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I hated Slade at the end, pretty much copying TDK's Joker with the whole "If you don't kill me I win because I beat you, and if you kill me I when because you proved you are a murderer." It works for Batman because he doesn't kill, but Oliver has killed a lot of people in this show, it made no sense to me and it feels like this show likes copying the Nolan movies because the end of Season 1 was almost straight out of Batman Begins' ending and the whole Slade's army taking over the city was similar to TDKR lol.

Don't get me wrong, I love the show but they aren't even being subtle in ripping off Nolan in anymore.

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Nolan is amazing. If you are going to rip off, at least rip off something epic.

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Guardians of the Galaxy trailer out, we get our first "I Am Groot" courtesy of Vin Diesel. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm excited regardless.

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I got something awesome today. The Amazing Spider-Man issues #361-363 featuring the first ever appearance of Carnage. :yep:


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Just got out of seeing Days of Future Past. It was pretty good and the best part is....

That X3 never happened lol.


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Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on Marvel's "Ant-Man" due to differences in their vision of the film. The decision to move on is amicable and does not impact the release date on July 17, 2015. A new director will be announced shortly.




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That stinks, Wright was a big reason why I had confidence in this movie. I'm wondering what difference with Marvel caused him to leave. Maybe they pushed too hard for him to tie the movie into the MCU more? I remember Wright saying he acknowledged the film exists in the MCU but he wanted it to sort of be on it's own compared to the rest. We'll see who they pick up now, but they've got work to do with the film slated for release next year.

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Biggest hype machine in the world? I consider Avengers and Winter Soldier as their only GREAT films, with Iron Man almost fitting into that category. My love for Marvel Studios is their ability to nail their films as comic movies. Not that every movie they make is a cinematic masterpiece.


I think Days of Future Past is good and loved that it practically made the original bullshit trilogy meaningless, but I've heard some people say it is the best movie they've ever seen lol. The Quicksilver hype is crazy too, some people make it seem Evan Peters gave us an Oscar performance in what was just pretty much 10 minutes of some cool special effects. Also, as much as I love Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are the future of the X-Men franchise and they are awesome. I'm glad X-Men: Apocalypse is going to feature them and not the original cast. I like FOX's direction with the franchise though I'm skeptical of what they have in store for Fantastic Four. Also, Sony needs to give up Spider-Man rights ASAP. Not necessarily to Marvel Studios, but to someone. For God's sake, they've made 5 Spidey films and not a single one of them was really good. How can they make so much mediocre-to-terrible films with the greatest comic book character ever?


Anywho, that's my little rant on this subject. I'll try and keep most of my thoughts in the superhero thread.

I was mostly kidding, haha. Fuckin' hype machine.


I'm surprised you aren't a fan of the Spiderman reboot. Spiderman's always been my favorite character and, while I have my complaints, I still think they shit all over Winter Soldier.


X-Men and Spiderman are the two that I really loved growing up, so I'm glad that DoFP has impressed. I was never a fan of the first trilogy, but thought First Class was wonderfully done.

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The Spider-Man reboot gives me mixed feelings. I like the tone more than the original trilogy, I like Garfield more than Maguire and Emma Stone shits all over Kirsten Dunst and she plays a female lead that actually does something besides create drama and be a damsel in distress. But the villains are lackluster, they've done a little too much focus on the Peter/Gwen relationship and in general they just don't come off as great to me. I like the first movie in the reboot more so than the 2nd. Jamie Foxx blew and they kinda "Venomed" Green Goblin in that he only appeared at the very end for like 5 minutes when he could've been so much more badass. I've heard a lot of people shit on Rhino too, but he played like no role in the movie and is more there for the future so I don't know. But I want to see someone else try Spider-Man, Sony is just pumping movies for money and I want to see someone else try.

I'm a huge Spidey fan too btw, I own more comics of him than anyone else and have several cool memorabilia of Spider-Man. Like a few posts above, I got my hands on the issue that features the debut of Carnage. I think it is the coolest piece in my entire collection. I just want to see a better movie. None of the 5 released by Sony would qualify as anything more than decent with a few hovering near dogshit territory.

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I think the Gwen relationship was absolutely supposed to be the point of the first two films. The focus needed to be there to make Gwen's death carry as much weight as it did in the comics. It also allowed the villains to develop and define Spiderman while building toward some Sinister Six incarnation.

Edited by Zack_of_Steel
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I know why they focused on the relationship, I still think they overdid it though. I'm not hating on the movie as much as most people are (TASM2 has been getting shit on by critics while they cream themselves over Winter Soldier and Days of Future Past), but it isn't great and I have higher hopes for Spider-Man.

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So a site called Latino Review claims to have the scoop on why Wright left Ant-Man. Apparently, Marvel had two people re-write the script and Wright was unhappy and didn't like that Marvel was forcing changes upon him.

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Firstly, I want to state that you are very right in the fact that this spider-man franchises tone / setting / and IMO realness to the comics comes through SO much more. That alone, I think makes it that much better than the previous trilogy. Garfield > Maguire x100000000. Emma Stone > Dunst x10000000.

As far as the villains and what not go... I really think this series is doing just a great job of actually just telling us a story. They actually develop relationships / plot lines / etc. The fact that GG wasn't in a majority of the film doesn't bother me in the least bit. While I didn't hate Jamie Foxx as much as most... He was definitely pretty lame... But I thought they played out Electro as a character fairly well. And even though they used Gob for "5 minutes", I think they set up his creation and the desperation of Harry REALLY well.

Hence, I agree that I would like some more epic villains... I think a REAL venom or carnage plot line or even a scarlet spider plot would be EPIC. Doesn't seem like it's the way they will go, however. And I am OKAY with that. This next film will really either cement the franchise or drop it down a few pegs. The way they incorporate all of these villains, how they shift focus, etc...



I am REALLLLLLY glad that Peter got out of his post-Gwen funk this last film though. When I finally saw she was going to die, I instantly thought they would cliffhanger us and end the movie with #3 picking up with Peter in a massive depression and stuff... That would have sucked. Glad they avoided that.




TLDR version: This SM franchise craps all over the last one. And I agree with Zack that this was better than Winter Soldier (even if that was much better than I expected).

Edited by Favre4Ever

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Electro was terrible, IMO. He's never been the coolest character around so they had their work cut out for him but he was just too lame. It could've been worse, they could've trotted someone out there in a green and yellow costume to make bad puns like on the Spider-Man ride at Universal lol. But still, I didn't buy his motivation and at the end of the movie you almost wonder what the point of him being there was. The film was about Peter and Gwen's relationship and his ability or inability to deal with the idea of losing her and the introduction of a dying and desperate Harry Osborn. Electro felt like filler to me and the fact that Jamie Foxx stunk and the character was just lame made it worse.

Lizard was pretty meh in the original too, but I could get over that as it was more of origin movie and I'm glad they didn't go with a huge baddie out of the gate.

But I guess in general, the rebooted series isn't a total shitfest, it doesn't live up to the awesome potential Spider-Man has. Sony has done 5 movies with the character and I wouldn't call any of them great. The Raimi trilogy had a mediocre opening film, solid second one and absolute dogshit finale. This one had a mediocre to solid opener with just a second film that really didn't improve on the original much. I'd just like to see someone else try. Sony has had their chances and the fact they made two dogshit Ghost Rider movies with Nic Cage doesn't help either. They're pumping these out because they know it is a cash cow.

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The first two films were one big origin story, imo. Pre-Mary Jane, high school, and foreshadowed Sinister Six.

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Well we don't need two movies of origin, IMO. Spider-Man is a well known character and we don't need so much origin from the character, I'd almost they'd rather just jump in to the prime of his career because we already have seen plenty of origin in film from the Raimi/Maguire trilogy. That was one of the complaints for The Amazing Spider-Man, that people felt it rehashed the origin too much when the majority of audiences are well aware of it.

But I'm bored and have just decided to look up the Marvel films and how they are viewed for the most part. Not trying to make a point towards any argument, just posting the RT ratings for Marvel films to see how they stack up. I'm just genuinely curious.

The first rating will be the Tomatometer and the second is the audience rating from Rotten Tomatoes.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
-Iron Man (2008) 93%/91%
-The Incredible Hulk (2008) 67%/72%
-Iron Man 2 (2010) 73%/73%
-Thor (2011) 77%/76%
-Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) 79%/73%
-Marvel's The Avengers (2012) 92%/91%
-Iron Man 3 (2013) 78%/79%
-Thor: The Dark World (2013) 65%/79%
-Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 89%/94%

So based on this, critics and audiences are pretty close with these movies except for the 2nd Thor film. Critics on the site have it as the lowest rated film in the MCU, which I'm not sure I agree with. The audiences have a more favorable view. But I can agree with this for the most part as I consider the first Iron Man, Avengers and Winter Soldier to be the best pure films made by Marvel Studios. The rest of them are good, but not great. Iron Man 2 is my personal worst of the bunch but RT grades The Incredible Hulk as the worst if you look at both scores, which isn't that far off IMO.

Spider-Man movies by Sony
-Spider-Man (2002) 89%/67%
-Spider-Man 2 (2004) 94%/81%
-Spider-Man 3 (2007) 63%/51%
-The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) 73%/78%
-The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) 53%/71%

The critics and audiences are on different pages with these compared to the MCU movies. The critics seem to think the 1st movie was good while audiences thought it was poor. It's obvious Spider-Man 2 is the best one done so far and the reviews from both sides go with that. Spider-Man 3 is clear dog shit and both groups are on board with that. The reboot sees both sides in general agreeing that it was average with this year's sequel getting shit on by critics and average reviews by audiences. I disagree with all the critic ratings except for possibly the 2012 movie. I think they graded out the first movie too high and I think 63% is too high for SM3, that movie was some 'ol bullshit that's nearly in Green Lantern/Wolverine Origins territory.

X-Men films
-X-Men (2000) 82%/83%
-X2: X-Men United (2003) 87%/85%
-X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 58%/63%
-X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 38%/60%
-X-Men: First Class (2011) 87%/87%
-The Wolverine (2013) 69%/70%
-X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 91%/95%

These movies in general are getting good reviews outside of X3 and Wolverine Origins. I thought the first two X-Men films are a bit overrated and I'm not fans. I lol'd at the critic score for Wolverine Origins, easily the lowest of any movie I've looked up for this and it certainly deserves it. I actually think First Class is slightly underscored. Days of Future Past is amazeballs but the score will probably drop slightly since it just came out.

I'm not going to bother looking up any Fantastic Four, Blade, Ghost Rider or Punisher scores but from these Marvel movies the general consensus is that the best films are Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier, Spider-Man 2 and Days of Future Past with the worst being Wolverine Origins, Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

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I watched first class again last night. I don't know what you guys are seeing. It's ok. In fact I would go so far to say I really like it but this movie is not something that blew my mind. I tried to figure out what it is you guys are so enamored with while watching it last night but I guess I just don't see it. The secondary characters are sometimes downright silly, as is Bacon as Shaw. The acting by the leads is really good but there is a lot of cheeseball acting and writing in there too. The story is nothing revolutionary... i dunno its a fun very watchable movie but I don't really understand some of the gushing that goes on about it.

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I don't think First Class was revolutionary. Very few super hero films are, but it was a massive upgrade over the original trilogy and gave the X-Men film franchise hope. I literally just got done re-watching First Class btw, I wanted to see it again with Days of Future Past still fresh in my mind to get a better idea of which movie is better. I have to go DOFP, but no way was that possible without this movie. McAvoy and Fassbender are just so brilliant. Not that Stewart and McKellen weren't, but at their ages they obviously can't keep doing films at the quality we expect. I think the supporting cast actors are better too, outside of Stewart/McKellen/Jackman I thought a lot of the original trilogy acting was poor. The guy who played Cyclops was a joke, and I wasn't a big fan of Jean Grey. I seriously enjoy the fresh blood Fox pumped into this franchise. I'm hoping they strike the same kind of gold with the Fantastic Four reboot, but I'm not as confident.

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Solid casting, I'm excited to see the Daredevil series. There is a lot of potential on Netflix for what is pretty much a 13 hour movie.

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Finally a good casting by Marvel.





Josh Brolin has been tapped to play the villainous Thanos in Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy,” sources confirm to Variety.


Thanos, who first appeared in the post-credits scene in “The Avengers,” is a major villain in the Marvel universe and is also expected to appear in one, if not both, of the upcoming “Avengers” sequels.


“We’re definitely tied to ‘Avengers 3,’” director James Gunn recently said of the upcoming “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which hits theaters Aug. 1.


Co-starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper, “Guardians” is based on the Marvel comic series and tells the story of a superhero team fighting to save the world.


Latino Review first broke the Brolin news.





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Marvel's casting has been top notch already, IMO. It sounds like Brolin is just doing voice work though.

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Bradley Cooper and the entirety of Ant-Man are misses, but I guess they've hit on more than they've missed.

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