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Posts posted by Phins4life

  1. Maybe the Chiefs can help turn Smith around. He definitely has the physical skills to be a good corner, just seems to be something missing...


    Yeah. He was the sole piece in a lackluster secondary once Davis left. He plays better as a complementary piece... not the center piece. Smith, Berry, and Flowers makes a nice combo, in my opinion.

  2. I'm sure it gets mentioned every year, but this free agency period seems much busier than previous ones, at least in the early goings on. Digging the players the Phins are grabbing...not so much the money Ireland is throwing at them. Stinks of a desperate man trying to keep his pitiful managerial skills in South Beach.

  3. I get the business angle, and I get the idea that competition for recruits is getting fiercer...but I can't help but feel like trying to land a kid who isn't even in high school yet is incredibly disruptive to his social/psychological development as a teenager. Stories like this just bother me for some reason.

  4. The thing that bothers me the most is that people seem to harshly critize Christians and Christianity, but rarely and mildly when they do critize Islam.


    Something tells me you haven't spent much time in the South. I grew up around "red-blooded" Americans who had no problem calling every Muslim a haji or sand n*****. It wouldn't surprise me if a number of those same people actually believe Jesus was white.


    Islam has a way more violent history


    Not sure about that one, but I certainly don't have the credentials to flat out say it's wrong. Just keep in mind such things as witch hunts (Salem, etc.), the Inquisition, and the Crusades can all be attributed to Christians and the Church's assertion of power on (usually) powerless people or groups. Hitler blended his own interpretations of religion and eugenics to became one of the single greatest mass murderers in history. The KKK and Neo-Nazis (just to name a couple) tend to have twisted Christian undertones in their ideologies, and they are also responsible for their own fair share of violence.


    My point here is that while the Abrahamic faiths all advocate peace, they each have their fair share of gratuitous spilling of blood, thanks to the idiots who twist the text to meet their needs.


    "As long as there has been one true God there has been killing in his name."

  5. Granted the dude is a fire breathing dragon who eats lightning and craps thunder in the playoffs, but come the fuck on.


    Just playing a little Devil's Advocate here, but isn't that ultimately all that matters? I mean, I've seen past arguments where Manning's overall value is downgraded because of great season play but mediocre playoff play. Yet I don't hear anyone saying he's less elite in the long run. If Flacco can manage an okay season and then get into the payoffs with 11 TD to 0 INT, I think I'll take that. That said, I'm on board that 20/yr is insane. But that's the market for you. Every new deal will be the biggest one. How else does Nnamdi get a top cornerback deal?

  6. Honestly, I was torn all season. I stuck with Manning for most of the season based mostly on the type of injury and number of surgeries for that injury he came back from. I'm also not really sold that the Broncos would have been as good without him, or even made the playoffs. That said, while his numbers were great they weren't mind-blowing.


    But Peterson closed out the season in just ridiculous fashion. He fell just short of the ALL-TIME single season rushing record coming off a knee injury. And he did it to defenses who knew he was coming.

  7. So many different ways we could go at 12 if the chips fall right. I'd really like a corner, but I doubt Milliner drops that low and I think Banks is a bit of a reach at 12. Mayock seems pretty high on Patterson, so I wouldn't mind seeing us get a two-for with Patterson or Allen and then grabbing Wallace or Jennings in free agency.


    I've also been getting the feeling they could look to Jordan or Ansah to help Wake out.

  8. Daniels isn't a 100% yet I don't think, and it's a short week. Probably can't go wrong with either option though.


    This is my concern as well. Daniels at 100% is a no-brainer, but showing signs he isn't completely healthy and being on a short week has me worried he won't get the looks.


    Kind of surprised people are picking Charles over Hillman, though. Matchup doesn't seem too favorable for him, imo.

  9. Really tough to say. Both had situations unique to their positions that make their performances this year pretty outstanding. I think the edge goes to Manning if he continues along this path, mostly because more media attention was placed on him and what he would look like in a new offense under a new coach, with new players, etc. Peterson's comeback from the knee injury is no small feet, though. But if the season ended today, I'd give it to Manning.

  10. Amazing Spider-Man


    Definitely enjoy the reboot so much more. The acting was much better from all the characters. Didn't hurt that Stone was the leading lady. And this new guy playing Peter Parker nailed the concept I always had of that character.



    Kind of disappointed that they didn't tie up the story about his parents. I kept wondering the whole movie why they just up and left and it was never really answered.


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