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Gold Road: A CYOA

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So, those of you who have been here for a while know that I ran a CYOA previously known as Graduation. It went well for a while, and got a lot of activity, but then stuff came up and I had to stop posting for a while, and since I didn't save a lot of the information and plotlines I had for it, it kind of crashed and burned. So I'm gonna give a new scenario a try, I've been working on this for about two days, so it's nothing really spectacular, but I did like what I came up with.


Let's start with the world.




This is the known continent of this world, and it's home to three nations, well sort of. The Western Frontier is basically a bunch of city states with a common enemy, the Holy Land of Savin in the East. Other than shared disdain, they believe in the pursuit of profit, land and freedom. Likewise the land is pretty varied there, oceans on three sides, the Fuhr Desert in the east, a large swampland in the south, and rolling plains elsewhere. To the east is the Holy Land of Savin, a socialist monarchy, where roles are assigned to people at age ten, and wealth is spread according to the necessity of the role and amount needed to survive. There is still very little gap between the rich and the poor, and only the monarch lives in relative luxury. Lastly in the middle of the map is Geldas, a merit democracy where the balance between unbridled freedom and constricted societal growth is found. Mainly a mining and metalworking community, it also holds some of the most brilliant minds on the continent. (It's also where the main character will probably start off, depending on how we progress through the beginning)


There'll be more in-depth stuff on the places in the next post, along with the basic character template. After that, the topic will begin. For those of you who don't know how CYOA's work, I'll tell you what the acronym means. Choose Your Own Adventure. The choices you make throughout the story define the character, guides the plot, and chooses the ending. Bad choices may lead to death, but there won't be any of those horrible options early, anyway.


There is one thing I'll hope you notice in the character section, and it's that thing called element. In this story people are defined on three sliding scales, the scale of Order vs. Chaos, Passive vs. Aggressive, and Flexibility vs. Rigidity. The scales determine which element you are, and these elements provide innate bonuses to your stats. A person who falls on the Order, Passive and Flexible sides would be considered a water type. If you were the opposite, a Chaotic, Aggressive and Rigid type, you would be consider a darkness type. There are nine elements in all, and this is how I have them classified.


Water: OPF

Wind: OAF

Earth: OPR

Holy: OAR

Poison: CPF

Fire: CAF

Forest: CPR

Darkness: CAR

Metal: In between in all facets.


After a while, the character will become set in his or her ways, and their dialogue will reflect on that character type. Certain characters in the story have their own personality types, so consider that when having discussions with people.

Edited by RazorStar

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Geldas: The Center of the continent's landmass, where an acceptance to all cultures and a focus on technological advance is the primary focus of their people. Small by population, but their technological advances makes them a threat for either the East or West. People will prove their merit by hard work and clever negotiation. Landlocked, and only near one source of water, the people of Geldas are limited in growth by their natural borders. The Geldians use a form of government known as merit democracy, where those who have shown the capacity to lead will be candidates for positions in government,


Ferrus: The capital city of Geldas, where the most influential people gather. The brightest, the richest, and the most powerful people of the Republic live here. Home of the Centro University, where the brightest students work with brilliant minds to advance humanity.


Titania: A mining hub in the north, the majority of the Geldas's weapons are made there by master blacksmiths. A welcome attraction to craftsmen and artisans to truly embrace their work, rare metals and ores are gathered from the mines, and smiths use them to build valued items for rich consumers, and rare weapons for generals and high ranking army officers.


Silv: Geldas' lone harbor town, ships are equipped to deal with the ice floes and cold weather in the north. Despite it's location, it's the easiest way to pass into Geldas, so a lot of travelers end up here. People are eager to spread their stories in the taverns, and whores are eager to spread their legs for extra cash.


Borderlands: A massive battlefield, scarred by warfare and all side's desperate advances. The Mountains separating Geldas from Savin to the East end there. The vast Fuhr Desert in the west also ends here. Geldas wishes to contain any warfare to that isolated area, as their trading routes through mountain passes and caravan trails would be destroyed.


Savin: The Monarchy of the East. People live a controlled lifestyle, where their role is determined by the skills they exhibit as a youth. At the age of ten, their aptitude is decided and they become soldiers, clergy, scholars, doctors, or whatever the country needs. Known for it's lush forests and absolute massive capital city, there is next to no gap between the rich and the poor. There are uprisings about, with people demanding more freedom from their predetermined lifestyle and religion's heavy hand in society.


Savin City: The capital city of Savin. Massive structures overwhelm the skyline, joined by the large trees of the forest around it. The King's Castle, the Holy Land, and The Mother Tree all stand in the centre of the city, surrounded by beautiful buildings and tall structures made by the architects of the country. Around those buildings reside the people of Savin City, in equally similar housing structures.


Divin City: Once a primary farming and logging community, the rebels of Savin have made their home base here. While the rest of Savin is heavy on law and order, Divin is considered the stain on Savin's glory. Virtually lawless in comparison, people have disparity in wealth and circumstance, and a melting pot of ideals, as people from Geldas and any people from the west crazy enough to cross the borderlands are accepted in Divin.


Torp: The northern port of Savin, not only do they deal with travelers from Geldas and Nosomo North, but also the dark void of the Unknown. People who live there are extremely hardy, and rely on a diet of fish and wolves to survive. People never stay long there, the howls of the world far east are too frightening for most.


The Western Frontier: There is no unity here, other than the disdain of people from Savin. People of all different types live here, and the land is shaped is many different ways to accompany those ideals. Coasts surround the west on three sides, the Fuhr Desert and Borderlands being the natural roadblocks from the Eastern Territories. Most of the Desert and Swamp Lands are uninhabitable, but some small towns like Casa Dera and Wealyze have formed in rare habitable parts. The coasts are strewn with harbor towns, but Nosomo North and South are the most commonly known. Profit and Land is the name of the game, so when these people are not fighting against the Expansionist Savini's, they are fighting amongst themselves. The Plains in the West have no large towns, but instead clusters of small villages, farms, and wandering, hunting tribes of people dot the area. In the very middle sits Lake Legend, the largest source of known freshwater, other than glaciers to the north.


Casa Dera: The Lone Oasis known in the Fuhr Desert. For those seeking the Gold Passage into Geldas, this is the first stop, for those leaving from Geldas, it's the last one. People follow the tributaries through the Fuhr Desert until they reach Lake Legend. It's the safest passage through the harsh desert heat.


Wealyze: Not much is known about this place, it's location is only known by the sheer number of people who have tried to explore the area only to never return. It is the heart of the swamplands, and it's name comes from Weak and Paralyze, as people often claim to be either of these things once they come close. It is rumoured that a deadly toxin permeates the area.


Nosomo: The Tale of Two Cities. The rich have beautiful mansions on the beachfront, while the poor live in squalor, slums are abundant, but hidden by surprisingly rich city planners. Money talks, and the law is only in place for those who can afford it. Many travelers have been so awed by the beauty of the nice parts of the city, that they never notice the pickpocket's slippery fingers.


Swift Tribes and the Western Plains: Despite the Frontier's known praise of avarice, the people of the plains work so that they have food for themselves, and food for their communities. They believe in helping each other out, and making small profits whenever possible. If everyone is healthy and full, then people will be satisfied. The primary source for wheat, barley, and corn in the world. The only large city considered to be of the plains is on Lake Legend itself. The people of the West often find Lake Legend to be the hub of all commerce in the frontier, and the most peaceful city there. The Swift Tribes are roaming travelers, who get by on the land. They trade with farmers and other locals as they pass by, but their goal is to wander the earth and gain worldly knowledge.

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(as of update 20)




Name: Erik Steele

Strength (Governs Attack, Defense and Speed): 8

Intelligence (Governs Magic/Resist, Intellect, and Wisdom): 7+3

Skill: (Governs Charisma, Dexterity and Luck): 11+3


Element: Wind

Order: 3

Chaos: -1

Flexibility: 2

Rigidity: -2

Passive: 1

Aggressive: 2



Retractable Knife

Heavy Leather Gloves

Iron Lance

Leather Satchel

Letter to Roughskin

165 Gold

Edited by RazorStar

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The blue walls greet you once again. "Hello adventurer." A solemn voice speaks through the bright colours of the world around you. "This is the nexus of the subconscious, the point where all beings are the same, and the point where they diverge into individuals. You too must diverge from the middle ground, and become something else."


You have no response to this, as this is only a dream to you. Still you listen patiently, the echoes of the blue walls hide nothing, and the voice continues in full clarity. "I will ask you a set of questions. Your mind's eye cannot lie, and you will only speak the truth to me. These questions will help set you on your path, and define your existence."


"When faced with a challenge, you..."

(Pick one)


A: Face it head on

B: Run away from it

C: Play the game

D: Ask for help

E: Accept what must be done

F: Consider it a way to grow stronger

Edited by RazorStar

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Is there sort of a rough template that you have based this CYOA off of, or is it entirely a product of your own imagination and doing? Looks interesting, I will be following along

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It's a product of my imagination, but obviously that's inspired by other things as well. I'll start cranking out the next update, now.

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"I see. It could be said that life is merely a game, and you are merely players. Please advance into the next room." The voice subsided, and in response, a door appeared on the blue wall in front of you. You step forward, and encounter a young child. As you look closer, you can see similarities to yourself in that small kid. A bottle of beer was in your young hands, as your parents stormed into the room. Nostalgia overflowed in a short instant but suddenly, the scene paused midway through.


"I want to ask you about your parents." The voice returned, "How did they raise you? Were you free to be who you are, or were you just doing what they told you all the time? Were you a rebellious child, or did you strive to do right by their wishes? What I really want to know is..."


"Do you think children need a strong sense of order to develop their morality?"

(Pick one)


A: Yes, Order is vital to a child's upbringing.

B: No, Children need freedom to truly understand right and wrong.

Edited by RazorStar

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"That's good. Structure is the best way to define one's existence. To do the right thing, doesn't mean to do everything wrong until you get it right." The scene changed once again, teenagers stood in a group, loitering by the stone buildings. You try to listen to their conversation, but it's silent to you.


"In a large group, everyone is anonymous in plain sight. While they may have the option to do whatever they want, the mentality of the mob outweighs that of the individual. Only the most basic instincts rise to the surface, unless someone strong is there to rein them in."


"Can you lead a herd of people to make sound decisions?"

(Pick one)


A: Absolutely, all it takes is a little yelling and screaming

B: No. It's too hard to control the masses. They'll do what they want, regardless.

C: Why would I want to?

D: People do as they please, it's not up to me to make decisions for them.

Edited by RazorStar

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Give me more! and Brandon Mebane.

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give me a tiebreaker!

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The tiebreaker was given! D wins. I'll get cracking on that update now.

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"So you choose not to lead, but observe and understand. Perhaps then, you'll understand the nature of this place." The world wavered, disappearing in waves in and out of phase. "You're gonna feel a slight bit of pressure in your ears, kid." Everything disappeared into a bright blue sky.


"Sink or swim, what will it be?" it spoke, as you fell endlessly. "You're gonna die if you hit the ground from this height, you know." Mountains became distinguishable, great trees and a winding river stood out as they came towards you faster and faster.


"What will you do?"


A: Wake up

B: Try to fly

C: Hit the ground as safely as possible

Edited by RazorStar

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Need more votes! C'mon new kids and old joes.

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