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So since the Saints season was pretty much in the tank I have been playing SWTOR alot. I know alot of people don't like it but I do and maybe because its my first ever MMO so I have nothing to compare it to. Despite bugs and WTF lore and canon moments I enjoy the gameplay and most of the people I meet.


That being said when I originally built my computer it was to play mainly 3 games. Skyrim, Fallout NV, and the Witcher 2. My wife recently bought me a digital download of the Witcher 2 from Gamestop. To download it I had to get an account and download the Gamestop App which was no problem whatsoever.


I have 45gigs left on my 128gig SSD. Witcher is 22gigs so no problem. But when I try to download the game it says I need 65gigs of freespace to extract the files.


I tried to download to my backup 2TB HHD and it says it can't download there. So how do I download to my backupdrive or If I uninstall SWTOR and reinstall it to the backup drive can I still play it even tho it is an online game.


I have never used a backup HDD before and am unsure of how to go about getting this done. I have no movies or songs or anything I can move to the HDDD to free up space and am unsure what I can put on the backup and still have evrything run normal.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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This might help you out. It's called Steam Mover. It was created to move installs of Steam games between drives without having to uninstall/reinstall, but it also works on any installed program, so it becomes very valuable when you have an SSD. It's just a simple executable file and doesn't require installing.




I'd try using that to free up the space on the SSD so you can install Witcher 2 and then swap everything back over after you're finished.

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its not a steam game tho. It is basically a gamestop game and app running it. Will steammover still work on the gamestop app?


NVM I just saw where you said it works on any installed program. I will try this out and let you know.


Thanks Zack

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I played SWTOR since beta and early game access. I played it off and on for about a year and some change. All I did was hardcore pvp though. I was a healing sorcerer and was often referred to as one of the best sorcerers on my server. I lived in warzones. I never got into the pve aspect of the game because quite frankly, it sucked imo. The Lore of Star Wars was great but the main reason I quit WAS because of the amount of bugs.


EA doomed Swtor before it came out putting the game into production when the Hero Engine wasn't finished. The developers of the hero engine told EA that it wasn't ready but EA put it into production anyway because at that point in time, the hype was through the roof and they would have received the most revenue during that time. The glitches and choppy game play PISSED me off and the game lacked depth for hardcore players. They weren't innovative enough to keep me going. Everything was quite simple and unrewarding.



Bioware and EA made stupid decision after stupid decision that lost them over a million customers. Swtor was the fastest growing MMO of all time and it died the fastest.They had to consolidate/merge all the servers because of how the population was spread out between all the servers. They were all dead. But in the beginning, it was clear that pvp was the MAIN draw to the game because in the first month of release, over a BILLION warzones were played. Simply incredible. That's obviously your money maker right there but patch after patch, Bioware found a way to fuck up pvp. The planet Ilum was the only world pvp we had even though it was horribly and stupidly designed. They took the objectives and rewards from doing Ilum battles out and replaced it with NOTHING which completely took all the world pvp we had. Even though too many players in a given area could cause problems because the hero engine sucked, but players made it work nonetheless. In patch 1.2, they FALSELY promulgated ranked warzones. EXACTLY 6 hours before the patch, Bioware revoked the addition of ranked warzones to patch 1.2. How in the WORLD as a COMPANY do you realize 6 hours before a patch that major content would not be available... Lots of ppl believed that bioware / ea did that to get old customers to resubscribe. They had lost over a quarter million subscribers from quarter to quarter...


I had a lot of hope for that game and gave them A LOT of chances but time and time again, they showed me how incompetent of a company they really are. They fucked up every chance they got and they were doing slimey shit to get your money which really turned me off. I had hoped this game would dethroned WoW but it quite simply couldn't live up to WoW so that's where I'm at again. WoW is STILL the best MMO of all time and it's more fun to play. The hero engine is "perfect" and the pvp and DEFINITELY the pve is light years better better. The pvp in star wars with the right developing team could have made that game incredible e because they brought new aspects to mmo pvp that were awesome. There's no doubt in my mind that Swtor had the potential to rival WoW(like it's star wars the biggest and most successful franchise ever) but they were crippled in the beginning by EA and just weren't creative enough to fix other obvious fixes to the game to put it together. WoW is still the best :yep:

Edited by dutchff7

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I dont think WoW is the best anymore, not by a long shot, but I agree with you about what killed TOR.


I did try it for a bit, but the vast amount of bugs and glitches drove me away.

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WoW is and always has been the golden MMO standard. The rest of these MMOs are struggling to stay relevant; there is no inbetween. Wow has the most stable pve and pvp environments and still has millions of subscribers. Does numbers and a stable playing environment mean it's automatically the best game? No, it's all about content but if you can't play these other mmos due to bugs and lack of people, then they can't compare. WoW isn't what it use to be but what else is better?

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Rift, Tera, Guild Wars 2, (and 1 for that matter), Perfect World, Dungeons and Dragons Online, (only if you're actually into DnD, otherwise you will be lost, at least for a bit), The Secret World even, (that one has flown under the radar, jeez. It's an awesome game, at least for the first few levels, haven't had time to really see end-game yet). Hell, honestly TOR was a better game than WoW at one point, (prior to killing PvP, agree with you there), if you ignored the terrible, terrible lore.


WoW is not the gold standard of MMOs, not anymore. What happened was WoW was the first MMO to do a lot of things right. They took things from other MMOs that were good, they added in a few things that were original, they promoted PvP and did it well, at least for Vanilla WoW. Basically, they found a very good working formula. The reason why people feel that WoW is so good still is because of one thing and one thing only: nostalgia.


WoW is outdated, graphics are pretty bad, the leveling up system is almost nothing but a grind, (at least for the first thirty levels, haven't been past that in a LONG time), it is certainly not new player friendly, etc. If you like it, more power to you. It's incredible that Blizzard has kept 8-9 million subscribers for this long. To say other MMOs are struggling is not really correct, though.


Rift is approaching 1.5 million subs, Tera and GW2 are doing fine, last I checked. No one is going to top WoW in terms of numbers of subscribers for a very long time, but that hardly makes them the best game. Just means they're the most popular. I contend its because the vast majority of WoW subscribers either A) refuse to try any other game or B) try another game, but then dislike it because they'd have to learn a new way of doing things, or C) try another game, smash it for just being a WoW-clone, and then go back to WoW.


That has, at least, been my experience with WoW gamers in other games. The only people that ever formed coherent arguments were those who were saying why game x was better than WoW.


Which is not to say WoW was not, at one time, the best MMO. Of course it was. But its heyday has long, LONG, since passed.


This article is spot on with its assessment of WoW and other MMOs http://www.seebs.net/log/articles/530/you-can-play-wow-in-any-mmo

A central theme of WoW’s design is the fairly traditional MMO gameplay model called the “holy trinity”; this is that each group needs a mix of tanking (characters who are good at taking hits and compelling mobs to attack them), healing (characters who are good at curing damage taken), and DPS (“damage per second”, that being characters who are good at doing a lot of damage, but typically can’t heal significantly or take many hits without dying).


WoW players tend to view the world through this filter, and often do not realize this basic truth:


Not every MMO is based around that design.

A friend of mine put it quite well:


WoW’s design and culture encourage you to ask the question:

What job do I want to do today? Okay, what tools do I want to use to do it?

City and Rift have a design that encourages you to ask:

What toys do I want to play with today?

Edited by Thanatos19

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I really don't think the numbers do justice to the game that is Wow. Ya, they have a ton of subs and will probably continue for a long while. That doesn't mean the quality of the game is the same as it was years ago or that it still competes strategically as others.


They are catering to the kids, less skill is involved to play now than there was years ago. Granted my only experience is a couple hours of game time on my brothers account before I just got bored of it, but he still talks to me about it a lot. He's been playing for years, is getting tired of it, but is still subscribed and has been for months even though he hasn't been playing it.


WoW might be the biggest name in the MMO world. It might be the go to. But I don't think it's the class of the genre any longer. Hasn't been, and won't be again.

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not sure how my question translated into a MMO debate but oh well :p


Favre I disagree with the catered to kids so less skill is involved. I have seen a 12 yr old tank do things I would have never imagined me doing. Kids reflexs are faster than most nowadays and that is largely I believe due to the gaming industry.


Granted I do agree games are being catered to kids more WOW Pandaville pretty much assures that but skillwise I think kids have it easier than most adults.


If I could aim as fast and as smoothly as my 13yr old son I might be able to beat him in Black Ops or Left for Dead or any other game. :p


BTW Zack haven't had a chance to try that yet but am going to this week sometime

Edited by Eefluxx

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I just had to kind of sit back and ask "Why" when I saw the new expansion featured and centered around talking panda bears. Sorry.


And a lot of it goes into what skill / class / race (depending on the game) you are playing... But a lot of it i my experience was everyone of the same type using the same skills. If you get 30 skills, the same 10 or so are going to be used because those have been deemed so effective. When I was playing GW2, you get X skills, but they all really serve a different purpose and offer a different range of combat options. I don't want to sit there, run through my hot bar and then just wait for cool downs. It comes down to who clicks fastest, and that is lame. My experience with GW was a lot harder and/or required more skill.


Again, I don't play a ton of MMO's, but with all of the buffing and nerfing that continuously goes on in WoW, I would tend to get a little annoyed. lol. Usually what happens when you nerf a certain aspect of the game, it doesn't really solve the issue because a different aspect of the game will be over-used and over-powered. Nature of the beast.


Balance is a difficult thing.

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WoW is not the gold standard of MMOs, not anymore. What happened was WoW was the first MMO to do a lot of things right. They took things from other MMOs that were good, they added in a few things that were original, they promoted PvP and did it well, at least for Vanilla WoW. Basically, they found a very good working formula. The reason why people feel that WoW is so good still is because of one thing and one thing only: nostalgia.


True, they did take great ideas from other mmos and like you said, they implemented their own thing as well. But because of this, that is why it is better then the other mmos (imo). WoW is better due to them taking all the great ideas from other mmos and successfully putting them together creating a complete package; versus other mmos that may just be great at "x" aspect of the game but lack severely in other areas. WoW is more of a total package around the entire board instead of just excelling at one particular thing.



WoW is outdated, graphics are pretty bad, the leveling up system is almost nothing but a grind, (at least for the first thirty levels, haven't been past that in a LONG time), it is certainly not new player friendly, etc. If you like it, more power to you. It's incredible that Blizzard has kept 8-9 million subscribers for this long. To say other MMOs are struggling is not really correct, though.


Rift is approaching 1.5 million subs, Tera and GW2 are doing fine, last I checked. No one is going to top WoW in terms of numbers of subscribers for a very long time, but that hardly makes them the best game. Just means they're the most popular. I contend its because the vast majority of WoW subscribers either A) refuse to try any other game or B) try another game, but then dislike it because they'd have to learn a new way of doing things, or C) try another game, smash it for just being a WoW-clone, and then go back to WoW.


The graphics are a different style of graphics but aren't bad (looks amazing on my cpu running over 60 fps) but to each their own. All the mmos I've played, the leveling experience turned into a grind after reaching a certain point. But luckily for me, all my characters are 1-10 levels away from level cap anyways. I can't do the leveling anymore myself because of 7 years of doing it lol.


As far as me saying other games were struggling, you were right. That was an overstatement. You don't have to have 8-9 million subs to be considered successful. WoW was just a rare anomaly and no one predicted that type of success. I played Rift and it was a good game. It just didn't capture me long term. Swtor is struggling in some aspects though. They lost over half a million subs in like the first 6 months of the game (which says a lot about how popular/successful it was when it launched). Swtor will always struggle to reach the ceiling of that games potential as long as they have that busted hero engine and the million and one bugs throughout that game.


That has, at least, been my experience with WoW gamers in other games. The only people that ever formed coherent arguments were those who were saying why game x was better than WoW.


Which is not to say WoW was not, at one time, the best MMO. Of course it was. But its heyday has long, LONG, since passed.


This article is spot on with its assessment of WoW and other MMOs http://www.seebs.net/log/articles/530/you-can-play-wow-in-any-mmo


I tried not to hijack the thread and talk too much about WoW and just speak on my opinion of Swtor (even though talking about Swtor still kinda hijacked it lol). Swtor is a game that I truly like but just have resentment towards because it failed to reach the high expectations I had for it because of the hype. Still some great things about that game, but failed to reach it's potential which imo could have been the only franchise to possibly dethrone WoW. WoW just seems to have the better "overall" package imo then those other games. You were totally right about the WoW relapse(rs) only doing it because of nostalgia, we haven't found anything that is better then WoW. Even though WoW can't step out of it's own shadow of past accomplishments, it's hard to settle for another game that isn't as well balanced across the board like WoW.

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They are catering to the kids, less skill is involved to play now than there was years ago. Granted my only experience is a couple hours of game time on my brothers account before I just got bored of it, but he still talks to me about it a lot. He's been playing for years, is getting tired of it, but is still subscribed and has been for months even though he hasn't been playing it.


not sure how my question translated into a MMO debate but oh well :p


Favre I disagree with the catered to kids so less skill is involved. I have seen a 12 yr old tank do things I would have never imagined me doing. Kids reflexs are faster than most nowadays and that is largely I believe due to the gaming industry.


Granted I do agree games are being catered to kids more WOW Pandaville pretty much assures that but skillwise I think kids have it easier than most adults.


If I could aim as fast and as smoothly as my 13yr old son I might be able to beat him in Black Ops or Left for Dead or any other game. :p




Eefluxx hit it right on the money here. There are kids that are simply AMAZING in this game. You'll find more bad adults at this game then kids lol. As far as the game catering to casuals, this is true in a sense. But they have different levels of difficulties for everyone. Back in the day, the was an extreme grind and took a great amount of skill to get things accomplished as a guild. A lot of the mediocre or bad players didn't even get to experience a lot of the content due to them lacking in skill. This scared away and discouraged a lot of the bad gamers and casuals that couldn't put the time in to grinding / playing. So WoW watered down a lot of the content. What WoW DID do is add different levels of difficulty. There are regular raids which rewards regular epic gear and there are "heroic" raids which rewards with "elite" epic gear and for those who are more skilled. A lot of the people who do complain about WoW being catered to casuals and easy mode now aren't even doing heroic raids. It's the same thing with the pvp aspect of the game. No casuals or bad players are going to get the best gear because high tier pvp is SO competitive. We are talking the best pvpers in the world. You get regular epic pvp gear and for those in high end pvp with high ratings can get "elite" pvp gear. So it's not as cut and dry easy as most people try to make it out to be. Majority of those people aren't experiencing the game at those high end levels.

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See, it's weird because (and again, a lot of this is through my brother because he used to play WoW religiously) I hear a lot about PVP getting sucked dry and not amounting up to what it used to be. Whether it just be the young (and sometimes older) and more immature people taking over PvP or the fact that gear has been regulated to all classes and spec and the addition of boosts through RBG.

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See, it's weird because (and again, a lot of this is through my brother because he used to play WoW religiously) I hear a lot about PVP getting sucked dry and not amounting up to what it used to be. Whether it just be the young (and sometimes older) and more immature people taking over PvP or the fact that gear has been regulated to all classes and spec and the addition of boosts through RBG.



Those are a lot of variables. You have young people, older people, assholes, and kind hearts in the game. You are going to get a mix of all of them in pvp. But regardless of what type of personality they have, only the "skilled" people are taking over pvp (logically). At high end pvp, the game is still competitive. As far as all the gear being regulated to all people, there are two sets of gear. Regular pvp and Elite pvp. WoW has made a change in the patch notes in regards to the Elite pvp weapons etc. There are barriers between casual pvpers and hardcore pvpers due to arena rating. Casual pvpers won't be able to get elite weapons because their rating won't be high enough etc. Really too much to get into and explain right now lol.

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True, they did take great ideas from other mmos and like you said, they implemented their own thing as well. But because of this, that is why it is better then the other mmos (imo). WoW is better due to them taking all the great ideas from other mmos and successfully putting them together creating a complete package; versus other mmos that may just be great at "x" aspect of the game but lack severely in other areas. WoW is more of a total package around the entire board instead of just excelling at one particular thing.


I would definitely contend that Tera is better than WoW in every single aspect. It is not as good as GW2 at questing and story-telling, but it definitely has the all-around package.


The graphics are a different style of graphics but aren't bad (looks amazing on my cpu running over 60 fps) but to each their own. All the mmos I've played, the leveling experience turned into a grind after reaching a certain point. But luckily for me, all my characters are 1-10 levels away from level cap anyways. I can't do the leveling anymore myself because of 7 years of doing it lol.


The graphics are just bad, man. League of Legends is an example of a game with a "different style of graphics" along with Borderlands, Kingdoms of Amalur, etc. WoW's graphics are dated, very much so. As to be expected with an eight-year old game. Anyone picking up the game will go "Wow, this game looks old."


Guild Wars 2 is a fine example of an MMO where leveling never becomes a grind. Rift *was* great at not doing that either, but getting from 50 to 60 is sure a grind. 1-50 wasn't though, so until Storm Legion expansion, Rift would also have fallen into this category.


As far as me saying other games were struggling, you were right. That was an overstatement. You don't have to have 8-9 million subs to be considered successful. WoW was just a rare anomaly and no one predicted that type of success. I played Rift and it was a good game. It just didn't capture me long term. Swtor is struggling in some aspects though. They lost over half a million subs in like the first 6 months of the game (which says a lot about how popular/successful it was when it launched). Swtor will always struggle to reach the ceiling of that games potential as long as they have that busted hero engine and the million and one bugs throughout that game.


Why did Rift not capture you long-term? What, specifically, does WoW do better than Rift? Rift offers more versatility, better overall balanced PvP, varied dungeons, etc. Rift seems to beat WoW at its own game. Other MMOs try different formulas, Rift was intentionally trying to beat WoW at its own game- and succeeded, I think. It didn't really do anything breathtakingly new, with one glaring exception- changing classes on the fly- but it did everything well.


I would contend that the main reason you prefer WoW to Rift is simply because WoW is familiar.


And TOR is definitely struggling, I agree with that. Meant to say that not *all* MMOs are struggling, as obviously some are.


I tried not to hijack the thread and talk too much about WoW and just speak on my opinion of Swtor (even though talking about Swtor still kinda hijacked it lol). Swtor is a game that I truly like but just have resentment towards because it failed to reach the high expectations I had for it because of the hype. Still some great things about that game, but failed to reach it's potential which imo could have been the only franchise to possibly dethrone WoW. WoW just seems to have the better "overall" package imo then those other games. You were totally right about the WoW relapse(rs) only doing it because of nostalgia, we haven't found anything that is better then WoW. Even though WoW can't step out of it's own shadow of past accomplishments, it's hard to settle for another game that isn't as well balanced across the board like WoW.


Like I said, I think there are plenty of games that are better. The familiarity aspect is too alluring. Most WoW players I run into won't give the time of day to another game. They try it for an hour or two, compare it to some aspect of WoW they prefer, (because they've been playing the game for seven years, generally, not because they actually think its better), and then go back to it.


It's like all the people that use XP just because its familiar. Windows 7 is better in pretty much every way, but the first couple weeks are a little bumpy because you have to get used to the new interface.


And like Favre said... talking pandas? Really?

Edited by Thanatos19
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