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Who Makes The Biggest Impact On Your Team?

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Which ONE player on your team, who if hurt or removed, would have the biggest (negative impact) on the team.


You can do one player from offense and one from defense if you want, but no cop out answers doubling up numerous important players on the same side of the ball. :nope:



It may be obvious for the Packers, but I'd have to go with Aaron Rodgers. Matt Flynn played admirably in his absence last year verse the Pats, and that was considered in my decision. But Aaron can make EVERY throw on the field... He has a unteachable trait in his ability to elude pressure... and he is one of the best QB throwing on the run I have ever seen in the league. He always plays well in crunch time, and if the Packers didn't have him on the field we would have a completely different look.

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Vick. If he sucks we lose. If he's on we almost always win.

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Offense: Obviously Matt Ryan. Even though Roddy White is an amazing receiver, I think we'd be about the same without him. Without Matt Ryan leading the offense, I believe the Falcons are probably an 8 win team. If not worse.


Defense: Brent Grimes. He seems to be our biggest play-maker on defense. He's always in position to make a pass deflection or an interception. Just when we think our defense is down for the count, Brent Grimes jumps into the picture. Usually quite literally.

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Eli Manning....


If he's not dumb and forcing passes, he's pretty solid, IMO....:yep:


The turnovers have absolutely KILLED us over the past couple years, and even though they aren't all his fault, he still has the propensity to make terrible decisions, IMO....


Manage the offense, don't do anything stupid, let the defense wreck shit and we should be fine, IMO....:yep:

Edited by BLUE

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On offense it's gotta be Matt Schaub. Matt Leinart AKA "Captain Checkdown" would be a nightmare to watch.


On defense it's a lot harder to pick just one. I think it'd hurt a lot if Johnathan Joseph went down, and the Texans had to go very young at cornerback again... (Still traumatized from last season)

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Vick. If he sucks we lose. If he's on we almost always win.


I think all of these hits are having an adverse effect on him. Battered QB Syndrome is serious business. It wouldn't be so bad if the Eagles began leaning more on McCoy. If you had a QB back there who wasn't a vagina... And could make the throws and manage the game.. You would be more than fine.


Offense: Obviously Matt Ryan. Even though Roddy White is an amazing receiver, I think we'd be about the same without him. Without Matt Ryan leading the offense, I believe the Falcons are probably an 8 win team. If not worse.


Defense: Brent Grimes. He seems to be our biggest play-maker on defense. He's always in position to make a pass deflection or an interception. Just when we think our defense is down for the count, Brent Grimes jumps into the picture. Usually quite literally.


See.. I dunno about Matt Ryan. To me... the guy is a glorified game manager. And even though the Falcons brass want to integrate more throwing into the game plan... You guys really live or die by Michael Turner. Or did last year anyway. If Turner was on and eating clock, keeping opposite offenses off the field.. you were at your best.


Obviously you are trying to gear the offense in a new direction and the same may not be true. But most definitely last year.

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The Cowboys go as Romo goes.

Not last year. Jon Kitna won a lot of games for Dallas.

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Freeman easily. He isn't playing to his potential right now but if he went out we start JJ, and I got enough of that in '09. No thanks. Not to mention just him being on the field makes the entire team feel like they have a chance to win the game no matter what.

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Guest Phailadelphia

Not last year. Jon Kitna won a lot of games for Dallas.


Going 5-5 or whatever he did isn't going to get Dallas into the playoffs.

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If you'd asked about three weeks ago I would have said Chris Johnson without a second thought, but now that we're three weeks into the season and 2-1 despite CJ only getting 98 rushing yards (he also has 91 receiving yards, for what it's worth) I can't say we live and die by CJ. My next thought would be Kenny Britt, a dynamic WR like him can really change the game (and did in the first two weeks) but the team fought on after he got hurt and got the come from behind win. So I think the only real answer for our offense would be Hasselbeck, who has been playing a lot better than I expected.


Defensively it's really tough to name one player, we've gotten great contributions all over the place, just for a few examples, we've gotten six sacks as a team, all by different players, we've gotten four interceptions as a team by three different players, we've got four players with 10+ solo tackles and three more right behind them with at least 8, so as cliche as it sounds we really do have a full team effort, but so that I'm not taking the ultimate cop out answer I'll say Cortland Finnegan, the one game I was able to watch (Baltimore) I saw Finny all over the place, I think putting him in the middle some has been a great move by the new coaching staff.

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Freeman...without a doubt.


He goes down and we are fucked.


As shotgun said...as long as he's in the game we have a chance. Playing well or not his presence alone makes the Bucs a better team.

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Offense: I'm not gonna say Colt McCoy yet. Joe Thomas. Elite player at his position, tank in the trenches and a player admired by everyone in the locker room.


Defense: Joe Haden gets my vote here. Always around the ball and always making plays. D'Qwell Jackson has made a huge difference this year though.

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Offense is obviously Freeman. He took over a team that was 0-7 and has gone 15-13 since. With 8 fourth quarter comeback wins. With the days of dominant defense gone in Tampa Bay, we rely on Freeman to make the plays we need to win. Last Sunday against the Falcons was the first time our defense actually bailed out a poor Freeman performance.


On defense, I'll go with the old man Ronde Barber. He doesn't have quite the athletic ability he used to, but he's normally the smartest guy on the field when it comes to football. There is a lot of young guys with potential, but until Barber retires or someone takes it from him, it has to be #20.

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Evan Moore. Only plays about 5 snaps a game, but in the Red Zone he's an absolute monster. Accounts for about 1/3 of the teams TDs so far and I'm not sure if we'd ever be able to get a Pass TD while in the RZ without this guy.


DQwell Jackson. Been a monster so far, all over the field sacks, coverage, fumbles. Becoming one of the best MLBs in the entire league without much help next to him.

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Well this is really, really, easy considering who we have as backup.


Cam Newton.

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