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Is this the tax bill that will fuck over grad students?


Literally the last thing we need in this country is anti-intellectualism.

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Is this the tax bill that will fuck over grad students?


Literally the last thing we need in this country is anti-intellectualism.

Yes sir. If you get tuition waivers, that's now taxable income.

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Yes sir. If you get tuition waivers, that's now taxable income.


Fucking pathetic.

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Yeah but they included a much needed tax break on private jet maintenance and repair.

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Where did I say there are "no differences?" Just pointed out a fact, blots. You've become an insufferable little cunt since the Trump election, so I enjoy riling you up whenever possible. You want me to be a little more specific as to what I was getting at? Here's some truth for you.


Politicians don't care about you, no matter what party they represent. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid. None of those people give a fuck about you. Have a beer and a smile and shut the fuck up.

If you were an Irish Redhead, I would have your babies.

How is this not "both sides are the same"?

They are not the same, but they have more in common than they have differences. Edited by Omerta
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They are not the same, but they have more in common than they have differences.

And yet, the people that say this somehow always end up preferring the right.

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And yet, the people that say this somehow always end up preferring the right.

What happens when you prefer the middle? You can't stand the smug bastards on the left, or the old money on the right who won't let this generation make the country their own. Or at least the 40 something's

Edited by Omerta

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I'll give my thoughts on this.


I don't think every candidate in every party is the same. The differences between Hillary and Sanders were obvious from the moment Bernie entered the 2016 race. But for a party that preaches tolerance and acceptance, they did not tolerate Bernie's differences. They allowed it to be rigged for Clinton.


It is clear that a true liberal like Bernie is going to push ideas that the majority won't support. I think most people say "both parties are the same" in the sense that both are corrupt, which is undeniably true. We've seen more than enough evidence to reach that conclusion.


Now are there differences in the way they go about being corrupt? Sure. But does it matter if they steal from you by outright telling you (Republicans and their tax plan) or behind the scenes (too many people want Bernie, we have to make sure they don't get what they want) ???


You're looking at ideas vs execution. Obviously the two parties represent different ideas ON THE SURFACE. But we have seen so many candidates from both parties flip flop on the issues. In terms of carrying out the party's desires, they are very alike. They care about their interests and those of their sponsors. Not ours.


Bernie is the nearest thing we have to a genuine person these days, and I have my problems with him. I don't like how he rolled over and waved the white flag even knowing what had happened to him. When I first started following him, I thought he'd be a lot stronger than that. I wish he would have made the DNC pay for what they did to him. But I guess they already did pay by having their weak candidate defeated by a sleazy reality TV star.


And now all of us have to pay for the DNC dropping the ball on the biggest stage ever.


That's life.

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I'm not gonna go through the re-litigation of the democratic primary again, but I'm gonna assume Bernie supported Hillary despite whatever feelings he may have about her (not that we have any particular knowledge), because he actually cares about this country and understood that days like today would happen if trump won.


And ngata, what do you want? What policies would you like the government to implement? You say you're in the middle, but you're so vague on things that I don't even know what that means.

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I'll give my thoughts on this.


I don't think every candidate in every party is the same. The differences between Hillary and Sanders were obvious from the moment Bernie entered the 2016 race. But for a party that preaches tolerance and acceptance, they did not tolerate Bernie's differences. They allowed it to be rigged for Clinton.


It is clear that a true liberal like Bernie is going to push ideas that the majority won't support. I think most people say "both parties are the same" in the sense that both are corrupt, which is undeniably true. We've seen more than enough evidence to reach that conclusion.


Now are there differences in the way they go about being corrupt? Sure. But does it matter if they steal from you by outright telling you (Republicans and their tax plan) or behind the scenes (too many people want Bernie, we have to make sure they don't get what they want) ???


You're looking at ideas vs execution. Obviously the two parties represent different ideas ON THE SURFACE. But we have seen so many candidates from both parties flip flop on the issues. In terms of carrying out the party's desires, they are very alike. They care about their interests and those of their sponsors. Not ours.


Bernie is the nearest thing we have to a genuine person these days, and I have my problems with him. I don't like how he rolled over and waved the white flag even knowing what had happened to him. When I first started following him, I thought he'd be a lot stronger than that. I wish he would have made the DNC pay for what they did to him. But I guess they already did pay by having their weak candidate defeated by a sleazy reality TV star.


And now all of us have to pay for the DNC dropping the ball on the biggest stage ever.


That's life.


This whole part have me wood. There is only a difference on the surface. That is all it will be and all it has been. I believe Hillary is as corrupt as any Republican. I believe that for the most part the quality of person each party represents is generally the same.

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I'm not gonna go through the re-litigation of the democratic primary again, but I'm gonna assume Bernie supported Hillary despite whatever feelings he may have about her (not that we have any particular knowledge), because he actually cares about this country and understood that days like today would happen if trump won.




The only thing that this tells me is that we, the American people, were once again forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. And for me personally, I have no problem admitting in my mind that would have been Hillary. But I can't speak for other people that post in here regularly.


There is one thing I can assume with 100% certainty: we're tired of it. We have to demand change even if it hurts us in the short term. I didn't vote for Trump. I enjoy laughing at every little stupid thing he says and does... not anywhere near as much as you do, but people who know me in my real life know exactly where I stand.


So voting for Hillary would have been the equivalent of smothering fresh dog shit (Trump) with the kind that already dried up a few years ago. Maybe it would mask the smell FOR A WHILE... but that's really not what the idea should be, should it? Seems to me like you're totally content to do just that, but maybe I'm wrong.

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As I've said before, its easy to say "its fine if it hurts us in the short term" when you aren't the one bearing those costs. Hell, you're not even in america.


I'm not content with the lesser of two evils, but I don't know if you realize, but Hillary's agenda was the furthest left of any major party candidate ever, no small thanks to Bernie. Yeah I would've preferred it to be even further, but we can make progress without people getting hurt. Or at least we could've.



And back to the big poobah, he just admitted to obstruction of justice by claiming he knew Flynn was guilty when he still told Comey to let him off the hook. Maybe once he signs their tax debacle, republicans might start to care.



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As I've said before, its easy to say "its fine if it hurts us in the short term" when you aren't the one bearing those costs. Hell, you're not even in america.


I'm not content with the lesser of two evils, but I don't know if you realize, but Hillary's agenda was the furthest left of any major party candidate ever, no small thanks to Bernie. Yeah I would've preferred it to be even further, but we can make progress without people getting hurt. Or at least we could've.




Wow, this is alarmingly ignorant, blots. I'll let you think about why.

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That's if you believe the agenda Hillary said publicly was the same as her private agenda then sure. Electing a "liberal" like Hillary would have moved this country further to the right than a Trump presidency that will end up pushing the country left in the mid term elections and in the 2020 election. Hillary had to lose and the DNC's corruption had to be exposed for there to be an opposition to this kind of politics and I am one of the people that will bear the costs of this.


Like, do you really believe that because Hillary came out against the TPP AFTER Bernie she would have stuck to that? Dude, she pushed that as hard as anyone did. If We don't get people like the Podesta's out of the democratic party it's just going to keep getting worse.


It is important to hold Trump and congress accountable though and do our part.This isn't about Hillary, this is just about taking our political process back. We can't focus on beating Trump and the Republicans until we get our side of the fence cleaned up.I think the elections we just had were a big deal. A lot of progressive people in all kinds of offices were elected. Despite what's going on in the oval office I think we're trending in the right direction and I personally think Hillary had to lose for this to happen. Hillary would have put the left to sleep.

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And ngata, what do you want? What policies would you like the government to implement? You say you're in the middle, but you're so vague on things that I don't even know what that means.


I have to keep it vague because how do you convey 30+ years of life experience and how they have intertwined into a core belief system. So I will keep it vague and to the points that I think are not being talked about.


I like the FLAT TAX idea. I have thought about this for a while and I am of the Kennedy school of thought. If you have different taxes and tax rates only creates incentive to cheat on taxes. That was Kennedy's thought and I believe it. The rich people are going to hire Army's of accountants to find out ways to cheat it, and there always will be unless you delineate the the tax code to a point where it as simple as a flat tax. People say it isn't fair, but I dont understand that argument as it is based on percentage of income. 7% of 30,000 $2,100 and 7% of 1,000,000 is 70,000. They should both be equally manageable to their respective parties, and they should be inescapable.


If you buy a stick a gum or a yacht you should pay 7% on it all. Just throwing the 7 number out there but when I think about it, I dont know why it is unfair. The house my wife and I are looking at is about $1,400,000 because I live in Washington and I want some land. My sister is buying a starter home for $80,000 in Kansas. WE should both pay 7%, and it should be as much for cars, boats and things of that nature.


Tort Reform. I hate how every time somebody gets butt-hurt it is time to sue. Everything in this society is litigated ot the point where it has become a hindrance to own companies. Taking the cake thing in Denver. IS it life threatening? No. It is a private business that will not make a difference in how those people live, except to the point they let it. People suing McDonald's for hot coffee. People suing Michael Jordan for saying they look alike. I mean we really need to tone this back, it is driving up insurance costs, which begets ore lawsuits, I mean we need to start having common sense again.


Infrastructure. I think this has fallen by the wayside because people would rather pursue feel good causes that are meaningless. WE discussed it the other day, but the safe injection sites in Seattle are bad for Seattle as a whole, and a judge up here trampled peoples rights saying we dont have the right to petition. Yet I-5 is a shit show, the light link rail is still incomplete, the train tracks are old and outdated, we could upgrade public transportation, and several other examples. Yet we waste millions on this shit, because people are stupid. We care more about how people feel then changing things that make a difference to all. WE would rather cater to the needs of a few.


Politics. TAke money out of it, all the donors need to go. They should get an allotment that is equal and that is it. Do away with party platforms. If you took money away you would create platforms where 3rd party candidate could actually run. It is starting to become evident that the Republicans or the Democrats are not really doing the will of the people and the people are becoming wise to it. Thus politicians themselves wont do anything so the president should put out an executive order abolishing the two party system, PAC's and Super PAC's and all the unnecessary bullshit.


Social Justice. Everyone is equal, no special treatment, no special protected classes, no anything. WE start funneling money into education and teachers in lower income neighborhoods. Do away with child support where the father spends more than half the time with his kid if he is spending money caring for the child. This provides incentive for taking a larger role in your child's life, which is a huge problem in the black community is single motherhood. This isthe greatest predictorsuccess and we need to realize that and we need to start fixing it. And there is definitely some healing that needs to happen on white peoples part to as it is not exclusively black people, but since this argument always comes back to poor black families, so I figured I would start there.


Media. I am all for freedom of the press, but if they run a story that is knowingly false they need to be HEAVILY fined. I am talking millions. There needs to be a review board that reviews this and if it is deemed to be more bullshit than truth that is not an opinion piece it needs to be hefty. If they keep up with a divisive narrative then we need to shut it down, and hit them in the pocket books. The media is fucking garbage and we all know it. So fine them to the point of bankruptcy or truth. WE need to be more informed as a society and if they are just going to hinder the process get them out.


Welfare. You get 6 months of help and vocational training after which the government should pay for only enough for you to survive....like barely enough. Everything else needs to be for the kids alone which can be put on vouchers. I love the children and want to see them do well. Maybe not 6 months but we need to cap it. Cash assistance needs to go away as well. I do not believe in the welfare queen myth as being prevalent but it does happen. Not enough for me to care, but I also think that we need to give people motivations to do better.


Economy. It should all be unionized. Everything. If you work 40 hours a week there is no need to live in poverty. Coporate welfare is a problem, and if they can reap billions in profit, they can afford to pay people a decent wage. I think insurance should also be employer provided, as well as the vacation. AS an example it costs me $100 an hour to employ a journeyman electrician, and I am good with that. He makes a good wage, and I take care of everything else as long as he comes in and gives me a good 8 hours. This would put more money into middle class familys and also help regulate business's.


Oversight. The cop things need to be dealt with. Bodycams everywhere. If you hit or try to harm a cop you get what you get. If it costs you your life you should not have acted like a dipshit. (Yes even you Sean) Instead of saying dumb shit like,"Don't hire pussy cops" why dont we say things like "Don't hit cops." Now on the inverse, if a cop is deemed to do something unnecessary, he is to be tried in open, and civil court. The first part should be done by an opposing and anonymous police station somewhere far from where the incident happened, and they will determine if it was necessary. They should get 3 days to determine if charges should be filed. After that it is up to a civil court.


I guess this is longer than I wanted, but we need to start being more fiscally responsible and thinking money fixes everything. In summation we need to become a lot simpler as a country to identify real problems. All these convoluted ass process's and litigious bullshit is hurting more than it helps.


Wow, this is alarmingly ignorant, blots. I'll let you think about why.



Is that the whole," If you dont like it you can get out" line he is always condemning. Or at least a derivative thereof...hypocrite.

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I think as far as the media goes, Anti-trust laws should be enforced to break the media companies up. My issue with fining people for fake news is who determines what's fake and what isn't? I actually think a more competitive market for media would solve a lot of those problems.


As far as tax reform goes...idk I'm not smart enough to come up with a solution but I do know that the wealth gap is going to turn into a massive systemic problem if we don't do something about it. We can't have so many people in this country so deep into debt and they need to make enough money to buy stuff and go on vacations. That's what keeps the economy going. if some sort of flat tax helps re-distribute some weath then I'm for it but if not we need to figure something else out or we're in for another massive economic depression.


I'm with on infrastructure. It would generate billions if not trillions of dollars. We need to be prepared for the massive changes to society that are going to happen in the next 50 years. Automation is coming. We need people with different skill sets and we need an infrastructure that is equipped to keep us on top. Our society is too concerned with turning maximum profit in the next quarter that we don't have a good enough plan for the future.

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If you were an Irish Redhead


For you, I could be :wub:;)

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I am not saying the new plan is great or anything... but as a poor person working a blue collar job, its nice to see Ill be paying 3% less in income taxes

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As far as tax reform goes...idk I'm not smart enough to come up with a solution but I do know that the wealth gap is going to turn into a massive systemic problem if we don't do something about it. We can't have so many people in this country so deep into debt and they need to make enough money to buy stuff and go on vacations. That's what keeps the economy going. if some sort of flat tax helps re-distribute some weath then I'm for it but if not we need to figure something else out or we're in for another massive economic depression.




Thats why I harp on unionization so much. Could you imagine if Wal-Mart and Amazon had to unionize and pay their people $25 an hour plus bennies paid by the employer. That right there and we are talking an influx of hundreds of millions of dollars back into the middle class from 2 companies. Imagine what would happen if we did it to all places? We are talking about taking hundreds of billions from all corporations and re-investing it in the middle class.


The good thing is it does take money out of the top guys pocket but they still make a good living. As an example everyone who works for me makes 6 figures after 5 years, no doubt about it. They also get their benefits, vacation, and retirements invested in on an hourly basis.


Here is the wage sheet for anyone interested to see how I believe people should be paid:




Click on Wire Unit (EL01)


I still make between 200K and 400K depending on what kind of year I have had.


Now sure I could make millions if I didnt pay them union scale, but realistically what I make is enough for me to be comfortable. Betwixt me and my wife we are doing ok.


The same thing would be true for any big corporation, they have enough revenue to still be billionaires, maybe not multi billions but still billionaires.


I firmly believe that if everyone was union mandated the economy would sort itself out.

Edited by Omerta
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See this is what I'm talking about. Instead of throwing money at a problem or taking it away we need actual ideas. I don't agree with you on everything Ngata but I feel like if we can get these kinds of conversations we can really make a difference. Worker co-ops are trending now too. I really would like to get involved with one. I just started reading about it. Democratize the work place. You're doing a lot of good things man and helping a lot of people. I had a look at that link you posted. Nice to see you winning like you are and not screwing people over. Got a lot of respect for you man. You might seem like a miserable fuck sometimes but I can tell you got a big heart, dude lol.

Edited by seanbrock
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The idea that Obamacare didn't have significant bipartisan discussion and debate is flat-out wrong.




There were plenty of congressmen and women who said they hadn't had time to read it. Which is understandable, given that it was longer than the Bible.


It's nothing compared to what the GOP just did, but it was still rushed, IMO.

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Definitely ^^ .


The length of that bill made t impossible to actually fully read it in the time t entered its final draft and the day of the vote. I doubt more than a handful were even able to.


As Nancy Pelosi famously said, you have to pass the bill to find out whats in it.

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I have to keep it vague because how do you convey 30+ years of life experience and how they have intertwined into a core belief system. So I will keep it vague and to the points that I think are not being talked about.


I like the FLAT TAX idea. I have thought about this for a while and I am of the Kennedy school of thought. If you have different taxes and tax rates only creates incentive to cheat on taxes. That was Kennedy's thought and I believe it. The rich people are going to hire Army's of accountants to find out ways to cheat it, and there always will be unless you delineate the the tax code to a point where it as simple as a flat tax. People say it isn't fair, but I dont understand that argument as it is based on percentage of income. 7% of 30,000 $2,100 and 7% of 1,000,000 is 70,000. They should both be equally manageable to their respective parties, and they should be inescapable.


If you buy a stick a gum or a yacht you should pay 7% on it all. Just throwing the 7 number out there but when I think about it, I dont know why it is unfair. The house my wife and I are looking at is about $1,400,000 because I live in Washington and I want some land. My sister is buying a starter home for $80,000 in Kansas. WE should both pay 7%, and it should be as much for cars, boats and things of that nature.


Tort Reform. I hate how every time somebody gets butt-hurt it is time to sue. Everything in this society is litigated ot the point where it has become a hindrance to own companies. Taking the cake thing in Denver. IS it life threatening? No. It is a private business that will not make a difference in how those people live, except to the point they let it. People suing McDonald's for hot coffee. People suing Michael Jordan for saying they look alike. I mean we really need to tone this back, it is driving up insurance costs, which begets ore lawsuits, I mean we need to start having common sense again.


Infrastructure. I think this has fallen by the wayside because people would rather pursue feel good causes that are meaningless. WE discussed it the other day, but the safe injection sites in Seattle are bad for Seattle as a whole, and a judge up here trampled peoples rights saying we dont have the right to petition. Yet I-5 is a shit show, the light link rail is still incomplete, the train tracks are old and outdated, we could upgrade public transportation, and several other examples. Yet we waste millions on this shit, because people are stupid. We care more about how people feel then changing things that make a difference to all. WE would rather cater to the needs of a few.


Politics. TAke money out of it, all the donors need to go. They should get an allotment that is equal and that is it. Do away with party platforms. If you took money away you would create platforms where 3rd party candidate could actually run. It is starting to become evident that the Republicans or the Democrats are not really doing the will of the people and the people are becoming wise to it. Thus politicians themselves wont do anything so the president should put out an executive order abolishing the two party system, PAC's and Super PAC's and all the unnecessary bullshit.


Social Justice. Everyone is equal, no special treatment, no special protected classes, no anything. WE start funneling money into education and teachers in lower income neighborhoods. Do away with child support where the father spends more than half the time with his kid if he is spending money caring for the child. This provides incentive for taking a larger role in your child's life, which is a huge problem in the black community is single motherhood. This isthe greatest predictorsuccess and we need to realize that and we need to start fixing it. And there is definitely some healing that needs to happen on white peoples part to as it is not exclusively black people, but since this argument always comes back to poor black families, so I figured I would start there.


Media. I am all for freedom of the press, but if they run a story that is knowingly false they need to be HEAVILY fined. I am talking millions. There needs to be a review board that reviews this and if it is deemed to be more bullshit than truth that is not an opinion piece it needs to be hefty. If they keep up with a divisive narrative then we need to shut it down, and hit them in the pocket books. The media is fucking garbage and we all know it. So fine them to the point of bankruptcy or truth. WE need to be more informed as a society and if they are just going to hinder the process get them out.


Welfare. You get 6 months of help and vocational training after which the government should pay for only enough for you to survive....like barely enough. Everything else needs to be for the kids alone which can be put on vouchers. I love the children and want to see them do well. Maybe not 6 months but we need to cap it. Cash assistance needs to go away as well. I do not believe in the welfare queen myth as being prevalent but it does happen. Not enough for me to care, but I also think that we need to give people motivations to do better.


Economy. It should all be unionized. Everything. If you work 40 hours a week there is no need to live in poverty. Coporate welfare is a problem, and if they can reap billions in profit, they can afford to pay people a decent wage. I think insurance should also be employer provided, as well as the vacation. AS an example it costs me $100 an hour to employ a journeyman electrician, and I am good with that. He makes a good wage, and I take care of everything else as long as he comes in and gives me a good 8 hours. This would put more money into middle class familys and also help regulate business's.


Oversight. The cop things need to be dealt with. Bodycams everywhere. If you hit or try to harm a cop you get what you get. If it costs you your life you should not have acted like a dipshit. (Yes even you Sean) Instead of saying dumb shit like,"Don't hire pussy cops" why dont we say things like "Don't hit cops." Now on the inverse, if a cop is deemed to do something unnecessary, he is to be tried in open, and civil court. The first part should be done by an opposing and anonymous police station somewhere far from where the incident happened, and they will determine if it was necessary. They should get 3 days to determine if charges should be filed. After that it is up to a civil court.


I guess this is longer than I wanted, but we need to start being more fiscally responsible and thinking money fixes everything. In summation we need to become a lot simpler as a country to identify real problems. All these convoluted ass process's and litigious bullshit is hurting more than it helps.



Is that the whole," If you dont like it you can get out" line he is always condemning. Or at least a derivative thereof...hypocrite.


1. Flat Tax--Agree. Nobody should be punished for being successful, period.


2. Tort Reform--Agree. I'm actually for a complete gutting of this system. Regenerate it like a phoenix and cast aside the nonsense. Get rid of the ability to sue for absurd reasons. Fine people for attempting to sue for ridiculous reasons. This especially needs to apply to the medical field. Doctors are going to make mistakes. Malpractice suits should only be OK'd if the mistake was irresponsible. People make mistakes. End of story.


3. Infrastructure--Agree. Refocus our priorities, get rid of all these monopolized companies handling all of our road work (the trucks and equipment have different names, but you often trace it back to the same ownership). In other parts of the world contracting companies are made to guarantee roads for a significant amount of time, and if it fails they redo it for free or at a reduced rate. America needs to be the same way. No band-aid jobs for our infrastructure--real, long-term solutions.


4. Politics--Agree. No more donations. You only run out of pocket, period. No more 24/7 political adds.


(at this point I think we'll probably agree on everything)


5. Social Justice--100% Agree. Time for a free for all. No more wasted legislative time. No more ridiculous protests. No more vague non-observable terminology and concepts presented as fact when reality paints a different picture. Not just "Fuck [insert demographic here]," but "Fuck you and you and you and you and you and everybody else. Succeed or fail. It's up to you."


6. Media--Agree/Disagree. Your ideas are feasible. Mine aren't. I want the media to completely implode and start from scratch. I want CNN and Fox News and every other clearly partisan outlet to be shut down immediately. I want news to be actual news, not constructed narratives designed to control the emotional reaction of the people.


7. Economy--Agree, with slight adjustments. Better wages, less hours, realistic accountability. No more 600 write-ups in order to fire a person. If someone is useless, an employer ought to be able to fire them on the spot. No questions asked. Have oversight committees in place to watch for trends where they can blow the whistle, but from all races and both of the real, actual sexes/genders there are fucking useless people. They should not be allowed to work for the same wage as someone who's actually fucking useful. Oh, and you start at a great wage but employers have a few dollars to give or take (lowest point a living wage, highest point a clear reward for superior employees). Unions are great and needed, but if you or I significantly out-works Tom or Jackie, Tom or Jackie deserve to make less money, period. End of story. Also, less regulation and lower taxes is good for business. That's common sense. While I don't like that middle class families are going to be negatively affected by this tax reform, it should do wonders for businesses, and that's OK. I especially like that it's going to be easier to deduct improvements in equipment or facilities.


8. Welfare--Disagree (and it finally happens). I say we have a Temporary Misfortune Stipend (either 3 or 6 months) in place for American citizens that is based on the monthly total of their bills with an extra $100-400 voucher for groceries depending on the size of the family. That money cannot, under any circumstances be used for anything other than groceries. Along with this voucher give the family a temporary government healthcare card to have in the case of a medical emergency. You can only use this stipend once every 2 years, 3 times max in a 10 year period, and there will be follow ups with your employers to make sure you aren't taking advantage of the system. Misfortune, tragedy, job loss--they happen to all of us, but there is a way to fight the leaching of the system.


9. Oversight--Agree 100% with an addition. Any cop or law enforcement official who is proven to have killed an American Citizen unnecessarily goes to jail and is released among genpop. There's some fucking incentive to behave. Between American citizens and law enforcement officials, there need to be less shots fired.

Get your pitchforks ready, boys. I'm expecting it.

Edited by BwareDWare94

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People shouldn't be punished for being successful? What does that mean?

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People shouldn't be punished for being successful? What does that mean?

He's saying you shouldn't be taxed at a higher rate because you are rich / have more money.

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