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Everything posted by Thanatos

  1. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    Hillary is incapable of owning her own faults and still blames Sanders for losing to Trump in the first place. She thought it was her turn to be President and that she had it in the bag and didn't try to run a good campaign.
  2. Thanatos

    Cherry is at the Senior Bowl

    Cherry I have the biggest smile on my face, my man. Go fucking get them. You've poured a lot of heart and soul into this and its awesome seeing someone just go after something they've dreamed about.
  3. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    Yup, the same one who when me and you bet him and lost, he gladly took the money, but when blots and he made a bet and blots won, he refused to pay up, upon which he was permanently banned, I believe by BLUE. He still has not paid up to blots- and all blots wanted was a donation to a charity of his choice- so why he has not been banned again, I have no idea. Didn't know making another account got you around a perma ban here. We're not so desperate for people that we want liars and cheats here. PE is one thing, he's just a troll and a funny one at that. I got way more respect for PE than I do for Phil. I don't really have any respect for someone who can't keep their word.
  4. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    Hey, sean!
  5. Thanatos

    Luke Kuechely quits football

    Luke was the best MLB in the league for, what, 4 years? 5? The only knock on him is duration. I agree he doesn't get in first ballot, but he's HoF to me for sure. But I said he should have retired a couple years back when he had that one hit that left him completely out of his mind on the field. That was downright scary to watch. NFL is gonna have a lot more of these kinds of things, and probably a lot more people like Borland who realize early on its not worth it.
  6. Thanatos

    Al Riveron--Should Teams Demand His Dismissal?

    To clarify: I'm not saying it would never happen, but I think the amount of times it does would be outweighed by ticky tack PI calls not giving teams 40 yards they didn't earn.
  7. Thanatos

    Al Riveron--Should Teams Demand His Dismissal?

    Personally I don't see this as a major issue, tbh. By the time you realize the dude has you beat that badly, he's likely out of range to be tackled. I think it might end up giving offenses more yards because defenders might try tackling someone who they really could have covered, just in case. An overreaction, in other words. But since I know that would be a counterpoint, I'm proposing splitting it into two penalties to prevent that reaction.
  8. Thanatos

    Al Riveron--Should Teams Demand His Dismissal?

    For pass interference, I have an idea that's been bouncing around in my head here. I'd like to split it into two penalties. The con is that we add a judgement into the equation, but it's already a judgement call. "Egregious Pass Interference"- same as it is now, spot of the foul. "Pass Interference"- the college rule, 15 yard penalty or spot of the foul whichever is less yardage. Really my only beef with PI is giving teams 40+ yards on a ticky tack call, this would hopefully cut down on it. The ability to challenge PI should be removed. The refs clearly don't want it, as they are just not overturning the call 90% of the time.
  9. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    Uh, it was basically half and half. Because income inequality is also a big problem in the US. That was its stated goal: to address the twin issues of income inequality and climate change. Again, not saying she's perfect, but conservative news media scrutinizes every word out of her mouth in an attempt to paint her as dumb. Thus the constant snide references to her going back to bartending, as if she's incapable of doing anything else even were she to lose her seat somehow. You can disagree with her policies all you like, I know I have a snowball's chance in hell of convincing you that the climate crisis is an emergency that has to be dealt with ASAP. I'm just saying she's most definitely not stupid.
  10. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    And Warren? And Yang? What?
  11. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    Have you actually watched her questioning people? The right fears her so much because she is their bogeyman. I ain't saying she's perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but every time AOC opens her mouth there's a dozen articles on Fox News about how she is trying to get people killed because she is a socialist.
  12. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    AOC is extremely sharp as a congresswoman, you're letting your hatred of the policies she espouses cloud your judgement of her IQ. Watch her questioning people in cross examination. The Green New Deal is a desperate attempt to stop climate change. It has to happen or something like it, or we are screwed six ways from Sunday.
  13. Thanatos

    Pussy Packers suck

    It's funny how you directly insult Jimmy Graham and its Graham who ices the game against you. Karma.
  14. Thanatos

    Dissonants Unite

    The left hates her because she sticks with her principles and she's anti-war. Both parties are pro-war. Btw, sean, what do you think about AOC withholding dues from the Dems? And then earlier making the comment that she and Biden wouldn't be in the same political party in any other country?
  15. Thanatos

    Calling all Big people.

    I don't normally get in between you two, but Ngata, blots post is worth reading. I would add what has helped me immensely- I have dropped about 25 pounds in the last two months- is meal prepping. It takes discipline, for sure, but like blots said its really easy to just grab fast food when you're tired from working, rather than taking the time to make a healthy dinner. So you take one of your days that you're off and you make meals for the week. And yeah, they're nothing fancy, but when I know I have some chicken and beans already waiting at home, its way easier to resist going to grab that burger and fries. And then when we do go out, I try to go to Subway and actually get something moderately healthy instead of greasy fast food. It's easy and cheap to get food that will help you stay fat.
  16. Thanatos

    Calling all Big people.

    I concur with Mikey, except that some people need a push. It might behoove him to get a professional to give him a strict set up to follow and give him that push he needs to take off.
  17. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    Pretty sure Andy Reid already made a SB. But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they choke and lose versus Houston next week lol. NFL playoffs are chaos and unpredictable. That's what makes them so fun. Hockey and football have the best postseasons.
  18. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    Nice picks, son.
  19. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    I will preface by saying that I hope to god I am wrong. Saints just seem like the team to me that's gonna do this. > > > > > > > > > > Super Bowl LIV 31 38
  20. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    One playoff team? These were your picks after the "Saints bit the dust." Packers, Niners, Bucs, Redskins, Lions, Bears Patriots,Chiefs,Browns,Colts,Steelers, Ravens You missed seven, lol. You'd think a guy who has cracked the code could do better.
  21. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    Thomas is un-coverable with Brees throwing to him. He'd have 100+ yards and a TD easily. I don't really see Baltimore's defense slowing the Saints down much. To be clear here, I would be rooting for Baltimore hardcore in this scenario. A) I hate the Saints for obvious reasons B) Lamar is from Louisville. I just don't think it'll be the pushover you seem to think it will be. You're also relying on the playoffs not being too big for Lamar. I would also take 5 backs over Kamara, I'm just saying he's looked a lot better recently. Or the defense stops you in the redzone like they did two other times. Niners are a very good team that has only gotten better since that game.
  22. Thanatos

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    The RT fan rating has been proven to be inaccurate. They are deleting negative reviews by the hundreds. My only point in bringing it up was just to point out I'm far from the only person who thought it was pretty bad. Fan service does not make a movie great, that was my point. Just throwing fan service at people doesn't make the movie any better or worse. The problem with your argument is that Rey wasn't going to kill Palpatine because of her hatred, she was going to kill him to save her friends. She initially refuses and then after Palps tells her its the only way to save her friends, she agrees until Ben shows up. It was almost like the control the Reapers ending in Mass Effect 3. I would have had less issue with Chewie's "death" if they at least let us think he was actually gone for a bit, then the emotional line of seeing him back alive would have had more punch. Rey being a Palpatine is clearly a retcon from TLJ. If you think that was planned by Rian as well as JJ, well. I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Also, selling someone into slavery being the only one to keep them hidden is laughable. The movie is a rushed mess that is just not good overall, sorry. As I said, it has its moments, but as a final ending to a 9-movie saga, it falls woefully short.
  23. Thanatos

    Super Bowl LIV Picks

    Kamara has turned a corner the past few weeks. Discount him at your peril. Saints can absolutely take the Ravens. So can the 49ers- they came within a FG of winning at your house and I'd argue their offense has only gotten better since that game. I would be somewhat shocked if someone other than Baltimore, KC, New Orleans, or San Fran won the title. Green Bay has got to be the weakest 2 seed in a long time. NE is always a threat, but they just don't have the firepower to take on KC or Baltimore to me. Hell, Tennessee is a threat to them this weekend.
  24. Thanatos

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    Revenge of the Sith > The Rise of Skywalker Fite me. What does "level of fan service" have to do with jack squat? JJ didn't like what Rian did with Star Wars (Understandable since The Last Jedi was also a piece of garbage, not as bad as this, but still pretty bad), so he just went back to what he set up after 7. The issue is, it made zero sense given what had happened in 8 and was incredibly fucking rushed. The first part of the movie was just zooming around every which way. Then at the end it makes no sense how And it makes no sense how multiple other characters arcs ended and was just incredibly dysfunctional. I aint the only one who thinks its prequels levels of bad. On RT the only SW film ranked lower is Phantom Menace.
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