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The president puts nazis into his cabinet, including having one as his chief advisor, and you still don't think they have any influence?

See and this is why people such as myself see the left as loathsome as the right. Why is he a Nazi? Is it because you don't like him? Just admit it, that's the sole reason you think he's a Neo-Nazi. There's absolutely no evidence to support that claim, it is something that is parotted by the left so that way they can point at somebody and say hey look at what the right is doing.


Let me ask you this, considering Nazis were hell bent on global expansion, how do you think Steve Bannon fits into something like that. Hasn't he opposed military expansion and just about every country, and rejected every proposal that called to do so? That doesn't seem like a guy who's hell bent on taking over.


Is it because he's anti-immigration? If that's the case, then Canada's full of neo-nazis, including the left darling Justin. The same with Australia, as a matter of fact most Progressive countries are extremely hard to get into, look at any of the Nordic countries. Immigration policies there are absolutely ridiculous. Everybody thinks that America is the only one who has immigration problems, but when you look around the world or actually fairly lackadaisical when it comes to security of our borders. Do you think you can just go into Canada all willy-nilly? You can't. Germany tried to be a Beacon of Hope for the far left, and yet crime has increased around the camps for where they put those immigrants by over a hundred percent. Now they're kicking them all back out, but nobody wants to talk about that.


Is it because he was the Breitbart editor and chief? I could see your point if it was the Nazi times, or the white nationalists Herald, but it's not. Just because you disagree with them politically makes them no more Nazi than you standing in a garage makes you a car. He himself has rebuffed the claim several times, not saying that his words carry much weight considering he supported Roy Moore, but just because he has the worst judge of human character does not make him a Nazi either.


I wish the left would just admit, that the guy isn't a Nazi and would quit trying to propagate that rumor, willful bending of the truth, as a matter fact that's not even bending the truth it's an outright lie. The left has this bad habit of if they don't agree with somebody, they have to throw some evil name at him because they can't intellectually defend their point. They say things like oh you're a misogynist, oh you're a racist, oh you're a bigot, oh you're not see. Well who isn't one of those things? Only people that agree with you? That seems like pretty stringent standards, had objected to say the least does it not?


I really do feel bad for you though, because you've got yourself in this Perpetual state of fear, that I bet you really don't enjoy the small Pleasures in life. If you do I'm happy for you, but living in fear is no way to live. So to answer your question no I don't think they have any political sway, nor will they. You have no proof that they do, other than your opinion that you don't like somebody. I'm going to need a little bit more than that, is everybody else should who can think for themselves instead of Towing party lines.


One day I hope you stop living in fear man, I watched somebody with alzheimer's wake up in fear everyday of your life, thinking somebody was out to get them and trying to kill them on a daily basis. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen in my life, and to imagine people willfully do that is just beyond comprehension for me.

Edited by Omerta

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So, you have no evidence. There's a supposedly link to Vitézi Rend but he has denied it, and you have to take what that place says with a grain of salt, and they are described as a quasi Nazi party, which is basically what you're saying about Breitbart. Face it man you have no evidence. And let's say even if your claims Were Somehow wildly true, so if a friend of a friend of a friend is proof that you're not see that's some real 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon stuff you got going. Aren't you the one is totally against anecdotal evidence? Stop dude, you have no evidence you just want to be outraged, and angry, and hurt and have it Justified. That's fine you can be all of those things just quit pointing at a boogie man and say you want to be a victim.


And you used an opinion piece by the universally known left-leaning website BuzzFeed. Good job. I'm surprised I had time to write any articles between there hey pieces and comment all their questions for white people.


Edited by Zack_of_Steel

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Then why are the numbers of neo-nazis rising?



I'm Jewish, so kindly fuck off. The people who run the daily stormer are nazis. They would kill every Jew (as well as most other minority groups) if they could.

Oh please, 5 years from now you're going to look back and see how ridiculous you're being.

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If in 5 years the backlash against trump is strong enough that this movement subsides, I (and historians) will look back on this as the era fascist movements had a rise in the US, but the country came together to stop it.

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The radical left is 10 times more fascist than the radical right at this point in American history, so yes, you will be thankful 5 years from now that somebody rose up to stop a movement you unknowingly joined.

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The radical left is 10 times more fascist than the radical right at this point in American history, so yes, you will be thankful 5 years from now that somebody rose up to stop a movement you unknowingly joined.




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Steve Bannon is not a nazi. He is a nationalist, but its not the same thing.


Sebastian Gorka, however, absolutely is. Stephen Miller has had dealings with Richard Spencer, a self-proclaimed white supremacist, and has not disavowed him so I'm suspicious of him. Given that and his views, I'd say at the very least he is a nazi sympathizer.


Blots is correct here. The Trump administration has absolutely caused a lot more neo-Nazis to come out of the woodwork. If you deny that you are simply denying reality.


I think it will be a good thing. We have the internet (for now), and a public sphere that makes it hard to forget things. Someone claiming obviously racist tendencies now will be unelectable in a few years when sanity prevails.


And whether the radical left rose in response to the radical right or vice versa does not matter. Antifa is a terrorist organization that should be shunned and denounced by anyone on the left who is looking to be taken seriously by moderates and conservatives. And Richard Spencer and his movement should be denounced and shunned by anyone on the right who is looking to be taken seriously by moderates and liberals.


We are better than our extremes. They will always be there, you will never stomp them out entirely, even by resorting to dictator like policies regarding "hate speech" that Germany and Britain have resorted to. The difference now is the GOP nominated a man who thinks no ally is too far, and constantly reinforces those extremes on the right, which then causes the left extremes to get worse as well. I'm not saying Trump is a nazi, but either through ignorance of how what he is saying will be perceived (that's my position), or intentionally so, it hardly matters. He strengthens the extremes of both sides with almost every word that comes out of his mouth.

Edited by Thanatos
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I discussed before the "population" of Nazi's in the country when Blots was pretending like every single Republican / anyone who voted for Trump either was a literal Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer. I agree that even 1 is too many, but the numbers are VERY VERY LOW. For comparison's sake many sources estimate that there are under 10,000 KKK members left -- literally 0.003125% of our population.

This attack on COMEDY is ridiculous. Sometimes I think Blots' vision for our country is out of some George Orwell novel.

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You can't be a victim if there is no oppressive, made-up, big, bad guy.

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I have absolutely no problem calling the white supremacist filth spewed on the sites blots is talking about a kind of neo-Nazi rhetoric.


Also, just so you know, there were MILLIONS of people killed by the Nazis who weren't Jewish. Do you realize Hitler wanted to eradicate Slavs because he viewed them as subhuman? Do you realize he did the same to homosexuals and the mentally impaired? Gypsies? The list of victims of Nazi atrocities is longer than just Jews. The fighting on the Eastern Front was perhaps the most brutal in history, arguably because the Soviets realized the Germans would rape their women and kill them if they were defeated (which happened in some places of Nazi-controlled USSR).

Stuff like the Commisar Order probably didn't help either. Soviets were pretty terrible to the Germans too when the tides turned.







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Stuff like the Commisar Order probably didn't help either. Soviets were pretty terrible to the Germans too when the tides turned.







Brutal all around. I have no doubt that the Germans felt the same way when the Soviets turned the tables.

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This attack on COMEDY is ridiculous. Sometimes I think Blots' vision for our country is out of some George Orwell novel.


*Takes a shot for1984 reference*


And Orwell was further left than I was so maybe don't use him as your example. I don't know why its so hard to understand a difference between "you shouldn't say x" and "the government should make saying x illegal." Just because you're legally allowed to do something doesn't mean you shouldn't still put thought in whether its the right thing to do.


You can't be a victim if there is no oppressive, made-up, big, bad guy.


I agree. The talk about antifa gets really dumb.

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Rofl. Speaking of irony. We're anti-fascist! We fight to oppress our ideals on others with violence and intimidation!


I wish they'd all walk off a cliff.

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Rofl. Speaking of irony. We're anti-fascist! We fight to oppress our ideals on others with violence and intimidation!


I wish they'd all walk off a cliff.


People Bware passionately talks about wanting to all die:

1) Muslims

2) Antifa


People Bware seems to believe have a right to their opinions blah blah blah:

1) Literal Nazis

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You have really devolved into an insufferably miserable twat. Holy hell.

So...did you (or anyone here bitching about what I said) click the link and read it?

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The source is Huff post, which is essentially CNN on steroids

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You have really devolved into an insufferably miserable twat. Holy hell.

So says the Nazi...

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I did. You're a pussy and I kinda hate you.


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