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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I'm reasonably happy with the Bills draft. We drafted players. To my knowledge, none of them support any far-right militias. If they're good they'll help us win games. Hooray.
  2. 1 point
    So its liberals that are causing the spike in poison control center calls over drinking disinfectant? That makes total sense. It's his own followers who are going to get hurt over this. Your best defense is "Yeah what he said was really stupid, but he didn't tell anyone to do it on their own. Dumb liberal." You don't spitball ideas at a press conference with millions of people watching. You don't do this shit. He did with hydroxychloroquine which we now think is not effective against the virus. In fact, it may increase mortality rate. None of this is taken out of context. Even Fox is hitting him on this. First he lies and says its sarcasm, and then he says the media made it seem like he's addressing Dr. Birx. Who he's talking to doesn't really matter. It's where the conversation is taking place that is the problem. Just proves once again that Trump's following is akin to a cult. No matter what he says or does, yall cultists defend it. He can literally do no wrong. He can suggest looking into injecting disinfectant and yall absolute fucking morons somehow find a way to spin it so that the media is the bad guy here. "Nothing infuriates a Trump supporter more than quoting his own words to them." And on that note, here, have the press conference. See for yourself. He does talk about this, this isn't spin or putting words in his mouth. He's spitballing random thoughts with millions of people watching. That is irresponsible and dangerous.