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I'm not so certain that private citizens are really beholden to themselves alone. After all the extreme rich in your country benefit from socialism and tax breaks far more than the middle and lower class. I'm certainly fine with not giving people free shit but if the economy shifts to a point where it is no longer based on wages, the majority simply cannot compete without resorting to inevitable violence

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Exactly @Razor, history also shows that if you're too greedy, people come and take what they need. It happened A LOT in Rome and there have been a shit load of wars in China fought over the same thing and of course we can't forget the shining example in France where they're just started executing folks lol.


Also, what happens when robots can fix robots better than people? Even if you assume that there will be all these robotic repair jobs, will there be enough of them to off set all the jobs they take?


Also, the only thing I was suggesting we give people was food and health care. I think the vast majority of people can find motivation outside of those two basic, essential things but idk maybe I'm wrong about that.

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I am not saying you are wrong or that is is a horrendous idea but what is the practicality of it? We spend like 70 billion a year on SNAP benefits for people.. Which honestly is not even a drop in the bucket... That gives roughly 15% of people in the country 120 bucks for food.

Can this country afford another trillion dollar program annually? Because that is what it is going to cost... if not more.

Edited by DalaiLama4Ever

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He does kind of have a point. Obama was elected to be a president of the people. A president that supported unions and fought for the health care of ALL Americans etc and what did he do? He pissed on the people that got him elected, did the bidding of the defense industry, the banks and the health care industry and now that he's done being president he's collecting in the form of paid speeches. Obama was an Uncle Tom sell out that fooled a lot of people and has a lot of people fooled to this day.


Much like Hillary, Obama just paid lip service to his constituency with his "public policies" and governed with his "private policy." Obama is a fucking traitor but will be revered by the same idiot Democrats who think Bill Clinton was a great president. lol Reagan and Clinton nuked the New Deal. Baby Bush and Obama nuked the bill of rights. BUT HE'S A DEMOCRAT AND HE'S BLACK. HE'S A GOOD GUY. lol please.

Edited by seanbrock

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What do you all think about Sanders' plan to guarantee American's a 15 dollar an hour job with benefits? I'm big on the whole "Green New Deal" idea. I'm not sure it's a good idea unless the tax payers get something of value from it. I think it makes waaaaaay too much sense not to train people for an invest in a new, modern infrastructure and I wouldn't be opposed to giving those contracts to the private sector provided they pay a certain wage and pay health care benefits. I think we should make the internet a utility too and build infrastructure so that people can have free internet everywhere. I think that could provide a massive leg up against other countries. Outside of that I'm not sure how this works.

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If everyone is guaranteed 15 an hour, I hope I am getting a raise.. otherwise imma go find myself an easy as shit job and coast. lol

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MAn, that is some shady stuff right there. You never want to believe that stuff like that happens right here in the good ol USA but it does.


Full out shadow government

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It's crazy how fucking stupid Democrats are. Even people that I consider to be far smarter than me are totally blind to this shit. This party needs to die and just permanently go away. If you're liberal, there is no political entity that is a bigger threat to your values than the DNC, PERIOD!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Reuters did a poll of millennial voters. They are running kicking and screaming away from the DNC. Even with Trump being elected and being "literally a nazi" and the worst president ever, Millennial support for Democrats has dropped almost 10%.


16,000 group of 18-34 years olds. Granted they were asked about their preferences in Congress, but this same group of people HATED Trump and yet...


In the end polls are just polls so take it with a grain of salt. But this is the 2nd story in as many weeks that I have read showing that Democrats are slowly losing their lead / support in general as we head into midterms.

This is rhetorical.. But with everything going on and how "bad" our country is divided right now... Why are Republicans GAINING ground? They shouldn't be.

Enter mega super corrupt DNC.




The link:


Edited by DalaiLama4Ever

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Remember I said watch what happens with Iran? This is getting really scary. I wish we had a president with enough balls to reign in the dogs of war (Israel) for once.

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Israel is awesome. Why would we reign them in ? You have war by proxy right? Israel is the buffer that enables us to keep terrorist cell numbers down AND not have to be engaged in a war. So THANK YOU Israel.

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The articles/polls F4E ctied are reasons why people expecting a blue wave this November should reel in their expectations a bit. The younger generation appears to be less vulnerable to blind partisan politics. They're not going to vote Democrat down the line just because they hate Trump.


This is something of a test for the Democratic Party. If they don't take control of at least one house of Congress this fall, it's an epic failure, in my opinion.

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Israel is awesome. Why would we reign them in ? You have war by proxy right? Israel is the buffer that enables us to keep terrorist cell numbers down AND not have to be engaged in a war. So THANK YOU Israel.

What would keep terror cell numbers down is if we stopped giving all that money to Saudi Arabia. I'm against war by proxy and I'm against heightening tensions with nuclear powers which is exactly what this does. It's no secret we have people in the State Department (Bolton) that want to be a lot more aggressive towards Iran. Regime change in Iran might be the last straw for Russia. China has already said they're with Russia.


Put yourself in Russia's shoes with the United States having missiles pointed at virtually your every boarder and installing unstable puppet governments in your back yard so they can continue to have an economic strangle hold on the world. They're breaking all the promises they made in staying out of former USSR territories. How much of this are they really going to put up with before war is inevitable?


We can just use our military for the actual defense of the country's physical boarders and the people within them imo. If we did that we could spend the money we spend blowing everyone to hell on making our country better and competing in the world market rather that using our military to be the fucking world bully.

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What would keep terror cell numbers down is if we stopped giving all that money to Saudi Arabia. I'm against war by proxy and I'm against heightening tensions with nuclear powers which is exactly what this does. It's no secret we have people in the State Department (Bolton) that want to be a lot more aggressive towards Iran. Regime change in Iran might be the last straw for Russia. China has already said they're with Russia.


Put yourself in Russia's shoes with the United States having missiles pointed at virtually your every boarder and installing unstable puppet governments in your back yard so they can continue to have an economic strangle hold on the world. They're breaking all the promises they made in staying out of former USSR territories. How much of this are they really going to put up with before war is inevitable?


We can just use our military for the actual defense of the country's physical boarders and the people within them imo. If we did that we could spend the money we spend blowing everyone to hell on making our country better and competing in the world market rather that using our military to be the fucking world bully.


So what's your plan, abandon the petro-dollar completely? Collapse our economy, and thereby collapsing every other major economic power around the world? Saudi Arabia could very well be the most powerful country on the planet as far as the economy goes. We have two choices at the moment, take the oil, or pay for it. Considering you're talking about non-military uses of force, I think paying for it would be the ideal scenario here.


Second, just because somebody wants to be more aggressive towards Iran, is not indicative of our foreign policy. It has even less to do with us, because the actions of a few Senators should not influence the free thought, and the government of Israel. What Israel does is on them. Sure we back them, but Rush also backs a lot of bad guys. They can't really point fingers in that department. As far as broken promises there's only a couple countries that can go tit-for-tat with America as far as lying to their public goes, and the rest of the world. Unfortunately, Russia's one of those. And they would not risk going to war with us, at least not anywhere in the near future, or anything coming down the pipe currently.


And as far as keeping our military in to guard our borders, that's why Israel so important. We don't have to use our military to do a damn thing in the Middle East, Israel take care of all of it for us, and we don't have to get our hands dirty. So give him that giving money to Saudi Arabia isn't really a choice, it's an economic imperative. I would say raining in Israel, is one of the Dumber things that can happen.


If you try to rain in Israel one of two things are going to happen. One they're going to tell us we can go piss up a rope, in which case would we do? Go to war with them, or they say yes, now all of a sudden all the countries in the Middle East are trying to kill his real for taking a more passive approach considering that many of the countries over there said that there won't be peace in the Middle East until Israel is dead. Not really a solution in my opinion.

Edited by Omerta

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We could pay for oil until our investments into renewable energy pay off, which they will eventually. Create jobs by creating new infrastructure to support this change.


Also, if Israel tells us to piss up a rope we hit them with sanctions and stop giving them money too lol. Fuck Israel.


I would be for creating jobs and spending money on innovation rather than going to war, killing innocent people and sacrificing American lives for money. I think if we did that instead of install brutal dictators, fund terrorism and pillage the resources of other countries we wouldn't have worry about people wanting us dead as much. We're also more than capable of defending ourselves.

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You really don't know how vital Israel is to us do you? You blindly hate them and think they are of little if any value to us, and I have pointed out in the past how wrong you were on that, and I don't really have any desire to do it again. If you try to research how mutually beneficial the relationship is I think you might come away with a different feeling, Israel is just as much of a victim as anybody else when it comes to the global stage and massacres happen on a daily basis.


And then your last statement, you undermine the first statement which you said we should stop paying Saudi Arabia. And your last post you recognize that wasn't really feasible, so that entire solution really doesn't work does it?

Edited by Omerta

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Trump asked North Korea to release US detainees... They did. Three men released from North Korean labor camps. They were sent to a medical facility and it sounds like Trump can either send them an envoy to pick them up or pick them up during the summit with N. Korea.


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I have plenty of criticism for the way Trump has handled his foreign policy with the middle east and all the ex CIA he has whispering in his ear but I do have to give the guy credit for what he's been able to accomplish with North Korea.

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Seattle is about to learn the hard way that you don't get to take what others of her and, and give it to other people just because you think it'll touch the way people feel. Yes, let's keep taxing the rich, and watch Seattle die the slow, painful comment agonizing death that it has earned.

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I definitely think automation is a threat to the current system. Maybe capitalism won't die out, but if corporations charge right ahead into automation without long-term considerations then I think it'd cause a myriad of socioeconomic issues. (which, they don't seem to do because automation can only save on labor costs to a certain point, and then what?).


Maintenance jobs won't replace all those lost to automation. I'm sure other sectors will open up. But capitalism will NEED to change. In its current format, capitalism and automation would bone the majority of people. Less jobs, competing with machines that don't need to be paid at all, less wages and thus people won't be able to sustain themselves.


Capitalism is far from perfect. It's the most ideal system the West has at the moment. Doesn't mean we need to suck it off, or pretend that it's going to magically accommodate automation because of how awesome it is. I have not been in the meetings that project the long term goals of automation, which are crucial to understanding a company's vision and if they do realize a fully automated supply chain and production cycle could be dangerous. I am more confident in assuming they are driven by short-term gains, which makes me less likely to believe that they are prepared to accommodate the displaced workforce with other job sectors.

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I don't understand what people expect though. Something has to be done. You keep hearing about all this economic growth under Obama but they're for the vast majority low paying jobs to the point where we're sending a generation of people through college to be tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands in debt with nothing out there. The same people who don't want to be taxed are the same people that have advocated shipping jobs over seas for 50+ years.

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I also agree on renewable energy. Fossil fuels will die out at some point, it's a given. I don't know why people are so afraid of moving away from them. Alternative energies can only boom when we put our weight behind them, and consistently kicking the can down the road is going to make the transition even harder.


I can contextualize with my meds. I'm in a study that gives me a brand new medicine for free. The study is temporary, and in two years I will not have this medication free of charge. At that point, it will be $300 for a months supply. My solution is to try and find an alternative now and have that in place so I don't abruptly come to a point where I have no cheaper alternative to my medicine, and then face a psychotic episode.


I mostly see people faulting liberals when I'm on various sites, and not without good reason. However, as much as I dislike generalizations, seems both sides are pretty shit at realizing there are consequences to our actions that extend beyond the end of the day/week/month/year/and so on.

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Democrats (not liberals lol) and Republicans are both definitely responsible for why we pay so much for our medicine and the reason being is their actions are determined by whoever gives them the most money. There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to buy drugs from Canada and there's no reason medicare shouldn't be able to negotiate prices unless you consider the obvious reason that these people are bought. It's not a partisan thing either. There are things that liberals and conservatives agree on just from an ethical stand point that are basic and yet it's not reflected in policy because the system is rigged and politicians are bought.


I understand the people who see that and say we need less government but at the end of the day everyone has a vote to effect the government. We can hold politicians' feet to the fire and make them accountable to us but we can't do much to affect the distribution of wealth or the fairness of society which is beneficial to everyone because we're going to get to the point where people can't afford to buy anything and that will be a major, major issue. The housing bubble will burst again, the student loan bubble is coming.

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