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Everything posted by PhilElliot

  1. PhilElliot

    Place your Superb Owl bets now!

    Saints have never been a good bet. Never. they got their one gift. Look how they got ripped off the last 2 years. they wont even get that close this time.
  2. PhilElliot

    Place your Superb Owl bets now!

    vs or Deebo Samuel or Dante Pettis become big time jocks.
  3. PhilElliot

    What are we motivated by?

    that was govts entire purpose. to cause separation, through political parties, fear of crime outside the house. my sports team is better than yours. we stay insulated. hypnotized by the tv light in the house. we get irritated at a knock on the door instead of happy to see someone. we all get the same crap at the grocery store.. instead of, you grow carrots and i'll grow apples and share and help. because we let govt tell us they own the american soil beneath you and you cant do it without their permission lol. these movies are beautiful accidents. Its govt telling you, we are brainwashing you and youre too stupid to realize it.
  4. PhilElliot

    What are we motivated by?

    just a tidbit from the whole for now. its not biological. it is made up free market bullshit/social conditioning. it is the product of materialism. Early on, everyone was the same and did the same as a community. we were taught to bow to authority at some point so power became a thing. and just like materialism.. you have to be and do and act and be with, the biggest and the best or you are lesser then. we have lost the understanding to be able to just "be". to "be". to just be able to turn off the stupid tv shows and deadlines and answering to multiple authorities.. and just think, just ponder, contemplate your origin, meaning, existence. it all about what you do and what you have. thats the first impression. the first pointless questions in conversation... so, what do you do? what car do you drive? how much schooling have you had? that does not define you.. it shouldnt anyway. no one can actually say what happened in so called caveman days or even if there were those type of cavemen. you can cry all you want that science says this or that. the truth is no one knows shit about the origin of mankind. most fossil findings are propaganda bullshit or their origin and time frame are lied about. but thats a tad off track for now lol (and of course in this format, i'm giving quicky thoughts. I cant spell out every detail of what i'm thinking ,like how fast a conversation can be)
  5. PhilElliot

    2019 NFL Draft Discussion Thread

    Boring first round. Except for Marquise effing neck chain.
  6. PhilElliot

    2019 Hall of Fame Inductees

    Really boring selections for season 100.
  7. PhilElliot

    Patriots Get Happy Ending

    and you still cant figure out a pattern.... win? no, just get there at least. yawnnn another fake story. as fake as tapegate and deflategate. where did this happen? where is the next super bowl? figure it out
  8. PhilElliot

    Fuck Verizon

    Lol all corporations. All of them
  9. PhilElliot

    Should College Players Be Paid?

    More insults and deflection..but no ability to prove me wrong. You are using emotion, not logic.
  10. PhilElliot

    2019 NFL.com Playoff Challenge

    Change lineups before each game? You just mean each week, right? I can' change to Seattle players right now, after I made choices last night
  11. PhilElliot

    Sports Illustrated's 2018 NFL Predictions

    SI magazine had Falcons over Steelers but as I told you in the beginning. Falcons hosting super bowl and wouldn't make it.
  12. PhilElliot

    Week 17 Playoff Scenarios

    Dang ,oh well, no Vikings. It' starting to look like a seattle,New England rematch boooo
  13. It was staged. Nothing more, nothing less
  14. PhilElliot

    Week 17 Playoff Scenarios

    You're kidding but I won't be wrong
  15. PhilElliot

    Who's The Best Team In The League?

    its a guarantee they wont make the SB
  16. PhilElliot

    Week 17 Playoff Scenarios

    doesnt matter. Vikings are in.. or rather, they will be no matter how it happens. already been decided
  17. PhilElliot

    Week 16 Playoff Scenarios

    Ok great, they won. They're still inconsequential in the ultimate goal. A side note, a momentary amusement
  18. PhilElliot

    Week 16 Playoff Scenarios

    the Titans are never interesting. theyll lose saturday anyway
  19. PhilElliot

    Gay Cakes Are A Problem

    [media] [media]
  20. PhilElliot

    Rams @ Seahawks

    this is his expression right after missing a field goal. He got paid to miss. yeah, looks real upset about it.... they showed this before commercial..the holder even head butted him. Seems to me he did exactly what he was supposed to.
  21. PhilElliot

    Packers @ Lions

    lol its so obvious now. A kicker doesnt miss 5 in the same game unless he's doing it on purpose. Wake the fuck up
  22. PhilElliot

    TGP Pickem 2018

    Nyuck, lol
  23. PhilElliot

    2018 TGP Fantasy Football

    was my name still in one and it auto selected? tell me where to find it and i'll play with the free agents anyway ?
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