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That thing JD posted was from 1994 but the Clintons started locking up those super predator young black men up in droves with their three strike and you're out policy. Isn't that funny?


In fact, Michelle Alexander, the author of "The New Jim Crow" said "I can't believe Hillary would be coasting into the primaries with her current margin of black support if most people knew how much damage the Clintons have done."



Yeah, it always amazes me how the Clintons and Democrats are so beloved within the black community. All they do is talk aboutsystemkc racism, and through words validate a large portion of the bases thoughts that they are victims. But they never really do anything, in fact they typically make it worse.


Lyndon Johnson, the Clintons... destroying black families for decades... yet they are beloved. Not because of what they do but what they say. And let's be honest, Obamas peak of race relations happened before he actually was put into the White House.Race relations actually got worse after such a historic victory. How does that happen?

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I mean Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act. Is it really that hard to figure out why black people might like him?


And race relations got worse after Obama because all the racists threw a massive temper tantrum.

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I mean Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act. Is it really that hard to figure out why black people might like him?


And race relations got worse after Obama because all the racists threw a massive temper tantrum.

Yeah t is hard to imagine if you read my other posts. He put the black community into the position they are now -- which isn't good obviously

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I don't really feel like reading paragraph after paragraph about how black people are lazy mooches.

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Here's a legit question , not trying to be an ass.


But if you have a person with solid intentions that turns out awful. What should be done? What is that persons legacy ? So good intentions negate negative consequences of those intentions ?

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This if @ DMAC


This is the reason why I am so unwilling to further any discussion.


Because somehow, someway, some of you have been disillusioned into thinking that all the black people who stand with BLM, who march against inequality want is a check from the government. To play victim. To get a free handout. To blame big bad whitey for all their problems. Just looking for excuses to be angry. Excuses to yell, "racism!".


Like black people who speak up about systematic oppression and racism in this country are no different then the white SJWs who just as some of you put it, "look for reasons to be angry."


That black people don't self police. That black people don't hold each other accountable, and that we spend our time simply waiting for the whites to come help us out. That when black people meet on college campuses for BSU meetings, etc, they just wallow in despair of the many ways they've been done wrong.


I wont speak for anyone else but myself, and I will say you are wrong thinking that everyone thinks they are looking for a handout. I have no idea what they want? That is the problem. They say systemic oppression or freedom from it, but where are you seeing this specifically ? Not trying to be offensive but it seems like a lot of black people are being given opportunities mandated by the government, but a lot don't take advantage. I have an apprentice who is black and he said he did not even have to take the entrance test because we are starving for black people to meet quota's, these are 100K a year jobs, but we cant get any applicants. The ones we do they all make it into the field.


I dont think a lot of black people self police. I think some do, and my heart goes out to them because they are definitely swimming upstream. AS an example I was youtubing the other day (bad habit) but I came across a video where a young kid named Trayvon (not Martin) got shot by a lady for trying to rob her. People literally said, "Well how was he supposed to get money, she should not have shot him." She was told not to go in but wanted to protect her house, and people are saying,"Why did she not stay outside like the operator told her" instead of "Why the fuck did he rob her in the first place" People like Alton Sterling are trash, Mike Brown was trash, not because they were black, but because they were shit human beings, and yet people want to make excuses for them. That is what people see. I think a lot of black people do self police but I think that absenteeism by black fathers is a huge detriment to the self policing as their is a lack of role models at the familial level.


And most SJW's do look for reasons to being angry. Most people who want social changes have no idea what change they want, just that they don't like the status quo. Which is fine our society needs work, but what are solutions here. I am not trying to stereotype black people, but a lot are like you where they wont discuss it with white people. I think this is a huge mistake seeing as people don't know the numbers. I am sure you are aware that black people make up 13% of our population. Think about that, you will get nothing done in this country without some white votes, and judging by our election one of three things are happening. You are losing white people because they don't like your message (not me), You are losing white people because they dont know your message (me), or people who feel alienated because last time they tried to help they were shit on for being white "and would not understand." That could be true and all well and good, but that is not exclusive to the black community. IT is for everyone, one of the drawbacks of individual liberty is you will never understand me on a fundamental level, and odds are even if I were black you still would not. People as a whole no longer empathize, and even if they try the concepts are so foreign it makes no difference.


That when myself, and others like myself go into poor black communities to recruit black kids to go to college we tell them, "you've been hurt by big bad whitey, so don't worry, if you can't go to college you get no blame, it's the fault of big bad whitey".


Your views are distorted of blacks. In a way in which when a woman who works hard in her community to bring about real change, and probably spends more time in her own neighborhood trying to better her lives and people who look like her makes a post about ways whites can help blacks suffering from generational poverty, it's her asking for a handout, and encouraging blacks to do the same. And that she has no interest and probably spends no time uplifting black people in her community to do better.


I think your views of whites are generally distorted as well. I don't know what you do when you go into black communities, but I have a question. What do people say when you ask them have they considered college ? That is a legit question, I am intrigued. I know what generational poverty means, and I know what you probably think it means, but hearkening back do what you want? Should white people just give up there things? Do you think at minimum 13% of lawmakers should be black to ensure equal representation among this countries demographics, what is the plan here? BLM wants white people to get on board, but what the hell are we being asked to get on board with? "well lets fight oppression!" Cool, so how the hell are we doing that?



This tells me that you know absolutely nothing about the black community and would rather jump to conclusions based on the nonexistent knowledge you have then to actually have conversations. Otherwise you wouldn't be so gung ho on clinging to this narrative that we just talk to complain.


This "conversation" isn't a way to talk about something productive. It's simply a means for you guys to express how you're tired of black people "looking for a handout". That you're tired of black people in this country, who were raped, murdered, enslaved for centuries, then raped, lynched, murdered en mass and viewed as less then humans for decades, then were the primary targets of the criminal justice business, redlining, etc, etc, etc, for decades (and in some cases to this day), whining about not being on an equal playing field as you, who has worked hard for everything you have.


I'll pass on that.


I am tired of black people looking for a hand out ( as well as everyone looking for a handout who is able-bodied,not just black people), but I don't think that is all of them. You should be too because it cheapens your message. And serious question again. What would you like to see done about things that happened int he past? Is it terrible, yes of course it is? Would we do better going back, hopefully? That said, my ancestors nor do many I know. So what do we do about the past other than acknowledge it? Racism is still alive, but how pronounced would you say it is? WE are getting to the point in society that black people are starting to cultivate things only black people can say or do without reprisals. Which I am cool with I have no needs to say things like the N word, saying working like a slave, thug, and many others. The point here is not that I want to use those or think they should be a part of the lexicon anyway, but to point out that things are not as bad to me as they are made out to be. And when I do ask I get the, "You would not understand" (true, but that is what I am asking for help with) or"Its time to act!" well then tell me what I should be doing specifically. When you say combat oppression, that is great and all. I treat everyone around me and who works for me the same and I try to be considerate that there are things some people don't like. If you work on my crew we joke but once race and religion get hotly contested I shut it down. I don't mind people talking about it, but there comes a point where it is not constructive just mud slinging.


I also don't think saying working hard for what you have is a bad thing. I think hard work has no race. Either you do it or you don't and you should be able to enjoy the spoils of your labor. I have risked a lot to start my own contracting business and I have worked hard. That is not to say there are not black owners of contracting companies who didn't work hard. Of all things I don't understand why saying," I worked hard for what I have" is a bad thing. You put in work at college for your degree so if you are successful you should be bale to tell people it was not gifted to you and you had to grind for it.

Edited by Omerta
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I think a lot of people who support Trump are more indoctrinated. Some are bad people obviously like Klan members and Neo Nazis. Some probably are sick of people looking down their nose at them so they have a fuck you attitude about it.


How do you continue to support the DNC? Because you are also indoctrinated and can't see how much of a failure of a party they are.

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How do you continue to support the DNC? Because you are also indoctrinated and can't see how much of a failure of a party they are.


Its more that I support the better option. There are things I'd change about the Democratic party if I could, but they aren't the complete disaster the republicans are.

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Its more that I support the better option. There are things I'd change about the Democratic party if I could, but they aren't the complete disaster the republicans are.


They kinda are though. They lost the election to a fucking reality TV show host who could very well go down as the worst president of all time. They are in incredible disarray, and are definitely in worse shape. Now morals could be argued all day but that is just perspective.

Trump is a bad person and if you still support him, you are a bad person.




Immigration is bad for everyone, including the immigrants. I want mass deportation too, but not at the expense of what it cost, and my reasons dont align with anything that has been said by a politician.

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They kinda are though. They lost the election to a fucking reality TV show host who could very well go down as the worst president of all time. They are in incredible disarray, and are definitely in worse shape. Now morals could be argued all day but that is just perspective.

I'm not talking about their effectiveness as a party. I'm talking about having a semblance of decency.


Immigration is bad for everyone, including the immigrants. I want mass deportation too, but not at the expense of what it cost, and my reasons dont align with anything that has been said by a politician.

Forcing people who came here as babies or toddlers and have lived here for decades to move to a foreign country that they don't know is cruel and awful.

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I'm not talking about their effectiveness as a party. I'm talking about having a semblance of decency.




Forcing people who came here as babies or toddlers and have lived here for decades to move to a foreign country that they don't know is cruel and awful.

And their parents fault. And partly the US's imo. I am all for them coming back but long story short they HAVE to be citizens for their own protection. We also need to make it easier to become a citizen and not something about greasing palms.

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And their parents fault. And partly the US's imo. I am all for them coming back but long story short they HAVE to be citizens for their own protection. We also need to make it easier to become a citizen and not something about greasing palms.


So because their parents did something "bad" they have to suffer? Fuck off with that "own protection" bullshit. You drop someone off somewhere random in Mexico that has never been there with no money or connections, they aren't going to be well "protected."

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So because their parents did something "bad" they have to suffer? Fuck off with that "own protection" bullshit. You drop someone off somewhere random in Mexico that has never been there with no money or connections, they aren't going to be well "protected."

You have a very short sighted view. Think longer into the future. It really is better to be citizens in Mexico than here if you are not a citizen in the long run.


I will explain it later. You are definitely wrong though.

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Then give them a path to citizenship without deporting them.

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Then give them a path to citizenship without deporting them.

That's not a good idea really.

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Its more that I support the better option. There are things I'd change about the Democratic party if I could, but they aren't the complete disaster the republicans are.

This mindset is what is wrong with America

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Then give them a path to citizenship without deporting them.



Ok I am finally at a computer, so I figured I would explain what I was saying and why I think what you are saying does not make sense. Keep in mind in this story I have an a brother in law and 3 nephews, my uncle WAS an immigrant, and most of these opinions were formulated from them. Now I must spin you a yarn.


I was 16 working at a beef packing plant in Dodge City, Kansas. People called it little Mexico because it was almost all Mexicans because the I-9 checks were, shall we say lax. I was trained by a guy named Jasiel, and he was about 4 months from retiring with his 6 brothers who were immigrants from a town outside of Juarez, and came here for a shot at making some money. They had been doing it since they were 19 and older and they had been doing it well over 30 years and were all excited about retirement. They trained me and I had become not friends but about as close as an unrelated 16 year old and a guy who was 60 could get. He saw me as a young, cocky shithead who was funny and worked hard, I saw him as an old, cantankerous, guy with one foot out, but we had a solid work relationship.


The four months go by and low and behold it is 4 days before retirement for him, and I was outside at the smoke shack waiting for him and his brothers Jorge and Joaquin to come outside and shoot the shit about football. Well our redhat (supervisor) comes out and said they had been fired, and were awaiting deportation. Luckily, they had enough money to self deport, but still pretty fucked up. The worst part is that the 401K he had been paying into and his retirement are gone because he was illegal. I went to see him after work and see what was up, and his wife and children were bawling because they had no legal recourse. What happened was the company knew he was illegal, they worked him to the bone and before it came time to pay up, they called INS to have him deported to keep them from having to pay off his retirement.


That is bad enough but he was given 7 or 10 days I believe to be out of the country. So his kids stayed and he and his wife left the country. The other problem at play here was he was still on the hook for everything that he had bought in the US including his house and truck which soon defaulted so now his children were homeless. The biggest problem I have is that my brother in law have told me that to avoid getting a bank account that a lot of people who immigrate from Mexico set up a bank among themselves and thus no interest is gained off of their money and only enters the economy when spent. Well Jasiel, Joaquin, and Jorge got into the country when it was super lax on paperwork and had a bank account for all those years. So in essence they were doing everything the right way except they were not citizens, and when it came to catch them up on a life of hard work on the back end they were given a boot, and they could do nothing because they were not citizens of this country. He thought he was granted amnesty in 1986 but he was a little too late.


Which brings me to my second point. Amnesty will not work because we thought that was the solution in 1986, and it was not. Amnesty is basically an easier path to citizenship without deporting them. This will only make the problem worse as they will see that hey just have to get into the country and that is it, this incentivizes illegal immigration. I am not one of those people who is worried about crime from Mexicans. Yeah there is some and it should be dealt with, but I am more concerned about other areas of crime before I am worried about immigrants. I am worried that these people are coming here and can be deported and used without any legal recourse, and they will continue to do so because there are no viable options for stemming the tide of immigration because it has become such a litigious process. Declaring amnesty only encourages people to circumvent the process, or making the "pathway" while they are here provides no real incentive for equipping themselves with the tools to be successful citizens, as they are already here and have no fear of being deported.


In my opinion what needs to happen is that we need to set up a sort of college, campus's preferably 50, settling either in Mexico or somewhere like Texas or California for logistics purposes, or possible spread it out around the country in strategic places so they can have some choices about where they would want to go when finished. I am sure Mexico would work with us under different leadership. This place needs to be massive. We need to enforce immigration hard, but give them the option of going to this campus to learn basic skills that will come in handy. I am talking breakdowns of the tax systems, overviews of their rights, workers rights, an overview of politics as they are supposed to work, giving them the breakdown on right to work states and what is not and what that means, basic English (they don't have to be Chaucer when they leave), and some sort of financial planning advice, then after they have completed that then they will be granted citizenship. Make it like a regular work day and have them come in for 8 hours for three months or so, then you can start granting 4 or 5,000 immigrants citizen ship every quarter and 20,000 a year. This would get us to about 1,000,000 citizens a year that were illegal and now they can have the security and piece of mind that they can work and collect what is theirs. It would also solve the problem in 10 or so years as that is about how many are here now and we could convert those schools into cheaper schools for kids, or for SOS schools, and the infrastructure would be there. Then we would only need to enforce them and would need much less in the way of schools.


We would have handled the problem at hand in a much more efficient way, and in a more targeted approach than just blanket amnesty and to have this problem again 25 years from now again.

We need more Kennedy democrats


My god yes, his flat tax idea was brilliant. Not sure why we dont do that now...

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We need less radical Democrats, both among politicians and among the voting population. They are sick, demented individuals who need to have their mental faculties evaluated.

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We need less radical Democrats, both among politicians and among the voting population. They are sick, demented individuals who need to have their mental faculties evaluated.

I'm a radical liberal lol.There aren't very many radical liberal politicians and they have very little power. Even Bernie Sanders who is the most popular politician in the country is consistently sabotaged by his own party. I agree that the social justice warrior contingent is...misguided in many ways but I really don't see where you're coming from here homes. Democrats have been wiped out on every level of government because they're Republican light.

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I'm a radical liberal lol.There aren't very many radical liberal politicians and they have very little power. Even Bernie Sanders who is the most popular politician in the country is consistently sabotaged by his own party. I agree that the social justice warrior contingent is...misguided in many ways but I really don't see where you're coming from here homes. Democrats have been wiped out on every level of government because they're Republican light.

You sir, can't hold a flame to Blots.

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Yeah idk, I'm not really a fan of going at people for their political views. I really try not to even if they go at me for mine. I'd rather people have stuff they care about and be active politically. I'm certainly not above being wrong. I have been many times so you might disagree with him but at least blots is about something.


Kind of like how I loathe most of Cherry's political opinions but I'm glad he's a young dude who cares and votes. It can often be productive and enlightening to have discussions with people you disagree with. Thought it was fucked up when people were saying he wasn't a good person for his opinions. Not a fan of how people are going at blots either.

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