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So, as most of you know, I started running and eating a lot healthier this past semester. I wish I took a picture like this before I started, but the old me doesn't really matter anymore.




Those jeans fit me perfectly 4 months ago.




I'd say I've carved out a decent body considering all I do is run 30-45 minutes 3-4 times per week and eat a decent diet. I think Socal is gonna end up talking me into trying resistance training, so we'll see what happens with that.

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I meant to mention this before, but the perspective that archway behind you creates in the picture is tripping me out haha

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I recently started Air Alert 3; I'm on my second week. I was thinking of doing cardio and ab workouts from Insanity, while just doing conventional weight lifting for my upper body. I seriously need to work on my upper body... lol.


EDIT: I was also thinking of using a creatine mix. Would any of you workout gurus recommend it for someone trying to build muscle fast?

Edited by Vikingfan465

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I recently started Air Alert 3; I'm on my second week. I was thinking of doing cardio and ab workouts from Insanity, while just doing conventional weight lifting for my upper body. I seriously need to work on my upper body... lol.


EDIT: I was also thinking of using a creatine mix. Would any of you workout gurus recommend it for someone trying to build muscle fast?


How do you like Air Alert 3?


Is there a particular creatine mix you were looking at? For creatine, because its such a popular and in demand product, its both cheap and you can pretty much ensure that it's good quality from the majority of brands out there, so I would go with the more convenient and cheap one, like GNC or any they sell. Just make sure it's creatine monohydrate and the serving size is 5 grams.


Let me know if you have anymore questions

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How do you like Air Alert 3?


I can still feel the burn in my calves from two days ago. The first few weeks seem to mostly affect your calves, but I think as I progress it will start to kill my upper legs. Wednesdays suck because of squat jumps. I also kind of feel like the first 1-3 weeks are probably just there for a warm-up.


My friend recommended this to me and he's dunking really easily now. I had a 24 inch vertical prior to this (sadface) and I'm a decent height (I was 5 foot, 11 inches the last time I visited the doctor), so I'm confident that I will be able to dunk it consistently. The same friend predicted that I might get up to a 30 inch vertical or so.


Is there a particular creatine mix you were looking at? For creatine, because its such a popular and in demand product, its both cheap and you can pretty much ensure that it's good quality from the majority of brands out there, so I would go with the more convenient and cheap one, like GNC or any they sell. Just make sure it's creatine monohydrate and the serving size is 5 grams.


Let me know if you have anymore questions


Thanks for the tips regarding creatine. Just a few questions:


- I've heard that if you consume creatine (just a normal amount) and you don't work extremely hard (max out several times, burn out on lifting several times, do cardio, and some ab stuff) that you will start to build up large amounts of fat. Is this true?


- Are there any health side-effects of taking creatine? I've heard from a few that protein shakes, in excess, can cause liver problems; does the same problem apply here?


- How much water should I consume to displace the effects of the creatine?


EDIT: "Not eat meat 0_o... Don't have to run or lose weight to get a six pack, but you do have to lose the fat covering your abs. " < Socal


I pulled this from about two pages ago when you responded to one of DMac's posts. Could you elaborate on this? I've been trying for a while to get that final layer of fat clear from my abs. I've done ab workouts (bicycle sit-ups, planks, sit-ups, etc.), I've eaten rather well (I only eat whole grain wheat, I have plenty of protein each day, I pack fruit and vegetables into my lunch... really the only unhealthy things I eat are McDonalds like once every other week, pizza every few weeks, and the Powerade that I have with my lunch), and at the beginning of the year I was participating in basketball's rather intense conditioning. What else can I do? My abs (not to brag) are pretty solid, but I still don't have a noticeable six pack.

Edited by Vikingfan465

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Monday (Chest & Back): 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

Flat Bench Press

Horizontal & Regular Rows

Incline Press


Chest Fly

Reverse Fly


Tuesday (Shoulders/Bis/Tris/Legs): 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

Overhead Shoulder Press

Preacher Curls

Rope Pulldowns

Frontal & Lateral Shoulder Raises

Concentration Curls

3-Way Lunges

Skull Crushers


Wednesday (Cardio, Core, & Abs)

Run or bike 3-5 miles

Ball Crunches

Leg Lifts

Russian Twists

Planks / Side Planks

Incline Crunches

Bicycle Kicks



Thursday (Chest, Back, & Biceps): Supersets of 10-8-8-6

Incline Press / Heavy Pants

Flat Press / Pull Ups

Chest Flys / Reverse Flys

In & Out Hammers / Diamond Pushups


Friday (Circuit Training): 1 minute with 15-30 rest

Dead Lift

Flip Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks

Plank Rows

3-Way Calf Raises

Squat into Shoulder Press

Leg-Arm Ball Pass

Back Extensions


Starting to plateau on this workout. Any suggestions on what to substitute?

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How long have you been on this particular routine?


At first glance it's clear you don't like doing legs very much :D... preference or an injury?


I'd try a push/pull split routine


Monday: Upper push / Lower Pull

ex do one upper push (chest, triceps, shoulder movement) then the next exercise do a lower pull (hamstrings)

- to be clear, I am not talking about a superset or compound set... do 3-4 sets of chest press then 3-4 sets of hamstring curls, followed by triceps rope pushdown, then single leg stiff leg deadlift.


Tuesday: Upper pull / Lower push

ex don one upper pull (lats, traps, rhomboids, biceps) then next do a lower push (quads)


wednesday: rest or light cardio, core


For Thursday and Friday repeat Monday and Tuesday in the same fashion but go heavier on shoulders, triceps, biceps, traps and lighter on chest, hamstrings, quads. Do calfs Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. Body weight core and ab exercises can conceivably be done every day but I would recommend 2 on 2 off and so on.


Ex M: weight abs, T: body weight abs Th: weighted abs, F:body weight abs


Cardio: mix it in as you like, make sure you don't overdo the resistance training and the cardio all at once, listen to your body, you'll know what it can handle and when you are overtraining.

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How long have you been on this particular routine?


At first glance it's clear you don't like doing legs very much :D... preference or an injury?

I've been on that routine for seven weeks, definitely time to switch up. And I throw in legs every now and then, just not scheduled in the week. I try not to burn them out so I can still run or bike Wednesday and some weekends.

I'd try a push/pull split routine

Haven't done one of those yet. They bring in strong results? Looking to increase my max as much as possible. May end up sending you a PM sometime soon to straight out a routine. I appreciate the help as usual man.

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So, I just recently got back into hooping with friends since like, the beginning of summer, and my back has been aching since. And IDT it's soreness either, I know what the feels like, but its like my back is just aching and any time I twist my back in any which way it sends pain across my body.


And it gets worse when I'm actually playing ball, when I bend at like 30-60 degrees I don't feel a thing, but when I stand straight up, or start running it starts up all over again. Is this just a lack of stretching properly? Or bed? Or should I see a doctor?

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So, I just recently got back into hooping with friends since like, the beginning of summer, and my back has been aching since. And IDT it's soreness either, I know what the feels like, but its like my back is just aching and any time I twist my back in any which way it sends pain across my body.


And it gets worse when I'm actually playing ball, when I bend at like 30-60 degrees I don't feel a thing, but when I stand straight up, or start running it starts up all over again. Is this just a lack of stretching properly? Or bed? Or should I see a doctor?


Pinched nerve? Or maybe you need to see a chiropractor?

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I've been on that routine for seven weeks, definitely time to switch up. And I throw in legs every now and then, just not scheduled in the week. I try not to burn them out so I can still run or bike Wednesday and some weekends.


Haven't done one of those yet. They bring in strong results? Looking to increase my max as much as possible. May end up sending you a PM sometime soon to straight out a routine. I appreciate the help as usual man.


A split push/pull or upper/lower (what I outlined above is a combo) is pretty standard for any serious weight lifter. Increasing your max lifts is about weight and repitition range and less about what exercises you are doing.


There are 4 distinct rep ranges to produce specific results, and they overlap with each other to some extent. When we want to elicit specific physiological adaptions we alter the acute variables such as amount of weight, tempo of the lift, number or reps, number of sets, rest between lifts etc. By consistently changing these, you can potentially do the same exercises but experience varied adaptations.


Rep Ranges:


Power: 1-6 reps (explosive force to lift the weight) rest can sometimes be as much as 3-5 minutes in this range

Strength: 4-6 reps (many times power and strength are linked together as one range) rest 2-3 minutes

Hypertrophy(size): 8-10 reps (research suggest 8 reps is ideal for muscle size) we also want to have high volume rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Endurance: 12-15+ reps little or no rest between sets


My advice:


Do a push/pull and upper/lower split routine like I mentioned above for 4-6 weeks, focus on exercises you are not very familiar with. This is going to help you push through any physical or mental plateus you may be experiencing. Once you do this, start what is called a 5X5 program, thats 5 sets of 5 reps per exercise and focus on traditional compound lifts (lifts that incorporate more than one joint). Examples include bench press, squat, lunges, deadlifts, bent over rows etc. Sometimes these exercises seem boring but they are efficient and people do them because they work.


Good luck

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I hope not. lol. That sounds painful.


Well pinched nerves, in my experience, tend to go away within a week. Going to a chiropractor expediates the process. I'm not sure which you were saying sounds painful, but going to the chiropractor feels great, though some people say they feel like shit for the first day until they're acclimated.

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I hope not. lol. That sounds painful.


Sounds to me like you might have hyperextended the erector spinae in your back and it irritated something. I would just rest it and it should go away soon, if not, try a chiropractor like Zack suggested

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Yea, I rested it for a bit and I was fine yesterday while I was hooping.


I'm surprised I can still dunk though, I haven't ran, lifted or even play ball since summer time and now I'm just starting back up and I seem to be able to jump higher. I'm gonna hate it when my body no longer works the way it currently does. :p

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Im not big on posting PR's (personal records) but its important for any serious lifter to keep track of the weight they are putting up. It's especially important for athletes because in strength and conditioning a program is all designed with % of a 1 rep max in mind. A good strength coach knows his athletes percentages.


Anyways, we did 1RM's in bench press and squat the other days (on separate days)


I did 245 on bench which is okay for how I train, when I used to train for strength I could push 300


For squat I did 300, not bad, better than the majority of my class and considering my back injury it was pretty impressive for me.

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The answer to all of life's problems: DO BURPEES!


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I'm two weeks into this Push/Pull routine and definitely feel the difference. It's like I never lose my pump. Plus I have more energy throughout than I did during my previous workouts. Maybe it's just due to muscle confusion or something but I'm loving the hell out of it.


Thanks Socal.

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Well as you know I was a tubby fuck but the last 4/5 months I've been following the plan below and eating less food and a bit healthier, as a result I lost 2and a half stone from 15st to 12.5st.




Swiss ball - Super set

BarBell In front press x 10

Db Shoulder press x 10

Db Lateral Raise x 10

Db Lateral Raise thumbs up x 10

30 sec rest x 4 sets


Swiss Machine in front press

10 reps x 3 – Heavy - 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1- Light Pump set


Db Shoulder press

10 reps x3 – Heavy – 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1- Light Pump set


Swiss Ball one arm presses

10 reps each arm x 4 – 45 sec rest


Bosu Plate Twist

10 x 4 - 45 sec rest







Swissball Db Chest press x 10

Swissball Db Fly x 10

Bosu Press up x 10

30 sec rest x 4 sets


Bench press flat

10 reps x3 – Heavy – 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1- Light Pump set


Db Chest press Incline

10 reps x3 – Heavy – 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1- Light Pump set


Swiss Ball one-armed Db Chest press

10 reps each arm x 4 – 45 sec rest


Swiss Ball Db pullovers

10 reps x 4 sets – 45 sec rest


Cable Flys

20 reps x 4 Complete Pump - 30 sec rest




Arms aka Armageddon:



Db Arm curls standing x 10 (not alternate)

Db Kick backs standing x 10 (not alternate)



Barbell close grip press x 1

Barbell Skull crusher x 1

Barbell pullover x 1

X 10 – 30 sec rest - 4 sets


2 sec Pump curl (easy bar)

10 reps -2 sec squeeze each rep 5 sec squeeze on 10th rep 45- sec rest

(squeeze the bicep hard)



Narrow Grip Bench Press x 10

Seated Hammer curl (not alternate) x 10

X 4 sets 45 sec rest


Weighted Dips (with Plate on legs)

10 reps x 4 sets – 30 sec rest


Cable Superset

Bicep Curl x 10

Reverse curl x 10

4 sets – 45 sec rest


Cable Superset

Tri Rope x 10

Reverse Tri curl x 10

4 sets – 45 sec rest


100 Rep Pump out (easy bar)

Get to 100 reps asap!!! Best with 2 people as you compete, on off no rest.






Lat pull down


20 reps - light

15 reps

12 reps

10 reps

8 reps

6 reps

4 reps

1 rep – heavy


Swiss ball low row

10 x reps 4 sets - 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1 pump set


One Arm bent over row

10 x reps each arm x 4 sets - 45 sec rest


Reverse Cable Fly

10 x reps 4 sets - 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1 pump set


Swiss machine Shrugs

10 reps 2 sec hold each rep x 5 sets – 45 sec rest

20 reps x 1 pump set


Swiss ball back extension (with med ball)

10 reps x 4 - 30 sec rest






German Volume training: Squats


Highly aggressive!!!


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


10 reps - 4 sec down 2 sec up = 60 sec set

60 sec rest


I don't do the legs days that way due to my knee problem and I have a set core day but it's worked me

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Tomorrow morning, I start taking Orange Triad by Controlled Labs. It's a multivitamin, joint supplement, digestion supplement, and immune system supplement all in one. I'll let you guys know what I feel and how long it takes me to feel it while trying to avoid the placebo effect as much as possible. I'm gonna try to stay objective.

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Tomorrow morning, I start taking Orange Triad by Controlled Labs. It's a multivitamin, joint supplement, digestion supplement, and immune system supplement all in one. I'll let you guys know what I feel and how long it takes me to feel it while trying to avoid the placebo effect as much as possible. I'm gonna try to stay objective.


Heard that shit is solid. You're gonna have the placebo no matter what you do. Do work son.


I just recently cut off soda, grains, and smoking again. :yep: Getting my diet right again and about to start working out yet again. Feel like I got content in my relationship and what not, so I'm gonna surprise the GF. Instead of stepping out and smoking, I step out and go for quick sprints out in the field by my place. 30 second dead sprint (couldn't make it 30 the first couple times), then a 3 minute break or so, then do that five times. Heard it's just as effective if not more than running forever and all that madness. Seems to be working.

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So I've taken a full week's worth of doses of Orange Triad. I've done the standard recommendation of 3 pills 2 times per day. With my next bottle, I may try 2 pills 3 times a day just to see if it makes any difference. I doubt it will, but who knows. Anyway, here's what I've noticed so far:


- Increased energy levels during the day.

- More energy for working out.

- Falling asleep quicker when I lay down.

- Staying asleep the entire night without waking up (this never happened to me consistently before).

- Increased libido (seriously)

- Slight increase in appetite.

- My piss turns bright yellow/green about 1.5-2 hours after I take a dose. This is normal and not a threat, but it did catch me off guard at first. I think it's just the extra B vitamins being flushed out of my body.


I haven't noticed anything with my joints yet, but it's still too early for that. I suspect by the end of this bottle, I'll start to have better feelings in my joints. I'll post about this again when I finish my bottle.

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Kettlebells, club bells, swinging rope (seriously, faster you swing it more resistance offered, I HIGHLY recommend getting a 20 and/or 40 ft. Length of the thickest rope your local hardware store can offer if your into strength training. 1.5" will do but 2.5" would be ideal to start), punching wood or a plate of bulletproof glass, various calisthenics/cardio, occasional freeweights but I find them unecessary lately, and sparring. Combine that with good nutrition. In the South they call it skrong/scrong? I liked that.

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Kettlebells, club bells, swinging rope (seriously, faster you swing it more resistance offered, I HIGHLY recommend getting a 20 and/or 40 ft. Length of the thickest rope your local hardware store can offer if your into strength training. 1.5" will do but 2.5" would be ideal to start), punching wood or a plate of bulletproof glass, various calisthenics/cardio, occasional freeweights but I find them unecessary lately, and sparring. Combine that with good nutrition. In the South they call it skrong/scrong? I liked that.

Sounds like you're trying to get lean, although I have no idea what punching wood does for you.

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