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Everything posted by OSUViking

  1. If he's anything like AP let's hope he sorts out his temper before having kids.
  2. OSUViking

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Woody Harrelson and Donald Glover were my favorite parts of the movie.
  3. OSUViking

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I recommend Hereditary to people who liked The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and even more modern movies like The Witch. Good movie, and not just by horror movie standards.
  4. I agree with Razor. Just about anyone can be motivated into doing something they never thought they'd do. Just take a really small example. I'm sure you guys know someone who, growing up, said they'd never party or smoke because they were gonna be the good kid. Then they get to high school or college and that's all they do. Why? At some point, they did it for the first time, and then they made the choices to reinforce that behavior over time until it became substance abuse or dependency. Who knows what happens after that? Maybe they start moving into harder stuff. I can think of like four people (even including myself) that this applies to. That's obviously some small shit. But I think that anyone is capable of pretty horrible things, and that people convince themselves otherwise so they feel comfortable. I know that growing up, I'd have been terrified at the thought that someone in my neighborhood could be malicious in some way. Now I consider that possibility basically every time I meet a stranger. Jordan Peterson had a video (can't find the link, but it was with Reuben Report) in which he comments on how mass shooters get to the point that they do. It's exactly what you guys said, they started making a choice to commit to a certain perspective (their path to that point not withstanding), and eventually that path led them to the ultimate decision: do I take my feelings, and project them inward, or outward? It's a point that some people reach, and if they spent time reflecting inwards I'm sure they could trace back their behavior to its "source", and probably go even further and trace back what influenced the decision to initially engage in that behavior.
  5. OSUViking

    Aaron Rodgers Seeking Player Option In New Deal

    God, you got a point about injuries, Bware. We really dodged a ton of bullets that most teams don't in that regard. I expect us to win like 10-11 games.
  6. It's interesting that it onset so late. Usually it starts in the late teens or early 20s for men. I'll echo similar sentiments in that I don't really care. It's unfortunate. I live with something similar and I know it sucks, but that doesn't make him some poor innocent soul that is just suffering. He was still an asshole, and unless he's been an idiot with money he has more than enough money to continue on. If CTE is involved then he's in for a very rough ride.
  7. This x1000 I was explaining to my fairly liberal roommate the other day why I had these channels in my history. I told him I don't have time to watch his full length videos so I get a clip of them, but all the clips are on ridiculous alt-right fanboy channels. Prime example of YT Peterson "supporters" is transphobia. I've not heard an argument from Peterson where after I sat and thought about, concluded he was transphobic. In fact I've read plenty of trans people saying they've written to Peterson or spoken to him at public forum and he was very respectful. Yet YT would have you believe that everything Peterson says is proof there are only two genders or that trans people are disgusting products of neo Marxist propaganda. That's one issue I'm not very supportive of Peterson on. He spouts off a lot about neo Marxist post modernism as if it's a grand conspiracy and those right wing nuts eat that shit up like candy. I think more often than not that has the capacity to be very inflammatory.
  8. I understand the aversion to Shapiro and personally I'm not a fan of him. Peterson is not like that. I think people go way over the top with worshipping him, but he's not in any facet alt right. I hate to sound like Phil, but the people who label Peterson as alt right have no idea what they're talking about and they're just regurgitating something that an "article" (really just a very poorly written blog entry) told them. If you want to form an opinion of Peterson, watch his videos and try to understand what he's saying. People take him out of context so much. Dude is so meticulous with his words, when one of my peers is starting about how ridiculous something he said is I am thinking to myself "oh another instance of someone thinking they know what he said when they really don't". He's not the god that his dickriding fanboys on YT would have you believe, but the people who are so passionate about how awful JP is are just as if not more idiotic.
  9. OSUViking

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Not responding to the last paragraph because I didn't see the end of credits scene. There was a guy in the theater who had been acting strange and I was already a bit off keel that day so I just booked it as soon as the credits started rolling. I'll watch a clip in a bit. I loved how the X-Force recruitment played out. I did not expect that at all and it was hilarious.
  10. OSUViking

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I enjoyed Deadpool 2, 8/10. The story is nothing to write home about but it's funny, ridiculous, and entertaining. The way they handled the X-force stuff was pretty funny imo.
  11. I will be honest I think my perspective that fixing the issues with how kids are socialized in this country is a pipe dream. I have sat down and had conversations with anti-gun nuts and people who think all mentally ill people should be banned from having guns, explained my perspective, and they responded well to that information. Even still, I don't think they walked away from that discussion having changed their view. A lot of these 'fixes' are just masking the real issue. It's like we are in a sinking boat, and instead of rowing back to shore to fix the hull, we are trying to just scoop the water out as fast as we can. I probably used that metaphor in the Trump thread, but it's what I always think about. I think my conceptualization is a pipe dream because the scope of the solution is too big and I think it requires people to step outside of their own ignorance. I'm not talking about TGP here, mostly just ranting about what I see on FB and hear at work. How many parents are actually willing to admit that they weren't always helpful to their kids (that they may have caused them developmental issues, etc)? How many would admit that they have never approached emotional awareness, and they made it everyone else's (including their children's) problems? I think very few. My mom got offended when I spoke about this, as if I was saying she was a shitty parent. She eventually came around to reason, but I think so many people are convinced that they have the right view of the world that they don't consider anything else and are offended if someone comes along and challenges that. I'm wondering if my thoughts are disorganized right about now. If none of this makes sense, I apologize. I hope it does. Basically what I'm trying to say is that fixing the ways we socialize children will actually address the root cause of these behavioral issues before they even have time to develop into major pathological concerns, but going about implementing these changes in values will take such a long time that I don't think anyone will embrace it anytime soon. I think people are more content to sit in their little bubbles where banning guns or punishing the innocent mentally ill individuals will somehow solve all the problems in this country.
  12. With lower income families, both parents may have to work a significant amount of time. Decreased interactions with their children could impact them, especially if they do not have adequate physical touch with the child at a very early age (<6 years). Entirely possible that the parents still have a strong relationship with their kids (they've demonstrated they're trustworthy, the kids know their parents love them no matter what, their kids trust their parents with their emotions, etc.). I think this kind of situation would get ugly if one of the parents is excessively stressed from their schedule. Kids notice stuff like that. If their mom is anxious as hell all the time around her child, the kid will likely experience something similar. If the parent is stressed and angry, and they take it out on the kid, well that's even worse. Same thing with middle class and upper class, really, though with upper class you don't have the same excuse lower class families have (the actual need to work so much in order to make end's meet). Middle and upper income parents are more likely to have jobs that move them around a lot or expect significant amounts of their time. To contextualize this, though I know I'm just a single data point, my dad's work moved him from St. Louis, to Los Angeles, to Scotland, to Columbus, and then to Dallas, Atlanta, and then back to Dallas. I haven't actually lived with him for more than like 3 months at a time since I was in second grade. Needless to say, this (combined with other factors) resulted in a weak connection. I did not have a father figure there to help guide me through my emotional experiences. That's a big hole in a kid's life. Not going for woe is me here, just giving an example. Social skills is certainly an aspect of it. If you break things down and then oversimplify them, our emotions are our body/brain's reactions to our environment and other stimuli. Emotions motivate us to eat, sleep, fuck, socialize, procreate, etc. It's all hard wired, and the benefit of it is that it gives incentive to do good things (pleasure when we eat, sleep, fuck, etc.). Everyone has emotions; I don't think it's possible for a human to literally lack all emotion. No one comes into the world knowing how to handle them. As I said in my last post, when emotions really start to manifest for a kid, they can be confusing and overwhelming. They can lead to behavioral issues common for children, because how the hell are they supposed to handle them? Could you guys imagine experiencing genuine anger for the first time in your life, and being able to step back and self-sooth yourself so you could calm down? You would be lying if you said you could do that from the start. Kids rely on their parents to help guide them emotionally. The caregivers need to validate the emotional experiences, to let the kid know that there's nothing shameful with having emotions to begin with. Which is true, there is nothing shameful about emotions. Actions are a different story, but we do not have control over how our brain processes information and reacts (emotions/thoughts). If a kid grows up with the message from their parents that their emotions are inherently shameful, not worthy of their (the parent's) time, or even worse that their parents cannot be trusted or should be feared, they are not going to develop those skills. Best case scenario here is that they have some kickass role models who recognize their situation and do what they can to help them by compensating/doing what they can to intervene/just listening to what the kid is feeling. Worst case is they suppress their emotions, never learn how to handle them, avoid them, and then they reach a point where the emotional dsyregulation is so pathological that it impacts almost all of their relationships. To tie this back into social skills... the thing about understanding one's emotions and accepting them, recognizing them, and then deciding what is best to do next (which is the skeleton of the approach that parents should teach kids) is that it eventually leads to a strong sense of identity. It's kind of like "I am OSU, I know that I react this way and I know that it's specific to me, I am comfortable with who I am, I am comfortable with how I've developed, I know many things are out of my control, I will do what I can to achieve what I want to". That's just an example, I'm not actually that secure with myself lol. But the point is, that breeds confidence. Have you ever seen some scrawny, nerdy kid that seemed confident and charming, and you wondered what the hell resulted in that? He probably doesn't give a fuck what people think about his emotions because his parents taught him how to handle them, lol. People like confidence. People who are secure with themselves will seek out others with similar interests and socialize with them. When someone is rejected, an emotionally competent person might respond with grief or sadness, but will come back to that "there are many things out of my control" bit, maybe go to their parents for comfort, and then eventually recognize a solution to their problem. So yes, social skills are certainly relevant. Friendships have the power to help people get through some really unfortunate family situations, and without them I imagine the pain they feel from home is amplified significantly by rejection from peers. I want to emphasize all of the above is the best case scenario, i.e. what parents 'should' do. Ultimately, each approach should be specific to each kid, but in general a parent needs to demonstrate that they're trustworthy to their kid for the kid to develop properly. It seems like this is going down the drain fast as fuck, though. I will not say anything definitive here, because I think that would delve too far into the realm of me projecting my perspective onto others, but it really seems like most people know jack shit about their own emotions. They just kind of wallow in their own misery, maybe express confusion as to why they continue an unproductive behavior or vice, and never sit there and ask themselves why this pattern keeps perpetuating and what they have to do with it. Ultimately, at some point a kid becomes an adult and the "my parents sucked!" excuse means jack shit. It doesn't seem like many kids are growing up with strong emotional support, and it shows later on in life when they are faced with adversity. But it really cannot be overstated how important the parent-child relationship is, and I think that a lot of them in the US are not as strong as one would suspect. I know that was a lot to read. Just kind of had a stream of thought moment.
  13. OSUViking

    How many games does your team win this year?

    I bet the Vikings win 10 at the most, 6 at the worst.
  14. I don't think it's just because younger people are coddled. It's more complex than that. There are certainly ways that cushioning kids from reality can harm their ability to cope with what will come, but I think it's a case of their caregivers and role models not demonstrating these skills. This doesn't need to involve abuse, but rather a breakdown in communication between the young and their parents. If a kid doesn't feel comfortable speaking with his parents about these issues, it's something that needs to be addressed, because how can they learn to cope with them if they don't express those feelings? I want to be clear, I'm not for all that lovey dovey nonsense. Our emotions are reactions to the environment around us, and we effectively have no control over that. Our brain learns to interpret things as we go, and it's an extremely intense process once those areas of the brain start developing. Expecting a kid to be able to self-regulate their emotions is ridiculous and damaging. Coddling them and making them comfortable at every turn will reduce their ability to adapt to their environment. Parents are supposed to be there to validate the kids experiences at first, and then gradually give them more freedom to explore things on their own. Some people I know say they can speak about whatever it is they are feeling with their parents and siblings and not feel any shame or fear; I cannot relate to that at all, and frankly the irrational cynic in me thinks they are making that up to look good for everyone else. As a kid, I had no idea how to handle my already very intense emotions, and all I could do was try to shut them down so they weren't overwhelming. I think these mass shootings are the extreme (x5) fringe manifestations of emotional dysregulation. Most of the cases I have read, these kids grew up in less than ideal situations. Some of them had tumultuous parental relationships. I can look at my own experiences and perspectives growing up in a suburban area, in a middle class family, and weak connections with my parents and relate them to their own. I was clearly never in a situation where I reached this point, but I also understand that what I experienced is nothing compared to some. Isolation and rejection, mixed with a complete inability to process those emotions (who was there to teach them? Seems they all lacked adequate role models) can result in so many different cases, and unfortunately in some cases it can result in the individual projecting their experiences outward in violent ways. There is so little empathy for anyone anymore, and I say that fully knowing that empathy can be distorted for horrible things. I think if people spent the time to understand why these people felt compelled to do this, and then why they were even in a situation to feel compelled to do that, they would make more progress on these types of discussions. What I see all over FB is people throwing talking points at each other. It's not even a discussion or exchange of ideas, it's just two angry people throwing insults and rhetoric that millions of other people are quoting in their own little tirades. These shooters do horrible things, and I am not calling for compassion and forgiveness, but merely suggesting that trying to understand how they saw the world could do a lot in helping us address societal issues that result in these events.
  15. I think this issue has strong roots in how we socialize our youth. Kids are growing up with weaker attachments to their caregivers for a whole variety of reasons, and that has significant effects on how that individual goes on to process their emotions. On top of that, the social environment at schools and such likely exacerbate any issues from home. Social hierarchies are bound to happen, but I think what we are seeing are young men who are socially rejected because they didn't have anyone there to show them how to function as a human being, and as a result of all of that they have no capacity to regulate an appropriate response. Edit: I don't have a solution. Fixing the above would require educating people on massive scales, and it's not like that's a very efficient method. I encourage you guys to read about attachment theory, and how a damaging (abusive) or weak (neglectful/absent) relationship with the parents can cause significant issues for the child later on in life.
  16. OSUViking

    What do you picture other members as?

    AFAIK Favre is the only one here who knows what I look like. Curious what others thoughts are, though.
  17. OSUViking

    Predict a Darkhorse Team

    I could see the Bears making some noise.
  18. OSUViking

    What was the last movie you watched?

    3 Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri Great, loved it. 9/10.
  19. OSUViking

    Trump Regime thread.

    Has that experience softened your stance on universal healthcare? Not even talking about you agreeing with it, but can you see why a good amount of people would want that? The overwhelming majority of the population probably won't have your level of insurance, nor both partners bringing in good money.
  20. OSUViking

    Trump Regime thread.

    I also agree on renewable energy. Fossil fuels will die out at some point, it's a given. I don't know why people are so afraid of moving away from them. Alternative energies can only boom when we put our weight behind them, and consistently kicking the can down the road is going to make the transition even harder. I can contextualize with my meds. I'm in a study that gives me a brand new medicine for free. The study is temporary, and in two years I will not have this medication free of charge. At that point, it will be $300 for a months supply. My solution is to try and find an alternative now and have that in place so I don't abruptly come to a point where I have no cheaper alternative to my medicine, and then face a psychotic episode. I mostly see people faulting liberals when I'm on various sites, and not without good reason. However, as much as I dislike generalizations, seems both sides are pretty shit at realizing there are consequences to our actions that extend beyond the end of the day/week/month/year/and so on.
  21. OSUViking

    Trump Regime thread.

    I definitely think automation is a threat to the current system. Maybe capitalism won't die out, but if corporations charge right ahead into automation without long-term considerations then I think it'd cause a myriad of socioeconomic issues. (which, they don't seem to do because automation can only save on labor costs to a certain point, and then what?). Maintenance jobs won't replace all those lost to automation. I'm sure other sectors will open up. But capitalism will NEED to change. In its current format, capitalism and automation would bone the majority of people. Less jobs, competing with machines that don't need to be paid at all, less wages and thus people won't be able to sustain themselves. Capitalism is far from perfect. It's the most ideal system the West has at the moment. Doesn't mean we need to suck it off, or pretend that it's going to magically accommodate automation because of how awesome it is. I have not been in the meetings that project the long term goals of automation, which are crucial to understanding a company's vision and if they do realize a fully automated supply chain and production cycle could be dangerous. I am more confident in assuming they are driven by short-term gains, which makes me less likely to believe that they are prepared to accommodate the displaced workforce with other job sectors.
  22. OSUViking

    Official 2018 NFL Draft Thread

    Sigh. I recall Remmers being effective at RT last reason, and the reason we brought him inside was because injuries made it so our RG play was atrocious. Yet, we picked a CB in the first round when we could have traded back and picked up a quality OG prospect in the early second. Sigh.
  23. OSUViking

    Official 2018 NFL Draft Thread

    I liked the Jalyn Holmes pick. What are some of your opinions on the Briean O'Neill pick for the Vikes? I haven't heard of him before, and most of what I've read is about his athleticism. That is concerning to me, so I'm curious if any of you guys thought him worthy of a second round grab.
  24. OSUViking

    Last TV Show You Watched?

    Low key thought the first episode of West World Season 2 was disturbing.
  25. OSUViking

    Short Story Thread

    Really, the title is self-explanatory. Post short stories that you have written or are in the process of working on. They can be stand-alone or they can be part of a string of related stories. Any and all critiques/comments should be made in a separate thread - if I or anyone else makes one - or via PM. That's all... I'll start it off with a short story about a fictional nation intervening in a civil war on a war-torn, third world island nation. The story will likely change perspectives with each addition in an attempt to show different angles of the battle throughout its happenings. It's chalked full of some cliched names and military jargon, but to be fair this was one of my earlier works. Sunrise over Sheshna Sheshna, Kustania Lieutenant Howard Vasquez, Aerial Drop Shock Troopers (Alpha Team) 18 March 2012 Before the war, Sheshna was a sprawling city full of activity and Kustania culture. Markets lined and crowded the unpaved streets to offer homemade fabrics or foods that ranged from fresh produce to small livestock. The city was also generally clean in terms of pollution as the people found life to be a luxury without car traffic; instead, people used bikes and prevented congestion between market shacks. Although the outskirts of the city were atrocious in terms of living conditions, people found a way to live happily. Hastily made and run-down playgrounds still provided a play space for young children to play soccer or their own versions of cricket in. The people of Sheshna, Kustania received international sympathy for what they lived through every day, but they loved every bit of it. That all changed when the Kustanian Revolutionary Army charged into Sheshna and pushed the government forces out. The attack came without much warning as the Kustanian Guard assured civilians that they had beaten back the main force, although what they had only encountered were probe attacks. Sporadic firefights consumed women, children, and elders, leaving devastating civilian casualties, and congesting the streets with bodies. Even though the international community regarded the suburbs as run-down neighborhoods prior to the conflict, the battle left thousands homeless as their homes made of weak materials and mud fell in the initial days of the war. The battle was devastating and left in the KRA in the driver’s seat in the Kustanian Civil War. Staff Sergeant Howard Vasquez sat comfortably on the edge of the helicopter's door as the cool, spring breeze fluttered past his legs. He hung on only by some netting on the interior of the SH-28 as he gazed towards Sheshna. Normally, the lack of electricity in the city would make it impossible to see in the night, but the rampant fires from the previous battle illuminated the city from miles off coast. The pilots chattered in the cockpit. Most likely talking with the fleet, Vasquez thought. Carrying his gaze over to Fire Team Alpha that accompanied him in the helicopter, he shouted over the rotors, “Check your weapons and ammo. We don’t want to be caught in a situation where you can’t fire back.” He repeated this over the radio to the three other fire teams flying in adjacent helicopters. After three or so more minutes of flight, the trio of helicopters landed on what Hierarchy called “Base Hill,” a large, rocky hill that overlooked the southernmost suburbs of Sheshna. The helicopters lifted off and flew back to the fleet on the same path they took in. On the ground, Vasquez rallied up the three fire teams: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. In a hushed tone, he whispered, “You all know the deal. We are here to kill Kali Amahad. He’s a brutal, manipulative son of a bitch. When you get him in your sights, shoot him. Now we’re too large to move as a single force, so we’re going to split up.” Vasquez retrieved a map of Sheshna. A soldier illuminated the map with a flashlight as Vasquez pointed to certain locations on the map with his laser pointer. “Alpha and Bravo, you will maneuver down the middle of the suburbs in two separate formations; Charlie and Delta will navigate along the left and right flanks. Alpha, you have the pleasure of running with me. We’ll all meet up at the strip club on the Central Strip, where constant UAV recon has confirmed Amahad is still hiding at.” Plumes of dirt and dust shot up from underneath their boots as the team paced themselves to the intricate hand gestures of Vasquez. Alpha truly did benefit from Vasquez’s presence. A wise, battle-hardened soldier, Vasquez knew his way around a battlefield. His ability to navigate an enemy base while remaining undetected made his skills invaluable. Having performed in operations across the globe as an Aerial Drop Shock Trooper, Hierarchy handpicked him to lead the operation in Sheshna. A silenced AR5R2 with a 4x scope was his weapon of choice, with a silenced SG2 combat shotgun being used as his secondary specifically for this mission. As the other three teams departed, Vasquez rallied Alpha and began a light sprint down the hill and into the tattered neighborhood ahead of them. --- Sheshna, Kustania Lieutenant Howard Vasquez, Aerial Drop Shock Troopers (Alpha Team) 18 March 2012 The shuffling of their boots traversed through a sea of rubble and decaying flesh. Only when they had reached an intersection of multiple streets did they pause to rest and reflect over the reality of conflict. The den of deceit - a layover place for the unsatiable desire of men - layed a block away. Kamahad, the denmaster, would soon have his hospitality put to the test before rifles and shotguns. Vasquez led the team into a brutalized coffee shop that was lucky to be standing after the battle. With most of the walls porous with bullet holes and the structure constantly creaking, it was hardly a great place to be resting in. KRA patrols became more frequent as the teams encroached closer to the strip club. Alpha was getting tired of having to stop constantly under Vasquez’s orders, with one soldier remarking, “Staff Sergeant, we could have been there by now. What’s up with our break?” “There’s another patrol coming. This patrol isn’t something we can really pass in front of without them spotting us and compromising the mission. I’m counting four trucks and at least thirty infantry; they’re moving slowly but it’s too late to move now. We have to wait this one out.” Vasquez had a hint of dismay in his voice. “Parker, radio into the other squads and tell them we will be late. There’s too much at the stake to risk compromising this mission and losing the ability to decapitate the KRA before the war starts.” “Roger.” It took a while, but the convoy passed. Alpha survived a few scares when KRA regulars about walked into the shop, only to turn around when they didn’t immediately see anything. The convoy was well down the road when Vasquez ordered the squad to advance into the sprawling, but heavily damaged, International Suite: a very famous, fancy hotel that played host to many foreign executives or politicians. They moved their way up to the second floor and took shelter in a corner suite. Offering a perspective over the intersection and the strip club, the room was an ideal place to set up. Parker moved to the window with his suppressed AR5R2 DMR and set the bipods on the window edge. When the team was set up to defend the room from any KRA incursions, Vasquez called into the other teams. “Bravo, Charlie, are you in position for sniper coverage over the strip club?” “Bravo is in position overlooking the northern escape.” “Ditto for Charlie. We’ve got this western escape covered up.” “Delta, are you in position?” “Roger that, Staff Sergeant. Moving to breach the strip club now.” --- Sheshna, Kustania Private James Parker, Aerial Drop Shock Troopers (Alpha Team) 18 March 2012 James Parker knelt at the window, looking through the sniper optic on his rifle to examine Delta Team as they stacked up along the exterior wall of the strip club. They moved with quickness and precision after a breaching charge tore through the doors of the club. Gun shots rang over the radio as Delta maneuvered through the building, clearing out every room in order to ensure the squad killed Kamahad. A few minutes later, a voice came over the radio. “No sign of Kamahad, but the rear door is open. He’s likely running.” “Roger that, out,” Vasquez responded. “Parker, he’s on the run! Check your sectors and shoot anything you see!” Parker’s alertness shot up at that moment when he saw silhouettes charging down the alley to the right of the building. As they breached the sidewalk, the fire from a burning trashcan illuminated the corner enough to reveal one of the men to be Kali Kamahad. Without hesitation, Parker pressed hard on the trigger and put several bullets through the militant leader’s chest and one through his head. Delta came from the rear and killed off the remnants of the group as they rushed to Kamahad’s dead body. “Hierarchy, this is Outlaw 1-1. Kamahad is down. I repeat, Kamahad is down. Send in the helis before the entire KRA moves in on us, out.” “Roger that Outlaw 1-1. Great work today. Falcons are en route to your position now, out.” “Roger that Hierarchy.” Vasquez called into all teams. “We’re moving back to the extraction point. Great fucking work today, Outlaw. I’ll be sure to let you chumps polish my shoes later as a reward.”
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