interest while back in the states private corporations ship jobs overseas so they can exploit foreign workers. Libertarianism is the stance that all the human-rights progress developed by unions and all the worker’s benefits are undeserved, market-suppression. It’s their stance that if a company were hiring 8-year-old’s at 7¢ an hour to make shoes (nike), the public would find out and boycott the company making unions superfluous. Of course, we know through several real-life examples that this would never happen as powerful, wealthy companies use their influence to suppress information (tobacco) and when that information does get out, it’s exactly the same fucking libertarian-types who don’t care and continue to buy those products because they don’t give a shit about human beings.


Libertarians support a privatized world including a privatized system of education in America. It doesn’t take a genius to see the best educations will go to the most wealthy and, even though libertarians like to believe everyone starts life equally, the fact is that this will quickly create a system of class segregation the likes of which would turn this country into a war zone in a decade.


It’s a racist, classist, unrealistic system and no one is more guilty of pushing it on the American people than Ron Paul. Paul built the ridiculously misnamed Tea Party to spread his ‘free-market delusion,’ pretended it was a grassroots campaign and, meanwhile, took corporate donations, just like everybody else. The man lives in an ivory tower of presumption. I wonder if he’s ever met a poor person. And while he collects cash from useless campaign after useless campaign, stirring up ire against the government among a group of people he’s already disowned (a match he lit and a flame he condemns), he continues to sell America the idea that there is a single ideology that will ‘solve all it’s problems.’


Ever read that book about the sneetches? In it, the sneetches give all their money to a ‘fix-it up chappie’ who exploits people’s differences for his own financial gain. That’s how I see Ron Paul. Scurrying away with pockets sagging from everyone’s money as fight after fight breaks out in his dust. Nothing is solved. His solutions are snake oil, but they work for him.

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I canz copy paste. I r smart!

Ron Paul is probably the most honest and intelligent presidential candidate. He actually sticks to his opinions! He doesn’t change depending on what other people think- he is also honest, and is not willing to go along with all the sneaky crap the government is getting away with.


1. He voted No for the war, and agrees that we were lied to


2. He doesn’t want to raise taxes, and doesn’t think income tax is Constitutional (it’s not- look it up)


3. Does not support our involvement with NAFTA


4. Wants Grandma and Grandpa to get the Social Security they deserve and earned


5. Is Pro-Liberty (not the anti-terrorist kind, the real kind) and Privacy- voted NO on the Patriot Act.


Seriously, go look at his website:




This guy is the one politician who is questioning the behavior of our current dictators! He is suspicious of the Federal Reserve (which is not a government organization- it is privatized, and charges us interest for our OWN money- that’s where your income tax goes) and is against the lying and brainwashing that is currently a widely accepted practice in our government.


He actually wants to follow the Constitution. What a weird idea? Follow the document that outlines how our country must be run (ran?)!! What a novel idea.


Everyone needs to do some serious thinking, stop analyzing whether or not Hillary’s laugh was genuine, or why Obama isn’t wearing his flag pin on his lapel- are you serious?? That is what our news has to say about Presidential Candidates– are you happy with that information? Are you willing to do some research and serious thinking before supporting one of these people? If you do… if you really do…. I think Ron Paul is the obvious choice.


Ron Paul is asking the questions that the other runners are not interested in. He’s interested in giving the system and update, and restoring it to what it SHOULD be, not just taking over the current mess and bending it in his favor.


Point being... You can go to google and find articles with good or bad bias about practically any person on the planet. Search engines are marvelous tools, and I am glad you have proven to the people of TGP that you know how to use them. :clap:

Edited by Favre4Ever

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I agree, which is why I prefer to formulate my own opinion based upon multiple sources, rather than just regurgitate an opinion from someone else.


At least when you form your own opinions, you have enough actual knowledge to be open minded on the matter, instead of chained to another person's perspective.

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Guest Durant4MVP

I made it pretty clear it was my opinion throughout the entire thread. That blog post just articulated it better.

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