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Who really liked Now you See Me ? Seems like something I'd thoroughly enjoy.


Was decent, but not as good as I was hoping.





Who really liked Now you See Me ? Seems like something I'd thoroughly enjoy.


I did, I loved it. I realize reviews don't back me up.. but that's okay. I make my own reviews. :smug::D


Cool thanks.

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Mr. Nobody - I agree with earlier posts that it's a very heavy movie. However, it was worth it for me and the ending made me appreciate the plot so much more.


Amazing Spider-Man 2 - I thought it was a solid movie. Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield were solid, especially their relationship. I thought it was too crowded with villains. I think they really rushed the development of Electro.

He went from "I'm not trying to hurt anyone this is just how I am" to "I'm going to destroy New York City and Spiderman" and his anti-Spidey sentiment expressed at the asylum came out of nowhere and didn't make much sense. So, I thought Electro was a good character to use but they didn't execute him well. Hated how they had the Green Goblin. They didn't develop the Goblin's hatred at all, and he was defeated too easily.

I thought the villain/climax parts of the movie suffered from the same problems that Spider-Man 3 suffered from. IMO, you should only focus on one villain.


The Wolf of Wall Street - I thought it was a better movie than it got credit for. There were a lot of drugs and sex. Still, I liked it. I liked the ending scene - a lot.


Godzilla - Not what I expected.

I was expecting Godzilla to be an antagonist that the government was bent on destroying, and that Brian Cranston would have a major role in the film. I was totally wrong about both of these, and the inclusion of other monsters threw me off.

It had a Megashark vs. *insert ridiculous animal here* feel to it at first, but infinitely better. I was disappointed in a lot of aspects, but surprised by others. I'd give it a 7.5-8/10, and would definitely recommend it to others. It doesn't have a crappy romantic sub-plot like the 1998 version, which is very good.

Edited by OSUViking

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Time for me to take the contrarian path again, or at the very least, the path that isn't widely traveled.




Godzilla: 9/10. So much better than Pacific Rim.


Went in to this as a clean slate for the most part. I've never seen any Godzilla movie, other than a few bits a pieces of the Broderick Godzilla which apparently everyone hates.


The design of Godzilla is amazing. Bad. Ass.


If you're looking for something with anti-nuclear overtones, something akin to the original Godzilla, then this probably isn't for you. The movie is fairly inoffensive in terms of that, and with how most movies tend to have something they want to cram down your throat, this was kind of a nice change of pace.


The human characters are decent. Nothing amazing, but adequate. It's a monster movie, expecting some amazing work out of the human part of the equation is too much to ask for. Cranston is good. Aaron Taylor-Johnson I thought was really weak at the beginning of the movie and really miscast in the part, but he grew on me as the movie progressed. I thought Ken Watanabe's character was pretty good as well, despite all the hate that I've seen. Some more fleshing out of his character would've been great, but what we got was adequate.


The effects are pretty amazing. Godzilla is beautiful (well, as much as a giant lizard can be). The fights are great, and the buildup to certain things are absolutely badass. Kinda makes me wish I was in a packed theater instead of an almost empty one to get more of an audience reaction, but it made me giddy atleast.



Now for some spoiler-y stuff:




I love, love, love what they did with this version of Godzilla and knowing that direction going in is what really made me want to see it. I probably wouldn't have seen it if they had gone the route of the original Godzilla (and pretty much everyone other monster movie) and made him just the out-and-out villain. The idea of Godzilla being, at the very least, a quasi-hero protecting humanity from more malevolent creatures brings me great joy.


The one that really bummed me out about the movie, though was Bryan Cranston's role in it. I went in to it assuming that he would cover the science-y part of the movie while Aaron Taylor-Johnson would cover the military. Really wasn't expecting him to die early on. On the positive side, after that point I start to like Aaron's character more, but I would've much preferred for Cranston's character to have either survived the entire thing or to at least have made it through 3/4s of the movie. Disappointing.


With Godzilla being the way he was in this one, I'm really concerned about what they're going to do for future movies. I kinda feel like this is gonna be a one-off, but it's making money, so who knows. Just gonna be a major bummer when they turn him into a villain.


And that brings up another question about the sequels, where do they go from here? For a franchise that features space monsters, mind controlling aliens, giant moths, and sentient robots that can grow themselves up to the size of Godzilla, I don't know where they can feasibly go that's still based somewhat in reality like this one was. On the bright side, even if it's absolutely absurd, it's still gonna be badass and pretty. :megusta:


Oh yeah, and I'm kinda curious if the redacted stuff in the opening is of any value or if they just thought it was a cool way to do credits and it means absolutely nothing. I didn't catch most of it, but I did see a reference to the Illuminati, so I thought that was kinda interesting.



Edited by Vin

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Yeah, no one goes to movies to just have fun anymore. Everyone feels the need to be a critic. Hell, I have no problem saying that I loved Battleship, just because it was a fun movie to see in the theater. Godzilla was friggin amazing. I do wish there was more Godzilla, but everyone in it did such a great job building it up and setting the stage.

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People love to be critics, but you can still love a movie that sucks completely (like Battleship).

Godzilla has had mostly positive reviews from what I have seen anyway, so I am not sure Vin is being all that contrarian. Ha. I was very surprised that both that and Neighbors are over the 70% threshold on RT.


I actually saw Neighbors over the weekend, mostly due to other friends wanting to see it over Godzilla -- and thought it was solid. They got a little more sentimental than I feel they should have. And even though I realize a big part of the movie is the whole "frat" stuff, they focused a lot on just the overall stereotypical lifestyle of a college student... The funniest parts had nothing at all to do with drugs / alcohol / sex ... At least, in my opinion.

Solid and enjoyable though.



Also, a longer Guardians trailer was released. They REALLY altered the voices of Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel from the small snippets you hear from them -- which isn't a terrible thing per say. But... What's the point of hiring two, what amounts to, voice actors... If you are just going to alter their voices to something way different anyway?

Edited by Favre4Ever

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I've seen quite a bit of hate for it. And those that hate it, really seem to hate it.

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I've seen quite a bit of hate for it. And those that hate it, really seem to hate it.

You get that with every movie though. And those people seem to be in the minority. You seem to be in a fairly large majority. Again, just from what I have read thus far. I was pretty "meh" about it before the reviews started coming out and am now a bit excited.


I mean.. They made $100 million off it opening weekend and have ALREADY announced a sequel. Godzilla is doing prettttttty good for himself over the last three days. :D

Edited by Favre4Ever

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Neighbors. Go See It. Laughed my ass off the entire time. And makes a good first date if your girl has a sense of humor.

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I am really looking forward to 1000 Ways to Die in the West. I will probably be disappointed though.

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The Double (2013)


First off they definitely pulled off a David Lynch-esque vibe in this one; aesthetically. The cinematographer, designers, and whoever made the score killed it. There's a weird dystopian future — yet some of the tech points to the past — thing going on here that just gives it a unique feel. There's moments that are frustrating to watch due to what the main character is going through. Times where you want to physically reach through the screen and either slap sense into him or fight the other people. The supporting actors absolutely kill it in this film. Their delivery of their at times random dialogue had me chuckling numerous times. Being this is a movie made in the UK it has a lot of absurd British comedy in it, fast/quick dialogue being a big part of it. Although the funniest line in the movie is by the lead — well... the double of the lead — regarding two men and a motorcycle. The female lead could of done better I think, although I think the writer may of been a contributor to the problem. The ending I'm kinda meh about. I won't say more than that to spoil anything.


I enjoyed it all and all. 7.5/10

Edited by CampinWithGoatSampson

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X-men: Days of future past. This movie was freakin awesome. Easily the greatest super hero movie of all time. 10/10. I never went to the movies twice to see the same movie but I'm doing it with this movie.

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I am not doubting it or the least bit surprised. First Class holds that title for me, right now. The feeling of epicness and excitement I had leaving the theater for that was practically unrivaled and hasn't been surpassed yet. One of those things you just can't accurately put into words.

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I really liked DOFP, but this hype has gotten way out of control lol.

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Says the biggest fucking hype machine in the world when it comes to the Marvel Studios movies, lol.

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Biggest hype machine in the world? I consider Avengers and Winter Soldier as their only GREAT films, with Iron Man almost fitting into that category. My love for Marvel Studios is their ability to nail their films as comic movies. Not that every movie they make is a cinematic masterpiece.

I think Days of Future Past is good and loved that it practically made the original bullshit trilogy meaningless, but I've heard some people say it is the best movie they've ever seen lol. The Quicksilver hype is crazy too, some people make it seem Evan Peters gave us an Oscar performance in what was just pretty much 10 minutes of some cool special effects. Also, as much as I love Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are the future of the X-Men franchise and they are awesome. I'm glad X-Men: Apocalypse is going to feature them and not the original cast. I like FOX's direction with the franchise though I'm skeptical of what they have in store for Fantastic Four. Also, Sony needs to give up Spider-Man rights ASAP. Not necessarily to Marvel Studios, but to someone. For God's sake, they've made 5 Spidey films and not a single one of them was really good. How can they make so much mediocre-to-terrible films with the greatest comic book character ever?

Anywho, that's my little rant on this subject. I'll try and keep most of my thoughts in the superhero thread.

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No love for Spiderman 2?

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Spider-Man 2 was pretty solid. I haven't watched it for a while so I dunno if it holds up, but when it came out I thought it was one of the best comic book movies I had seen. The other Raimi Spidey's do not hold up at all.


The first Amazing Spider-man was pretty good if you ask me. Not best movie evur! kinda material but I went out and bought it. It was better then mediocre but not Nolan Batman great. So about the level of the first Iron Man movie for me.

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Saw Godzilla. Thought it was solid, but fairly unspectacular. Entertaining... And as Vin kind of eluded to, it was nice that they didn't take 10 years to make Godzilla into an antihero -- like the original. It's definitely nothing new though -- as Godzilla has played that role for 50 years now, haha.

I understand the monster movie genre, and I feel like they did a great job of slowly revealing Godzilla (and his enemies) over the course of the film before a fantastic full reveal. It's a common technique in the genre, but there is a reason for that.. It works.

What I didn't like as much was the build up to the fighting. They reveal Godzilla's antihero status relatively early... And the camera is always panning away as soon as the monsters meet... First on a TV that little Sam is watching... Then a brief glimpse with Elle before the doors shut behind her. While frustrating, I think the build up paid off to a degree. I don't think they can get away with a similar style in a sequel though.


The human parts were far too common, even though I thought the opening / beginning was REALLY well done. Avoiding spoilers, everything before Aaron Taylor Johnson was great (non-monster wise). Everything after that was pretty crap, as could have been expected. ATJ looked good next to the rest of the cast other than Ken Watanabe, which is kind of a problem -- even if you expect those parts to be bad.... lol

Speaking of Watanabe, they under utilized his character far too much. He was basically paid to stand around, gawk, and say "We call him... Godzilla" twice in a 10 second span. Unfortunate.


With that said... It was a really fun movie... Better than I ever expected it to be. I look forward to the sequel when we get some of Godzilla's real nemesis monsters in the mix. I'd expect Rodan or Destoroyah to be hitting the sequel... Should be awesome. It's nice to go into a godzilla movie in my lifetime and not leave really pissed off.



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Godzilla! Loved the design of him like Vin said. Absolutely loved the part of the movie when they're in Hawaii and Godzilla first goes on land, the flares go up and show a little bit of him, then they show his tail, his legs as he walks past an airport, and then the camera slowly pans up to his face and..... ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR



Really liked the beginning up until Cranston dies.

Wasn't that big of a fan of ATJ or his family's acting prowess. Just was really corny with them the entire movie but oh well.


There was a good amount of screen time for Godzilla too, some people said he was barely in it but I thought he was on a lot. There wasn't as much as fighting as in Pacific Rim but it was almost better this way, you had to wait for it and I really enjoyed it when it came.


I do have one question/complain though



When the bomb goes off at the end, it didn't seem like it was that big to me? I thought it was supposed to be like 10x as big as Hiroshima, but it just kinda went off not too far from land I'm guessing and didn't have an impact at all?



Good movie though, I enjoyed it. Worth the price of admission for sure. Didn't love it, was just a really solid action movie

Edited by BradyFan81

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Saw Godzilla last night as well. Pretty solid, but I think it could have used more Godzilla. I'll give it a 7.5/10


Dat finishing move doe JtIReWz.png

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I do have one question/complain though



When the bomb goes off at the end, it didn't seem like it was that big to me? I thought it was supposed to be like 10x as big as Hiroshima, but it just kinda went off not too far from land I'm guessing and didn't have an impact at all?





Military hubris, or more likely, movie magic, which that entire ending sequence suffers from. Now way does ATJ manage to get rescued and the boat get that far away in the span of the five minutes that were left on the bomb's timer.


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That's what you call the "Dark Knight Rises Paradox" lol


JUst got back from XMen... It's amazing. God like in every way. One of my personal favorite movies OF ALL TIME I think... It's just.... Amazing. AMAZING. I really don't have anything else to say. Brilliance.

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I'm getting the urge to go see Godzilla now, maybe tomorrow when im done with Chick-fil-a training.

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Saw Godzilla and The Wolf of Wall Street over the weekend. Both were awesome in their own way, but nothing spectacular. I got my money's worth out of Godzilla, and Wolf was just too long despite being incredibly entertaining.

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Back to the Future trilogy.

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