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Update: Ron Rivera wins Coach of the Year

NFL Coach of the Year  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Andy Reid
    • Bruce Arians
    • Ron Rivera
    • Pete Carroll
    • Other (specify)

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So who would you vote for? Personally my vote would go to Ron Rivera. He finally got that defense turned around which is what the Panthers brought him in for, while Cam and the offense have taken their game to new heights punching their ticket to the playoffs for the first time since 2008.



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Oh man.. this is tough... I honestly don't even really want to pick between Rivera and Arians. It's a tossup, really, and I am not even going to argue with anyone who picks Rivera... But I think Arians has done similar things as Rivera, but with less to work with.... So I go with Arians for a repeat (although that probably works against him in the end in real voting).

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I voted other, accidentally. Drunk. Has to be Arians. Maintained and improved defense, did most with what he had. I'm excited about AZ.

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Jim... Shwartz?


No but really, Riverra for me.


Never a dull moment with DMac...


-Names his team's head coach

-Misspells his name

-Coach will likely be fired next week



I voted other, accidentally. Drunk. Has to be Arians. Maintained and improved defense, did most with what he had. I'm excited about AZ.


You can delete your vote and then re-vote. So easy a drunk guy can do it. Also can't fault anyone who votes for Arians. He's doing a helluva job in Arizona.

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

The best coach, this year. lol

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

The best coach, this year. lol



Then it should go to Belichick.

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Well we can't have Belichick win it every year.

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Bruce Arians. If you would've told me the Cardinals would be fighting for a playoff spot...2 games back from Seattle..and beating Seattle in Seattle this past off-season I would've mocked you. They play in EASILY the toughest division in football from top to bottom... to sit in third place possibly at the end of tonight going into week 17 at 10-5 is crazy.


The Cards have been the quietest above .500 win team to this point in the season..and that defense absolutely carries them. The feat of beating Seattle in Seattle should speak for itself...let alone being 10-5 with lolCarsonPalmer at the helm is crazy.


Arians has done great work there, regardless of how you look at it.

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Arians, without question. The Panthers are finally coming together, but I'm not sure how much Rivera has to do with that. The defense is Sean McDermott. I'd rather see him get it than Rivera, and I'm not even sure if that's possible.

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Weren't we all laughing at how shitty Arians would do as a coach? Myself included. Him or Rivera. Either I'd be okay with.

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

The best coach, this year. lol



Then it should go to Belichick.




This is BB's best coaching job and it's not even close. No contest.

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I'm surprised that Andy Reid is getting zero love. I know, I know. THE CHIEFS ARE FRAUDS!!! (lol, btw) That not withstanding, they were 2-14 last season with the most turnovers in the league. This year they clinched a playoff birth with 2 weeks left in the season, and with all the talk about Reid not being a gameday coach and all the knocks that avid Reid haters— :hiya: Sean—seem to hold against him, one would be hardpressed to put any of the team's losses squarely on Reid's shoulders.


These Chiefs did historic things regarding their turnaround, and if Alex Smith is as terrible as most of you say he is, then Andy Reid has put together a Christ-like 2 loaves and 3 fishes kind of miracle season. He gets my vote, and some of that might be the fan in me coming out, but to completely leave him out of the discussion seems a bit of an oversight to me. Remember how much flack I caught for saying that the Cardinals would be God Awful? Well, it looks like you guys were right in saying that they were a talented team. Not too many people were saying that about the Chiefs though. Just saying.

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Because the Chiefs had more talent than the Panthers and Cardinals combined. He's done a great job, and obviously deserves recognition... But should he win for doing what horrible coaches like Todd Haley and Romero Crennell couldn't? I dunno...

I also wonder if voters will look at the schedule and realize the Chiefs didn't win a single important game this year....

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

The best coach, this year. lol



Then it should go to Belichick.



It should, but everyone pretty much expects this from him now so he gets overlooked.


I'll go with Arians though. 10-5 and one of the hottest teams in the league right now, I definitely didn't expect him to do this well in that division.

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I beg to differ, Favre. They won 11 important game this year. They don't have another important one until January. Plus, only you and I and maybe a few others thought this team had talent at all, let alone more than those two teams. Everyone was all LOL and LMAO when I said that the Chiefs would be in the playoffs this season. 6-7 wins was where the polls were topping out, while there were many that thought the Cards had a legit playoff shot.


Now that it hasn't turned out that way, and everyone thinks that the Chiefs are a joke anyway, it's convenient to short change Fat Man Andy. Bottom line: the biggest reason for the turnaround is our coach. After all, he was the one who went out of his way to bring in Smith. He helped with every personnel move that has landed in their favor, too, so IMO he deserves much praise.

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Is the award supposed to go to the coach who surpasses expectations most, or to the best coach in the business?

The best coach, this year. lol



Then it should go to Belichick.




This is BB's best coaching job and it's not even close. No contest.



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Guest Phailadelphia

Bruce Arians. Who had that Cardinals team being this good?

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Chip was heralded for revolutionizing NFL offenses before he even had done anything. He had too much hype to be coach of the year, IMO. But it's a definite possibility.

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