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Willfully misgendering people is emotional abuse. When it's a random person on the street, thats just some asshole, but when it's a caretaker of elderly people, or hospitalized people it's different. Those are some of the most vulnerable people in society.

This should carry the same penalties as any other kind of nonphysical abuse in a nursing home or similar establishment. I don't know what the current laws are, but the punishment for this bill should be the same as those.

The problem is gender fluidity, if one day I call you a man because you are feeling like a man that day, and the next day you're feeling like a female and I call you in a min, then what? I have worked in an old folks home as a maintenance man, they could totally forget that they change their mind and all they will remember is the fact that you called them something they didn't like. Then what?


Also what about nurses, doctors, and physical therapist who come in and don't know that this patient has gender dysphoria? This happens often is long-term care facilities are not usually equipped for specialty needs. They could just be reading a chart and then all of the sudden they find themselves with a fine or in jail.


Also when you start jailing people for other people's emotions, that's a very Gray Line at least in my opinion. The only part of your statement that I can really agree with is that they are some of the most vulnerable people in our society, and our Healthcare System does everything we can to Rob these people blind. That being said being arrested for a feeling seems kind of stupid to me.

My solution... lets just remove pronouns from language. Seems easier

I think that could be a viable solution, the only issue I see with that is that in general you don't know everybody you come into contact with. You wouldn't know to call them by name, what they prefer to be called anyway. Another problem is when you are trying to identify someone that neither of you know, this happens all of the time of the workplace. How many times have you tried to describe somebody at work is that man, that woman, that short guy, that tall guy or this that the other.

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Hence why I said "willful misgendering." No one (outside of maybe a few nutjobs) has much of a problem when it's an honest mistake.


And back to the main thread topic. This is pretty repulsive.



Edited by Zack_of_Steel

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Woah that's fucking insanity. There is no way that's constitutional. You can't put people in jail for being assholes or hurting somebodies feelings.

Edited by seanbrock
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Lol, Sean I would have figured out of the whole board either you or Thanatos would have backed him lol. It is insanity though lol. Fuck Bruce lol. Traditional bitch....call the police yall.



You can only have free speech when you are protesting or talk in about how the country is a shit hole, or straight white guys ruin everything lol.

Edited by Omerta

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It's ok to call Caitly Bruce because he/she/it is a piece of shit human being regardless of gender. That's how I feel about that.

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Also, intentionally calling Caitlyn Jenner Bruce is still not ok, and you are a bad person for doing it. I know you don't care, but it's the truth.

I think you encouraging a person with a mental illness to lop off body parts is wrong. Especially considering the numbers of people who decided it is terrible idea after the fact, and the amount of children that we encourage to do it every year. I think that makes you a bad person. Or the numbers who regret it or develop worse depression, although I'm not sure how you measure if someone's depression is getting worse.


Yet here we are, encouraging it as if it's some Brave thing to do that all of humanity is going to benefit from. Let's not make it out to be more than what it really is, science can't even come to a conclusion if it's a mental illness or not, however, all the data that I have read suggest that it is a mental illness.


And you may not think calling him Bruce is okay, but I do. I also find it funny how one thing you do, is what is indicative of whether you are a good person or a bad person. Out of all the things I have done in my life, the summation for you is that I choose to call Bruce a man. Interesting logic. Doesn't matter any of the Charities that I've given to, or any of the hospitals I volunteered at with my family, but it's your social justice Warrior left that I disagree with and that in its Singularity makes me a bad person. Nice.

Edited by Omerta

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It's ok to call Caitly Bruce because he/she/it is a piece of shit human being regardless of gender. That's how I feel about that.

Incorrect. You can call her a piece of shit (because she totally is one), but gender identity is not something that has to be "earned."

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Incorrect. You can call her a piece of shit (because she totally is one), but gender identity is not something that has to be "earned."

I can call him anything I goddamn well please. So can Sean, or anybody else for that matter. You don't get to monopolize how other people use their words.

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Incorrect. You can call her a piece of shit (because she totally is one), but gender identity is not something that has to be "earned."

No but respect is. I have zero respect for Bruce Jenner. That real ugly tranny that used to be on seal team 6, 1 I wouldn't call her him because she could still kill me in about 5 seconds but she's also a respectable person.



How about this. The top 0.1% is worth as much as the bottom 90% in this country. What do you libertarians/republicans/conservatives think about that? What happens when people just don't have the money to buy things? The Great Depression.


The 8 richest people in the world have more wealth than 50% of the world. Can we start murdering these people yet or naw? lol

Edited by Zack_of_Steel
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I can call him anything I goddamn well please. So can Sean, or anybody else for that matter. You don't get to monopolize how other people use their words.

Yes you can. It just means you're a bad person. No biggie.

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Ques an excuse in 3...2...1...

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My excuse is that a basic prerequisite for being a good person involves not diminishing the humanity of others because of who they are. Transphobes are bad people, just like homophobes, and racists. I am comfortable taking that stance.

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Being an asshole is not a crime though and nor should it be and I have zero sympathy for Bruce Jenner and zero respect for him and I will continue to call him a him. The guy is a fucking tranny who doesn't support gay rights ohh and he killed somebody. Fuck him and if you don't like that I disrespect thim then tough.

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My excuse is that a basic prerequisite for being a good person involves not diminishing the humanity of others because of who they are. Transphobes are bad people, just like homophobes, and racists. I am comfortable taking that stance.

The thing is though, I am not a homophobe, nor am I a transphobe. My problem with gender dysphoria and how we treat it, is my problem with how we treat mental illness in this country anyway. We ignore, marginalize it, and let it go untreated until it bites Us in the ass. In the case of gender dysphoria, we are so quick to look for an answer that satisfies the masses, that we don't do any in-depth discovery on what we should be. Pretty much all the research we have at this current moment is incomplete, inconclusive, or bias. There have been no studies that I know of that have come out that are 100% completely lacking bias. That being said, the ones that I know that are the closest show startling uptick in the amount of depression, suicide, and frequency in the patients. Gender dysphoria is not this cute little thing that we get to have a social justice Warrior left parade around as though it's some Badge of Courage, because that completely cheapens what these people are going through. I think it is sick that you and people like you would rather find a quick alternative, some that can't be reversed, just so that way we can appease people and say that we are progressive society when we leave the root cause of gender dysphoria untreated.


Has shown alluded to the woman that was in DEVGRU has every right to be a transgender, and I wish her nothing but the best in her transition and the rest of her life. She did all the research, thought about it for a long time, and then made her decision when she was well into her thirties so that way she could be sure of what she was. Listening to the interview she commonly refers to the fact that she waited and in some cases she wish she hadn't but overall she's glad that she did it because the timing of what she did it in her life allowed her to make sure it was the correct decision for her. When you start talking about all these puberty blockers for 12 year old kids who can't think past macaroni and cheese and Ninja Turtles, but they're willing to make huge Life Changes because their parents don't want to be seen as impressive tyrants, but they won't have the balls to stand up and do what's right anyway. If somebody wants to transition that's totally on them, and we should respect that as a society but we should also have a line that says, hey, you have to think about this long and hard before you make any irreversible changes.


As to Bruce, the reason I can call him Bruce, and feel no remorse whatsoever is because I don't respect him as a human being. I don't believe that he has any human traits, I believe that he is lower than the scum that I find on my boot. It is hard for me to really gender him at all, so I will call him the last gender that I could respect him as a person. The fact that you can't get on board with that is your issue not mine. If you want to call me a bad person, hey, that's on you I'm going to sleep tonight just the same. Although as you've seen in this thread, more people find you to be the douchebag because you're so willing to throw on other people under the bus even if they can reason their thoughts out, the fact that they don't agree with you does not mean they're bad person, in fact, in many cases it means they are sane.


Being an asshole is not a crime though and nor should it be and I have zero sympathy for Bruce Jenner and zero respect for him and I will continue to call him a him. The guy is a fucking tranny who doesn't support gay rights ohh and he killed somebody. Fuck him and if you don't like that I disrespect thim then tough.

It's funny how many people forget, that he killed somebody out of negligence.

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South Park doesnt forget. Lmao. Terrible to laugh at but they had Caitlyn killing somebody in like every episode of the season. Fucking classic .

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Edit: Fell into the trap of treating ngata like his statements have merit. My b



Moral absolutism is bad.

If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.

Edited by blotsfan

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Lol, gotcha bitch. In seriousness, it seems like the prevailing wisdom from the board is the law is dumb, so much so many websites have scrubbed it. And that you are a shitty moral litmus, and to steal Vikings comment your moral absolution is absurd.


Do with that what you will. I am serious, or am I??? Bum bum bummmm.

If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.


So then, like, everyone is your enemy ?


Edited by Zack_of_Steel

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Lol, gotcha bitch. In seriousness, it seems like the prevailing wisdom from the board is the law is dumb, so much so many websites have scrubbed it. And that you are a shitty moral litmus, and to steal Vikings comment your moral absolution is absurd.


Do with that what you will. I am serious, or am I??? Bum bum bummmm.


Your statements have no merit.


So then, like, everyone is your enemy ?


That being said, its a Star Wars reference.

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Its because I am white huh ? Lol.

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Its because I am white huh ? Lol.

Your statements have no merit.

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Your statements have no merit.

Lol bloots is getting it now. This is how you get him to shut up ladies and gents. PhillElliot the shit out of him and you are golden. Then when he is defeated be all like



And yes my statements have no merit, but I shall carry on lol.

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Your statements have no merit.

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