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AtXtvDBCMAALMBj.jpg Edited by BayAreaBomber

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lolTribe. 1st place team with a nice stadium and they're barely drawing over 15k. Turrible.

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Dodgers 6th in attendance drawing under 70%.. Wow.

Edited by Favre4Ever

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23K isn't too bad considering this lineup.

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Yankees in 5th? Surprising considering they've been a perennial contender.


And Toronto is 20th this year. Not too bad. They drew over 41,000 today. 41,867 to be exact.


I will also never understand Cubs fans. 104 years without a title, and they still draw well.

Edited by BigBen07

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Philadelphia-a city full of dedicated, die-hard, asshole sports fans, and I love them all. :wub:

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I will also never understand Cubs fans. 104 years without a title, and they still draw well.

I was actually surprised at how low they were. 37k is well under the typical average for Wrigley. The reason we still draw so well is because it's truly a love affair between Chicago and the Cubs franchise and it's been there forever. The games are fun, Chicago weather in the summer is great, there's a lot of beer, and the stadium is beautiful.

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Wrigley is mystical. I have to make it there some day.

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lolTribe. 1st place team with a nice stadium and they're barely drawing over 15k. Turrible.


I agree. Here is an article about it - a rant from Chris Perez our AP closer.


via Yahoo.com


I'm only quoting a small portion of the article.



Here are some of the comments that Perez made on Sunday. As you can tell, he held absolutely nothing back (and remember that this is just a sampling of what he said):


• "I expected the (backlash from Saturday's comments), but I really don't care any more. I'm here to do my job and play for this team. If the fans come, they'll come. If they don't, it'll be just like it was in April. So who cares?"


• "It's not a good atmosphere (at Progressive Field). It's not fun to be here ... Baseball's still supposed to be fun. At the end of the day, this is a game. It's a child's game, I understand that. But if you have a choice to go to some place like Philadelphia, where every day it's fun just to go there. That helps you get through some seasons some times."


• "I was in Florida in '97 when (Cleveland) lost the World Series to the Marlins. I saw the atmosphere here. It's great. It's a good baseball town. I don't know how to get back to that. Everyone says, 'winning, winning.' Well, we were in first place for three months last year. We come out strong this year, so obviously it's not a fluke ... This year is a different year. If, at the end, you don't want to get your heart broken, then we don't want you."


• "I'm not stupid, I understand the economy's bad around here. I understand that people can't afford to come to the game. But there doesn't need to be the negativity. I don't understand the negativity, why? Like, enjoy what we have. You have a first place team. How many third-place towns in the country would want that right now?"


• "We could be in last place. We could be the Royals, we could be the Pirates. Haven't won anything in 20 years. We're not. Enjoy it. I don't understand the negativity."


• "(My teammates) feel the same way. They just won't say it."


• "It's just a slap in the face when you're last in attendance. Last. It's not like we're 25th or 26th. We're last. Oakland's outdrawing us. That's embarrassing."



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I was actually surprised at how low they were. 37k is well under the typical average for Wrigley. The reason we still draw so well is because it's truly a love affair between Chicago and the Cubs franchise and it's been there forever. The games are fun, Chicago weather in the summer is great, there's a lot of beer, and the stadium is beautiful.


Ah, makes perfect sense. :)

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I expected to see the Yankees in 5th or 6th..

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Indians attendance is always down at the start of the year, this isn't anything new.

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It's nice that the Brewers are still drawing great attendance for home games considering how disappointing our season has been so far.

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