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Sheriff's Office Prepares Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan

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If it never made it past the news, why are we seeing it now?

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If it never made it past the news, why are we seeing it now?


Because it's been brought up as a comparison to Trayvon's case.


It's a dumb comparison made by people intending to show that there were racial motivations for Zimmerman's trial. I think there were racial motivations, just this comparison is a dumb one.


First off, Lion was alive when police got to him, and he flat out told them that two black males had approached his vehicle and shot him five times. He died shortly thereafter.


Secondly, they had video that proved his story was correct, (as if he would lie, no reason to do so), and a manhunt was immediately started and arrests followed within a couple months. They now have four individuals in custody.


Third, there was never any self-defense claim involved.


The cases are nothing alike except two 17-year olds were killed, one obviously murdered with plenty of evidence to convict, and the other with extremely gray circumstances where no one knows what happened. Justice was served in Lion's case, or is being served. There was no national outrage at Lion's death because its a sad but true fact that people are killed all the time. The police were on it immediately, and arrested the perpetrators.


The difference is that in Trayvon's case, the story was, "17-year old killed by adult, police refuse to arrest him." Removing any sort of racial tension at all, that would still spark national outrage, as it did, to people who don't look at the facts. The racial factor simply inflamed it even further.


My point to this is that if the exact same situation happened with a hispanic teen being shot by a black man, and then police didn't arrest him, there would be outrage. Not equal outrage, because Al Sharpton wouldn't be inflaming things, (how the FUCK did that racebaiter get a job at MSNBC as a news guy), but there would still be outrage because people LOVE to jump to conclusions- the media does it time and time again, and did it many times in the Zimmerman case trying to portray him as racist. People feel like they accomplished something, "forcing" the police to arrest Zimmerman. Very few people actually care about the facts, they just want everything to fit into their nice little worldview.


This goes for me, too. Prior to this case, I thought we as a country were moving past the issue of racism. I thought, naively perhaps, that racism was mainly confined to the deep south where I've spend a lot of my life. But the amount of racial epithets spewing from all sides in this scenario makes me wonder if we'll ever get past it so long as people like Sharpton and the media continue to inflame things and make it about race rather than about two human beings having a tragic confrontation.


Many in the black community are again playing the poor pitiful us card, and that this case shows that black people's lives aren't worth as much as white people's lives. They have now resorted to violence in several places when they didn't get the guilty verdict they wanted. Sharpton has protests planned in over 100 cities to try to force the DOJ to file federal charges against Zimmerman. He and his followers don't care about justice, they just want a conviction.


On the other side of things, many people are saying that the riots show that blacks as a whole will always resort to violence. They are calling Trayvon a "black thug, wannabe gangster" and painting everyone with the same brush because of the color of their skin.


And don't get me started on the media. CNN, ABC, and MSNBC don't care about moving us past the issue of racial tension because it brings in ratings. They spun this case from the outset as being "white on black crime," intentionally edited tapes and videos to try to undermine George Zimmerman's account. They should be brought up on criminal charges for trying to obstruct justice, tbh.


Fox is trying to make this a conservative vs liberal thing, trying to make it so that if you side with Zimmerman, you're a Republican, and if you think he murdered Trayvon, you're a libtard who wants everyone's guns taken away.


This case ripped the scab off the wound, and no one seems interested in trying to stop the bleeding, because it brings in more ratings and thus more money.


Absolutely disgraceful the way the media handled the case, and it is shameful what my fellow Americans are doing in response to it both through the trial and afterwards.

Edited by Thanatos19
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This goes for me, too. Prior to this case, I thought we as a country were moving past the issue of racism. I thought, naively perhaps, that racism was mainly confined to the deep south where I've spend a lot of my life. But the amount of racial epithets spewing from all sides in this scenario makes me wonder if we'll ever get past it so long as people like Sharpton and the media continue to inflame things and make it about race rather than about two human beings having a tragic confrontation.




By "naively" thinking we moved pass racism, do you mean that it's racist that Zimmerman may have targeted Martin because he was black, or because some people have made this a sympathy case for blacks (which is still racism).

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What country do you live in? Because its definitely not the one I do


There was obviously public backlash, but not to this level.

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By "naively" thinking we moved pass racism, do you mean that it's racist that Zimmerman may have targeted Martin because he was black, or because some people have made this a sympathy case for blacks (which is still racism).


I think you posted this prior to my edit, which I believe clarifies the point I was trying to make.


Many in the black community are again playing the poor pitiful us card, and that this case shows that black people's lives aren't worth as much as white people's lives. They have now resorted to violence in several places when they didn't get the guilty verdict they wanted. Sharpton has protests planned in over 100 cities to try to force the DOJ to file federal charges against Zimmerman. He and his followers don't care about justice, they just want a conviction.


On the other side of things, many people are saying that the riots show that blacks as a whole will always resort to violence. They are calling Trayvon a "black thug, wannabe gangster" and painting everyone with the same brush because of the color of their skin.


The sympathy card and on the other side, the generalizations.

Edited by Thanatos19

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Oh; then I definitely agree. It's quite sickening, which is why I mentioned that I'm a bit ashamed of America right now.

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I think we're a lot closer to equality than other races (and women) want to believe, but it's still a relevant discussion in the right circumstances. Knowing that Zimmerman stood for stands for equality (which I assume he'll still do once the dust has cleared), I think that should nullify the idea that racism was involved.


When I mentioned racism earlier in the thread, I was referring to the people I know who were riding high for a Zimmerman acquittal, people I'd heard say some of the most racist things I've heard in the last 5-6 years.

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When I mentioned racism earlier in the thread, I was referring to the people I know who were riding high for a Zimmerman acquittal, people I'd heard say some of the most racist things I've heard in the last 5-6 years.


That's all fine-and-dandy, but it has nothing to do with this thread. You could advocate an acquittal (and be enthusiastic about one) without being racist. It's a logical fallacy and a weak argument to imply otherwise. No one in this thread has racist tendencies, and no one has come off as racist. Bringing up that people you know are extremely racist and also advocate an acquittal in the same paragraph that you say "you wont' go out on a limb" and say Bucman is a racist comes off as fishy.

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There are so many people who avidly watch FOX News around here that think they are more American than anyone else because FOX sided with Zimmerman. I hate how FOX has handled this case. They've made it political, as they always do, and they haven't even been logical about it. "I bet those women would have shot Martin before Zimmerman did." Irrelevant, and it makes him sound like a tool. They really need to get that asshole off the air.

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There are so many people who avidly watch FOX News around here that think they are more American than anyone else because FOX sided with Zimmerman. I hate how FOX has handled this case. They've made it political, as they always do, and they haven't even been logical about it. "I bet those women would have shot Martin before Zimmerman did." Irrelevant, and it makes him sound like a tool. They really need to get that asshole off the air.


Since when has logic or actual facts ever been injected into the news by Fox? :laugh:

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Jimmy Carter is happy with the verdict. Interesting. :think:

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Jimmy Carter is happy with the verdict. Interesting. :think:


My biggest thing is I am just so astounded at the number of people who still care. The case happened, went on.. Verdict came back, and that should just be it. George Zimmerman, one way or another, went through the judicial process and came out clean. It's done. It's over. Move on.


Although if people feel that passionately about it to keep arguing and starting rallies and what not.. At least they have something to feel passionate about. Just kinda sad.

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Although if people feel that passionately about it to keep arguing and starting rallies and what not.. At least they have something to feel passionate about. Just kinda sad.


Pointless protests like the recent ones do more damage than just condemning a stance, etc. They can impede the flow of the day and economically can hurt those areas. That's just the gritty details as to why I generally don't like protests, though. It'd be easier to dismiss them as pointless because they are arguing a moot point that will likely not come to fruition.

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Obama spoke today. Oh boy... :yep:






When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said this could've been my son. Another way of saying that is, Trayvon Martin could've been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there's a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it's important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away.


Folks understand the challenges that exist for African American boys. But they get frustrated, I think, if they feel that there's no context for it and that context is being denied. And that all contributes, I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.




Obama said he was "bouncing around" ideas with his staff on how to respond to the Zimmerman verdict, adding, "I think it is going to be important for us to do some soul searching." Pushing against Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, Obama stated, "If Trayvon Martin was of his age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?"

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Obama seriously needs to shut his mouth. God; this all is pissing me off. I need to hurry up with this lucid dream training so I can just go to sleep and have a great time when shit like this comes up.

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Obama seriously needs to shut his mouth. God; this all is pissing me off. I need to hurry up with this lucid dream training so I can just go to sleep and have a great time when shit like this comes up.


There is an agenda sadly.


They are trying to divide us. :(

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I really hate how the President of the United States keeps injecting race into this situation.

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Why is Obama bringing up Stand your Ground? Is our own fucking president that retarded? Zimmerman waived his "Stand Your Ground" hearing so he could claim self defense and be judge by a jury and not a judge.

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I just read this off of a Facebook comment: "I thought that racism was gone in this country, but the Zimmerman verdict proves otherwise."


I heartily disagree, but that's not the point of this post. Racism and racial divides aren't prevalent because a Hispanic killed a black teenager; it's prevalent because people have made it prevalent. This racial divide is solely a creation of the media and the people who worship it. There was an article in Yahoo!'s instant feed that read as its title: "Zimmerman Trial Turns MSNBC/Fox Divide From Blue/Red to Black/White", and honestly this is the nail in the coffin for me. I have no more faith in the public, let alone the media. No; this trial isn't a racial thing. Yes; this racial thing is SOLELY the creation of the media and the sheep who follow it. It's pathetic that we still can't label ourselves as Americans anymore. Now; instead of labeling ourselves as based on our political standing (still pretty horrible, IMO), we're labeling ourselves by our race. In a sense, we're undoing all of this effort to make races equal. And what's equally irritating is that the people who are trying to pander to the minorities are making it so obvious that they see them as different to themselves. It's still pretty fucking racist if you see a race as so beneath you that they deserve your sympathy card. God; this whole "racism" issue as a result of the trial is really bringing out the worst in my temper. I'm just lucky that I can contain my rage in person, and vent it out to understanding folks like you all without many repercussions.

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