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I did. You're a pussy and I kinda hate you.

You can't say that lol. He is Jewish, a feminist, and a virgin. You are a straight white male. Your privilege dictates you are -3, he is +1 because he is a white male.


He will play the victim attack, which is undone by logic, which is the attribute that that takes to most damage from a victim attack. He plays his victim squeal dropping you to a -5. You counter with a well thought out flank. He evades with an evasive victim mentality attack, and counter with the white male wail where he petulantly stamps his feet repeatedly and screams privilege, that also throws out a biased source kink. You are now defeated. You were doomed by priveledge sir, although you fought beautifully and are now a peoples champion in the face of overwhelming stupidity.

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Boy you guys sure are showing blots how to actually debate.


Oh no wait, you're just doing the same thing he does when he "doesn't have an argument."


Since I am in fact interested in his opinion and don't care just to sit here and mock someone, blots can you explain why you think antifa is okay? If you in fact do think they're ok?

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Since I am in fact interested in his opinion and don't care just to sit here and mock someone, blots can you explain why you think antifa is okay? If you in fact do think they're ok?

Antifa isnt nearly as large of a problem as the right wing people. They (should) target Nazis. It's the reason if you see some random person get punched, that's not ok, but the gif of Richard Spencer getting hit is enjoyable. I see a difference in targeting people for what they stand for than who they are. Being black is something you are born with that does not cause or advocate harm for anyone. Advocating for a white ethnostate is neither.


If you want to see the effectiveness of antifa, look up Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists in England. It's hard to imagine nowadays but there was a time when calling yourself fascists wasn't a dealbreaker. They were actually gaining traction by taking advantage of people's tolerance. Which makes sense, since fascism can actually be an alluring philosophy on the surface.


But antifa made the fascists scared to have rallies, which effectively ended their movement and got Mosely to leave England. Also this was AFTER World War 2, so you can't even say people didn't know what this could lead to. A lot of antifa people were Jews who served in the war. (https://wikipedia.org/wiki/43_Group)


While these were technically violent terrorists attacking "peaceful" protestors, they quite possibly prevented England from falling into fascism. Yes it wasn't the best means, and I certainly would like it if it could be done peacefully, but the fascists/Nazis/whatever don't argue in good faith. Violence has been shown to be the only thing they respond to. Now, antifa needs to use EXTREME discretion (probably better than they have tbh) when choosing targets, because it's obviously not ok to just start attacking random civilians, but if effective, they can be a real help.

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Also, the only reason I played the "jewish card" or whatever is because bware told me that I was being offensive to Jews by saying neonazis were nazis. I don't think I have ever been discriminated against in my life for being Jewish (and I certainly hope it stays that way).


And my point wasn't that if you tell a racist joke you're a nazi and irredeemable. Lord knows I've told my share of them (though I guess you guys might agree that I'm a bad person). I'm saying that those jokes are harmful and people should watch what they say, myself included. There is nothing wrong with being conscientious of your words.

There (generally) isn't an "is a racist/isn't a racist" binary. Sometimes people aren't trying to be racist and contribute to racism all the same.

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Blots believes:

1.)Guns should be controlled by the government unless it is extreme circumstances.

2.)His party is superior to all others and intellectually superior, as well as morally.

3.)Tells Sarge,"Why are you commenting on American policy, you dont even live here."

4.)Is irreligious and thought Christianity was a stupid superstition and tried to limit as many Christian Ideals as possible.

5.)Believes in big government and large welfare programs, to get the admiration of the people and keep them dependent on the government.


Oh and this one.


1) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HitlerAteSugar


2) I think that'd apply to literally everyone. Otherwise, why would I support that party?


3) I took objection to sarge claiming "the suffering millions of Americans will go through because of a trump presidency will be worth it in the long run" because as someone who isn't living in America, he won't be living through it. It's easy to say suffering is worth it when you aren't going to be the one doing it.


4) I just want to keep religion out of the government since it's really supposed to be. If you want to have a nativity scene in your front yard or whatever, then go for it.


5) I don't support welfare because I want people to love and depend on the government. I support it because I want people to not starve and die.

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You do realize I am a U.S. citizen, and I could return to the U.S. any time, whether by choice or not, right?


For you to say what Trump does is irrelevant to me is ignorant and short-sighted.

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Blots, Ngata's point is exactly that trope. You are claiming certain people are like Hitler because they share characteristics with him.



Antifa isnt nearly as large of a problem as the right wing people. They (should) target Nazis. It's the reason if you see some random person get punched, that's not ok, but the gif of Richard Spencer getting hit is enjoyable. I see a difference in targeting people for what they stand for than who they are. Being black is something you are born with that does not cause or advocate harm for anyone. Advocating for a white ethnostate is neither.


If you want to see the effectiveness of antifa, look up Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists in England. It's hard to imagine nowadays but there was a time when calling yourself fascists wasn't a dealbreaker. They were actually gaining traction by taking advantage of people's tolerance. Which makes sense, since fascism can actually be an alluring philosophy on the surface.


But antifa made the fascists scared to have rallies, which effectively ended their movement and got Mosely to leave England. Also this was AFTER World War 2, so you can't even say people didn't know what this could lead to. A lot of antifa people were Jews who served in the war. (https://wikipedia.org/wiki/43_Group)


While these were technically violent terrorists attacking "peaceful" protestors, they quite possibly prevented England from falling into fascism. Yes it wasn't the best means, and I certainly would like it if it could be done peacefully, but the fascists/Nazis/whatever don't argue in good faith. Violence has been shown to be the only thing they respond to. Now, antifa needs to use EXTREME discretion (probably better than they have tbh) when choosing targets, because it's obviously not ok to just start attacking random civilians, but if effective, they can be a real help.







First off, antifa does not restrict their activities to targeting Nazis or nazi sympathizers. Maybe that was their original purpose, but there are have been multiple situations here in the US where that isn't the case.


Secondly, you're okay with them violently going after peaceful protesters because you disagree with what those protesters espouse? Holy shit man, you're like already at the bottom of the slippery slope.


How can you possibly sit there and condemn the white nationalist movement and then turn around and praise antifa for violently attempting to stop said movements because they scared them?


How is that any better? We're better than this, blots. We don't need to resort to violence to stop racism.

Edited by Zack_of_Steel
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Oh and this one.

1) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HitlerAteSugar

2) I think that'd apply to literally everyone. Otherwise, why would I support that party?

3) I took objection to sarge claiming "the suffering millions of Americans will go through because of a trump presidency will be worth it in the long run" because as someone who isn't living in America, he won't be living through it. It's easy to say suffering is worth it when you aren't going to be the one doing it.

4) I just want to keep religion out of the government since it's really supposed to be. If you want to have a nativity scene in your front yard or whatever, then go for it.

5) I don't support welfare because I want people to love and depend on the government. I support it because I want people to not starve and die.

1.) Thanks for reaffirming my point.


2.) If you don't realize that a lot of people are abandoning the party system, for exactly what you just said, that you don't know nearly as much about politics as you like to think you do.


3.) Puerto Ricans don't live here either, but you and Thanatos threw a bitch fit when I was suggesting that we help the people in Florida who have been hit by a first. You know, because they live here. There you go picking when logic applies to you, and doesn't apply to others. Puerto Ricans don't live here either, but you have no problem going 10 Rounds over them. Sarge moves to Columbia for less than two or three years and your thought is basically, well he isn't really American anymore considering he doesn't live in America. With a hypocritical, stupid, douchebag statement to make.


4.) Then how come people can petition the government to rehear a case like that, the Cake Shop isn't the government. It's a bakery, how about we keep religion out of bakeries? Or better yet, how about we keep the government from interceding in the business of a bakery. I mean if you really want to keep government from having a hand and religion why does that not make sense? Never mind, don't answer that I really don't feel like getting into evolved conversations with you again. At least, not over this topic.


5.) Hitler said that very same thing, and then he instituted Hitler's Youth, and all other sorts of social welfare programs, making that EXACT same statement.




Blots is a Nazi, confirmed.:smug:

Edited by Omerta

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You suggested we abandon the people in Puerto Rico, actually, which was what caused people to get mad and you are somehow still spinning that like we're the ones who were in the wrong, lol.

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I think we should get away from trying to sensationalize people's points of view. We see a name and immediately look to disagree with and discredit something rather than truly understanding what people are saying. I can definitely admit that I have done this several times and although it might be humbling to admit that you were wrong or that you might have misinterpreted someone but it's generally considered an adult behavior. I think we would find that we mostly agree on a lot of things we argue about. We all have our different points of view and some major differences but I think we argue about things that we mostly agree about a lot. The above argument being one of those circumstances. Blots was just giving a personal opinion. I didn't really see him suggesting we should curb first amendment rights. He's basically just slightly left of us on this particular matter and that's completely up to his own discretion. That really should be the end of the discussion. Granted, blots could do a better job trying to get his point across.


The right way to go with protesting is non violence and grass roots campaigns because the people you're engaging violently have the edge in that arena. The only way to achieve change in this society is to organize and eventually legislate. Antifa is misguided.

Edited by seanbrock

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You do realize I am a U.S. citizen, and I could return to the U.S. any time, whether by choice or not, right?


For you to say what Trump does is irrelevant to me is ignorant and short-sighted.

If you aren't going to suffer, I don't want to hear you say that other innocent peoples' suffering is worth it. It's the same reason I don't want to hear rich people say that cutting welfare is worth it. Once you have skin in the game, that changes things. Edited by blotsfan
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I think we should get away from trying to sensationalize people's points of view. We see a name and immediately look to disagree with and discredit something rather than truly understanding what people are saying. I can definitely admit that I have done this several times and although it might be humbling to admit that you were wrong or that you might have misinterpreted someone but it's generally considered an adult behavior. I think we would find that we mostly agree on a lot of things we argue about. We all have our different points of view and some major differences but I think we argue about things that we mostly agree about a lot. The above argument being one of those circumstances. Blots was just giving a personal opinion. I didn't really see him suggesting we should curb first amendment rights. He's basically just slightly left of us on this particular matter and that's completely up to his own discretion. That really should be the end of the discussion. Granted, blots could do a better job trying to get his point across.


The right way to go with protesting is non violence and grass roots campaigns because the people you're engaging violently have the edge in that arena. The only way to achieve change in this society is to organize and eventually legislate. Antifa is misguided.

As pretty as that is to think, and is warm and fuzzies it may make people feel, I don't think it applies here. What plots did say that somebody who doesn't agree with him as a Nazi. That is not just leading to the left a little bit, trying to find common ground but disagreeing. It's a stupid and puerile tactic.


It seems as though he doesn't like it when somebody does it to him, and I actually use things he has said in the past against him. If he gets a cold beer or not see, or at least a Nazi sympathizer for his views, then I should have every right to call him and Nazi for being a hypocritical douche. That's not just being a little left of center.

Edited by Omerta

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The only people I've called Nazis are the people standing around shouting "the Jews will not replace us." I disagree with basically every republican there is, but I wouldn't say they're all nazis. That doesn't mean none of them are though.

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If you aren't going to suffer, I don't want to hear you say that other innocent peoples' suffering is worth it. It's the same reason I don't want to hear rich people say that cutting welfare is worth it. Once you have skin in the game, that changes things.

So then why do you give a fuck about a cake for a gay couple ? You have no skin on that as your not gay,nor a baker,nor a cake. Hypocritical much ? Edited by Omerta

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Because I'd like to prevent gay people from being discriminated against. Not telling gay people "it won't effect me so your discrimination is nbd."

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Because I'd like to prevent gay people from being discriminated against. Not telling gay people "it won't effect me so your discrimination is nbd."

That is exactly what you're telling Sarge. That's my point. On the one hand you have no problem telling him that he has no skin in the game, that's his opinion doesn't matter. That being said when there's an issue where you have no skin in the game, you feel as though you have the right to make a comment. So why can't he be afforded the same courtesy? That's my point.

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If you aren't going to suffer, I don't want to hear you say that other innocent peoples' suffering is worth it. It's the same reason I don't want to hear rich people say that cutting welfare is worth it. Once you have skin in the game, that changes things.


You sure are a dumb shit sometimes for someone who likes to think he's smarter than everyone else.

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Also, the only reason I played the "jewish card" or whatever is because bware told me that I was being offensive to Jews by saying neonazis were nazis. I don't think I have ever been discriminated against in my life for being Jewish (and I certainly hope it stays that way).


And my point wasn't that if you tell a racist joke you're a nazi and irredeemable. Lord knows I've told my share of them (though I guess you guys might agree that I'm a bad person). I'm saying that those jokes are harmful and people should watch what they say, myself included. There is nothing wrong with being conscientious of your words.

There (generally) isn't an "is a racist/isn't a racist" binary. Sometimes people aren't trying to be racist and contribute to racism all the same.

This seems reasonable to me. I don't agree that racial jokes are harmful 100% of the time. I think there are times where they can bring people together. Painting all jokes with the same brush is flawed thinking for me but I haven't personally read anything to suggest that he would want to prevent anyone from saying anything that is protected by their first amendment rights. I think it's just his point of view. To borrow a term from blots' favorite poster it's a very beta mentality, but it's really just a personal preference.


Calling people Nazi's is just an incredibly ineffective way to talk about civil rights and institutional racism. These are complicated issues. There have been millions of books probably at this point written by sociologists, anthropologists, economists etc about those very subjects. Making too many generalities and assumptions is bad.


blots does make some valid points though and those things he's passionate about are important, though.Roy Moore's very candidacy is clear evidence that there is validity to what he's saying. It has to be talked about. I agree and disagree with you on plenty of things. People also say crazy shit when the name calling and labeling starts. To Nagat's point that plays DIRECTLY into the system of the mass manipulation called the party system. People develop some weird ass tribe mentality. It's the same kind of shit you see at a football game when fans fight each other, honestly lol.

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That is exactly what you're telling Sarge. That's my point. On the one hand you have no problem telling him that he has no skin in the game, that's his opinion doesn't matter. That being said when there's an issue where you have no skin in the game, you feel as though you have the right to make a comment. So why can't he be afforded the same courtesy? That's my point.

Because there's a difference between hurting people and helping people.

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I'll be sure to let you all know when I land on U.S. soil again, so maybe my opinions will be valid then.

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Because there's a difference between hurting people and helping people.

And as far as I know, Sarge was doing neither. He was stating an opinion. He was trying to take a more pragmatic approach to the situation, and trying to say that maybe having someone who so unanimously hated by everyone, at least now he is, that it could unite the vote. Basically, from what I gather, he was saying that the trials and tribulations were going through now as a nation very well could end up to be a positive in the end.


I think you're both trying to make a solid point, and neither one of you are making a point to try to hurt anyone. That being said you can't say something like, will you don't have any skin in the game so you don't get an opinion either. If that's the case the overwhelming majority of Americans can't talk about the overwhelming majority of issues.

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