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First 5 Things You Would Do If You Were President

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1. Remove all US troops from the world that aren't at embassies as quickly as possible

2. Use congressmen's voting and attendence records as leverage against them by making it all out in the open what they do. Maybe at the State Of The Union Speech to lower the costs of running a campaign and just in general hopefully I could do what I wanted.

3. Restructure the FCC and crack down dangerous ad techniques as much as possible but not to go so far as to regulate the internet

4. End the war on drugs and make hard drugs on minor offenses that you don't go to jail for in and of themselves. Legalize softer drugs and tax them

5. Put people who are on Welfare to work doing public works projects like helping produce energy efficient technologies and modernizing our rail systems and improving mass transit.



Just for shits and giggles. I don't know if these are the first 5 things for sure. It was actually kind of hard for me to think of. It'll be interesting to see what some of y'all come up with.

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1. Bring the troops home

2. Tell all of congress they can eat a dick

3. Fuck bitches till I get impeached

4. ?????

5. Profit

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Do you mean what I could realistically do as a President or that I could do anything?

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President of Neverland or any specific country...?

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of the United States? Probably dismantle Congress.

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1. Renounce my party membership (I hope this doesn't surface if I ever run for President :p)

2. Re-write the system for electing the President; replace the current primary system with an initial ballot as currently used in France setting some qualification for support but generally open to any candidate that can show they'd have support, this vote would be held some time in March or April (same day for every state) with the top two by popular vote would go into the November election using the electoral college under the district system for the electoral college as currently used in Maine and Nebraska

3. Prohibit Presidents from serving consecutive terms (starting with myself) and extend the Presidential term to six years (starting with my successor)

4. Freeze Congressional salaries establishing regular raises at each election based solely on standard of living

5. Balanced Budget Amendment

Edited by oochymp

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1.Bring all troops home from around the world that aren't at embassies.


2.Dismantle Congress, and form a new deadlier secret service as my representatives to the people.


3.Force a mass eviction of the city of Philadelphia and move the entire population to Alaska for population growth of the western frontier...then destroy the city.


4. Make it illegal for a woman to speak, vote, drive, bitch, or consume chocolate.


5. Remove all those that are in prison and put them into our armed forces, as well as highly encourage all males to join the service.

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1. Troops home


2. Legalization of weed, but sold only from government outlets and we tax the shit out of it.


3. Discard Congress and our two party system, implementing a political system similar to Norway's, where there are 5 major parties. The only reason we don't accomplish anything in the US is because we have two parties in a pissing contest who are more concerned with who gets the credit than getting anything done.


4. Ban Jersey Shore and deport every character


5. Dismantle Westboro Baptist, or at the very least make it illegal to picket at funerals. The dead deserve respect.


OK, so the last two aren't that serious, but I sure would like to see karma bitch slap WBC.

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1. Shut down ALL foreign aid.


2. Shut down all of our borders


3. Take care of here first


4. Reject all aid from big oil companies to the government until they develop and implement a new much cheaper form of fuel and reduce our need for oil.


5. Declare myself dictator.

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2. Get rid of the income tax and make up for the shortfall by cutting ALL wasteful spending. Every single dollar of it.


3. Legalize soft drugs and tax them, also making up for shortfall.


4. Reverse Roe v. Wade and return it to the states (pending congressional approval).


5. END THE FEDERAL RESERVE and set the US dollar to it's current value in gold.


Accomplishments: Americans keep their money, soldiers stop dying, less drug crime, states rights applied appropriately to abortion, no more inflation of the dollar.



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1.Bring all troops home from around the world that aren't at embassies.


2.Dismantle Congress, and form a new deadlier secret service as my representatives to the people.


3.Force a mass eviction of the city of Philadelphia and move the entire population to Alaska for population growth of the western frontier...then destroy the city.


4. Make it illegal for a woman to speak, vote, drive, bitch, or consume chocolate.


5. Remove all those that are in prison and put them into our armed forces, as well as highly encourage all males to join the service.


You know this post is fail when Devin gave you a + rep. Lol.

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Guest Phailadelphia

In no particular order:


1. Reform campaign finance laws. Corporations would no longer be allowed to donate infinite amounts of money without disclosure.


2. Reform the federal tax code in a way that corporations and the extremely wealthy can no longer exploit it into paying very little or no taxes.


3. Push for more banking regulations, going back to things we had as far back as the 50s and 60s. These were key in preventing recessions and controlling interest rates.


4. Push for administrative reform in the health care sector; try to improve upon the Affordable Health Care Act in a way that still reaches the targeted 45 million uninsured but does it much cheaper.


5. Offer state governments with large cities tax incentives for creating inner-city railway and tram systems. This would be expensive in the short run but the long term impacts on gas and oil prices would be astronomical.

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